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afcai2c/python-r-ai : latest
Image with Python and R packages
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.6 (Ootpa)
Latest release: over 2 years ago - 851 downloads - 851 dependencies
- forcats 0.5.1
- foreach 1.5.2
- forecast 8.17.0
- foreign 0.8-82
- forge 0.2.0
- fracdiff 1.5-1
- fs 1.5.2
- furrr 0.3.0
- future.apply 1.9.0
- future 1.27.0
- gargle 1.2.0
- gdtools 0.2.4
- generics 0.1.3
- gert 1.6.0
- ggiraph 0.8.2
- ggplot2 3.3.6
- gh 1.3.0
- gitcreds 0.1.1
- globals 0.15.1
- glue 1.6.2
- googledrive 2.0.0
- googlesheets4 1.0.0
- gower 1.0.0
- grDevices 4.1.3
- graphics 4.1.3
- grid 4.1.3
- gridExtra 2.3
- gridSVG 1.7-4
- gt 0.6.0
- gtable 0.3.0
- hardhat 1.2.0
- haven 2.5.0
- here 1.0.1
- highcharter 0.9.4
- highr 0.9
- hms 1.1.1
- htmltools 0.5.3
- htmlwidgets 1.5.4
- httpuv 1.6.5
- httr 1.4.3
- hunspell 3.0.1
- ids 1.0.1
- igraph 1.3.4
- infer 1.0.2
- ini 0.3.1
- inum 1.0-4
- ipred 0.9-13
- isoband 0.2.5
- iterators 1.0.14
- janeaustenr 0.1.5
- janitor 2.1.0
- jquerylib 0.1.4
- jsonlite 1.8.0
- kableExtra 1.3.4
- kernlab 0.9-31
- kknn 1.3.1
- knitr 1.39
- labeling 0.4.2
- later 1.3.0
- lattice 0.20-45
- lava 1.6.10
- lazyeval 0.2.2
- urca 1.3-0
- urlchecker 1.0.1
- usethis 2.1.6
- utf8 1.2.2
- leaflet.providers 1.9.0
- lhs 1.1.5
- libcoin 1.0-9
- lifecycle 1.0.1
- linkXTS 1.0
- listenv 0.8.0
- lmtest 0.9-40
- lubridate 1.8.0
- magrittr 2.0.3
- markdown 1.1
- memoise 2.0.1
- methods 4.1.3
- mgcv 1.8-39
- mime 0.12
- miniUI
- mlbench 2.1-3
- modeldata 1.0.0
- modelr 0.1.8
- munsell 0.5.0
- mvtnorm 1.1-3
- mvtnormAPI 1.0-0
- nlme 3.1-158
- nnet 7.3-17
- numDeriv 2016.8-1.1
- officer 0.4.3
- openssl 2.0.2
- openxlsx 4.2.5
- packrat 0.8.1
- padr 0.6.0
- parallel 4.1.3
- parallelly 1.32.1
- parsnip 1.0.0
- partykit 1.2-16
- patchwork 1.1.1
- pillar 1.8.0
- pkgbuild 1.3.1
- pkgconfig 2.0.3
- pkgload 1.3.0
- plogr 0.2.0
- plotROC 2.3.0
- plotly 4.10.0
- plumber 1.2.0
- plyr 1.8.7
- png 0.1-7
- praise 1.0.0
- prettyunits 1.1.1
- processx 3.7.0
- prodlim 2019.11.13
- profvis 0.3.7
- progress 1.2.2
- progressr 0.10.1
- promises
- ps 1.7.1
- purrr 0.3.4
- quadprog 1.5-8
- quantmod 0.4.20
- r2d3 0.2.6
- rJava 1.0-6
- randomForest 4.7-1.1
- rappdirs 0.3.3
- rcmdcheck 1.4.0
- reactR 0.4.4
- reactable 0.3.0
- readr 2.1.2
- readxl 1.4.0
- recipes 1.0.1
- rematch2 2.1.2
- rematch 1.0.1
- remotes 2.4.2
- reprex 2.0.1
- reshape2 1.4.4
