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theflightsims/researchlabs : latest
Provide and free-to-use web-based IDE for campus, team, and enterprise, with unlimited ability.
Latest release: over 1 year ago - 1,692 downloads - 6,804 dependencies
- AER 1.2-10
- BH 1.81.0
- BiasedUrn 2.0.10
- Biobase 2.60.0
- BiocGenerics 0.46.0
- BiocManager 1.30.22
- BiocVersion 3.17.1
- CVST 0.2-3
- Cairo 1.6-0
- DBI 1.1.3
- DBItest 1.7.3
- DEoptimR 1.1-1
- DRR 0.0.4
- DT 0.28
- Epi 2.47.1
- Formula 1.2-5
- Hmisc 5.1-0
- IRdisplay 1.1
- IRkernel 1.3.2
- ISOcodes 2022.09.29
- KernSmooth 2.23-22
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- Matrix 1.6-1
- MatrixModels 0.5-2
- ModelMetrics
- NMF 0.26
- PCICt 0.5-4.4
- Publish 2023.01.17
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- RcppProgressArmadillo 0.2
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- SQUAREM 2021.1
- SparseM 1.81
- 1.1-2
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- TTR 0.24.3
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- misc3d 0.9-1
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- shape 1.4.6
- shiny
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- sodium 1.2.1
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- abbrev 1.1.1
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- accepts 1.3.5
- accepts 1.3.8
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- acorn-import-assertions [email protected]
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- acorn-jsx [email protected]
- acorn-jsx [email protected]
- acorn-jsx [email protected]
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- acorn-walk 8.2.0
- acorn 4.0.13
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- acorn 5.4.1
- acorn 7.4.1
- acorn 8.7.1
- acorn 8.8.0
- acorn 8.8.1
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- chalk 2.4.2
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- chalk 4.1.2
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- eslint-plugin-es [email protected]
- eslint-plugin-es [email protected]
- eslint-plugin-es [email protected]
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- eslint-plugin-n [email protected]
- eslint-plugin-n [email protected]
- eslint-plugin-n [email protected]
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- eslint-plugin-promise [email protected]
- eslint-plugin-promise [email protected]
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- eslint-utils [email protected]
- eslint-utils [email protected]
- eslint-utils [email protected]
- eslint-utils [email protected]
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- 1.1.5
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- globals 13.17.0
- globals 13.18.0
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- jsonwebtoken 8.5.1
- jsprim 1.4.1
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- jupyter-matplotlib 0.11.3
- jupyterlab-cell-flash 0.3.5
- jupyterlab-drawio 0.9.0
- jupyterlab-execute-time 2.3.1
- jupyterlab-kernelspy 3.1.0
- jupyterlab-limit-output 2.0.0
- jupyterlab-link-share 0.2.5
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- jupyterlab-plotly 5.16.1
- jupyterlab-pytutor 0.1.1
- jupyterlab-skip-traceback 4.0.3
- jupyterlab-tour 3.1.4
- jupyterlab_autoversion 0.3.6
- jupyterlab_code_formatter 2.2.1
- jupyterlab_pygments 0.2.2
- just-diff-apply 5.4.1
- just-diff 5.1.1
- jwa 1.4.1
- jws 3.2.2
- karma-source-map-support 1.3.0
- karma 2.0.0
- keygrip 1.1.0
- keyv 3.1.0
- keyv 4.0.4
- killable 1.0.0
- kind-of 3.2.2
- kind-of 4.0.0
- kind-of 5.1.0
- kind-of 6.0.2
- kind-of 6.0.3
- kleur 4.1.4
- kleur 4.1.5
- kuler 2.0.0
- labeled-stream-splicer 2.0.0
- lazy-cache 1.0.4
- lazy-cache 2.0.2
- lcid 1.0.0
- lcov-parse 1.0.0
- leb 0.3.0
- less-loader 4.1.0
- less 3.0.4
- level-codec 9.0.2
- level-concat-iterator 2.0.1
- level-errors 2.0.1
- level-iterator-stream 4.0.2
- level-js 5.0.2
- level-packager 5.1.1
- level-supports 1.0.1
- level 6.0.1
- leveldown 5.6.0
- levelup 4.4.0
- levn 0.3.0
- levn 0.4.1
- lexical-scope 1.2.0
- lib0 0.2.53
- libbase64 0.1.0
- libmime 3.0.0
- libnpmaccess 7.0.1
- libnpmdiff 5.0.6
- libnpmexec 5.0.6
- libnpmfund 4.0.6
- libnpmhook 9.0.1
- libnpmorg 5.0.1
- libnpmpack 5.0.6
- libnpmpublish 7.0.6
- libnpmsearch 6.0.1
- libnpmteam 5.0.1
- libnpmversion 4.0.1
- libqp 1.1.0
- libtap 1.4.1
- license-webpack-plugin 1.3.1
- license-webpack-plugin 2.3.19
- lie 3.1.1
- lilconfig 2.0.5
- lilconfig 2.0.6
- line-column 1.0.2
- lines-and-columns 1.1.7
- linkify-it 2.0.3
- load-json-file 1.1.0
- load-json-file 2.0.0
- loader-runner 2.3.0
- loader-runner 4.2.0
- loader-runner 4.3.0
- loader-utils 0.2.17
- loader-utils 1.1.0
- loader-utils 1.4.0
- loader-utils 2.0.0
- locate-path 2.0.0
- locate-path 5.0.0
- locate-path 6.0.0
- locate-path 7.1.1
- lockfile 1.0.4
- lodash-cli 4.17.21
- lodash._reinterpolate 4.17.21
- lodash.add 4.17.21
- lodash.after 4.17.21
- lodash.ary 4.17.21
- lodash.assign 4.17.21
- lodash.assign 4.2.0
- lodash.assignin 4.17.21
- lodash.assigninwith 4.17.21
- lodash.assignwith 4.17.21
- 4.17.21
- lodash.attempt 4.17.21
- lodash.before 4.17.21
- lodash.bind 4.17.21
- lodash.bindall 4.17.21
- lodash.bindkey 4.17.21
- lodash.camelcase 4.17.21
- lodash.camelcase 4.3.0
- lodash.capitalize 4.17.21
- lodash.castarray 4.17.21
- lodash.ceil 4.17.21
- lodash.chunk 4.17.21
- lodash.clamp 4.17.21
- lodash.clone 4.17.21
- lodash.clonedeep 4.17.21
- lodash.clonedeep 4.5.0
- lodash.clonedeepwith 4.17.21
- lodash.clonewith 4.17.21
- lodash.compact 4.17.21
- lodash.concat 4.17.21
- lodash.cond 4.17.21
- lodash.conforms 4.17.21
- lodash.conformsto 4.17.21
- lodash.constant 4.17.21
- lodash.countby 4.17.21
- lodash.create 4.17.21
- lodash.curry 4.1.1
- lodash.curry 4.17.21
- lodash.curryright 4.17.21
- lodash.debounce 4.0.8
- lodash.debounce 4.17.21
- lodash.deburr 4.17.21
- lodash.defaults 4.17.21
- lodash.defaultsdeep 4.17.21
- lodash.defaultto 4.17.21
- lodash.defer 4.17.21
- lodash.delay 4.17.21
- lodash.difference 4.17.21
- lodash.differenceby 4.17.21
- lodash.differencewith 4.17.21
- lodash.divide 4.17.21
- lodash.drop 4.17.21
- lodash.dropright 4.17.21
- lodash.droprightwhile 4.17.21
- lodash.dropwhile 4.17.21
- lodash.endswith 4.17.21
- lodash.eq 4.17.21
- lodash.escape 4.0.1
- lodash.escape 4.17.21
- lodash.escaperegexp 4.1.2
- lodash.escaperegexp 4.17.21
- lodash.every 4.17.21
- lodash.fill 4.17.21
- lodash.filter 4.17.21
- lodash.find 4.17.21
- lodash.findindex 4.17.21
- lodash.findkey 4.17.21
- lodash.findlast 4.17.21
- lodash.findlastindex 4.17.21
- lodash.findlastkey 4.17.21
- lodash.flatmap 4.17.21
- lodash.flatmapdeep 4.17.21
- lodash.flatmapdepth 4.17.21
- lodash.flatten 4.17.21
- lodash.flattendeep 4.17.21
- lodash.flattendepth 4.17.21
- lodash.flip 4.17.21
- lodash.floor 4.17.21
- lodash.flow 4.17.21
- lodash.flowright 4.17.21
- lodash.foreach 4.17.21
- lodash.foreachright 4.17.21
- lodash.forin 4.17.21
- lodash.forinright 4.17.21
- lodash.forown 4.17.21
- lodash.forownright 4.17.21
- lodash.frompairs 4.17.21
- lodash.functions 4.17.21
- lodash.functionsin 4.17.21
- lodash.get 4.17.21
- lodash.groupby 4.17.21
- 4.17.21
- lodash.gte 4.17.21
- lodash.has 4.17.21
- lodash.hasin 4.17.21
- lodash.head 4.17.21
- lodash.identity 4.17.21
- lodash.includes 4.17.21
- lodash.includes 4.3.0
- lodash.indexof 4.17.21
- lodash.initial 4.17.21
- lodash.inrange 4.17.21
- lodash.intersection 4.17.21
- lodash.intersectionby 4.17.21
- lodash.intersectionwith 4.17.21
- lodash.invert 4.17.21
- lodash.invertby 4.17.21
- lodash.invoke 4.17.21
- lodash.invokemap 4.17.21
- lodash.isarguments 4.17.21
- lodash.isarray 4.17.21
- lodash.isarraybuffer 4.17.21
- lodash.isarraylike 4.17.21
- lodash.isarraylikeobject 4.17.21
- lodash.isboolean 3.0.3
- lodash.isboolean 4.17.21
- lodash.isbuffer 4.17.21
- lodash.isdate 4.17.21
- lodash.iselement 4.17.21
- lodash.isempty 4.17.21
- lodash.isequal 4.17.21
- lodash.isequalwith 4.17.21
- lodash.iserror 4.17.21
- lodash.isfinite 4.17.21
- lodash.isfunction 4.17.21
- lodash.isinteger 4.0.4
- lodash.isinteger 4.17.21
- lodash.islength 4.17.21
- lodash.ismap 4.17.21
- lodash.ismatch 4.17.21
- lodash.ismatchwith 4.17.21
- lodash.isnan 4.17.21
- lodash.isnative 4.17.21
- lodash.isnil 4.17.21
- lodash.isnull 4.17.21
- lodash.isnumber 3.0.3
- lodash.isnumber 4.17.21
- lodash.isobject 4.17.21
- lodash.isobjectlike 4.17.21
- lodash.isplainobject 4.0.6
- lodash.isplainobject 4.17.21
- lodash.isregexp 4.17.21
- lodash.issafeinteger 4.17.21
- lodash.isset 4.17.21
- lodash.isstring 4.0.1
- lodash.isstring 4.17.21
- lodash.issymbol 4.17.21
- lodash.istypedarray 4.17.21
- lodash.isundefined 4.17.21
- lodash.isweakmap 4.17.21
- lodash.isweakset 4.17.21
- lodash.iteratee 4.17.21
- lodash.join 4.17.21
- lodash.kebabcase 4.17.21
- lodash.keyby 4.17.21
- lodash.keys 4.17.21
- lodash.keysin 4.17.21
- lodash.last 4.17.21
- lodash.lastindexof 4.17.21
- lodash.lowercase 4.17.21
- lodash.lowerfirst 4.17.21
- 4.17.21
- lodash.lte 4.17.21
- 4.17.21
- lodash.mapkeys 4.17.21
- lodash.mapvalues 4.17.21
- lodash.matches 4.17.21
- lodash.matchesproperty 4.17.21
- lodash.max 4.17.21
- lodash.maxby 4.17.21
- lodash.mean 4.17.21
- lodash.meanby 4.17.21
- lodash.memoize 3.0.4
- lodash.memoize 4.1.2
- lodash.memoize 4.17.21
- lodash.merge 4.17.21
- lodash.merge 4.6.2
- lodash.mergewith 4.17.21
- lodash.mergewith 4.6.1
- lodash.method 4.17.21
- lodash.methodof 4.17.21
- lodash.min 4.17.21
- lodash.minby 4.17.21
- lodash.mixin 4.17.21
- lodash.multiply 4.17.21
- lodash.negate 4.17.21
- lodash.noop 4.17.21
- 4.17.21
- lodash.nth 4.17.21
- lodash.ntharg 4.17.21
- lodash.omit 4.17.21
- lodash.omitby 4.17.21
- lodash.once 4.1.1
- lodash.once 4.17.21
- lodash.orderby 4.17.21
- lodash.over 4.17.21
- lodash.overargs 4.17.21
- lodash.overevery 4.17.21
- lodash.oversome 4.17.21
- lodash.pad 4.17.21
- lodash.padend 4.17.21
- lodash.padstart 4.17.21
- lodash.parseint 4.17.21
- lodash.partial 4.17.21
- lodash.partialright 4.17.21
- lodash.partition 4.17.21
- lodash.pick 4.17.21
- lodash.pickby 4.17.21
- 4.17.21
- media-typer 0.3.0
- lodash.propertyof 4.17.21
- lodash.pull 4.17.21
- lodash.pullall 4.17.21
- lodash.pullallby 4.17.21
- lodash.pullallwith 4.17.21
- lodash.pullat 4.17.21
- lodash.random 4.17.21
- lodash.range 4.17.21
- lodash.rangeright 4.17.21
- lodash.rearg 4.17.21
- lodash.reduce 4.17.21
- lodash.reduceright 4.17.21
- lodash.reject 4.17.21
- lodash.remove 4.17.21
- lodash.repeat 4.17.21
- lodash.replace 4.17.21
- 4.17.21
- lodash.result 4.17.21
- lodash.reverse 4.17.21
- lodash.round 4.17.21
- lodash.sample 4.17.21
- lodash.samplesize 4.17.21
- lodash.set 4.17.21
- lodash.setwith 4.17.21
- lodash.shuffle 4.17.21
- lodash.size 4.17.21
- lodash.slice 4.17.21
- lodash.snakecase 4.17.21
- lodash.some 4.17.21
- lodash.sortby 4.17.21
- lodash.sortedindex 4.17.21
- lodash.sortedindexby 4.17.21
- lodash.sortedindexof 4.17.21
- lodash.sortedlastindex 4.17.21
- lodash.sortedlastindexby 4.17.21
- lodash.sortedlastindexof 4.17.21
- lodash.sorteduniq 4.17.21
- lodash.sorteduniqby 4.17.21
- lodash.split 4.17.21
- lodash.spread 4.17.21
- lodash.startcase 4.17.21
- lodash.startswith 4.17.21
- lodash.stubarray 4.17.21
- lodash.stubfalse 4.17.21
- lodash.stubobject 4.17.21
- lodash.stubstring 4.17.21
- lodash.stubtrue 4.17.21
- lodash.subtract 4.17.21
- lodash.sum 4.17.21
- lodash.sumby 4.17.21
- lodash.tail 4.1.1
- lodash.tail 4.17.21
- lodash.take 4.17.21
- lodash.takeright 4.17.21
- lodash.takerightwhile 4.17.21
- lodash.takewhile 4.17.21
- lodash.template 4.17.21
- lodash.templatesettings 4.17.21
- lodash.throttle 4.17.21
- lodash.times 4.17.21
- lodash.toarray 4.17.21
- lodash.tofinite 4.17.21
- lodash.tointeger 4.17.21
- lodash.tolength 4.17.21
- lodash.tolower 4.17.21
- lodash.tonumber 4.17.21
- lodash.topairs 4.17.21
- lodash.topairsin 4.17.21
- lodash.topath 4.17.21
- lodash.toplainobject 4.17.21
- lodash.tosafeinteger 4.17.21
- lodash.tostring 4.17.21
- lodash.toupper 4.17.21
- lodash.transform 4.17.21
- lodash.trim 4.17.21
- lodash.trimend 4.17.21
- lodash.trimstart 4.17.21
- lodash.truncate 4.17.21
- lodash.unary 4.17.21
- lodash.unescape 4.17.21
- lodash.union 4.17.21
- lodash.unionby 4.17.21
- lodash.unionwith 4.17.21
- lodash.uniq 4.17.21
- lodash.uniq 4.5.0
- lodash.uniqby 4.17.21
- lodash.uniqueid 4.17.21
