An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : npm : raw-loader
Explore the latest package usage data for raw-loader in the npm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 7,679
Total downloads: 2,463,110,066
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library/nextcloud 28.0.1
Nextcloud manual docker image
- version: 4.0.2
gitlab/gitlab-ce 16.7.0-ce.0
GitLab Community Edition docker image based on the Omnibus package
- version: 4.0.2
linuxserver/nextcloud 28.0.0
A Nextcloud container, brought to you by
- version: 4.0.2
ceph/ceph v16
ceph base images
- version: 4.0.1
jupyter/scipy-notebook x86_64-python-3.11.6
Scientific Jupyter Notebook Python Stack from
- version: 4.0.2
jupyter/all-spark-notebook x86_64-spark-3.5.0
Python, Scala, R and Spark Jupyter Notebook Stack from
- version: 4.0.2
jupyter/tensorflow-notebook x86_64-tensorflow-2.14.0
Scientific Jupyter Notebook Python Stack w/ TensorFlow from
- version: 4.0.2
jupyter/pyspark-notebook x86_64-spark-3.5.0
Python and Spark Jupyter Notebook Stack from
- version: 4.0.2
redash/redash preview
Official Docker images for the Redash project.
- version: 0.5.1
sameersbn/gitlab 16.6.2
Dockerfile to build a GitLab image for the Docker opensource container platform.
- version: 4.0.2
ceph/daemon latest-devel
Image containing all the Ceph daemons
- version: 4.0.1
jupyter/datascience-notebook x86_64-python-3.11.6
Data Science Jupyter Notebook Python Stack from
- version: 4.0.2
openproject/community 13.1.1
Docker image for OpenProject Community and Enterprise editions
- version: 4.0.2
jupyterhub/singleuser 4.0.2
single-user docker images for use with JupyterHub and DockerSpawner see also: jupyter/docker-stacks
- version: 4.0.2
gitpod/workspace-full 2023-12-21-11-39-51
Default Workspace Image for Use `legacy-dazzle-v1` tag for dazzlev1 images
- version: 0.5.1
continuumio/anaconda3 2023.09-0
Powerful and flexible python distribution
- version: 4.0.2
jupyter/minimal-notebook x86_64-python-3.11.6
Minimal Jupyter Notebook Python Stack from
- version: 4.0.2
jupyter/base-notebook x86_64-python-3.11.6
Base image for Jupyter Notebook stacks from
- version: 4.0.2
- version: 4.0.2
chocobozzz/peertube v6.0.2-bookworm
Federated video streaming platform.
- version: 4.0.2
linuxserver/clarkson 1.1.2
- version: 0.5.1
fenglc/pgadmin4 2-python3.6-jessie
pgAdmin is an open source administration and management tool for the PostgreSQL database.
- version: 0.5.1
nixos/nix 2.20.0pre20231224_e23983d
The Nix package manager.
- version: 0.5.1
scality/elk RC-zenko-1.0-rc5
- version: 0.5.1
continuumio/anaconda2 latest
- version: 0.5.1
linuxserver/codimd version-1.7.0
- version: 0.5.1
openshift/origin-logging-kibana v4.0.0
- version: 0.5.1
anyscale/ray-ml 2.8.0
- version: 4.0.2
coralproject/talk 8.5.1
A better commenting experience from Vox Media.
- version: 4.0.0
jupyter/r-notebook x86_64-python-3.11.6
R Jupyter Notebook Stack from
- version: 4.0.2
linuxserver/dillinger v3.39.1-ls185
- version: 0.5.1
jhipster/jhipster-console edge
JHipster monitoring & alerting console, based on ELK
- version: 0.5.1
ceph/daemon-base latest-devel
- version: 4.0.1
arm32v7/nextcloud 28-fpm
Nextcloud manual docker image
- version: 4.0.2
huggingface/mongoku latest
π₯The Web-scale GUI for MongoDB
- version: 1.0.0
amazon/aws-glue-libs glue_libs_4.0.0_image_01
Docker container image for AWS Glue ETL
- version: 4.0.2
i386/nextcloud 28-fpm-alpine
Nextcloud manual docker image
- version: 4.0.2
ppc64le/nextcloud 28-fpm-alpine
Nextcloud manual docker image
- version: 4.0.2
openshift/origin-logging-kibana5 v4.0.0
- version: 0.5.1
gitpod/workspace-mongodb 2023-12-21-11-39-51
- version: 0.5.1
grafana/build-container 1.7.7
Container used for building grafana.
- version: 0.5.1
s390x/nextcloud 28-fpm-alpine
Nextcloud manual docker image
- version: 4.0.2
goalgorilla/open_social_docker drupal10-php8.1-pcov-test
Open Social Distribution -
- version: 4.0.2, 3.1.0
benweet/stackedit v5.15.4
- version: 0.5.1
ufoym/deepo all-jupyter
A series of Docker images that allows you to quickly set up your deep learning research environment.
- version: 4.0.2
gitpod/workspace-mysql 2023-12-21-11-39-51
- version: 0.5.1
- version: 4.0.2
ceph/ceph-amd64 v16.2.5-20210708
- version: 4.0.1
beevelop/shields latest in a Docker image
- version: 4.0.2
tensorflow/tfx 1.15.0.dev20230914
- version: 4.0.2
runmymind/nextcloud bdb220b2
- version: 4.0.2
duckietown/dt-gui-tools ente-staging-arm64v8
- version: 4.0.2
gitpod/workspace-postgres 2023-12-21-11-39-51
- version: 0.5.1
doejgi/metatlas_shifter py311_new_04
This repo is no longer being updated. Please see
- version: 4.0.2
arm32v6/nextcloud 28-fpm-alpine
Nextcloud manual docker image
- version: 4.0.2
gitpod/workspace-full-vnc 2023-12-21-11-39-51
Based on workspace-full this image adds X11 and VNC support
- version: 0.5.1
hasura/graphql-engine-cli-builder 637bbed96c26af7ed4aff36e22bafb031f134615cf0e34f3857c5b0b33522d41
- version: 0.5.1
wareagledocker/minion-generator latest
- version: 4.0.2