- reticulate 1.25
- rhandsontable 0.3.8
- rjson 0.2.21
- rlang 1.0.4
- rlist
- rmarkdown 2.14
- roxygen2 7.2.1
- rpart 4.1.16
- rprojroot 2.0.3
- rsample 1.0.0
- rstudioapi 0.13
- rversions 2.1.1
- rvest 1.0.2
- sass 0.4.2
- scales 1.2.0
- selectr 0.4-2
- sessioninfo 1.2.2
- shiny 1.7.2
- shinyWidgets 0.7.1
- shinyalert 3.0.0
- shinydashboard 0.7.2
- slider 0.2.2
- snakecase 0.11.0
- sodium 1.2.1
- sourcetools 0.1.7
- sp 1.5-0
- sparklyr 1.7.7
- spatial 7.3-15
- splines 4.1.3
- stats4 4.1.3
- BH 1.78.0-0
- stats 4.1.3
- stringi 1.7.8
- stringr 1.4.0
- survival 3.2-13
- svglite 2.1.0
- swagger 3.33.1
- sys 3.4
- systemfonts 1.0.4
- tcltk 4.1.3
- utils 4.1.3
- uuid 1.1-0
- vctrs 0.4.1
- viridis 0.6.2
- viridisLite 0.4.0
- vroom 1.5.7
- waldo 0.4.0
- warp 0.2.0
- webshot 0.5.3
- webutils 1.1
- testRcppAttributePackage 1.0
- testRcppClass 0.1
- testRcppInterfaceExporter 0.1.0
- testRcppInterfaceUser 0.1.0
- testRcppModule 0.1
- whisker 0.4
- withr 2.5.0
- testRcppPackage 0.1.0
- testthat 3.1.4
- themis 1.0.0
- tibble 3.1.8
- tidymodels 1.0.0
- tidyr 1.2.0
- tidyselect 1.1.2
- tidytext 0.3.3
- tidyverse 1.3.2
- timeDate 4021.104
- timetk 2.8.1
- tinytex 0.40
- tokenizers 0.2.1
- tools 4.1.3
- translations 4.1.3
- tseries 0.10-51
- tsfeatures 1.0.2
- tune 1.0.0
- C50 0.1.6
- Cubist 0.4.0
- DBI 1.1.3
- DT 0.23
- DiceDesign 1.9
- ECharts2Shiny 0.2.13
- Formula 1.2-4
- GPfit 1.0-8
- KernSmooth 2.23-20
- MASS 7.3-55
- Matrix 1.4-1
- tzdb 0.3.0
- PerformanceAnalytics 2.0.4
- R6 2.5.1
- RANN 2.6.1
- RColorBrewer 1.1-3
- RCurl 1.98-1.7
- RJDBC 0.2-10
- ROSE 0.0-4
- RSQLite 2.2.15
- Rcpp 1.0.9
- RcppArmadillo
- RcppRoll 0.3.0
- RcppTOML 0.1.7
- SQUAREM 2021.1
- SnowballC 0.7.0
- TTR 0.24.3
- XML 3.99-0.10
- anytime 0.3.9
- arrow 8.0.0
- askpass 1.1
- assertthat 0.2.1
- backports 1.4.1
- base64enc 0.1-3
- base 4.1.3
- bit64 4.0.5
- bit 4.0.4
- bitops 1.0-7
- blob 1.2.3
- boot 1.3-28
- brew 1.0-7
- brio 1.1.3
- broom 1.0.0
- bslib 0.4.0
- cachem 1.0.6
- callr 3.7.1
- cellranger 1.1.0
- checkmate 2.1.0
- class 7.3-20
- cli 3.3.0
- clipr 0.8.0
- cluster 2.1.2
- codetools 0.2-18
- colorspace 2.0-3
- commonmark 1.8.0
- compiler 4.1.3
- config 0.3.1
- conflicted 1.1.0
- cpp11 0.4.2
- crayon 1.5.1
- credentials 1.3.2
- crosstalk 1.2.0
- curl 4.3.2
- data.table 1.14.2
- datasets 4.1.3
- dbplyr 2.2.1
- desc 1.4.1
- dials 1.0.0
- diffobj 0.3.5
- digest 0.6.29
- downlit 0.4.2
- dplyr 1.0.9
- dtplyr 1.2.1