- lodash.uniqwith 4.17.21
- lodash.unset 4.17.21
- lodash.unzip 4.17.21
- lodash.unzipwith 4.17.21
- lodash.update 4.17.21
- lodash.updatewith 4.17.21
- lodash.uppercase 4.17.21
- lodash.upperfirst 4.17.21
- lodash.values 4.17.21
- lodash.valuesin 4.17.21
- lodash.without 4.17.21
- lodash.words 4.17.21
- lodash.wrap 4.17.21
- lodash.xor 4.17.21
- lodash.xorby 4.17.21
- lodash.xorwith 4.17.21
- 4.17.21
- lodash.zipobject 4.17.21
- lodash.zipobjectdeep 4.17.21
- lodash.zipwith 4.17.21
- lodash 4.17.10
- lodash 4.17.21
- lodash 4.17.4
- lodash 4.17.5
- log-driver 1.2.7
- log-symbols 2.2.0
- log4js 2.5.3
- logform 2.5.1
- loggly 1.1.1
- loglevel 1.6.1
- loglevelnext 1.0.5
- long 3.2.0
- longest 1.0.1
- loose-envify 1.3.1
- loose-envify 1.4.0
- loud-rejection 1.6.0
- lowdb 1.0.0
- lower-case 1.1.4
- lower-case 2.0.2
- lowercase-keys 1.0.1
- lowercase-keys 2.0.0
- lru-cache 2.6.5
- lru-cache 4.1.1
- lru-cache 4.1.3
- lru-cache 6.0.0
- lru-cache 7.13.0
- lru-cache 7.14.1
- lru-queue 0.1.0
- ltgt 2.2.1
- lunr-mutable-indexes 2.3.2
- lunr 2.3.9
- macaddress 0.2.8
- mailcomposer 4.0.1
- mailgun-js 0.7.15
- make-arrow-function 1.2.0
- make-async-function 1.0.0
- make-dir 1.3.0
- make-dir 3.1.0
- make-error 1.3.6
- make-fetch-happen 11.0.2
- make-generator-function 2.0.0
- map-cache 0.2.2
- map-obj 1.0.1
- map-visit 1.0.0
- markdown-it 8.4.0
- marked 0.4.0
- marked 4.0.17
- marked 4.0.18
- material-design-icons 3.0.1
- math-expression-evaluator 1.2.17
- md5.js 1.3.4
- mdurl 1.0.1
- mem 1.1.0
- memfs 3.4.12
- memoizee 0.4.15
- memory-fs 0.4.1
- memory-fs 0.5.0
- meow 3.7.0
- merge-descriptors 1.0.1
- merge-stream 2.0.0
- merge2 1.4.1
- methods 1.1.2
- micromatch 2.3.11
- micromatch 3.1.10
- micromatch 3.1.6
- micromatch 4.0.4
- micromatch 4.0.5
- miller-rabin 4.0.1
- mime-db 1.30.0
- mime-db 1.33.0
- mime-db 1.52.0
- mime-score 1.2.0
- mime-types 2.1.17
- mime-types 2.1.18
- mime-types 2.1.35
- mime 1.4.1
- mime 1.6.0
- mime 2.3.1
- mime 3.0.0
- mimic-fn 1.1.0
- mimic-fn 2.1.0
- mimic-response 1.0.1
- mimic-response 3.1.0
- mini-css-extract-plugin 0.4.0
- mini-css-extract-plugin 1.3.9
- minimalistic-assert 1.0.0
- minimalistic-crypto-utils 1.0.1
- minimatch 3.0.4
- minimatch 3.1.2
- minimatch 5.1.0
- minimatch 5.1.1
- minimist-options 4.1.0
- minimist 0.0.10
- minimist 0.0.8
- minimist 1.2.0
- minimist 1.2.5
- minimist 1.2.6
- minimist 1.2.7
- minipass-collect 1.0.2
- minipass-fetch 2.1.2
- minipass-flush 1.0.5
- minipass-json-stream 1.0.1
- minipass-pipeline 1.2.4
- minipass-sized 1.0.3
- minipass 3.1.3
- minipass 3.3.6
- minizlib 2.1.2
- mississippi 2.0.0
- mixin-deep 1.3.1
- mixin-deep 2.0.1
- mixin-object 2.0.1
- mkdirp 0.5.1
- mkdirp 0.5.5
- mkdirp 1.0.4
- module-deps 4.1.1
- moment 2.21.0
- moment 2.29.4
- monorepo-symlink-test 0.0.0
- move-concurrently 1.0.1
- mri 1.2.0
- ms 0.7.1
- ms 2.0.0
- ms 2.1.2
- ms 2.1.3
- multicast-dns-service-types 1.1.0
- multicast-dns 6.2.3
- mute-stream 0.0.8
- mv 2.1.1
- mylib 0.0.0
- n3 1.16.3
- nan 2.10.0
- nan 2.8.0
- nanodelay 1.0.8
- nanoid 2.1.11
- nanoid 3.1.30
- nanoid 3.3.4
- nanoid 4.0.0
- nanomatch 1.2.9
- nanospinner 1.1.0
- nanospy 0.5.0
- napi-macros-example 0.0.0
- napi-macros 2.0.0
- natural-compare-lite 1.4.0
- natural-compare 1.4.0
- nbdime-jupyterlab 2.2.0
- nbdime 6.2.0
- ncp 2.0.0
- negotiator 0.6.1
- negotiator 0.6.3
- neo-async 2.5.0
- neo-async 2.6.2
- netmask 1.0.6
- next-tick 1.0.0
- next-tick 1.1.0
- no-case 2.3.2
- no-case 3.0.4
- node-domexception 1.0.0
- node-fetch 1.7.3
- node-fetch 2.6.7
- node-fetch 3.1.1
- node-fetch 3.3.2
- node-forge 0.7.5
- node-gyp-build 4.1.1
- node-gyp 3.6.2
- node-gyp 9.3.0
- node-libs-browser 2.1.0
- node-modules-regexp 1.0.0
- node-pre-gyp 0.6.39
- node-preload 0.2.1
- node-releases 1.1.73
- node-releases 2.0.5
- node-releases 2.0.6
- node-sass 4.8.3
- node-sass 4.9.0
- node-uuid 1.4.8
- nodemailer-direct-transport 3.3.2
- nodemailer-fetch 1.6.0
- nodemailer-shared 1.1.0
- nodemailer-smtp-pool 2.8.2
- nodemailer-smtp-transport 2.7.2
- nodemailer-wellknown 0.1.10
- nodemailer 2.7.2
- noms 0.0.0
- nopt 3.0.6
- nopt 4.0.1
- nopt 5.0.0
- normalize-package-data 2.4.0
- normalize-package-data 4.0.1
- normalize-path 2.1.1
- normalize-path 3.0.0
- normalize-range 0.1.2
- normalize-url 1.9.1
- normalize-url 4.5.1
- normalize-url 7.1.0
- normalize.css 8.0.1
- npm-audit-report 4.0.0
- npm-bundled 2.0.1
- npm-install-checks 6.0.0
- npm-normalize-package-bin 2.0.0
- npm-package-arg 10.0.0
- npm-package-arg 6.1.0
- npm-packlist 7.0.4
- npm-pick-manifest 8.0.1
- npm-profile 7.0.1
- npm-registry-client 8.5.1
- npm-registry-fetch 14.0.3
- npm-run-path 2.0.2
- npm-run-path 4.0.1
- npm-run-path 5.1.0
- npm-user-validate 1.0.1
- npm 9.2.0
- npmlog 4.1.2
- npmlog 7.0.1
- nth-check 1.0.1
- nth-check 2.0.0
- num2fraction 1.2.2
- number-is-nan 1.0.1
- nwsapi 2.2.0
- nyc 15.1.0
- oauth-sign 0.8.2
- oauth-sign 0.9.0
- object-assign 4.1.1
- object-component 0.0.3
- object-copy 0.1.0
- object-inspect 1.10.3
- object-inspect 1.12.2
- object-is 1.1.5
- object-keys 1.0.11
- object-keys 1.1.1
- object-visit 1.0.1
- object.assign 4.1.0
- object.assign 4.1.2
- object.assign 4.1.4
- object.getownpropertydescriptors 2.0.3
- object.omit 2.0.1
- object.pick 1.3.0
- object.values 1.1.5
- object.values 1.1.6
- obuf 1.1.2
- on-finished 2.3.0
- on-finished 2.4.1
- on-headers 1.0.1
- on-headers 1.0.2
- once 1.4.0
- one-time 1.0.0
- onetime 5.1.2
- opener 1.5.2
- opn 5.3.0
- optimist 0.6.1
- optionator 0.8.2
- optionator 0.8.3
- optionator 0.9.1
- options 0.0.6
- original 1.0.1
- os-browserify 0.3.0
- os-homedir 1.0.2
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- os-locale 2.1.0
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- uglify-js 3.3.13
- uglify-js 3.4.10
- uglify-to-browserify 1.0.2
- uglifyjs-webpack-plugin 0.4.6
- uglifyjs-webpack-plugin 1.2.5
- uid-number 0.0.6
- uid-safe 2.1.5
- uid 2.0.0
- ultron 1.0.2
- ultron 1.1.1
- umd 3.0.1
- unbox-primitive 1.0.2
- underscore 1.7.0
- undici 5.22.1
- vega-format 1.0.4
- unicode-canonical-property-names-ecmascript 2.0.0
- unicode-length 2.0.2
- unicode-match-property-ecmascript 2.0.0
- unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript 2.1.0
- unicode-property-aliases-ecmascript 2.1.0
- union-value 1.0.0
- union-value 2.0.1
- uniq 1.0.1
- uniqid 4.1.1
- uniqs 2.0.0
- unique-filename 1.1.0
- unique-filename 1.1.1
- unique-slug 2.0.0
- unique-slug 2.0.2
- unique-slug 4.0.0
- unist-util-stringify-position 3.0.2
- universalify 0.1.2
- universalify 2.0.0
- unix-crypt-td-js 1.1.4
- unpipe 1.0.0
- unset-value 1.0.0
- unset-value 2.0.1
- upath 1.0.4
- upath 1.2.0
- update-browserslist-db 1.0.10
- update-browserslist-db 1.0.9
- update-browserslist-db [email protected]
- upper-case 1.1.3
- uri-js 3.0.2
- uri-js 4.4.0
- uri-js 4.4.1
- urix 0.1.0
- url-join 4.0.0
- url-loader 1.0.1
- url-loader 4.1.1
- url-parse-lax 3.0.0
- url-parse 1.4.0
- url-parse 1.4.3
- url-parse 1.5.1
- url 0.11.0
- use 2.0.2
- useragent 2.3.0
- util-deprecate 1.0.2
- util.promisify 1.0.0
- util 0.10.3
- util 0.12.5
- utila 0.3.3
- utila 0.4.0
- utils-merge 1.0.1
- uuid 3.1.0
- uuid 3.2.1
- uuid 3.4.0
- uuid 8.3.2
- uvu 0.5.3
- uvu 0.5.6
- uws 0.14.5
- v8-compile-cache-lib 3.0.1
- v8-compile-cache 2.3.0
- v8-to-istanbul 9.0.0
- v8-to-istanbul 9.0.1
- v8flags 3.2.0
- validate-npm-package-license 3.0.1
- validate-npm-package-license 3.0.4
- validate-npm-package-name 3.0.0
- validate-npm-package-name 5.0.0
- 1.0.6
- 1.0.2
- 1.0.0
- 1.0.5
- 1.0.3
- validator 13.7.0
- vary 1.1.2
- vega-canvas 1.2.6
- vega-crossfilter 4.0.5
- vega-dataflow 5.7.4
- vega-embed 6.18.2
- vega-encode 4.8.3
- vega-event-selector 2.0.6
- vega-event-selector 3.0.0
- vega-expression 4.0.1
- vega-expression 5.0.0
- vega-force 4.0.7
- vega-functions 5.12.1
- vega-geo 4.3.8
- vega-hierarchy 4.0.9
- vega-label 1.1.0
- vega-lite 5.1.1
- vega-loader 4.4.1
- vega-parser 6.1.4
- vega-projection 1.4.5
- vega-regression 1.0.9
- vega-runtime 6.1.3
- vega-scale 7.1.1
- vega-scenegraph 4.9.4
- vega-schema-url-parser 2.2.0
- vega-selections 5.3.1
- vega-statistics 1.7.10
- vega-themes 2.10.0
- vega-time 2.0.4
- vega-tooltip 0.25.1
- vega-transforms 4.9.4
- vega-typings 0.22.0
- vega-util 1.16.1
- vega-util 1.17.0
- vega-view-transforms 4.5.8
- vega-view 5.10.1
- vega-voronoi 4.1.5
- vega-wordcloud 4.1.3
- vega 5.21.0
- vendors 1.0.2
- verdaccio-audit 10.2.2
- verdaccio-htpasswd 10.5.0
- verdaccio 5.13.3
- verror 1.10.0
- vfile-location 4.0.1
- vfile-message 3.1.3
- vfile 5.3.6
- vite 2.9.10
- vm-browserify 0.0.4
- void-elements 2.0.1
- w3c-hr-time 1.0.2
- w3c-xmlserializer 2.0.0
- walk-up-path 1.0.0
- warning 4.0.3
- watchpack 1.4.0
- watchpack 1.6.0
- watchpack 2.2.0
- watchpack 2.4.0
- wbuf 1.7.3
- wcwidth.js 1.0.2
- web-streams-polyfill 3.2.1
- webassemblyjs 1.11.3
- webassemblyjs 1.4.3
- webdriver-js-extender 1.0.0
- webdriver-manager 12.0.6
- webidl-conversions 3.0.1
- webidl-conversions 5.0.0
- webidl-conversions 6.1.0
- webpack-bundle-analyzer 3.9.0
- webpack-cli 4.7.2
- webpack-cli 5.0.1
- webpack-core 0.6.9
- webpack-dev-middleware 3.1.3
- webpack-dev-server 3.1.4
- webpack-log 1.2.0
- webpack-merge 4.1.1
- webpack-merge 4.1.2
- webpack-merge 5.8.0
- webpack-sources 1.1.0
- webpack-sources 1.4.3
- webpack-sources 2.3.0
- webpack-sources 3.2.3
- webpack-subresource-integrity 1.1.0-rc.4
- webpack 3.10.0
- webpack 4.8.3
- webpack 5.44.0
- webpack 5.73.0
- webpack 5.76.1
- websocket-driver 0.7.0
- websocket-extensions 0.1.3
- whatwg-encoding 1.0.5
- whatwg-fetch 2.0.3
- whatwg-fetch 3.6.2
- whatwg-mimetype 2.3.0
- whatwg-url 5.0.0
- whatwg-url 8.7.0
- when 3.6.4
- when 3.7.8
- whet.extend 0.9.9
- which-boxed-primitive 1.0.2
- which-collection 1.0.1
- which-module 1.0.0
- which-module 2.0.0
- which-typed-array 1.1.9
- which 1.3.0
- which 2.0.2
- wide-align 1.1.2
- wide-align 1.1.3
- widest-line 3.1.0
- wildcard 2.0.0
- window-size 0.1.0
- winston-transport 4.5.0
- winston 3.10.0
- word-wrap 1.2.3
- word-wrap 1.2.5
- wordwrap 0.0.2
- wordwrap 0.0.3
- wordwrap 1.0.0
- worker-farm 1.6.0
- worker-loader 3.0.8
- wrap-ansi 2.1.0
- wrap-ansi 7.0.0
- wrap-ansi 8.0.1
- wrappy 1.0.2
- write-file-atomic 4.0.2
- write 2.0.0
- ws 1.1.5
- ws 3.3.3
- ws 6.2.2
- ws 7.5.9
- ws 8.11.0
- wscat 5.2.0
- xml-name-validator 3.0.0
- xml2js 0.4.19
- xml2js 0.4.4
- xmlbuilder 9.0.7
- xmlchars 2.2.0
- xmlhttprequest-ssl 1.5.5
- xregexp 2.0.0
- xtend 4.0.1
- xtend 4.0.2
- xterm-addon-fit 0.5.0
- xterm-addon-web-links 0.6.0
- xterm 4.19.0
- xxhashjs 0.2.2
- y-codemirror 3.0.1
- y-leveldb 0.1.0
- y-protocols 1.0.5
- y-websocket 1.3.16
- y18n 3.2.1
- y18n 4.0.0
- y18n 5.0.8
- yallist 2.1.2
- yallist 4.0.0
- yaml 1.10.2
- yaml 2.3.1
- yargs-parser 10.0.0
- yargs-parser 20.2.9
- yargs-parser 21.1.1
- yargs-parser 5.0.0
- yargs-parser 7.0.0
- yargs-parser 9.0.2
- yargs 11.0.0
- yargs 16.2.0
- yargs 17.1.1
- yargs 3.10.0
- yargs 7.1.0
- yargs 8.0.2
- yarn-deduplicate 2.1.1
- yeast 0.1.2
- yjs 13.5.42
- yn 3.1.1
- yocto-queue 0.1.0
- yocto-queue 1.0.0
- zone.js 0.8.26
- ubuntu/adduser 3.137ubuntu1
- ubuntu/alsa-topology-conf
- ubuntu/alsa-ucm-conf 1.2.9-1ubuntu1
- ubuntu/apt 2.7.3
- ubuntu/autoconf 2.71-3
- ubuntu/automake 1:1.16.5-1.3
- ubuntu/autotools-dev 20220109.1
- ubuntu/base-files 13ubuntu1
- ubuntu/base-passwd 3.6.1
- ubuntu/bash 5.2.15-2ubuntu1
- ubuntu/binutils-common 2.41-4ubuntu1
- ubuntu/binutils-x86-64-linux-gnu 2.41-4ubuntu1
- ubuntu/binutils 2.41-4ubuntu1
- ubuntu/bsdutils 1:2.39.1-4ubuntu1
- ubuntu/build-essential 12.10ubuntu1
- ubuntu/bzip2-doc 1.0.8-5build1
- ubuntu/bzip2 1.0.8-5build1
- ubuntu/ca-certificates 20230311ubuntu1
- ubuntu/cmake-data 3.27.1-2
- ubuntu/cmake 3.27.1-2
- ubuntu/cmdtest 0.32.14.gcdfe14e-5
- ubuntu/coreutils 9.1-1ubuntu2
- ubuntu/cpp-13 13.2.0-2ubuntu1
- ubuntu/cpp 4:13.2.0-1ubuntu1
- ubuntu/dash 0.5.12-6ubuntu1
- ubuntu/dbus-bin 1.14.8-2ubuntu1
- ubuntu/dbus-daemon 1.14.8-2ubuntu1
- ubuntu/dbus-session-bus-common 1.14.8-2ubuntu1
- ubuntu/dbus-system-bus-common 1.14.8-2ubuntu1
- ubuntu/dbus 1.14.8-2ubuntu1
- ubuntu/debconf 1.5.82
- ubuntu/debianutils 5.8-1
- ubuntu/dictionaries-common 1.29.5
- ubuntu/diffutils 1:3.8-4
- ubuntu/dirmngr 2.2.40-1.1ubuntu1
- ubuntu/dpkg-dev 1.21.22ubuntu1
- ubuntu/dpkg 1.21.22ubuntu1
- ubuntu/e2fsprogs 1.47.0-2ubuntu1
- ubuntu/emacsen-common 3.0.5
- ubuntu/eslint 6.4.0~dfsg ~6.1.9-7
- ubuntu/fakeroot 1.32.1-1
