An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : npm : simple-git-hooks
Explore the latest package usage data for simple-git-hooks in the npm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 155
Total downloads: 162,949,226
More details on - JSON
browserless/chrome 1.61-chrome-stable
Deploy headless Chrome in Docker. Run on our cloud or bring your own. Free for non-commercial uses.
- version: 2.9.0, 2.8.1
nextcloudcookbook/testci php8.3
A repository to contain the test routines for the CI and other test runs.
- version: 2.8.1
bidlogixteam/utility-docker-node-awscli BID-2718
This is an image used for bitbucket pipeline for sanitisation job
- version: 2.8.1
actency/docker-php-fpm 8.2-spm
PHP-FPM Docker image
- version: 2.8.1
nwodtuhs/exegol web-3.1.5
Exegol is a ready-to-hack docker, fully configured and operationnal for bug bounty and engagements
- version: 2.8.1
jehon/devcontainer latest
Personal image used to build other containers
- version: 2.8.1
metametricsinc/mmdock3.11 npm-14
- version: 2.8.1
kasmweb/tracelabs 1.16.0
Trace Labs OSINT Image for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 2.8.1
ndom91/briefkasten sha-a37d2dc
Self-hosted Bookmarking Application -
- version: 2.8.1
lazzurs/workstation sha-d60f140
Simple workstation for my own use
- version: 2.8.1
zhongruoyu/workbench oracular
My workbench Docker images. Based on zhongruoyu/sandbox.
- version: 2.8.1
mistermarlu/build php-8.3
- version: 2.8.1
phidata/jupyter 4.1.4
- version: 2.8.1
takelwerk/takelpad 0.12.4
- version: 2.8.1
arkprotocol/ark-protocol manual-testnet-relayer-1.0.5
Images like for testnet nodes
- version: 2.8.0
niklaushirt/eda-container 0.1
- version: 2.8.0
pat2man/directus v9.0.0-rc.61-8
- version: 2.4.1
truecharts/briefkasten build20230505121059
- version: 2.8.1
niklaushirt/cp4waiops-scripts 0.1
- version: 2.8.0
mirsadribic/commsware dev
- version: 2.8.0
nerya/rails-ci 3.2.2
- version: 2.8.1
mwalliczek/integration_test latest
- version: 2.8.1
itsnix/debian11-slim 7
- version: 2.8.1
synbiosuite/seqimprove-api latest
- version: 2.8.1
ribbanya/melee 20230219
- version: 2.8.1
niklaushirt/cp4waiops-tools 2.0
- version: 2.8.0
ulrichschreiner/go-web-dev latest
- version: 2.8.1
oydeu/dc-babelfish 230815
- version: 2.8.1
valodzka/ruby-build 3.3.0-0
- version: 2.8.1
cxnleach/scaresolver-general-build-ado latest
- version: 2.8.1
dongjiyang/accounts latest
Accounts microservice image to handle user sessions, user login, user logout, and user/org creation
- version: 2.8.0
g8tax/exp-misc-bitwarden-to-keepass default--at-20231130-210000
- version: 2.8.1
chengzh/chatgpt-web latest
- version: 2.8.1
josesalazar03/ubuntu-node-test 1.0.2
- version: 2.8.0
mosipid/oidc-ui 1.2.0
- version: 2.8.1
deepak323302/laravel update
- version: 2.8.0
saifb/newman 01
- version: 2.8.1, 2.8.0
ttbb/apisix-dashboard nake
- version: 2.8.0
guohui1988/ latest
- version: 2.7.0
andersonbr/ocr_nodepython latest
- version: 2.7.0
zhenia01/gamba_front-end latest
- version: 2.8.1
factordavid/php-8_1-node-16 1.0.1
- version: 2.8.1
dufourchri/composia-job-topic latest
- version: 2.8.1
lincyaw/rpcover latest
- version: 2.8.1
tradegold/browserless 39192
- version: 2.8.1
savov/ubuntu22 nodejs
- version: 2.8.0
nishidemasami/markdown-docs v1.2.1
- version: 2.8.1
unspoken/ddev-webserver v1.5
- version: 2.8.1
aiavatarlabs/zgd_tok2me_wechat 1.1.2
- version: 2.8.1
onobrerodrigo/peqi-app-nginx r5
- version: 2.8.1
jasuten/rival-php81-hyva-magento2 latest
- version: 2.8.1
picqhugo/evil_pod latest
- version: 2.8.1
yuntaowei/project-2 v4
- version: 2.8.1
blankhang/jenkins latest
jenins with docker-cli maven nodejs chinese lanugage support and TZ Asia/Shanghai adjustment
- version: 2.8.1
aiavatarlabs/taok2me-zgd-wechat 1.1.0
- version: 2.8.1
attekosistem/baseforerpnext_14 v1
- version: 2.8.0
luisbandalap/secktor-md 20230308
UNOFFICIAL docker image for
- version: 2.8.1
cinques/server-recorder-browser 1.0.2
- version: 2.8.1
chetouiiftikhar/api2 latest
- version: 2.8.1
jrwf/php-8-1-apache latest
- version: 2.8.1
franciscogar94/prerender latest
- version: 2.8.1
intellidockers/gazetteer 2.5-20240303
The Gazetteer - A Rule-Based Entities Extractor Engine.
- version: 2.8.1
metametricsinc/mmdock3.10 npm-14
- version: 2.8.1
championdata/openjdk 21
- version: 2.8.1
zhongruoyu/sandbox noble
Docker images of various distros, with the tools that I commonly use.
- version: 2.8.1
paritytech/faucet main-fe7cde80
Generic Faucet for Substrate based chains
- version: 2.7.0
For self-deploying Sweep, an AI junior dev that turns bugs and feature requests into code changes
- version: 2.8.1
sam920708/metacode-ui latest
- version: 2.8.1
zorgji/ben 0.0.2
- version: 2.8.1
sinsro/alpia_build 0.0.0
- version: 2.8.1
abcdesktopio/oc.template.debian.minimal 3.2
- version: 2.8.1
aervue/chrome 1.0.2
- version: 2.8.1
arkadiyk/ultra-build-base 20241223
- version: 2.8.1
aklaas2/vault-go-demo-oauth latest
- version: 2.6.1
farmstack/chatbot-dev latest
- version: 2.8.1
beevk/node-python 0.2
This image contains NodeJS v18.13.0 and Python 3.7
- version: 2.8.1
theflightsims/researchlabs latest
Provide and free-to-use web-based IDE for campus, team, and enterprise, with unlimited ability.
- version: 2.8.1
openiap/pythonagent edge
- version: 2.8.1
eoepca/stac-browser main
- version: 2.8.1
spottel/success-journal-clickup latest
- version: 2.8.1
xcpcio/xcpcio 0.47.0
- version: 2.8.1
92455890/fe-html-microserver 1.0.1
- version: 2.8.1
endtoendpaper/devise-admin-oauth cron
- version: 2.8.1
unsettlingtrend/drupal-php-8.1-nginx-1.22 10.1.2
- version: 2.8.1
devkings/kijani1 latest
- version: 2.8.1
migik/laravel_backpack 1.0.2
- version: 2.8.1
jrsaravanan/python 3.11.1
- version: 2.8.1
kailanjian/teleprompter-backend-multiarch latest
- version: 2.8.1