- dygraphs
- ellipsis 0.3.2
- evaluate 0.15
- fansi 1.0.3
- farver 2.1.1
- fastmap 1.1.0
- feather 0.3.5
- flexdashboard 0.5.2
- flextable 0.7.2
- fontawesome 0.3.0
- workflows 1.0.0
- workflowsets 1.0.0
- xfun 0.31
- xgboost
- xml2 1.3.3
- xopen 1.0.0
- xtable 1.8-4
- xts 0.12.1
- yaml 2.3.5
- yardstick 1.0.0
- zip 2.2.0
- zoo 1.8-10
- JRIEngine:JRIEngine *
- REngine:REngine *
- US_export_policy:US_export_policy *
- charsets:charsets *
- cldrdata:cldrdata *
- com.sun:jce 1.8.0_342
- com.sun:sunec 1.8.0_342
- com.sun:sunjce_provider 1.8.0_342
- com.sun:sunpkcs11 1.8.0_342
- dnsns:dnsns *
- dt:dt *
- jaccess:jaccess *
- jconsole:jconsole *
- jfr:jfr 1.8.0_342
- jsse:jsse 1.8.0_342
- local_policy:local_policy *
- localedata:localedata *
- management-agent:management-agent *
- nashorn:nashorn 1.8.0_342-b07
- resources:resources 1.8.0_342
- rt:rt 1.8.0_342
- sa-jdi:sa-jdi *
- sparklyr-master:sparklyr-master 2.12
- sparklyr:sparklyr 1.5-2.10
- sparklyr:sparklyr 1.6-2.10
- sparklyr:sparklyr 2.0-2.11
- sparklyr:sparklyr 2.3-2.11
- sparklyr:sparklyr 2.4-2.11
- sparklyr:sparklyr 2.4-2.12
- tools:tools *
- zipfs:zipfs 1.8.0_342
- bootstrap-accessibility-plugin 1.0.6
- bootstrap-colorpicker 3.4.0
- bootstrap-sass 3.4.1
- bootstrap 4.6.0
- bootstrap 5.1.3
- bootswatch 3.4.1
- bootswatch 4.6.0
- bootswatch 5.1.3
- casperjs 1.1.0-beta5
- jupyterlab-plotly 5.9.0
- mobx 5.10.1
- swagger-ui-dist 3.33.0
- astunparse 1.6.3
- flask 0.10.1
- gast 0.3.3
- scipy 1.2.2
- scipy 1.4.1
- R-4.1.3 1-1
- rhel/ImageMagick-c -devel
- rhel/ImageMagick-c
- rhel/ImageMagick-devel
- rhel/ImageMagick-libs
- rhel/ImageMagick
- rhel/LibRaw 0.19.5-3.el8
- rhel/OpenEXR-libs 2.2.0-12.el8
- rhel/R-4.1.3 1-1
- rhel/SuperLU 5.2.0-7.el8
- rhel/acl 2.2.53-1.el8
- rhel/adobe-mappings-cmap-deprecated 20171205-3.el8
- rhel/adobe-mappings-cmap 20171205-3.el8
- rhel/adobe-mappings-pdf 20180407-1.el8
- rhel/alsa-lib
- rhel/armadillo 10.8.2-1.el8
- rhel/arpack 3.7.0-1.el8
- rhel/atk 2.28.1-1.el8
- rhel/atlas 3.10.3-8.el8
- rhel/audit-libs 3.0.7-2.el8.2
- rhel/basesystem 11-5.el8
- rhel/bash 4.4.20-3.el8
- rhel/blas 3.8.0-8.el8
- rhel/brotli 1.0.6-3.el8
- rhel/bzip2-devel 1.0.6-26.el8
- rhel/bzip2-libs 1.0.6-26.el8
- rhel/ca-certificates 2021.2.50-80.0.el8_4
- rhel/cairo-devel 1.15.12-6.el8
- rhel/cairo 1.15.12-6.el8
- rhel/cfitsio 3.47-1.el8
- rhel/chkconfig 1.19.1-1.el8
- rhel/cmake-filesystem 3.20.2-4.el8
- rhel/copy-jdk-configs 4.0-2.el8