- ubuntu/ffmpeg 7:6.0-6ubuntu1
- ubuntu/findutils 4.9.0-5
- ubuntu/fontconfig-config 2.14.2-4ubuntu1
- ubuntu/fontconfig 2.14.2-4ubuntu1
- ubuntu/fonts-droid-fallback 1:6.0.1r16-1.1build1
- ubuntu/fonts-font-awesome 5.0.10 really4.7.0~dfsg-4.1
- ubuntu/fonts-glyphicons-halflings 1.009~3.4.1 dfsg-3
- ubuntu/fonts-liberation-sans-narrow 1:1.07.6-4
- ubuntu/fonts-liberation 1:2.1.5-3
- ubuntu/fonts-mathjax 2.7.9 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/fonts-noto-core 20201225-2
- ubuntu/fonts-noto-mono 20201225-2
- ubuntu/fonts-urw-base35 20200910-7
- ubuntu/g -13 13.2.0-2ubuntu1
- ubuntu/g 4:13.2.0-1ubuntu1
- ubuntu/gcc-13-base 13.2.0-2ubuntu1
- ubuntu/gcc-13 13.2.0-2ubuntu1
- ubuntu/gcc 4:13.2.0-1ubuntu1
- ubuntu/gdal-data 3.7.1 dfsg-1build1
- ubuntu/gdal-plugins 3.7.1 dfsg-1build1
- ubuntu/gdb
- ubuntu/gfortran-13 13.2.0-2ubuntu1
- ubuntu/gfortran 4:13.2.0-1ubuntu1
- ubuntu/ghostscript 10.01.2~dfsg1-0ubuntu1
- ubuntu/gir1.2-freedesktop 1.76.1-5
- ubuntu/gir1.2-glib-2.0 1.76.1-5
- ubuntu/git-man 1:2.40.1-1ubuntu1
- ubuntu/git 1:2.40.1-1ubuntu1
- ubuntu/gnupg-l10n 2.2.40-1.1ubuntu1
- ubuntu/gnupg-utils 2.2.40-1.1ubuntu1
- ubuntu/gnupg 2.2.40-1.1ubuntu1
- ubuntu/gobject-introspection 1.76.1-5
- ubuntu/gpg-agent 2.2.40-1.1ubuntu1
- ubuntu/gpg-wks-client 2.2.40-1.1ubuntu1
- ubuntu/gpg-wks-server 2.2.40-1.1ubuntu1
- ubuntu/gpg 2.2.40-1.1ubuntu1
- ubuntu/gpgconf 2.2.40-1.1ubuntu1
- ubuntu/gpgsm 2.2.40-1.1ubuntu1
- ubuntu/gpgv 2.2.40-1.1ubuntu1
- ubuntu/grep 3.11-2
- ubuntu/gsfonts 2:20200910-7
- ubuntu/gyp 0.1 20220404git9ecf45e-2
- ubuntu/gzip 1.12-1ubuntu1
- ubuntu/handlebars 3:4.7.7 ~4.1.0-1
- ubuntu/hostname 3.23 nmu1ubuntu1
- ubuntu/hunspell-en-gb 1:7.5.0-1
- ubuntu/hunspell-en-us 1:2020.12.07-2
- ubuntu/i965-va-driver 2.4.1 dfsg1-1
- ubuntu/icu-devtools 72.1-3ubuntu2
- ubuntu/imagemagick-6-common 8: dfsg-1.6ubuntu1
- ubuntu/init-system-helpers 1.65.2ubuntu1
- ubuntu/intel-media-va-driver 23.2.3 dfsg1-1
- ubuntu/javascript-common 11 nmu1
- ubuntu/krb5-locales 1.20.1-3ubuntu1
- ubuntu/less 590-2
- ubuntu/libaacs0 0.11.1-2
- ubuntu/libacl1 2.3.1-3
- ubuntu/libaec0 1.0.6-1
- ubuntu/libalgorithm-diff-perl 1.201-1
- ubuntu/libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl 0.04-8
- ubuntu/libalgorithm-merge-perl 0.08-5
- ubuntu/libaom3 3.6.1-1
- ubuntu/libapparmor1 4.0.0~alpha2-0ubuntu2
- ubuntu/libapt-pkg6.0 2.7.3
- ubuntu/libarchive13 3.6.2-1ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libarmadillo11 1:11.4.2 dfsg-1build1
- ubuntu/libarpack2 3.8.0-3
- ubuntu/libasan8 13.2.0-2ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libasound2-data 1.2.9-2
- ubuntu/libasound2 1.2.9-2
- ubuntu/libass9 1:0.17.1-1
- ubuntu/libassuan0 2.5.6-1
- ubuntu/libasyncns0 0.8-6build3
- ubuntu/libatomic1 13.2.0-2ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libattr1 1:2.5.1-4
- ubuntu/libaudit-common 1:3.1.1-1
- ubuntu/libaudit1 1:3.1.1-1
- ubuntu/libauthen-sasl-perl 2.1600-3
- ubuntu/libavahi-client3 0.8-10ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libavahi-common-data 0.8-10ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libavahi-common3 0.8-10ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libavc1394-0 0.5.4-5build2
- ubuntu/libavcodec60 7:6.0-6ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libavdevice60 7:6.0-6ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libavfilter9 7:6.0-6ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libavformat60 7:6.0-6ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libavutil58 7:6.0-6ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libbabeltrace1 1.5.11-2
- ubuntu/libbdplus0 0.2.0-3
- ubuntu/libbinutils 2.41-4ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libblas-dev 3.11.0-2
- ubuntu/libblas3 3.11.0-2
- ubuntu/libblkid-dev 2.39.1-4ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libblkid1 2.39.1-4ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libblosc1 1.21.3 ds-1
- ubuntu/libbluray2 1:1.3.4-1
- ubuntu/libboost-regex1.74.0 1.74.0 ds1-22ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libboost1.81-dev 1.81.0-6
- ubuntu/libbrotli-dev 1.0.9-2build8
- ubuntu/libbrotli1 1.0.9-2build8
- ubuntu/libbs2b0 3.1.0 dfsg-7
- ubuntu/libbsd0 0.11.7-4
- ubuntu/libbz2-1.0 1.0.8-5build1
- ubuntu/libbz2-dev 1.0.8-5build1
- ubuntu/libc-ares2 1.19.1-3
- ubuntu/libc-bin 2.38-1ubuntu3
- ubuntu/libc-dev-bin 2.38-1ubuntu3
- ubuntu/libc-devtools 2.38-1ubuntu3
- ubuntu/libc6-dbg 2.38-1ubuntu3
- ubuntu/libc6-dev 2.38-1ubuntu3
- ubuntu/libc6 2.38-1ubuntu3
- ubuntu/libcaca0 0.99.beta20-3build1
- ubuntu/libcairo-gobject2 1.17.8-2
- ubuntu/libcairo-script-interpreter2 1.17.8-2
- ubuntu/libcairo2-dev 1.17.8-2
- ubuntu/libcairo2 1.17.8-2
- ubuntu/libcap-ng0 0.8.3-1build2
- ubuntu/libcap2 1:2.66-4ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libcbor0.8 0.8.0-2ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libcc1-0 13.2.0-2ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libcdio-cdda2 10.2 2.0.1-1
- ubuntu/libcdio-paranoia2 10.2 2.0.1-1
- ubuntu/libcdio19 2.1.0-4
- ubuntu/libcfitsio10 4.2.0-3
- ubuntu/libchromaprint1 1.5.1-4build1
- ubuntu/libcjson1 1.7.16-1
- ubuntu/libclone-perl 0.46-1
- ubuntu/libcodec2-1.2 1.2.0-2
- ubuntu/libcom-err2 1.47.0-2ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libcrypt-dev 1:4.4.36-2
- ubuntu/libcrypt1 1:4.4.36-2
- ubuntu/libctf-nobfd0 2.41-4ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libctf0 2.41-4ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libcups2 2.4.6-0ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libcurl3-gnutls 8.2.1-1ubuntu2
- ubuntu/libcurl4-gnutls-dev 8.2.1-1ubuntu2
- ubuntu/libcurl4 8.2.1-1ubuntu2
- ubuntu/libdata-dump-perl 1.25-1
- ubuntu/libdatrie1 0.2.13-2
- ubuntu/libdav1d6 1.2.1-2
- ubuntu/libdb5.3 5.3.28 dfsg2-2
- ubuntu/libdbus-1-3 1.14.8-2ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libdbus-1-dev 1.14.8-2ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libdc1394-25 2.2.6-4
- ubuntu/libde265-0 1.0.12-1build1
- ubuntu/libdebconfclient0 0.270ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libdebuginfod-common 0.189-4
- ubuntu/libdebuginfod1 0.189-4
- ubuntu/libdecor-0-0 0.1.1-2
- ubuntu/libdecor-0-plugin-1-cairo 0.1.1-2
- ubuntu/libdeflate0 1.18-1
- ubuntu/libdpkg-perl 1.21.22ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libdrm-amdgpu1 2.4.115-1
- ubuntu/libdrm-common 2.4.115-1
- ubuntu/libdrm-intel1 2.4.115-1
- ubuntu/libdrm-nouveau2 2.4.115-1
- ubuntu/libdrm-radeon1 2.4.115-1
- ubuntu/libdrm2 2.4.115-1
- ubuntu/libdw1 0.189-4
- ubuntu/libedit2 3.1-20221030-2
- ubuntu/libegl-mesa0 23.1.3-1ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libegl1 1.6.0-1
- ubuntu/libelf1 0.189-4
- ubuntu/libencode-locale-perl 1.05-3
- ubuntu/liberror-perl 0.17029-2
- ubuntu/libevent-2.1-7 2.1.12-stable-8ubuntu3
- ubuntu/libexpat1-dev 2.5.0-2
- ubuntu/libexpat1 2.5.0-2
- ubuntu/libext2fs2 1.47.0-2ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libfakeroot 1.32.1-1
- ubuntu/libffi-dev 3.4.4-1
- ubuntu/libffi8 3.4.4-1
- ubuntu/libfftw3-double3 3.3.10-1ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libfido2-1 1.13.0-1
- ubuntu/libfile-basedir-perl 0.09-2
- ubuntu/libfile-desktopentry-perl 0.22-3
- ubuntu/libfile-fcntllock-perl 0.22-4build1
- ubuntu/libfile-listing-perl 6.15-1
- ubuntu/libfile-mimeinfo-perl 0.33-1
- ubuntu/libflac12 1.4.3 ds-2ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libflite1 2.2-6
- ubuntu/libfont-afm-perl 1.20-4
- ubuntu/libfontconfig-dev 2.14.2-4ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libfontconfig1 2.14.2-4ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libfontenc1 1:1.1.4-1build3
- ubuntu/libfreetype-dev 2.13.1 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/libfreetype6 2.13.1 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/libfreexl1 2.0.0-1
- ubuntu/libfribidi0 1.0.13-3
- ubuntu/libfyba0 4.1.1-8
- ubuntu/libgbm1 23.1.3-1ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libgcc-13-dev 13.2.0-2ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libgcc-s1 13.2.0-2ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libgcrypt20 1.10.2-2ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libgd3 2.3.3-9ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libgdal33 3.7.1 dfsg-1build1
- ubuntu/libgdbm-compat4 1.23-3
- ubuntu/libgdbm6 1.23-3
- ubuntu/libgdk-pixbuf-2.0-0 2.42.10 dfsg-1build1
- ubuntu/libgdk-pixbuf2.0-bin 2.42.10 dfsg-1build1
- ubuntu/libgdk-pixbuf2.0-common 2.42.10 dfsg-1build1
- ubuntu/libgeos-c1v5 3.12.0-1
- ubuntu/libgeos3.12.0 3.12.0-1
- ubuntu/libgeotiff5 1.7.1-2build1
- ubuntu/libgfortran-13-dev 13.2.0-2ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libgfortran5 13.2.0-2ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libgif7 5.2.1-2.5
- ubuntu/libgirepository-1.0-1 1.76.1-5
- ubuntu/libgirepository1.0-dev 1.76.1-5
- ubuntu/libgit2-1.5 1.5.1 ds-1ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libgl1-amber-dri 21.3.9-0ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libgl1-mesa-dri 23.1.3-1ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libgl1 1.6.0-1
- ubuntu/libglapi-mesa 23.1.3-1ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libgles2 1.6.0-1
- ubuntu/libglib2.0-0 2.77.2-1
- ubuntu/libglib2.0-bin 2.77.2-1
- ubuntu/libglib2.0-data 2.77.2-1
- ubuntu/libglib2.0-dev-bin 2.77.2-1
- ubuntu/libglib2.0-dev 2.77.2-1
- ubuntu/libglu1-mesa 9.0.2-1.1
- ubuntu/libglvnd0 1.6.0-1
- ubuntu/libglx-mesa0 23.1.3-1ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libglx0 1.6.0-1
- ubuntu/libgme0 0.6.3-6
- ubuntu/libgmp-dev 2:6.3.0 dfsg-2ubuntu4
- ubuntu/libgmp10 2:6.3.0 dfsg-2ubuntu4
- ubuntu/libgmpxx4ldbl 2:6.3.0 dfsg-2ubuntu4
- ubuntu/libgnutls-dane0 3.8.1-4ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libgnutls-openssl27 3.8.1-4ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libgnutls28-dev 3.8.1-4ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libgnutls30 3.8.1-4ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libgomp1 13.2.0-2ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libgpg-error0 1.47-2
- ubuntu/libgpm2 1.20.7-10build1
- ubuntu/libgprofng0 2.41-4ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libgraphite2-3 1.3.14-1build2
- ubuntu/libgs-common 10.01.2~dfsg1-0ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libgs10-common 10.01.2~dfsg1-0ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libgs10 10.01.2~dfsg1-0ubuntu1
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- ubuntu/libgsm1 1.0.22-1
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- ubuntu/libhdf4-0-alt 4.2.16-3
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- ubuntu/libhdf5-hl-100 1.10.8 repack1-1ubuntu1
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- ubuntu/libheif-plugin-dav1d 1.16.2-2ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libheif-plugin-libde265 1.16.2-2ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libheif-plugin-x265 1.16.2-2ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libheif1 1.16.2-2ubuntu1
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- ubuntu/libkrb5support0 1.20.1-3ubuntu1
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- ubuntu/libllvm15 1:15.0.7-8
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- ubuntu/libltdl7 2.4.7-7
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- ubuntu/libmagic1 1:5.44-3
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- ubuntu/libmagickcore-6.q16-6 8: dfsg-1.6ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libmagickwand-6.q16-6 8: dfsg-1.6ubuntu1
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- ubuntu/libnotify4 0.8.2-1
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- ubuntu/libnsl2 1.3.0-2build2
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- ubuntu/libnss3 2:3.92-1
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- ubuntu/libodbcinst2 2.3.12-1
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- ubuntu/libopenal-data 1:1.23.1-3
- ubuntu/libopenal1 1:1.23.1-3
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- ubuntu/libopenjp2-7 2.5.0-2
- ubuntu/libopenmpt0 0.7.2-1
- ubuntu/libopus0 1.4-1
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- ubuntu/libpaper1 1.1.29
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- ubuntu/libpcre2-32-0 10.42-3
