An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : cran : sp
Explore the latest package usage data for sp in the cran ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 708
Total downloads: 42,710,343
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broadinstitute/genomes-in-the-cloud 2.1.1
Genomes-in-the-cloud is a genomic analysis pipeline project developed by the Broad Institute.
- version: 1.2-5
rocker/geospatial 4.4.2
Docker-based Geospatial toolkit for R, built on versioned Rocker images
- version: 2.0-0, 2.1-2
dit4c/dit4c-container-qgis latest
DIT4C image for QGIS
- version: 1.2-4
ashish1981/x86-r-z-appln latest
- version: 1.4-1
broadinstitute/terra-jupyter-aou 2.1.13
- version: 1.5-1
rocker/binder 4.4.1
Adds binder to rocker/tidyverse, providing JupyterHub access on rocker containers
- version: 2.1-2, 2.0-0
rocker/ropensci 3.4.1
- version: 1.2-7
ashish1981/s390x-r-appln-z 3.6.3
- version: 1.4-5
180a51c0/gh-action-buildapp latest
- version: 1.4-2
rocker/ml-verse 4.4.1
- version: 2.0-0, 2.1-2
mirekphd/ml-cpu-r40-rs-cust 20230912
- version: 1.6-0
mirekphd/ml-cpu-r36-rs-cust latest
- version: 1.4-7
ashish1981/zreferenceimplementation d17052022
- version: 1.4-1
biocontainers/assemblytics v1.0ds-1-deb_cv1
- version: 1.3-1
biocontainers/qcumber v1.0.14dfsg-1-deb_cv1
- version: 1.3-1
biocontainers/ea-utils v1.1.2dfsg-5-deb_cv1
- version: 1.3-1
biocontainers/trinityrnaseq v2.6.6dfsg-6-deb_cv1
- version: 1.3-1
biocontainers/nanook v1.33dfsg-1-deb_cv1
- version: 1.3-1
biocontainers/paleomix v1.2.13.3-1-deb_cv1
- version: 1.3-1
biocontainers/roary v3.12.0dfsg-2-deb_cv1
- version: 1.3-1
biocontainers/snakemake v5.4.0-1-deb_cv1
- version: 1.3-1
biocontainers/surankco v0.0.r5dfsg-2-deb_cv1
- version: 1.3-1
mirekphd/ml-cpu-r36-base latest
- version: 1.4-7
ashish1981/s390x-r-shiny latest
- version: 1.4-5
ashish1981/s390x-clefos-shiny latest
- version: 1.4-5
ashish1981/x86-rbase-shiny-plumber d300422
- version: 1.4-1
nfcore/bcellmagic 1.2.0
A preliminary container for the bcellmagic pipeline
- version: 1.4-1
dragonflyscience/niwaverse 2020-08-11
- version: 1.4-2
broadinstitute/fungal_gatk4 gatk4.5.0.0
- version: 1.4-6
dragonflyscience/dragonverse-18.04 latest
- version: 1.4-5
afcai2c/r-studio-eda 20230130il5
R Studio with Exploritory Data Analysis AI/ML packages installed
- version: 1.5-0
nfcore/airrflowreport dev
- version: 1.6-0
dragonflyscience/sharknado 2024-06-10
- version: 1.4-6
nfcore/circrna dev
Workflow for analysis and miRNA target prediction analysis of circRNAs in RNA-Seq data.
- version: 1.4-5
afcai2c/python-r-ai latest
Image with Python and R packages
- version: 1.5-0
gesiscss/binder-lmartinoty-2dlmartinoty-e3b0bd c626ad4bba1c566a8af5d745f4386d02e9fe9b44
- version: 1.3-1
databrewllc/anomaly-detection acf56fc
This repository is used for forms anomaly detection
- version: 1.6-0
nfcore/proteomicslfq 1.0.0
A Docker Container for label free quantification for proteomics data.
- version: 1.4-6
intelliseqngs/task_vcf-uniq 1.0.0
- version: 1.4-0
mirekphd/ml-cpu-r35-rs 20190201
- version: 1.3-1
ocdr/ds-apps 1.0.43
- version: 2.1-0, 2.1-2
afcai2c/r-studio-dl latest
R Studio with Deep Learning AI/ML packages installed [builds upon jlab-eda]
- version: 1.4-6
dragonflyscience/shellington 2021-09-14
- version: 1.4-5
ashish1981/z-reference-implementation latest
- version: 1.4-5
dragonflyscience/wfm-reports-20.04 2022-10-14
- version: 1.4-5
afcai2c/r-shiny pc22
R Shiniy - Build interactive web applications that can execute R code
- version: 1.5-0
gesiscss/binder-pablobernabeu-2dmodality-2dswitch-2deffects-2demerge-2dearly-2dand-2dincrease-2dthroughout-2dconceptual-2dprocessing-e2667d 3173ddce2b5cc44e37c810c654f4cc84c147c45b
- version: 1.4-4
fazenda/r-testing latest
ESTATCAMP's R testing environment.
