An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : npm : @babel/plugin-proposal-do-expressions
Explore the latest package usage data for @babel/plugin-proposal-do-expressions in the npm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 224
Total downloads: 24,504,106
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linuxserver/cops 2.7.5
A COPS container, brought to you by
- version: 0.0.0-use.local, 7.18.6
geoffreybooth/meteor-base 3.0.4
A base Docker image for use by Meteor apps built using a multistage Dockerfile
- version: 7.8.3
rancher/longhorn-ui v0.5.0
- version: 7.2.0
tozd/meteor-testing ubuntu-focal-2.16
Docker image for testing of Meteor apps.
- version: 7.8.3
tozd/meteor ubuntu-jammy-3.0.3
Docker image for Meteor.
- version: 7.8.3
dmstr/phd5-app 5.10.3
- version: 7.16.0
nextcloudcookbook/testci php8.3
A repository to contain the test routines for the CI and other test runs.
- version: 7.18.6
reactioncommerce/base v4.0.2
A base image with all dependencies for Reaction Commerce.
- version: 7.0.0-beta.56
bidlogixteam/utility-docker-node-awscli BID-2718
This is an image used for bitbucket pipeline for sanitisation job
- version: 7.18.6
reactioncommerce/meteor 2.5.0-v1
- version: 7.8.3
actency/docker-php-fpm 8.2-spm
PHP-FPM Docker image
- version: 7.18.6
nwodtuhs/exegol web-3.1.5
Exegol is a ready-to-hack docker, fully configured and operationnal for bug bounty and engagements
- version: 7.18.6
hexletboy/js_abp_state_pattern_exercise 19554
- version: 7.0.0
hexletboy/js_data_church_numerals_challenge 16402
- version: 7.0.0-beta.49
ipfs/ci-websites latest-3
- version: 7.6.0
jehon/devcontainer latest
Personal image used to build other containers
- version: 7.18.6
metametricsinc/mmdock3.11 npm-14
- version: 7.18.6
tiberiuichim/fise-frontend latest
- version: 7.8.3, 7.7.4
hexletboy/js_collection_find_nearest_challenge 23515
- version: 7.0.0
tiberiuichim/energy-union-frontend latest
- version: 7.8.3, 7.7.4
kasmweb/tracelabs 1.16.0
Trace Labs OSINT Image for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 7.18.6
caas4/mep-dashboard latest-unicom
- version: 7.2.0
lazzurs/workstation sha-d60f140
Simple workstation for my own use
- version: 7.18.6
hexletboy/http_caching_exercise 21543
- version: 7.0.0
zhongruoyu/workbench oracular
My workbench Docker images. Based on zhongruoyu/sandbox.
- version: 7.18.6
hexletboy/js_testing_errors_exercise 21714
- version: 7.0.0
pujianto/meteorjs 2.5.2
unofficial meteorjs base image
- version: 7.8.3
danielfdickinson/gitlab-debian-ansible-pre-commit 0.2.4
Image for Gitlab CI for DFD's Ansible projects with pre-commit
- version: 7.18.6
mistermarlu/build php-8.3
- version: 7.18.6
phidata/jupyter 4.1.4
- version: 7.18.6
takelwerk/takelpad 0.12.4
- version: 7.18.6
arkprotocol/ark-protocol manual-testnet-relayer-1.0.5
Images like for testnet nodes
- version: 7.18.6
niklaushirt/eda-container 0.1
- version: 7.18.6
niklaushirt/cp4waiops-scripts 0.1
- version: 7.18.6
devwhoan/k8s-action-example latest
- version: 7.18.6
jguarecuco/docker-meteor sha-b5c5c10
- version: 7.8.3
jiandong/ latest
- version: 7.7.4, 7.8.3
athenate/teamcityagent meteor-1.8.1
jetbrains/teamcity-agent with PowerShell on LINUX and Meteor installed
- version: 7.5.0
devwhoan/github_action_webhookhandler latest
- version: 7.18.6
athenate/meteor-pwsh 2.7.3
Docker image with meteor CLI and powershell
- version: 7.8.3
alaazidan/todosimage latest
- version: 7.0.0-beta.55
donreid/custommeteor 2.15.0
Custom container used for meteor compilation
- version: 7.8.3
chanhalee/k8s_action_example latest
- version: 7.18.6
mirsadribic/commsware dev
- version: 7.18.6
nerya/rails-ci 3.2.2
- version: 7.18.6
ken571202/meteorrocket latest
- version: 7.8.3
mwalliczek/integration_test latest
- version: 7.18.6
granetlucas/web-vue latest
- version: 7.12.1
dks01972/k8s-action-example latest
- version: 7.18.6
chlgoal/k8s-action-example latest
- version: 7.18.6
itsnix/debian11-slim 7
- version: 7.18.6
juliendehos/polygames nix-test
- version: 7.5.0
tiberiuichim/energy_union_frontend 1.0
- version: 7.2.0
youmewho/meteor-base 2.9.0
docker pull geoffreybooth/meteor-base
- version: 7.8.3
synbiosuite/seqimprove-api latest
- version: 7.18.6
asdfn0/k8s_action_example latest
- version: 7.18.6
tencentcom/miniprogram-ci v1.2.0
- version: 7.12.1
alaazidan/todos committed
- version: 7.0.0-beta.49, 7.8.3
znyi2709/k8s_action_example latest
- version: 7.18.6
tiberiuichim/volto-generic-frontend 4.0-0.1
- version: 7.2.0
mjm9804/k8s_github_action_test latest
- version: 7.18.6
shank087/democodecept latest
- version: 7.18.6
olejak/geogis latest
- version: 7.12.1
ribbanya/melee 20230219
- version: 7.18.6
niklaushirt/cp4waiops-tools 2.0
- version: 7.18.6
tryretool/backend-workflow 0.3.2
Used to run the workflows product
- version: 7.14.0
ulrichschreiner/go-web-dev latest
- version: 7.18.6
oydeu/dc-babelfish 230815
- version: 7.18.6
valodzka/ruby-build 3.3.0-0
- version: 7.18.6
devpir2/t-verse-client uat
- version: 7.22.5
retailetics/op_redtick_staging latest
- version: 7.18.6
cxnleach/scaresolver-general-build-ado latest
- version: 7.18.6
olejak/gis latest
- version: 7.12.1
dks01972/k8s_action_example latest
- version: 7.18.6
g8tax/exp-misc-bitwarden-to-keepass default--at-20231130-210000
- version: 7.18.6
dragonflyscience/bailiwick-ui-nix-build v11
- version: 7.5.0
hexletboy/js_find_where_challenge 23841
- version: 7.0.0
tencentcom/mp-rum-sourcemap v1.1.0
- version: 7.12.1
chanhalee/k8s-action-example latest
- version: 7.18.6
josesalazar03/ubuntu-node-test 1.0.2
- version: 7.18.6
abinaya251/nodejs-demo latest
- version: 7.18.6, 7.14.0
hexletboy/js_functions_splat_unpacking_exercise 24021
- version: 7.0.0
hyuepyohong/dtrix_viz_hwaseong latest
- version: 7.14.5
mosipid/oidc-ui 1.2.0
- version: 7.18.6
hexletboy/js_functions_splat_packing_exercise 24022
- version: 7.0.0