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- ubuntu/libproc2-0 2:4.0.3-1ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libproj25 9.2.1-1
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- ubuntu/libpython3.11-minimal 3.11.4-1
- ubuntu/libpython3.11-stdlib 3.11.4-1
- ubuntu/libpython3.11 3.11.4-1
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- ubuntu/libselinux1 3.5-1
- ubuntu/libsemanage-common 3.5-1
- ubuntu/libsemanage2 3.5-1
- ubuntu/libsensors-config 1:3.6.0-7ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libsensors5 1:3.6.0-7ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libsepol-dev 3.5-1
- ubuntu/libsepol2 3.5-1
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- ubuntu/libshine3 3.1.1-2
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- ubuntu/libsm6 2:1.2.3-1build2
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- ubuntu/libsodium23 1.0.18-1build2
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- ubuntu/libsource-highlight4v5 3.1.9-4.2build1
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- ubuntu/libsox-fmt-base 14.4.2 git20190427-3.5
- ubuntu/libsox3 14.4.2 git20190427-3.5
- ubuntu/libsoxr0 0.1.3-4build2
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- ubuntu/libsratom-0-0 0.6.14-1
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- ubuntu/libssh-gcrypt-4 0.10.5-3ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libssh2-1 1.11.0-2
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- ubuntu/libssl3 3.0.10-1ubuntu2
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- ubuntu/libstdc 6 13.2.0-2ubuntu1
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- ubuntu/libswscale7 7:6.0-6ubuntu1
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- ubuntu/libsz2 1.0.6-1
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- ubuntu/libtasn1-6 4.19.0-3
- ubuntu/libtasn1-doc 4.19.0-3
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- ubuntu/libthai-data 0.1.29-1build1
- ubuntu/libthai0 0.1.29-1build1
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- ubuntu/libtie-ixhash-perl 1.23-4
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- ubuntu/libtimedate-perl 2.3300-2
- ubuntu/libtinfo6 6.4 20230625-2
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- ubuntu/libtirpc-dev 1.3.3 ds-1
- ubuntu/libtirpc3 1.3.3 ds-1
- ubuntu/libtk8.6 8.6.13-2
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- ubuntu/libtwolame0 0.4.0-2build2
- ubuntu/libubsan1 13.2.0-2ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libudev1 253.5-1ubuntu4
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- ubuntu/libudunits2-data 2.2.28-5
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- ubuntu/libunistring2 1.0-2
- ubuntu/liburi-perl 5.19-2
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- ubuntu/libuuid1 2.39.1-4ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libuv1-dev 1.44.2-1
- ubuntu/libuv1 1.44.2-1
- ubuntu/libva-drm2 2.18.0-1
- ubuntu/libva-x11-2 2.18.0-1
- ubuntu/libva2 2.18.0-1
- ubuntu/libvdpau1 1.5-2
- ubuntu/libvidstab1.1 1.1.0-2
- ubuntu/libvorbis0a 1.3.7-1build2
- ubuntu/libvorbisenc2 1.3.7-1build2
- ubuntu/libvorbisfile3 1.3.7-1build2
- ubuntu/libvpl2 2023.3.0-1
- ubuntu/libvpx7 1.12.0-1ubuntu1
- ubuntu/libvulkan1
- ubuntu/libwavpack1 5.6.0-1
- ubuntu/libwayland-client0 1.22.0-2
- ubuntu/libwayland-cursor0 1.22.0-2
- ubuntu/libwayland-egl1 1.22.0-2
- ubuntu/libwayland-server0 1.22.0-2
- ubuntu/libwebp7 1.2.4-0.2
- ubuntu/libwebpdemux2 1.2.4-0.2
- ubuntu/libwebpmux3 1.2.4-0.2
- ubuntu/libwww-perl 6.72-1
- ubuntu/libwww-robotrules-perl 6.02-1
- ubuntu/libx11-6 2:1.8.6-1
- ubuntu/libx11-data 2:1.8.6-1
- ubuntu/libx11-dev 2:1.8.6-1
- ubuntu/libx11-protocol-perl 0.56-9
- ubuntu/libx11-xcb1 2:1.8.6-1
- ubuntu/libx264-164 2:0.164.3095 gitbaee400-3build1
- ubuntu/libx265-199 3.5-2
- ubuntu/libxau-dev 1:1.0.9-1build5
- ubuntu/libxau6 1:1.0.9-1build5
- ubuntu/libxaw7 2:1.0.14-1
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- ubuntu/libxcb-dri3-0 1.15-1
- ubuntu/libxcb-glx0 1.15-1
- ubuntu/libxcb-present0 1.15-1
- ubuntu/libxcb-randr0 1.15-1
- ubuntu/libxcb-render0-dev 1.15-1
- ubuntu/libxcb-render0 1.15-1
- ubuntu/libxcb-shape0 1.15-1
- ubuntu/libxcb-shm0-dev 1.15-1
- ubuntu/libxcb-shm0 1.15-1
- ubuntu/libxcb-sync1 1.15-1
- ubuntu/libxcb-xfixes0 1.15-1
- ubuntu/libxcb1-dev 1.15-1
- ubuntu/libxcb1 1.15-1
- ubuntu/libxcomposite1 1:0.4.5-1build2
- ubuntu/libxcursor1 1:1.2.1-1
- ubuntu/libxdmcp-dev 1:1.1.3-0ubuntu5
- ubuntu/libxdmcp6 1:1.1.3-0ubuntu5
- ubuntu/libxerces-c3.2 3.2.4 debian-1build1
- ubuntu/libxext-dev 2:1.3.4-1build1
- ubuntu/libxext6 2:1.3.4-1build1
- ubuntu/libxfixes3 1:6.0.0-2
- ubuntu/libxft2 2.3.6-1
- ubuntu/libxi6 2:1.8-1build1
- ubuntu/libxinerama1 2:1.1.4-3
- ubuntu/libxkbcommon0 1.5.0-1
- ubuntu/libxkbfile1 1:1.1.0-1build3
- ubuntu/libxml-parser-perl 2.46-4
- ubuntu/libxml-twig-perl 1:3.52-2
- ubuntu/libxml-xpathengine-perl 0.14-2
- ubuntu/libxml2 2.9.14 dfsg-1.3
- ubuntu/libxmu6 2:1.1.3-3
- ubuntu/libxmuu1 2:1.1.3-3
- ubuntu/libxpm4 1:3.5.12-1.1
- ubuntu/libxrandr2 2:1.5.2-2
- ubuntu/libxrender-dev 1:0.9.10-1.1
- ubuntu/libxrender1 1:0.9.10-1.1
- ubuntu/libxshmfence1 1.3-1build4
- ubuntu/node-arrify 2.0.1-3
- ubuntu/libxss1 1:1.2.3-1build2
- ubuntu/libxt6 1:1.2.1-1.1
- ubuntu/libxtst6 2:1.2.3-1.1
- ubuntu/libxv1 2:1.0.11-1.1
- ubuntu/libxvidcore4 2:1.3.7-1
- ubuntu/libxxf86dga1 2:1.1.5-1
- ubuntu/libxxf86vm1 1:1.1.4-1build3
- ubuntu/libxxhash0 0.8.1-1
- ubuntu/libyaml-0-2 0.2.5-1
- ubuntu/libzimg2 3.0.5 ds1-1
- ubuntu/libzmq5 4.3.4-6
- ubuntu/libzstd1 1.5.5 dfsg2-1ubuntu2
- ubuntu/libzvbi-common 0.2.41-2
- ubuntu/libzvbi0 0.2.41-2
- ubuntu/linux-libc-dev 6.3.0-7.7
- ubuntu/littler 0.3.18-2
- ubuntu/login 1:4.13 dfsg1-1ubuntu1
- ubuntu/logsave 1.47.0-2ubuntu1
- ubuntu/lto-disabled-list 42
- ubuntu/m4 1.4.19-3
- ubuntu/make 4.3-4.1build1
- ubuntu/manpages-dev 6.03-2
- ubuntu/manpages 6.03-2
- ubuntu/mawk
- ubuntu/media-types 10.1.0
- ubuntu/mesa-va-drivers 23.1.3-1ubuntu1
- ubuntu/mesa-vdpau-drivers 23.1.3-1ubuntu1
- ubuntu/mesa-vulkan-drivers 23.1.3-1ubuntu1
- ubuntu/mount 2.39.1-4ubuntu1
- ubuntu/mysql-common 5.8 1.1.0
- ubuntu/nano 7.2-1
- ubuntu/ncurses-base 6.4 20230625-2
- ubuntu/ncurses-bin 6.4 20230625-2
- ubuntu/netbase 6.4
- ubuntu/nettle-dev 3.9.1-2
- ubuntu/ninja-build 1.11.1-1
- ubuntu/node-abbrev 1.1.1 ~1.1.2-1
- ubuntu/node-acorn 8.8.1 ds ~cs25.17.7-2
- ubuntu/node-agent-base 6.0.2 ~cs5.4.2-2
- ubuntu/node-ajv-keywords 3.5.2-2
- ubuntu/node-ajv 6.12.6-3
- ubuntu/node-ampproject-remapping 2.2.0 ~cs5.15.37-1
- ubuntu/node-ansi-escapes 5.0.0 really.4.3.1-1
- ubuntu/node-ansi-regex 5.0.1-1
- ubuntu/node-ansi-styles 6.2.1-2
- ubuntu/node-anymatch 3.1.3 ~cs4.6.1-2
- ubuntu/node-aproba 2.0.0-3
- ubuntu/node-archy 1.0.0-6
- ubuntu/node-are-we-there-yet 3.0.1 ~1.1.0-1
- ubuntu/node-argparse 2.0.1-2
- ubuntu/node-assert 2.0.0 ~cs3.9.8-2
- ubuntu/node-async-each 1.0.3-3
- ubuntu/node-async 0.8.0-6
- ubuntu/node-auto-bind 4.0.0-2
- ubuntu/node-babel-helper-define-polyfill-provider 0.3.3~0~20220913 ds1-1
- ubuntu/node-babel-plugin-add-module-exports 1.0.4 dfsg1~cs5.8.0-4
- ubuntu/node-babel-plugin-lodash 3.3.4 ~cs2.0.1-7
- ubuntu/node-babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs2 0.3.3~0~20220913 ds1-1
- ubuntu/node-babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs3 0.6.0~0~20220913 ds1-1
- ubuntu/node-babel-plugin-polyfill-regenerator 0.4.1~0~20220913 ds1-1
- ubuntu/node-babel7-runtime 7.20.15 ds1 ~cs214.269.168-4
- ubuntu/node-babel7 7.20.15 ds1 ~cs214.269.168-4
- ubuntu/node-balanced-match 2.0.0-1
- ubuntu/node-base64-js 1.5.1 dfsg ~1.3.0-2
- ubuntu/node-base 3.0.0-3
- ubuntu/node-binary-extensions 2.2.0-2
- ubuntu/node-bootstrap-sass 3.4.3-2
- ubuntu/node-brace-expansion 2.0.1-2
- ubuntu/node-braces 3.0.2 ~3.0.1-1
- ubuntu/node-browserslist 4.21.4 ~cs6.1.17-2
- ubuntu/node-builtins 5.0.1-1
- ubuntu/node-busboy 1.6.0 ~cs2.6.0-2
- ubuntu/node-cacache 17.0.3 ~cs10.3.7-1
- ubuntu/node-cache-base 4.0.2-1
- ubuntu/node-camelcase 7.0.0-3
- ubuntu/node-caniuse-lite 1.0.30001436 dfsg ~1.0.1-1
- ubuntu/node-chalk 5.2.0-1
- ubuntu/node-chokidar 3.5.3-2
- ubuntu/node-chownr 2.0.0-2
- ubuntu/node-chrome-trace-event 1.0.3-2
- ubuntu/node-ci-info 3.6.1 ~cs1.1.0-1
- ubuntu/node-cjs-module-lexer 1.2.2 dfsg-5
- ubuntu/node-cli-boxes 2.2.1-2
- ubuntu/node-cli-cursor 4.0.0-3
- ubuntu/node-cli-table 0.3.11 ~cs0.13.4-3
- ubuntu/node-cli-truncate 2.1.0-5
- ubuntu/node-cliui 7.0.4 repack ~cs3.1.0-4
- ubuntu/node-clone-deep 4.0.1 ~cs7.0.2-1
- ubuntu/node-clone 2.1.2-4
- ubuntu/node-collection-visit 1.0.0-4
- ubuntu/node-color-convert 2.0.1 ~cs2.0.0-2
- ubuntu/node-color-name 1.1.4 ~1.1.1-2
- ubuntu/node-colors 1.4.0-4
- ubuntu/node-columnify 1.6.0 ~1.5.1-1
- ubuntu/node-commander 9.4.1-1
- ubuntu/node-commondir 1.0.1 ~1.0.0-1
- ubuntu/node-concat-stream 2.0.0 ~2.0.0-2
- ubuntu/node-console-control-strings 1.1.0-3
- ubuntu/node-convert-source-map 1.9.0 ~1.5.2-1
- ubuntu/node-copy-concurrently 1.0.5-9
- ubuntu/node-core-js-compat 3.26.1-3
- ubuntu/node-core-js-pure 3.26.1-3
- ubuntu/node-core-js 3.26.1-3
- ubuntu/node-core-util-is 1.0.3-1
- ubuntu/node-coveralls 3.1.1-2build1
- ubuntu/node-css-loader 6.7.2 ~cs14.0.11-1
- ubuntu/node-css-selector-tokenizer 0.8.0 ~cs4.8.3-1
- ubuntu/node-data-uri-to-buffer 4.0.0-4
- ubuntu/node-debbundle-es-to-primitive 1.2.1 ~cs9.7.25-2
- ubuntu/node-debug 4.3.4 ~cs4.1.7-1
- ubuntu/node-decamelize 4.0.0-2
- ubuntu/node-decompress-response 6.0.0-2
- ubuntu/node-deep-equal 2.1.0 ~cs31.12.80-1
- ubuntu/node-deep-is 0.1.4-1
- ubuntu/node-defaults 1.0.4 ~1.0.3-1
- ubuntu/node-define-properties 1.1.4 ~1.1.3-1
- ubuntu/node-define-property 2.0.2 really 2.0.2-3
- ubuntu/node-defined 1.0.1 ~1.0.0-1
- ubuntu/node-del 7.0.0-5
- ubuntu/node-delegates 1.0.0-3
- ubuntu/node-depd 2.0.0-2
- ubuntu/node-diff 5.0.0~dfsg ~5.0.1-4
- ubuntu/node-doctrine 3.0.0-4
- ubuntu/node-electron-to-chromium 1.4.284-1
- ubuntu/node-encoding 0.1.13-2
- ubuntu/node-end-of-stream 1.4.4 ~1.4.1-1
- ubuntu/node-enhanced-resolve 5.10.0-1
- ubuntu/node-err-code 2.0.3 dfsg-3
- ubuntu/node-errno 1.0.0-3
- ubuntu/node-error-ex 1.3.2-4
- ubuntu/node-es-abstract 1.20.4 ~cs26.27.47-1
- ubuntu/node-es-module-lexer 1.1.0 dfsg-2
- ubuntu/node-es6-error 4.1.1-5
- ubuntu/node-escape-string-regexp 4.0.0-2
- ubuntu/node-escodegen 2.0.0 dfsg ~0.0.7-2
- ubuntu/node-eslint-scope 7.1.1 ~3.7.4-1
- ubuntu/node-eslint-utils 3.0.0-3
- ubuntu/node-eslint-visitor-keys 3.3.0 ~1.0.0-1
- ubuntu/node-espree 9.4.1~dfsg-2
- ubuntu/node-esprima 4.0.1 ds ~4.0.3-2
- ubuntu/node-esquery 1.4.2~ds-1
- ubuntu/node-esrecurse 4.3.0-2
- ubuntu/node-estraverse 5.3.0 ds ~5.1.1-1
- ubuntu/node-esutils 2.0.3 ~2.0.0-1
- ubuntu/node-events 3.3.0 ~3.0.0-3
- ubuntu/node-fancy-log 1.3.3 ~cs1.3.1-2
- ubuntu/node-fast-deep-equal 3.1.3-3
- ubuntu/node-fast-levenshtein 2.0.6 ds-3
- ubuntu/node-fetch 3.3.0 ~cs11.4.11-2
- ubuntu/node-file-entry-cache 6.0.1 ~3.0.4 ~2.0.0 ~1.0.0 ~2.0.1-1
- ubuntu/node-fill-range 7.0.1 ~7.0.0-1
- ubuntu/node-find-cache-dir 3.3.2 ~3.2.1-1
- ubuntu/node-find-up 6.3.0-7
- ubuntu/node-flat-cache 3.0.4~6.0.1 ~3.0.4 ~2.0.0 ~1.0.0 ~2.0.1-1
- ubuntu/node-flatted 3.2.7~ds-1
- ubuntu/node-for-in 1.0.2-4
- ubuntu/node-for-own 1.0.0-3
- ubuntu/node-foreground-child 3.1.1-2
- ubuntu/node-fs-readdir-recursive 1.1.0 ~1.1.0-1
- ubuntu/node-fs-write-stream-atomic 1.0.10-6
- ubuntu/node-fs.realpath 1.0.0-3
- ubuntu/node-function-bind 1.1.1 repacked ~1.0.3-2
- ubuntu/node-functional-red-black-tree 1.0.1 20181105-7
- ubuntu/node-gauge 4.0.4-2
- ubuntu/node-get-caller-file 2.0.5 ~cs1.1.1-4
- ubuntu/node-get-stream 6.0.1-1
- ubuntu/node-get-value 1:3.0.1-4
- ubuntu/node-glob-parent 6.0.2 ~5.1.1-2
- ubuntu/node-glob 8.0.3 ~cs8.4.15-1
- ubuntu/node-globals 13.18.0-1
- ubuntu/node-globby 13.1.3 ~cs16.25.40-1
- ubuntu/node-got 11.8.5 ~cs58.13.36-3
- ubuntu/node-graceful-fs 4.2.10-1
- ubuntu/node-growl 1.10.5-4
- ubuntu/node-gyp 9.3.0-2
- ubuntu/node-has-flag 4.0.0-3
- ubuntu/node-has-unicode 2.0.1-5
- ubuntu/node-has-value 2.0.2-4
- ubuntu/node-has-values 2.0.1-4
- ubuntu/node-highlight.js 9.18.5 dfsg1-2
- ubuntu/node-hosted-git-info 6.1.1-2
- ubuntu/node-html5shiv 3.7.3 dfsg-5
- ubuntu/node-https-proxy-agent 5.0.1 ~cs8.0.0-3
- ubuntu/node-iconv-lite 0.6.3-3
- ubuntu/node-icss-utils 5.1.0 ~5.1.0-1