- version: 1.3-1
tercen/operator_base 1.0.5
- version: 1.2-4
qdidiscoveryservices/cellranger7.0.1_py3_r4 v1.2.2
- version: 2.1-1, 1.6-0
dragonflyscience/dragonforest-20.04 20220711_1155
- version: 1.4-5
cristaniguti/onemap_git 2.8.0
R package to build linkage map for outcrossing, F2, backcross and RILs populations
- version: 1.4-2
datalabauth/covid19 latest
Webapp for visualizing COVID-19 data
- version: 1.4-4
qdidiscoveryservices/py3_cellranger 6.1.2
- version: 1.4-2
nuest/rockerverse-paper latest
- version: 1.3-1
dragonflyscience/kakapodock 2024-07-15
- version: 1.4-5
mirekphd/ml-cpu-r35-jnb devel_2b2752c
- version: 1.3-1
tercen/flowsom 0.2.3
- version: 1.4-5
ashish1981/s390x-shiny-server 3.6.3
- version: 1.4-1
tercen/runtime-flowsuite 3.15-4
- version: 1.5-0
nuest/tidyverse-versioned 3.4.1
- version: 1.2-5
ashish1981/s390x-shiny-fedora final
- version: 1.4-4
vanessa/repo2docker-r latest
- version: 1.2-7
ashish1981/s390x-clefos-r latest
- version: 1.4-5
dragonflyscience/nefd-18.04 2021-12-09
- version: 1.4-5
gesiscss/binder-benmarwick-2drrtools-9a1629 3f830bce55e733f17e599a632a4e930ee82b8edb
- version: 1.3-1
nuest/verse-versioned 3.4.1
- version: 1.2-5
koki/biocdev 20230818
- version: 2.0-0
prismcmap/sushi v0.0.2
- version: 1.4-5
gesiscss/binder-wlandau-2ddrake-2dexamples-d960ed 73134a125630b10d47c10b5c038ba7d3af6fec16
- version: 1.3-1
inseefrlab/travail-collaboratif 0.1.0
- version: 1.5-0
datalabauth/covid19-greece latest
A dashboard for visualizing COVID-19 data for Greece
- version: 1.4-4
ashish1981/s390x-rbase-rjava-rplumber latest
- version: 1.4-1
dragonflyscience/seabird-risk-assessment 2023-03-24
Requirements for carrying out the seabird risk assessment
- version: 1.4-7
nuest/reproducible-research-at-giscience latest
- version: 1.4-1
chgyi/metaware_rna_denovo latest
- version: 1.3-1
mirekphd/ml-cpu-r35-nx devel_fdbf539
- version: 1.3-1
dragonflyscience/dragonfly-reports-14.04 latest
Docker for generating Dragonfly reports, based on Ubuntu 14.04, with texlive and selected R packages
- version: 1.2-3
dragonflyscience/antip-ipm-18.04 2022-06-23-2
- version: 1.4-6
dragonflyscience/dragonverse-22.04 2024-09-26
- version: 1.6-0
dragonflyscience/antips-tracks 2022-12-19
- version: 1.5-1
inseefrlab/onyxia-r ds-r4.1.2-gpu-2022.09.08
A R environment with a collection of standard data science packages.
- version: 1.5-0
ashish1981/multiarch-r-plugins 4.1.2
- version: 1.4-6
ashish1981/multiarch-r-shiny main-2021-11-20--12-34
- version: 1.4-6
atttilacs/seurat_big latest
- version: 1.5-1
vnmd/afni_20.1.18 latest
- version: 1.4-2
gesiscss/binder-e-2dschott-2drstudio-5fteaching-dfebbd ced0ba9a7d121195d11e1df62f5e6aea605c690b
- version: 1.3-1
mirekphd/ml-cpu-r35-rdp 20180918
- version: 1.3-1
testalabgh/downstream signac-1.4.0
- version: 1.5-0
atttilacs/dsp_giotto latest
- version: 1.5-0
tercen/flowsom_mst 0.1.6
- version: 1.4-5
datalabauth/covid19-base latest
Base docker image for Datalab's COVID-19 dashboards
- version: 1.4-4