An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : npm : stringstream
Explore the latest package usage data for stringstream in the npm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 4,710
Total downloads: 788,538,547
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weaveworksdemos/front-end 0.3.12
- version: 0.0.5
logentries/docker-logentries 0.2.1
The Docker Logentries Container is container that will collect per container log data and statistics
- version: 0.0.5
dockersamples/visualizer latest
- version: 0.0.6
linuxserver/grocy 4.2.0
- version: 0.0.5
pantsel/konga 0.14.9
More than just another GUI to KONG Admin API.
- version: 0.0.6, 0.0.5
circleci/android api-26-node
CircleCI images for Android
- version: 0.0.6
centos/php-56-centos7 latest
Platform for building and running PHP 5.6 applications
- version: 0.0.5
library/piwik 3.6.0
DEPRECATED; use "matomo" instead
- version: 0.0.5
mongoclient/mongoclient 4.0.1
Official docker image for Mongoclient, featured mongodb management tool
- version: 0.0.5
concourse/dev pr-9045
- version: 0.0.6
centos/ruby-22-centos7 latest
Platform for building and running Ruby 2.2 applications
- version: 0.0.5
opensuse/portus 2.4.3
Authorization service and frontend for Docker registry (v2)
- version: 0.0.5
pgbi/kong-dashboard v3.5.0
Web UI for managing your Kong setup.
- version: 0.0.6
seafileltd/seafile 6.3.4
Seafile server image.
- version: 0.0.5
linuxserver/musicbrainz version-v-2021-02-15
A MusicBrainz container, brought to you by
- version: 0.0.6
mist/ui edge
- version: 0.0.5
oznu/unms 0.13.3
This image is no longer maintained:
- version: 0.0.6
centos/nodejs-6-centos7 latest
Platform for building and running Node.js 6 applications
- version: 0.0.5
centos/go-toolset-7-centos7 latest
Platform for building and running Go 1.10 based applications
- version: 0.0.5
openshift/origin-logging-auth-proxy v3.11.0
- version: 0.0.5
mesosphere/cd-demo-app 257462b3a80a9c758f182958d37c93ebaad3575e
An application to demonstrate continuous delivery on top of Mesosphere's DCOS.
- version: 0.0.5
rocketchat/hubot-rocketchat v1.0.11
Hubot container with rocketchat adapter included.
- version: 0.0.5
codercom/enterprise-dev latest
- version: 0.0.5
resin/artik710-node 9.11.2
This repository is deprecated.
- version: 0.0.5
linuxserver/cloud9 2021.12.16
- version: 0.0.6, 0.0.5
stackstorm/stackstorm 3.1.0
DEPRECATED! Use instead
- version: 0.0.5
library/plone 5.2.14
Plone is a free and open source content management system built on top of Zope.
- version: 0.0.6, 0.0.5
centos/python-34-centos7 latest
Platform for building and running Python 3.4 applications
- version: 0.0.5
centos/perl-520-centos7 latest
Platform for building and running Perl 5.20 applications
- version: 0.0.5
kerberos/kerberos latest
A clean and complete installation of the Kerberos Open Source Agent.
- version: 0.0.6
hyperledger/fabric-ca-tools 1.2.1
- version: 0.0.5
resin/armv7hf-supervisor v8.0.0
- version: 0.0.5
linuxserver/clarkson 1.1.2
- version: 0.0.6
fenglc/pgadmin4 2-python3.6-jessie
pgAdmin is an open source administration and management tool for the PostgreSQL database.
- version: 0.0.5
blacklabelops/logio 0.3.4 and Harvester inside Docker.