- ubuntu/node-ieee754 1.2.1-3
- ubuntu/node-iferr 1.0.2 ~1.0.2-1
- ubuntu/node-ignore 5.2.1-1
- ubuntu/node-imurmurhash 0.1.4 dfsg ~0.1.1-2
- ubuntu/node-indent-string 4.0.0-2
- ubuntu/node-inflight 1.0.6-2
- ubuntu/node-inherits 2.0.4-6
- ubuntu/node-ini 3.0.1-2
- ubuntu/node-interpret 2.2.0-3
- ubuntu/node-ip-regex 4.3.0 ~4.1.1-1
- ubuntu/node-ip 2.0.0 ~1.1.0-1
- ubuntu/node-is-arrayish 0.3.2-3
- ubuntu/node-is-binary-path 2.1.0-5
- ubuntu/node-is-buffer 2.0.5-2
- ubuntu/node-is-descriptor 3.0.0-2
- ubuntu/node-is-extendable 1.0.1-3
- ubuntu/node-is-extglob 2.1.1-5
- ubuntu/node-is-glob 4.0.3-2
- ubuntu/node-is-number 7.0.0-4
- ubuntu/node-is-path-cwd 2.2.0-2
- ubuntu/node-is-path-inside 3.0.3-2
- ubuntu/node-is-plain-obj 3.0.0-2
- ubuntu/node-is-plain-object 5.0.0-7
- ubuntu/node-is-primitive 3.0.1-3
- ubuntu/node-is-stream 3.0.0-4
- ubuntu/node-is-typedarray 1.0.0-4
- ubuntu/node-is-windows 1.0.2 ~cs1.0.0-1
- ubuntu/node-isarray 2.0.5-4
- ubuntu/node-isexe 2.0.0 ~2.0.1-5
- ubuntu/node-isobject 4.0.0-2
- ubuntu/node-istanbul 0.4.5 repack10 ~cs98.25.59-2
- ubuntu/node-jest-debbundle 29.6.2~ds1 ~cs73.45.28-2
- ubuntu/node-jest-worker 29.6.2~ds1 ~cs73.45.28-2
- ubuntu/node-jquery 3.6.1 dfsg ~3.5.14-1
- ubuntu/node-js-tokens 8.0.0-2
- ubuntu/node-js-yaml 4.1.0 dfsg ~4.0.5-7
- ubuntu/node-jsesc 3.0.2 ~3.0.1-1
- ubuntu/node-json-buffer 3.0.1 ~3.0.0-1
- ubuntu/node-json-parse-better-errors 1.0.2 ~cs3.3.1-2
- ubuntu/node-json-schema-traverse 1.0.0-3
- ubuntu/node-json-schema 0.4.0 ~7.0.11-1
- ubuntu/node-json-stable-stringify 1.0.2 repack1 ~cs1.0.34-2
- ubuntu/node-json5 2.2.3 dfsg-1build1
- ubuntu/node-jsonify 0.0.1-1
- ubuntu/node-jsonparse 1.3.1-10
- ubuntu/node-kind-of 6.0.3 dfsg-2
- ubuntu/node-lcov-parse 1.0.0 20170612git80d039574ed9-6
- ubuntu/node-levn 0.4.1 dfsg-2
- ubuntu/node-loader-runner 4.3.0-1
- ubuntu/node-locate-path 7.1.1-2
- ubuntu/node-lodash-packages 4.17.21 dfsg ~cs8.31.198.20210220-9
- ubuntu/node-lodash 4.17.21 dfsg ~cs8.31.198.20210220-9
- ubuntu/node-log-driver 1.2.7 git 20180219 bba1761737-7
- ubuntu/node-lowercase-keys 2.0.0-2
- ubuntu/node-lru-cache 7.14.1-1
- ubuntu/node-make-dir 3.1.0-3
- ubuntu/node-map-visit 1.0.0-4
- ubuntu/node-memfs 3.4.12 ~cs1.0.3-1
- ubuntu/node-memory-fs 0.5.0 ~0.3.3-2
- ubuntu/node-merge-stream 2.0.0 ~1.1.2-2
- ubuntu/node-micromatch 4.0.5 ~4.0.2-1
- ubuntu/node-mime-types 2.1.35-1
- ubuntu/node-mime 3.0.0 dfsg ~cs6.97.2-1
- ubuntu/node-mimic-response 3.1.0-8
- ubuntu/node-minimatch 5.1.1 ~5.1.2-1
- ubuntu/node-minimist 1.2.7 ~cs5.3.2-2
- ubuntu/node-minipass 3.3.6 ~cs9.4.19-1
- ubuntu/node-mixin-deep 2.0.1-3
- ubuntu/node-mkdirp 1.0.4 ~1.0.2-4
- ubuntu/node-move-concurrently 1.0.1-5
- ubuntu/node-ms 2.1.3 ~cs0.7.31-3
- ubuntu/node-mute-stream 0.0.8 ~0.0.1-3
- ubuntu/node-n3 1.16.3 ~1.2.3 ~1.10.4-1
- ubuntu/node-negotiator 0.6.3 ~0.6.1-1
- ubuntu/node-neo-async 2.6.2 ~cs3.0.0-2
- ubuntu/node-nopt 5.0.0-4
- ubuntu/node-normalize-package-data 4.0.1 ~2.4.1-1
- ubuntu/node-normalize-path 3.0.0 ~3.0.0-1
- ubuntu/node-normalize.css 8.0.1-5
- ubuntu/node-npm-bundled 2.0.1-2
- ubuntu/node-npm-package-arg 10.0.0 ~3.0.0-2
- ubuntu/node-npm-run-path 5.1.0 ~4.0.0-8
- ubuntu/node-npmlog 7.0.1 ~4.1.4-1
- ubuntu/node-object-assign 4.1.1-7
- ubuntu/node-object-inspect 1.12.2 ~cs1.8.1-1
- ubuntu/node-object-visit 1.0.1-5
- ubuntu/node-once 1.4.0-7
- ubuntu/node-opener 1.5.2 ~1.4.0-1
- ubuntu/node-optimist 0.6.1 ~0.0.30-2
- ubuntu/node-optionator 0.9.1 dfsg ~cs1.2.3-1
- ubuntu/node-osenv 0.1.5 ~0.1.1-1
- ubuntu/node-p-cancelable 2.1.1-1
- ubuntu/node-p-limit 4.0.0 ~cs4.0.0-5
- ubuntu/node-p-locate 6.0.0-12
- ubuntu/node-p-map 4.0.0 ~3.1.0 ~3.0.1-1
- ubuntu/node-parse-json 5.2.0 ~cs5.1.7-1
- ubuntu/node-pascalcase 1.0.0-1
- ubuntu/node-path-dirname 1.0.2-2
- ubuntu/node-path-exists 5.0.0-8
- ubuntu/node-path-is-absolute 2.0.0-2
- ubuntu/node-path-is-inside 1.0.2 ~1.0.0-1
- ubuntu/node-path-type 4.0.0-3
- ubuntu/node-picocolors 1.0.0-4
- ubuntu/node-pify 5.0.0 ~cs5.0.1-1
- ubuntu/node-pkg-dir 5.0.0-2
- ubuntu/node-postcss-modules-extract-imports 3.0.0-2
- ubuntu/node-postcss-modules-values 4.0.0 ~4.0.0-1
- ubuntu/node-postcss-value-parser 4.2.0-1
- ubuntu/node-postcss 8.4.20 ~cs8.0.23-1
- ubuntu/node-prelude-ls 1.2.1 dfsg-3
- ubuntu/node-process-nextick-args 2.0.1-3
- ubuntu/node-progress 2.0.3-2
- ubuntu/node-promise-inflight 1.0.1 ~1.0.0-1
- ubuntu/node-promise-retry 2.0.1-4
- ubuntu/node-promzard 0.3.0-2
- ubuntu/node-prr 1.0.1-3
- ubuntu/node-pump 3.0.0-5
- ubuntu/node-punycode 2.2.3-2
- ubuntu/node-quick-lru 6.1.1-4
- ubuntu/node-randombytes 2.1.0 ~2.0.0-2
- ubuntu/node-read-package-json 5.0.2 ~2.0.0-1
- ubuntu/node-read-pkg 5.2.0-2
- ubuntu/node-read 1.0.7-5
- ubuntu/node-readable-stream 3.6.0 ~cs3.0.0-4build1
- ubuntu/node-readdirp 3.6.0-1
- ubuntu/node-rechoir 0.8.0 ~0.6.1-2
- ubuntu/node-regenerate-unicode-properties 10.1.0 ds-1
- ubuntu/node-regenerate 1.4.2-3
- ubuntu/node-regenerator-runtime 0.15.1 ~0.10.8-1
- ubuntu/node-regenerator-transform 0.15.1 ~0.10.8-1
- ubuntu/node-regexpp 3.2.0-4
- ubuntu/node-regexpu-core 5.2.2-3
- ubuntu/node-regjsgen 0.7.1 ds-1
- ubuntu/node-regjsparser 0.9.1 ds-2
- ubuntu/node-repeat-string 1.6.1 repack-1
- ubuntu/node-require-directory 2.1.1 ~2.1.2-1
- ubuntu/node-resolve-cwd 3.0.0-2
- ubuntu/node-resolve-from 5.0.0 ~3.1.0 ~3.3.0 ~2.0.0-1
- ubuntu/node-resolve 1.22.1 ~cs5.31.10-1
- ubuntu/node-restore-cursor 4.0.0-4
- ubuntu/node-resumer 0.0.0-6
- ubuntu/node-retry 0.13.1 ~0.12.1-1
- ubuntu/node-rimraf 3.0.2-2
- ubuntu/node-run-queue 2.0.0-3
- ubuntu/node-safe-buffer 5.2.1 ~cs2.1.2-3
- ubuntu/node-schema-utils 3.1.1~ds-2
- ubuntu/node-sellside-emitter 1.2.1-3
- ubuntu/node-semver 7.5.4 ~7.5.0-2
- ubuntu/node-serialize-javascript 6.0.1-1
- ubuntu/node-set-blocking 2.0.0-2
- ubuntu/node-set-immediate-shim 2.0.0-2
- ubuntu/node-set-value 4.1.0 ~4.0.1-2
- ubuntu/node-shebang-command 2.0.0-1
- ubuntu/node-shebang-regex 3.0.0-2
- ubuntu/node-shell-quote 1.7.4 ~1.7.1-1
- ubuntu/node-signal-exit 4.1.0-5
- ubuntu/node-slash 4.0.0-3
- ubuntu/node-slice-ansi 5.0.0 ~cs9.0.0-5
- ubuntu/node-source-list-map 2.0.1 dfsg ~0.1.2-1
- ubuntu/node-source-map-support 0.5.21 ds ~0.5.4-1
- ubuntu/node-source-map 0.7.0 dfsg2 really.0.6.1-15
- ubuntu/node-spdx-correct 3.1.1-2
- ubuntu/node-spdx-exceptions 2.3.0-2
- ubuntu/node-spdx-expression-parse 3.0.1 ~3.0.1-1
- ubuntu/node-spdx-license-ids 3.0.12-1
- ubuntu/node-sprintf-js 1.1.2 ds1 ~1.1.2-1
- ubuntu/node-ssri 9.0.1-2
- ubuntu/node-stack-utils 2.0.6 ~2.0.1-1
- ubuntu/node-string-decoder 1.3.0-6
- ubuntu/node-string-width 4.2.3 ~cs13.2.3-1
- ubuntu/node-strip-ansi 6.0.1-2
- ubuntu/node-strip-bom 4.0.0-2
- ubuntu/node-strip-json-comments 4.0.0-4
- ubuntu/node-supports-color 8.1.1 ~8.1.1-1
- ubuntu/node-tap-mocha-reporter 5.0.3 ~2.0.2-2
- ubuntu/node-tap-parser 11.0.2 ~cs2.1.4-1
- ubuntu/node-tap 16.3.7 ds1 ~cs50.9.19-2
- ubuntu/node-tapable 2.2.1-3
- ubuntu/node-tape 5.6.1 ~cs8.20.19-1
- ubuntu/node-tar 6.1.13 ~cs7.0.5-1
- ubuntu/node-terser 5.19.2-1
- ubuntu/node-text-table 0.2.0-4
- ubuntu/node-through 2.3.8 ~cs0.0.30-1
- ubuntu/node-time-stamp 2.2.0-2
- ubuntu/node-to-fast-properties 3.0.1-3
- ubuntu/node-to-regex-range 5.0.1-4
- ubuntu/node-tslib 2.4.1-1
- ubuntu/node-type-check 0.4.0 dfsg-3
- ubuntu/node-typedarray-to-buffer 4.0.0-2
- ubuntu/node-typedarray 0.0.7-1
- ubuntu/node-undici 5.22.1 dfsg1 ~cs20.10.10.2-1ubuntu1
- ubuntu/node-unicode-canonical-property-names-ecmascript 2.0.0-2
- ubuntu/node-unicode-match-property-ecmascript 2.0.0-2
- ubuntu/node-unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript 2.1.0 ds-1
- ubuntu/node-unicode-property-aliases-ecmascript 2.1.0 ds-1
- ubuntu/node-union-value 2.0.1-4
- ubuntu/node-unique-filename 1.1.1 ds-2
- ubuntu/node-unset-value 2.0.1-1
- ubuntu/node-uri-js 4.4.0 dfsg-8
- ubuntu/node-util-deprecate 1.0.2-3
- ubuntu/node-util 0.12.5 ~1.0.10-1
- ubuntu/node-uuid 8.3.2 ~8.3.3-4
- ubuntu/node-v8-compile-cache 2.3.0-3
- ubuntu/node-v8flags 3.2.0 ~3.1.1-1
- ubuntu/node-validate-npm-package-license 3.0.4-2
- ubuntu/node-validate-npm-package-name 5.0.0 ~4.0.0-1
- ubuntu/node-watchpack 2.4.0 ~cs2.8.1-1
- ubuntu/node-wcwidth.js 1.0.2-2
- ubuntu/node-webassemblyjs 1.11.4 dfsg ~cs10.11.17-2
- ubuntu/node-webpack-sources 3.2.3 ~3.2.0-2
- ubuntu/node-which 2.0.2 ~cs1.3.2-3
- ubuntu/node-wide-align 1.1.3-4
- ubuntu/node-widest-line 3.1.0-2
- ubuntu/node-wordwrap 1.0.0-4
- ubuntu/node-wrap-ansi 8.0.1 ~8.0.1-3
- ubuntu/node-wrappy 1.0.2-3
- ubuntu/node-write-file-atomic 4.0.2 ~4.0.0-2
- ubuntu/node-write 2.0.0~6.0.1 ~3.0.4 ~2.0.0 ~1.0.0 ~2.0.1-1
- ubuntu/node-ws 8.11.0 ~cs13.7.3-1
- ubuntu/node-xtend 4.0.2-3
- ubuntu/node-y18n 5.0.8 ~5.0.0-3
- ubuntu/node-yallist 4.0.0 ~4.0.1-1
- ubuntu/node-yaml 2.3.1-2
- ubuntu/node-yargs-parser 21.1.1 ~21.0.0-4
- ubuntu/node-yargs 16.2.0 ~16.0.4-7
- ubuntu/nodejs-doc 18.13.0 dfsg1-1ubuntu2
- ubuntu/nodejs 18.13.0 dfsg1-1ubuntu2
- ubuntu/npm 9.2.0~ds1-1
- ubuntu/nvidia-utils-535-server 535.54.03-0ubuntu1
- ubuntu/ocl-icd-libopencl1 2.3.2-1
- ubuntu/openssh-client 1:9.3p1-1ubuntu3
- ubuntu/openssl 3.0.10-1ubuntu2
- ubuntu/pandoc-data
- ubuntu/pandoc
- ubuntu/passwd 1:4.13 dfsg1-1ubuntu1
- ubuntu/patch 2.7.6-7build2
- ubuntu/perl-base 5.36.0-7ubuntu1
- ubuntu/perl-modules-5.36 5.36.0-7ubuntu1
- ubuntu/perl-openssl-defaults 7
- ubuntu/perl 5.36.0-7ubuntu1
- ubuntu/pinentry-curses 1.2.1-1ubuntu1
- ubuntu/pkg-config 1.8.1-2
- ubuntu/pkgconf-bin 1.8.1-2
- ubuntu/pkgconf 1.8.1-2
- ubuntu/pocketsphinx-en-us 0.8.0 real5prealpha 1-15ubuntu1
- ubuntu/poppler-data 0.4.12-1
- ubuntu/procps 2:4.0.3-1ubuntu1
- ubuntu/proj-bin 9.2.1-1
- ubuntu/proj-data 9.2.1-1
- ubuntu/publicsuffix 20230209.2326-1
- ubuntu/pwgen 2.08-2build1
- ubuntu/python3-cliapp 1.20180812.1-4
- ubuntu/python3-dev 3.11.4-5
- ubuntu/python3-distutils 3.11.5-1
- ubuntu/python3-lib2to3 3.11.5-1
- ubuntu/python3-mako 1.2.4 ds-2
- ubuntu/python3-markdown 3.4.4-1
- ubuntu/python3-markupsafe 2.1.3-1
- ubuntu/python3-minimal 3.11.4-5
- ubuntu/python3-pip-whl 23.2 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/python3-pip 23.2 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/python3-pkg-resources 68.1.2-1
- ubuntu/python3-pygments 2.15.1 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/python3-setuptools-whl 68.1.2-1
- ubuntu/python3-setuptools 68.1.2-1
- ubuntu/python3-six 1.16.0-4
- ubuntu/python3-ttystatus 0.38-4
- ubuntu/python3-venv 3.11.4-5
- ubuntu/python3-wheel 0.41.0-2
- ubuntu/python3-yaml 6.0.1-1
- ubuntu/python3.11-dev 3.11.4-1
- ubuntu/python3.11-minimal 3.11.4-1
- ubuntu/python3.11-venv 3.11.4-1
- ubuntu/python3.11 3.11.4-1
- ubuntu/python3 3.11.4-5
- ubuntu/r-base-core 4.3.1-4
- ubuntu/r-base-dev 4.3.1-4
- ubuntu/r-bioc-biobase 2.60.0-1
- ubuntu/r-bioc-biocgenerics 0.46.0-1
- ubuntu/r-bioc-biocversion 3.17.1-1
- ubuntu/r-bioc-graph 1.78.0-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-abind 1.4-5-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-acepack 1.4.1-2build3
- ubuntu/r-cran-admisc 0.33-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-aer 1.2-10-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-ape 5.7-1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-askpass 1.1-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-av 0.8.4 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-backports 1.4.1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-base64enc 0.1-3-3
- ubuntu/r-cran-bdsmatrix 1.3-6-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-bench 1.1.3-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-bh 1.81.0-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-biasedurn 2.0.10-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-biocmanager 1.30.22 dfsg-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-bit64 4.0.5-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-bit 4.0.5-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-bitops 1.0-7-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-blob 1.2.4-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-bookdown 0.32 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-boot 1.3-28.1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-brew 1.0-8-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-brglm2 0.9 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-brio 1.1.3-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-broom 1.0.5 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-bslib 0.4.2 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-dotcall64 1.0-2-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-cachem 1.0.8-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-cairo 1.6-0-4
