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Package Usage : cran : BiocGenerics
Explore the latest package usage data for BiocGenerics in the cran ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 836
Total downloads: 4,055,585
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rocker/geospatial 4.4.2
Docker-based Geospatial toolkit for R, built on versioned Rocker images
- version: 0.48.1
veupathdb/rserve 8.1.4
- version: 0.44.0
ccdlstaging/dr_downloaders 1.45.8
- version: 0.24.0
broadinstitute/gtex_eqtl V10
GTEx Consortium: eQTL pipeline based on FastQTL
- version: 0.24.0
broadinstitute/terra-jupyter-aou 2.1.13
- version: 0.40.0, 0.44.0
ccdlstaging/dr_affymetrix 1.45.8
- version: 0.24.0
rocker/binder 4.4.1
Adds binder to rocker/tidyverse, providing JupyterHub access on rocker containers
- version: 0.48.1
nfcore/methylseq 1.6.1
Methylation (Bisulfite-Sequencing) analysis pipeline using Bismark or bwa-meth + MethylDackel.
- version: 0.38.0
rocker/ropensci 3.4.1
- version: 0.26.0
ccdlstaging/dr_salmon 1.45.8
- version: 0.24.0
nfcore/atacseq 1.2.2
A Docker container for the nf-core/atacseq pipeline.
- version: 0.32.0
biocontainers/control-freec v11.5_cv1
- version: 0.18.0
nfcore/chipseq 1.2.2
A docker image for nf-core/chipseq
- version: 0.34.0
dhspence/docker-basespace_chromoseq latest
- version: 0.30.0
nfcore/eager 2.5.2
A Docker image for the nf-core/eager pipeline.
- version: 0.36.0
rocker/ml-verse 4.4.1
- version: 0.48.1
mirekphd/ml-cpu-r40-rs-cust 20230912
- version: 0.46.0
dhspence/docker-genomic-analysis 122121
From Chris Miller's example
- version: 0.32.0
mirekphd/ml-cpu-r36-rs-cust latest
- version: 0.34.0
ccdlstaging/dr_no_op 1.45.8
- version: 0.24.0
vanallenlab/sv-pipeline rlc_aou_evidencetable_fix
- version: 0.40.0
nfcore/ampliseq 1.2.0
A Docker image for nf-core/ampliseq.
- version: 0.28.0
biocontainers/trinityrnaseq v2.6.6dfsg-6-deb_cv1
- version: 0.28.0
mirekphd/ml-cpu-r36-base latest
- version: 0.34.0
kbase/kbase sdkbase.latest
- version: 0.8.0
biocontainers/isee-galaxy v3.13_cv1.0.0
- version: 0.39.1
ccdlstaging/dr_smasher 1.45.8
- version: 0.24.0
qdidiscoveryservices/ms_pipeline latest
- version: 0.36.0
ccdlstaging/dr_illumina 1.45.8
- version: 0.24.0
patroonorg/patroondeps latest
- version: 0.44.0
snoopycrimecop/training-notebooks master_merge_daily
A set of Python Notebooks to demonstrate how to access the images and metadata from OMERO
- version: 0.28.0
dhspence/docker-biscuit latest
- version: 0.26.0
ccdlstaging/dr_compendia 1.45.8
- version: 0.24.0
nfcore/smartseq2 dev
A docker container for the nf-core/smartseq2 pipeline.
- version: 0.36.0
nfcore/airrflowreport dev
- version: 0.44.0
biocontainers/ipo develop
A Tool for automated Optimization of XCMS Parameters
- version: 0.24.0
nfcore/circrna dev
Workflow for analysis and miRNA target prediction analysis of circRNAs in RNA-Seq data.
- version: 0.32.0
nfcore/sarek 2.7.2
A Docker container for the nf-core/sarek pipeline
- version: 0.36.0
nfcore/slamseq 1.0.0
A docker image for nf-core/slamseq
- version: 0.28.0
nfcore/hic 1.3.0
A docker container for the nf-core/hic pipeline.