- version: 0.0.5
scality/elk RC-zenko-1.0-rc5
- version: 0.0.5
kkarczmarczyk/node-yarn 4.3.2
Node docker image with yarn package manager ( )
- version: 0.0.5
wso2/wso2am 4.4.0
WSO2 API Manager
- version: 0.0.6
azureiotpcs/pcs-remote-monitoring-webui 3.0.0
WebUI for remote monitoring pcs
- version: 0.0.5
kdelfour/cloud9-docker latest
Automated Cloud9 IDE ( Build
- version: 0.0.5
bitriseio/android-ndk latest
Built on the base Android docker image, adds pre-installed Android NDK
- version: 0.0.6
openshift/origin-logging-kibana v4.0.0
- version: 0.0.5, 0.0.6
resin/amd64-supervisor v8.0.0
- version: 0.0.5
meteorhacks/meteord base
MeteorD - Docker Runtime for Meteor Apps for Production Deployments
- version: 0.0.4
iilab/erpnext v7.2.13
Fork of
- version: 0.0.5
resin/procbots v3.21.22
- version: 0.0.6, 0.0.5
coala/base pre
A simple docker image featuring coala and it's dependencies.
- version: 0.0.5
linuxserver/kanzi 10.29.2020
- version: 0.0.5
clue/json-server latest
JSON Server provides REST API mocking based on plain JSON.
- version: 0.0.5
resin/am571x-evm-ubuntu-node 10.10.0
This repository is deprecated.
- version: 0.0.5
sameersbn/invoiceplane 1.5.9
Dockerfile to create a Docker container image for InvoicePlane
- version: 0.0.5
adicom/admin-mongo latest
AdminMongo WebUI
- version: 0.0.5
jhipster/jdl-studio latest
JDL Studio is the offline JHipster Domain Language visual editor
- version: 0.0.5
prom/promdash latest
- version: 0.0.4
linuxserver/dillinger 3.39.1
- version: 0.0.6
hsldevcom/hsl-map-server prod-2024-08-28T02.09.17-c5f0f7a
- version: 0.0.6
starefossen/ruby-node 2-6
Docker Image with Ruby and Node.js installed
- version: 0.0.5
concourse/atc-ci-elm latest
- version: 0.0.5
resin/apalis-imx6q-ubuntu-node 10.10.0
This repository is deprecated.
- version: 0.0.5
resin/up-board-fedora-node 10.9.0
This repository is deprecated.
- version: 0.0.5
resin/raspberrypi3-alpine-node 10.10.0
This repository is deprecated.
- version: 0.0.5
jhipster/jhipster-console v4.1.0
JHipster monitoring & alerting console, based on ELK
- version: 0.0.5
alexellis2/visualizer-arm latest
Visualizer for Docker Swarm
- version: 0.0.5
gableroux/unity3d 2018.4.30f1-android
Unity3d docker image for running commands in a CI such as gitlab-ci
- version: 0.0.5, 0.0.6, 0.0.4
resin/armv7hf-fedora-node 10.10.0
This repository is deprecated.
- version: 0.0.5
janakiramm/todo-app latest
- version: 0.0.4
sameersbn/akaunting 1.3.9
- version: 0.0.5
huggingface/mongoku 1.3.0
π₯The Web-scale GUI for MongoDB
- version: 0.0.5
iron/functions-ui 0.0.5
User interface for IronFunctions
- version: 0.0.5
yujiod/minecraft-mineos 1.1.7
- version: 0.0.5
loafoe/concourse-sonarqube-resource 0.0.1
- version: 0.0.5
atlassianlabs/localstack 0.6.2
- version: 0.0.5
hunterlong/ethexporter latest
Prometheus exporter for Ethereum Address Balances
- version: 0.0.5
resin/qemux86-alpine-node 8.5.0
This repository is deprecated.
- version: 0.0.5
resin/amd64-ubuntu-node 10.4.1
This repository is deprecated.
- version: 0.0.5
resin/artik5-alpine-node 10.10.0
This repository is deprecated.
- version: 0.0.5
resin/armv7hf-ubuntu-node 10.10.0
This repository is deprecated.
- version: 0.0.5
resin/beaglebone-green-alpine-node 10.10.0
This repository is deprecated.
- version: 0.0.5
nodesource/xenial 6.7.0
- version: 0.0.5
jhipster/consul-config-loader v0.4.1
A small docker based tool to load Spring Boot property files into Consul K/V Store
- version: 0.0.6
danlynn/ember-cli 6.1.0
ember-cli 6.1.0 + node 22.12.0/23.5.0 + bower 1.8.8 + chrome 131.0.6778.204 + watchman 4.9.0
- version: 0.0.5