- ubuntu/r-cran-callr 3.7.3-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-car 3.1-2-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-cardata 3.0.5-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-caret 6.0-94 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-catools 1.18.2-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-cba 0.2-23-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-cellranger 1.1.0-3
- ubuntu/r-cran-checkmate 2.2.0-3
- ubuntu/r-cran-chron 2.3-61-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-class 7.3-22-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-classint 0.4-9 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-cli 3.6.1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-cliapp 0.1.1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-clipr 0.8.0-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-clock 0.7.0-1.1
- ubuntu/r-cran-clubsandwich 0.5.10-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-clue 0.3-64-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-cluster 2.1.4-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-cmprsk 2.2-11-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-codetools 0.2-19-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-collapse 1.9.6-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-colorspace 2.1-0 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-commonmark 1.9.0-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-conquer 1.3.3-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-covr 3.6.2 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-cpp11 0.4.6-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-crayon 1.5.2-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-credentials 1.3.2-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-crosstalk 1.2.0 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-cubelyr 1.0.2-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-curl 5.0.1 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-cvst 0.2-3-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-data.table 1.14.8 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-date 1.2.42-1
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- ubuntu/r-cran-dbitest 1.7.3-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-dbplyr 2.3.3 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-ddalpha 1.3.13-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-decor 1.0.2-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-deldir 1.0-9-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-deoptimr 1.1-1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-desc 1.4.2-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-devtools 2.4.5-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-dfoptim 2020.10-1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-diagram 1.6.5-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-diffobj 0.3.5-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-digest 0.6.33-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-dimred 0.2.6-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-docopt 0.7.1-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-domc 1.3.8-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-doparallel 1.0.17-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-downlit 0.4.3-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-dplyr 1.1.2-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-drr 0.0.4-2build1
- ubuntu/r-cran-dt 0.28 dfsg-1
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- ubuntu/r-cran-e1071 1.7-13-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-earth 5.3.2-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-ellipse 0.5.0-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-ellipsis 0.3.2-2
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- ubuntu/r-cran-energy 1.7-11-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-enrichwith 0.3.1 dfsg-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-epi 2.47.1-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-estimability 1.4.1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-etm 1.1.1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-evaluate 0.21-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-evd 2.3-6.1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-exactextractr 0.9.1-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-fansi 1.0.4-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-farver 2.1.1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-fastica 1.2-3-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-fastmap 1.1.1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-fastmatch 1.1-3-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-fields 14.1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-filehash 2.4-5-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-fnn
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- ubuntu/r-cran-fontbitstreamvera 0.1.1 dfsg-4build1
- ubuntu/r-cran-fontliberation 0.1.0 dfsg-5
- ubuntu/r-cran-fontquiver 0.2.1-4
- ubuntu/r-cran-forcats 1.0.0-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-foreach 1.5.2-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-foreign 0.8.84-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-formatr 1.14-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-formattable 0.2.1 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-formula 1.2-5-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-fs 1.6.3 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-fts
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- ubuntu/r-cran-future.apply 1.11.0 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-future 1.33.0 dfsg-1
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- ubuntu/r-cran-gdata 2.19.0-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-geepack 1.3.9-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-generics 0.1.3-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-geoknife 1.6.11 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-geometry 0.4.7-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-geosphere 1.5-18-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-gert 1.9.3 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-gganimate 1.0.8-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-ggforce 0.4.1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-ggplot2 3.4.2 dfsg-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-ggthemes 4.2.4-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-gh 1.4.0-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-git2r 0.32.0 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-gitcreds 0.1.2-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-glmmtmb 1.1.7 dfsg-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-globals 0.16.2-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-glue 1.6.2-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-goftest 1.2-3-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-googlevis 0.7.1 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-gower 1.0.1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-gplots 3.1.3-1
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- ubuntu/r-cran-gridextra 2.3-3build1
- ubuntu/r-cran-gridsvg 1.7-5-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-gsl 2.1-8-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-gstat 2.1-1-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-gtable 0.3.3 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-gtools 3.9.4-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-hardhat 1.3.0 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-haven 2.5.3-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-here 1.0.1-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-hexbin 1.28.3-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-highr 0.10 dfsg-1
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- ubuntu/r-cran-hms 1.1.3-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-htmltable 2.4.1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-htmltools 0.5.5-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-htmlwidgets 1.6.2 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-httpuv 1.6.11 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-httr2 0.2.3-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-httr 1.4.6 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-hunspell 3.0.2 dfsg-3
- ubuntu/r-cran-igraph
- ubuntu/r-cran-ini 0.3.1-2build1
- ubuntu/r-cran-interp 1.1-4-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-intervals 0.15.4-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-ipred 0.9-14-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-irdisplay 1.1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-irkernel 1.3.2-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-irlba
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- ubuntu/r-cran-isocodes 2022.09.29-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-iterators 1.0.14-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-jpeg 0.1-10-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-jquerylib 0.1.4 dfsg-4
- ubuntu/r-cran-jsonlite 1.8.5 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-kernlab 0.9-32-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-kernsmooth 2.23-22-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-kmi 0.5.5-2build1
- ubuntu/r-cran-knitr 1.43 dfsg-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-ks 1.14.0-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-labeling 0.4.2-1
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- ubuntu/r-cran-lattice 0.21-8-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-latticeextra 0.6-30-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-lava dfsg-1
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- ubuntu/r-cran-lazyeval 0.2.2-1build1
- ubuntu/r-cran-lbfgsb3c 2020-3.2-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-lifecycle 1.0.3 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-linprog 0.9-4-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-listenv 0.9.0 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-littler 0.3.18-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-lme4 1.1-34-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-lmertest 3.1-3-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-lmtest 0.9.40-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-lobstr 1.1.2-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-logcondens 2.1.7-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-lpsolve 5.6.18-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-lubridate 1.9.2 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-lwgeom 0.2-13-1
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- ubuntu/r-cran-magick 2.7.4 dfsg-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-magrittr 2.0.3-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-mapdata 2.3.1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-mapproj 1.2.11-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-maps 3.4.1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-maptools 1:1.1-8 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-markdown 1.7 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-mass 7.3-60-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-mathjaxr 1.6-0-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-matrix 1.6-1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-matrixmodels 0.5-2-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-matrixstats 1.0.0-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-maxlik 1.5-2-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-mclust 6.0.0-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-mda 0.5-4-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-memoise 2.0.1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-metadat 1.2-0-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-metafor 4.2-0-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-mets 1.3.2 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-mgcv 1.9-0-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-mime 0.12-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-miniui