- version: 0.34.0
nfcore/nanoseq 1.1.0
Nanopore demultiplexing, QC and alignment pipeline
- version: 0.36.0
nfcore/scrnaseq 1.1.0
A Docker Container for the nf-core/scrnaseq pipeline.
- version: 0.32.0
nfcore/diaproteomics 1.2.4
A Docker container for nf-core/diaproteomics
- version: 0.36.0
hoonbiolab/cellranger v1.0
- version: 0.32.0
mirekphd/ml-cpu-r35-rs 20190201
- version: 0.26.0, 0.28.0
veitveit/isolabeledprotocol latest
Discontinued, see for updates
- version: 0.27.1
prismcmap/depmap_versions v0.1.0
- version: 0.36.1
dhspence/docker-homer latest
docker with chip-seq tool homer
- version: 0.26.0
nfcore/exoseq dev
A docker container for the ExoSeq pipeline
- version: 0.26.0
nfcore/lncpipe dev
A Docker image for nf-core/lncpipe
- version: 0.26.0
seglh/exomedepth f4716ad
- version: 0.42.0
gene110/nipt_report latest
- version: 0.24.0
kbase/kbase_base latest
KBase Base Image containing Core services and runtime
- version: 0.8.0
kbase/sdkbase latest
- version: 0.8.0
prismcmap/drc-module v0.0.1
- version: 0.36.1
veitveit/vsclust release-1.3.2
For more details, see
- version: 0.44.0
dhspence/docker-sicer latest
- version: 0.26.0
qdidiscoveryservices/limma-voom 4.2.0
- version: 0.42.0
openmicroscopy/training-notebooks 0.7.2
A set of Notebooks to demonstrate how to access the images and metadata from OMERO
- version: 0.28.0
recetox/aplcms latest
- version: 0.34.0
qdidiscoveryservices/cellranger7.0.1_py3_r4 v1.2.2
- version: 0.40.0
prismcmap/norm-module v0.0.1
- version: 0.36.1
dhspence/docker-basestation latest
- version: 0.26.0
qdidiscoveryservices/py3_cellranger 6.1.2
- version: 0.34.0
veitveit/complexbrowser release-1.6
- version: 0.44.0, 0.48.1
austinhpatton123/ 2.38.0
- version: 0.44.0
mirekphd/ml-cpu-r35-jnb devel_2b2752c
- version: 0.26.0
dhspence/docker-dss latest
- version: 0.32.0
hoonbiolab/align_dna v1.3
- version: 0.32.0
tercen/flowsom 0.2.3
- version: 0.36.1
koki/pagoda latest
- version: 0.22.0
biocontainers/bioconductor-rsamtools v1.26.1-2b1-deb_cv1
- version: 0.20.0
biocontainers/bioconductor-cummerbund v2.16.0-2-deb_cv1
- version: 0.20.0
biocontainers/bioconductor-bsgenome v1.42.0-2-deb_cv1
- version: 0.20.0
biocontainers/bioconductor-iranges v2.8.1-1b1-deb_cv1
- version: 0.20.0
biocontainers/bioconductor-graph v1.52.0-1-deb_cv1
- version: 0.20.0
biocontainers/bioconductor-affy v1.52.0-1-deb_cv1
- version: 0.20.0
biocontainers/bioconductor-variantannotation v1.20.2-1b1-deb_cv1
- version: 0.20.0
biocontainers/bioconductor-biobase v2.34.0-1-deb_cv1
- version: 0.20.0
biocontainers/bioconductor-ensembldb v1.6.2-1-deb_cv1
- version: 0.20.0
biocontainers/bioconductor-genomicranges v1.26.2-1b1-deb_cv1
- version: 0.20.0
biocontainers/bioconductor-shortread v1.32.0-1b1-deb_cv1
- version: 0.20.0
biocontainers/bioconductor-biomart v2.30.0-1-deb_cv1
- version: 0.20.0
tercen/runtime-flowsuite 3.15-4
- version: 0.42.0