- ubuntu/r-cran-minqa 1.2.5-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-misc3d 0.9-1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-misctools 0.6-28-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-mitools 2.4-2build1
- ubuntu/r-cran-mlbench 2.1-3.1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-mlmetrics 1.1.1-3build1
- ubuntu/r-cran-mlmrev 1.0-8-2build1
- ubuntu/r-cran-mockery 0.4.3 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-mockr 0.2.1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-modeldata 1.1.0-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-modelmetrics
- ubuntu/r-cran-multcomp 1.4-25-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-multicool 0.1-12-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-munsell 0.5.0-2build1
- ubuntu/r-cran-mvtnorm 1.2-2-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-ncdf4 1.21-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-ncdfgeom 1.1.5 dfsg-3
- ubuntu/r-cran-ncmeta 0.3.5-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-nlme 3.1.163-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-nloptr 2.0.3-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-nmf 0.26-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-nnet 7.3-19-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-numderiv 2016.8-1.1-3
- ubuntu/r-cran-openssl 2.0.6 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-openxlsx
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- ubuntu/r-cran-packrat 0.9.1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-palmerpenguins 0.1.1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-pammtools 0.5.91-3
- ubuntu/r-cran-parallelly 1.36.0-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-pbapply 1.7-2-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-pbdzmq 0.3.9 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-pbkrtest 0.5.2-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-pcapp 2.0-3-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-pcict 0.5-4.4-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-pec 2023.04.12-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-permute 0.9-7-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-phangorn 2.11.1 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-pillar 1.9.0 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-pingr 2.0.2-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-pkgbuild 1.4.2-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-pkgconfig 2.0.3-2build1
- ubuntu/r-cran-pkgdown 2.0.7-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-pkgkitten 0.2.3-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-pkgload
- ubuntu/r-cran-plm 2.6-3-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-plogr 0.2.0-3build1
- ubuntu/r-cran-plot3d 1.4-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-plotmo 3.6.2-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-plotrix 3.8-2-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-pls 2.8-2-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-plumber 1.2.1 ds-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-plyr 1.8.8-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-png 0.1-8-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-polspline 1.1.23-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-polyclip 1.10-4-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-polycor 0.8-1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-popepi 0.4.10 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-pracma 2.4.2-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-praise 1.0.0-4build1
- ubuntu/r-cran-prettycode 1.1.0-2build1
- ubuntu/r-cran-prettyunits 1.1.1-2build1
- ubuntu/r-cran-proc 1.18.2-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-processx 3.8.2-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-prodlim 2023.03.31-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-profmem 0.6.0 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-profvis 0.3.8 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-progress 1.2.2-2build1
- ubuntu/r-cran-progressr 0.13.0-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-promises dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-proxy 0.4-27-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-ps 1.7.5-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-pscl
- ubuntu/r-cran-publish 2023.01.17-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-purrr 1.0.1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-quadprog 1.5-8-1build1
- ubuntu/r-cran-quantmod 0.4.24-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-quantreg 5.96-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-r.cache 0.16.0-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-r.devices 2.17.1 ds-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-r.methodss3 1.8.2-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-r.oo 1.25.0-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-r.rsp 0.45.0 ds-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-r.utils 2.12.2-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-r6 2.5.1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-ragg 1.2.5-3
- ubuntu/r-cran-randomforest 4.7-1.1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-ranger 0.15.1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-rann 2.6.1-1build2
- ubuntu/r-cran-rappdirs 0.3.3-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-raster 3.6-23-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-rbibutils 2.2.13-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-rcmdcheck 1.4.0-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-rcolorbrewer 1.1-3-1build1
- ubuntu/r-cran-rcpp 1.0.11-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-rcpparmadillo
- ubuntu/r-cran-rcppeigen
- ubuntu/r-cran-rcppprogress 0.4.2-2build1
- ubuntu/r-cran-rcpproll 0.3.0-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-rcpptoml 0.2.2 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-rcurl 1.98-1.12 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-rdpack 2.4-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-readr 2.1.4-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-readxl 1.4.3-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-recipes 1.0.5 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-registry 0.5-1-2build1
- ubuntu/r-cran-relsurv 2.2-9-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-rematch2 2.1.2-2build1
- ubuntu/r-cran-rematch 1.0.1-3
- ubuntu/r-cran-remotes dfsg-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-renv 1.0.2-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-repr 1.1.6-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-reshape2 1.4.4-2build1
- ubuntu/r-cran-reticulate 1.30 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-rex 1.2.1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-rgl 1.2.1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-rio 0.5.29-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-riskregression 2023.03.22 ds-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-rlang 1.1.1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-rmarkdown 2.23 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-rms 6.7-0-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-rmysql 0.10.25-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-rnetcdf 2.6-2-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-rngtools 1.5.2-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-robumeta 2.1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-robustbase 0.99-0-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-rocr 1.0-11-2build1
- ubuntu/r-cran-rose 0.0-4-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-roxygen2 7.2.3-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-rpart 4.1.19-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-rpostgresql 0.7-5 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-rprojroot 2.0.3-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-rsample 1.1.1 dfsg-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-rsconnect 1.0.1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-rsolnp 1.16 dfsg-4build1
- ubuntu/r-cran-rspectra 0.16-1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-rsqlite 2.3.1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-rstudioapi 0.15.0-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-rsvg 2.4.0-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-rtsne 0.16-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-runit 0.4.32-3
- ubuntu/r-cran-rversions 2.1.2-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-s2 1.1.4-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-sandwich 3.0-2-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-sass 0.4.7 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-scales 1.2.1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-scatterplot3d 0.3-44-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-selectr 0.4-2-2build1
- ubuntu/r-cran-sessioninfo 1.2.2-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-setrng 2022.4-1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-sf 1.0-14 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-sfsmisc 1.1-15-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-sftime 0.2-0-6
- ubuntu/r-cran-shape 1.4.6-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-shiny dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-slider 0.3.0-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-smcfcs 1.7.1 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-sodium 1.2.1 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-sourcetools 0.1.7-1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-sp 1:1.6-0 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-spacetime 1.3-0 dfsg-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-spam 2.9-1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-sparsem 1.81-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-spatial 7.3-17-1
- ubuntu/ 3.0-1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-spatstat.explore 3.2-1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-spatstat.geom 3.2-4-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-spatstat.linnet 3.1-1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-spatstat.model 3.2-4-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-spatstat.random 3.1-5-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-spatstat.sparse 3.0-2-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-spatstat.utils 3.0-3-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-spatstat 3.0-6-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-spdata 2.3.0-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-spdep 1.2-8 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-spelling 2.2.1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-squarem 2021.1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-stars 0.6-3-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-statmod 1.5.0-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-stringi 1.7.12-1build1
- ubuntu/r-cran-stringr 1.5.0-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-strucchange 1.5-3-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-survival 3.5-7-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-svglite 2.1.1-3
- ubuntu/r-cran-swagger 3.33.1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-sys 3.4.2-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-systemfit 1.1-30-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-systemfonts 1.0.4-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-teachingdemos 2.12-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-tensor 1.5-4
- ubuntu/r-cran-terra 1.7-39-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-testit 0.13-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-testthat 3.1.10-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-textshaping 0.3.6-1
- ubuntu/ 1.1-2-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-thematic
- ubuntu/r-cran-themis 1.0.0-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-tibble 3.2.1 dfsg-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-tidyr 1.3.0-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-tidyselect 1.2.0 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-tikzdevice 0.12.4-3
- ubuntu/r-cran-timechange 0.2.0-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-timedate 4022.108-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-timereg 2.0.5-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-timeseries 4030.106-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-tinytest 1.4.1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-tinytex 0.45-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-tmb 1.9.6-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-transformr 0.1.4-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-truncdist 1.0-2-4build1
- ubuntu/r-cran-truncnorm 1.0-9-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-tseries 0.10-54-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-ttr 0.24.3-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-tweenr 2.0.2-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-tzdb 0.4.0-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-ucminf 1.2.0-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-units 0.8-2 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-urca 1.3-3-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-urlchecker 1.0.1-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-usethis 2.2.2-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-utf8 1.2.3-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-uuid 1.1-0-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-vctrs 0.6.3-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-vdiffr 1.0.5-3
- ubuntu/r-cran-vegan 2.6-4 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-vgam 1.1-8-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-viridis 0.6.4-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-viridislite 0.4.2-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-vroom 1.6.3-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-waldo 0.5.1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-warp 0.2.0-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-webfakes 1.2.0-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-webshot 0.5.5-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-webutils 1.1-1build1
- ubuntu/r-cran-whisker 0.4.1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-withr 2.5.0-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-wk 0.7.3-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-wkutils 0.1.3-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-xfun 0.39 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-xml2 1.3.5-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-xml 3.99-0.14-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-xopen 1.0.0 dfsg-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-xtable 1:1.8-4-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-xts 0.13.1-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-yaml 2.3.7-1
- ubuntu/r-cran-zip 2.3.0-2
- ubuntu/r-cran-zoo 1.8-12-2
- ubuntu/r-doc-html 4.3.1-4
- ubuntu/r-recommended 4.3.1-4
- ubuntu/readline-common 8.2-1.3
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- ubuntu/rsync 3.2.7-1
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- ubuntu/tcl8.6 8.6.13 dfsg-2
- ubuntu/tcl 8.6.13
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- ubuntu/tzdata 2023c-7ubuntu1
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- ubuntu/ucf 3.0043 nmu1
- ubuntu/unixodbc-common 2.3.12-1
- ubuntu/unzip 6.0-28ubuntu1
- ubuntu/usrmerge 35ubuntu1
- ubuntu/util-linux-extra 2.39.1-4ubuntu1
- ubuntu/util-linux 2.39.1-4ubuntu1
- ubuntu/uuid-dev 2.39.1-4ubuntu1
- ubuntu/va-driver-all 2.18.0-1
- ubuntu/vdpau-driver-all 1.5-2
- ubuntu/webpack 5.76.1 dfsg1 ~cs17.16.16-1
- ubuntu/x11-common 1:7.7 23ubuntu2
- ubuntu/x11-utils 7.7 5build2
- ubuntu/x11-xserver-utils 7.7 9build1
- ubuntu/x11proto-core-dev 2023.2-1
- ubuntu/x11proto-dev 2023.2-1
- ubuntu/xauth 1:1.1.2-1
- ubuntu/xdg-user-dirs 0.18-1
- ubuntu/xdg-utils 1.1.3-4.1ubuntu3
- ubuntu/xfonts-encodings 1:1.0.5-0ubuntu2
- ubuntu/xfonts-utils 1:7.7 6build2
- ubuntu/xkb-data 2.38-2
- ubuntu/xml-core 0.18 nmu1
- ubuntu/xorg-sgml-doctools 1:1.11-1.1
- ubuntu/xtrans-dev 1.4.0-1
- ubuntu/xz-utils 5.4.1-0.2
- ubuntu/zip 3.0-13
- ubuntu/zlib1g-dev 1:1.2.13.dfsg-1ubuntu5
- ubuntu/zlib1g 1:1.2.13.dfsg-1ubuntu5
- ubuntu/zutty dfsg1-2
- bash 5.2.15
- EndBug/add-and-commit v4
- actions/checkout v2
- actions/checkout v2.4.0
- actions/setup-node v1
- actions/setup-node v2.1.5
- actions/setup-node v2.5.1
- ad-m/github-push-action v0.5.0
- fastify/github-action-merge-dependabot v1
- fastify/github-action-merge-dependabot v3
- ljharb/actions main
- ljharb/actions main
- ljharb/rebase master
- ljharb/require-allow-edits main
- Babel 2.12.1
- Bottleneck 1.3.7
- Cython 3.0.2
- Deprecated 1.2.14
- Flask 2.2.5
- GitPython 3.1.32
- HeapDict 1.0.1
- Jinja2 3.1.2
- Mako 1.2.4.dev0
- Markdown 3.4.4
- MarkupSafe 2.1.3
- Nasdaq-Data-Link 1.0.4
- Pillow 10.0.0
- PyGObject 3.44.1
- PyJWT 2.8.0
- PyMySQL 1.1.0
- PySocks 1.7.1
- PyWavelets 1.4.1
- PyYAML 6.0.1
- Pygments 2.15.1
- QtPy 2.4.0
- SQLAlchemy 2.0.20
- SecretStorage 3.3.3
- Send2Trash 1.8.2
- Werkzeug 2.2.3
- aiofile 3.8.8
- aiofiles 22.1.0
- aiohttp 3.8.5
- aiosignal 1.3.1
- aiosqlite 0.19.0
- alembic 1.11.3
- altair 5.0.1
- amazon-braket-default-simulator 1.20.0
- amazon-braket-schemas 1.19.1
- amazon-braket-sdk 1.54.3
- ansi2html 1.8.0
- ansiwrap 0.8.4
- antlr4-python3-runtime 4.9.2
- anyio 4.0.0
- apipkg 2.0.0
- appdirs 1.4.4
- aquirdturtle-collapsible-headings 3.0.1
- argon2-cffi-bindings 21.2.0
- argon2-cffi 23.1.0
- argparse 1.4.0
- args 0.1.0
- arrow 1.2.3
- asteval 0.9.31
- asttokens 2.2.1
- async-generator 1.10
- async-lru 2.0.2
- async-timeout 4.0.3
- attrs 23.1.0
- autopep8 2.0.2
- azure-core 1.29.3
- azure-identity 1.14.0
- azure-quantum 0.28.277227
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- backcall 0.2.0
- backoff 2.2.1
- backports.functools-lru-cache 1.6.5
- bcrypt 4.0.1
- beautifulsoup4 4.12.2
- bleach 6.0.0
- blinker 1.6.2
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- bokeh 3.2.0
- boltons 23.0.0
- boto3 1.28.38
- botocore 1.31.38
- brotlipy 0.7.0
- build 0.10.0
- bytecode 0.13.0.dev0
- cached-property 1.5.2
- caio 0.9.13
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- cffi 1.15.1
- charset-normalizer 3.2.0
- clear 2.0.0
- cliapp 1.20180812.1
- click 8.1.7
- clint 0.5.1
- cloudpickle 2.2.1
- cmdtest 0.32 git
- colorama 0.4.6
- colorcet 3.0.1
- coloredlogs 15.0.1
- colour 0.1.5
- comm 0.1.4
- conan 2.0.7
- contourpy 1.1.0
- coverage 7.3.0
- cryptography 41.0.3
- cvxpy 1.3.2
- cycler 0.11.0
- cytoolz 0.12.1
- dash-core-components 2.0.0
- dash-html-components 2.0.0
- dash-table 5.0.0
- dash 2.13.0
- dask 2023.6.1
- dbus-next 0.2.3
- dbus-python 1.2.18
- debugpy 1.6.7.post1
- decorator 5.1.1
- defusedxml 0.7.1
- deprecation 2.1.0
- dill 0.3.7
- distributed 2023.6.1
- distro-info 1.0
- distro 1.8.0
- docplex 2.25.236
- ecos 2.0.12
- entrypoints 0.4
- et-xmlfile 1.1.0
- executing 1.2.0
- fastdtw 0.3.4
- fasteners 0.18
- fastjsonschema 2.18.0
- flatbuffers 23.5.26
- flit_core 3.9.0
- fonttools 4.42.1
- fqdn 1.5.1
- frozendict 2.3.8
- frozenlist 1.4.0
- fsspec 2023.6.0
- future 0.18.3
- gaqqie-door 0.2.0
- gitdb 4.0.10
- gmpy2 2.1.5
- graphviz 0.20.1
- greenlet 2.0.2
- gyp 0.1
- h5py 3.9.0
- html5lib 1.1
- httplib2 0.22.0
- humanfriendly 10.0
- ibm-cloud-sdk-core 3.16.7
- ibm-platform-services 0.40.0
- ibm-q-lab-server-extension 4.0.28
- ibm-q-lab-ui-extensions 4.0.28
- ibm-quantum-widgets 4.0.28
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- idna 3.4
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- imageio 2.31.2
- importlib-metadata 6.8.0
- importlib-resources 5.12.0
- inflection 0.5.1
- iniconfig 1.1.1
- ipykernel 6.25.1
- ipympl 0.9.3
- ipysheet 0.7.0
- ipython-genutils 0.2.0
- ipython 8.14.0
- ipywidgets 8.1.0
- iqm-client 12.5
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- isoduration 20.11.0
- itsdangerous 2.1.2
- jaraco.classes 3.3.0
- jedi 0.19.0
- jeepney 0.8.0
- jlab-enhanced-cell-toolbar 3.5.1
- jmespath 1.0.1
- joblib 1.3.2
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- jsonschema 4.19.0
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- jupyter-resource-usage 0.7.2
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- jupyterlab 3.6.1
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- jupyterlab_vega3 3.3.0
- kaleidoscope 0.2.0
- keyring 24.2.0
- kiwisolver 1.4.5
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- lazr.restfulclient 0.14.5
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- lazy_loader 0.3
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- lmfit 1.2.2
- locket 1.0.0
- lxml 4.9.3
- lz4 4.3.2
- mamba 0.11.2
- manimlib 0.2.0
- mapomatic 0.8.0
- markdown-it-py 3.0.0
- matplotlib-inline 0.1.6
- matplotlib 3.7.2
- mdurl 0.1.2
- mistune 3.0.1
- more-itertools 10.1.0
- mpmath 1.3.0
- msal-extensions 1.0.0
- msal 1.23.0
- msgpack 1.0.5
- msrest 0.7.1
- mthree 2.5.1
- multidict 6.0.4
- multiset 3.0.1
- multitasking 0.0.11
- munkres 1.1.4
- mypy-extensions 1.0.0
- nbclassic 1.0.0
- nbclient 0.7.4
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- nbdime 3.2.1
- nbformat 5.9.2
- nbgitpuller 1.1.1
- ndindex 1.7
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- netifaces 0.11.0
- networkx 3.1
- notebook 6.5.5
- notebook_shim 0.2.3
- numba 0.57.1
- numexpr 2.8.5
- numpy 1.24.4
- nxpd 0.2.0
- oauthlib 3.2.2
- onetimepass 1.0.1
- onnxruntime 1.15.1
- opencv-python
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- opt-einsum 3.3.0
- oqpy 0.2.1
- orjson 3.9.5
- osqp 0.6.3
- overrides 7.4.0
- packaging 23.1
- pamela 1.1.0
- pandas 2.1.0
- pandocfilters 1.5.0
- papermill 2.4.0
- param 1.13.0
- parso 0.8.3
- partd 1.4.0
- patch-ng 1.17.4
- patsy 0.5.3
- pbr 5.11.1
- pexpect 4.8.0
- pickleshare 0.7.5
- pip-chill 1.0.3
- pip 23.2
- pipdeptree 2.9.3
- pkgutil_resolve_name 1.3.10
- platformdirs 3.10.0
- plotly 5.16.1
- ply 3.11
- portalocker 2.7.0
- progressbar 2.5
- prometheus-client 0.17.1
- prompt-toolkit 3.0.39
- protobuf 3.20.3
- prototype-zne 1.1.0
- psutil 5.9.5
- ptyprocess 0.7.0
- pure-eval 0.2.2
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- pyOpenSSL 23.2.0
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- pyflyby 1.8.6
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- pyqir 0.8.0
- pyscf 2.2.1
- pyspnego 0.9.1
- python-dateutil 2.8.2
- python-json-logger 2.0.7
- python-markdown-math 0.8
- pytz 2023.3
- pyzmq 24.0.1
- qdldl 0.1.7.post0
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- qiskit-dynamics 0.4.2
- qiskit-experiments 0.5.2
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- qiskit-ibm-experiment 0.3.5
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- qiskit-ibm-runtime 0.11.1
- qiskit-ibmq-provider 0.19.2
- qiskit-ionq 0.4.1
- qiskit-machine-learning 0.6.1
- qiskit-nature 0.6.2
- qiskit-optimization 0.5.0
- qiskit-qasm3-import 0.2.0
- qiskit-qir 0.3.1
- qiskit-terra 0.25.1
- qiskit 0.44.1
- qtconsole 5.4.3
- reacttrs 0.1.4
- referencing 0.30.2
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- requests-oauthlib 1.3.1
- requests 2.31.0
- retry 0.9.2
- retrying 1.3.3
- rfc3339-validator 0.1.4
- rfc3986-validator 0.1.1
- rich 13.4.2
- rpds-py 0.10.0
- ruamel.yaml.clib 0.2.7
- ruamel.yaml 0.17.32
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- s3transfer 0.6.2
- scikit-build 0.17.6
- scikit-image 0.21.0
- scikit-learn 1.3.0
- scipy 1.11.2
- scriptedforms 0.10.1
- scs 3.2.3
- seaborn 0.12.2
- setuptools 68.1.2
- simpervisor 1.0.0
- six 1.16.0
- smmap 5.0.0
- sniffio 1.3.0
- sortedcontainers 2.4.0
- soupsieve 2.4.1
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- symengine 0.9.2
- sympy 1.12
- system-info 2.0.0
- tables 3.8.0
- tblib 2.0.0
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- toolz 0.12.0
- tornado 6.3.3
- tqdm 4.66.1
- traitlets 5.9.0
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- wadllib 1.3.6
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