- rhel/coreutils-single 8.30-12.el8
- rhel/cpp 8.5.0-10.1.el8_6
- rhel/cracklib-dicts 2.9.6-15.el8
- rhel/cracklib 2.9.6-15.el8
- rhel/crypto-policies-scripts 20211116-1.gitae470d6.el8
- rhel/crypto-policies 20211116-1.gitae470d6.el8
- rhel/cryptsetup-libs 2.3.7-2.el8
- rhel/curl 7.61.1-22.el8_6.3
- rhel/cyrus-sasl-lib 2.1.27-6.el8_5
- rhel/dbus-common 1.12.8-18.el8
- rhel/dbus-daemon 1.12.8-18.el8
- rhel/dbus-glib 0.110-2.el8
- rhel/dbus-libs 1.12.8-18.el8
- rhel/dbus-tools 1.12.8-18.el8
- rhel/dbus 1.12.8-18.el8
- rhel/dejavu-fonts-common 2.35-7.el8
- rhel/dejavu-sans-fonts 2.35-7.el8
- rhel/device-mapper-libs 1.02.181-3.el8
- rhel/device-mapper 1.02.181-3.el8
- rhel/diffutils 3.6-6.el8
- rhel/dmidecode 3.3-4.el8
- rhel/dnf-data 4.7.0-8.el8
- rhel/dnf-plugin-subscription-manager 1.28.29-3.el8
- rhel/dnf 4.7.0-8.el8
- rhel/elfutils-default-yama-scope 0.186-1.el8
- rhel/elfutils-libelf 0.186-1.el8
- rhel/elfutils-libs 0.186-1.el8
- rhel/emacs-filesystem 26.1-7.el8
- rhel/epel-release 8-16.el8
- rhel/expat-devel 2.2.5-8.el8_6.2
- rhel/expat 2.2.5-8.el8_6.2
- rhel/file-libs 5.33-20.el8
- rhel/filesystem 3.8-6.el8
- rhel/findutils 4.6.0-20.el8
- rhel/fontconfig-devel 2.13.1-4.el8
- rhel/fontconfig 2.13.1-4.el8
- rhel/fontpackages-filesystem 1.44-22.el8
- rhel/freetype-devel 2.9.1-4.el8_3.1
- rhel/freetype 2.9.1-4.el8_3.1
- rhel/freexl 1.0.6-4.el8
- rhel/fribidi 1.0.4-8.el8
- rhel/gawk 4.2.1-4.el8
- rhel/gcc-c 8.5.0-10.1.el8_6
- rhel/gcc-gfortran 8.5.0-10.1.el8_6
- rhel/gcc 8.5.0-10.1.el8_6
- rhel/gd 2.2.5-7.el8
- rhel/gdal-libs 3.0.4-11.el8
- rhel/gdal 3.0.4-11.el8
- rhel/gdb-gdbserver 8.2-18.el8
- rhel/gdbm-libs 1.18-1.el8
- rhel/gdbm 1.18-1.el8
- rhel/gdk-pixbuf2-modules 2.36.12-5.el8
- rhel/gdk-pixbuf2 2.36.12-5.el8
- rhel/geos 3.7.2-1.el8
- rhel/gettext-libs
- rhel/gettext
- rhel/giflib 5.1.4-3.el8
- rhel/git-core-doc 2.31.1-2.el8
- rhel/git-core 2.31.1-2.el8
- rhel/git 2.31.1-2.el8
- rhel/glib2 2.56.4-158.el8
- rhel/glibc-common 2.28-189.5.el8_6
- rhel/glibc-gconv-extra 2.28-189.5.el8_6
- rhel/glibc-langpack-en 2.28-189.5.el8_6
- rhel/glibc-minimal-langpack 2.28-189.5.el8_6
- rhel/glibc 2.28-189.5.el8_6
- rhel/gmp 6.1.2-10.el8
- rhel/gnupg2 2.2.20-2.el8
- rhel/gnutls 3.6.16-4.el8
- rhel/gobject-introspection 1.56.1-1.el8
- rhel/google-droid-sans-fonts 20120715-13.el8
- rhel/gpg-pubkey 2f86d6a1-5cf7cefb
- rhel/gpg-pubkey d4082792-5b32db75
- rhel/gpg-pubkey fd431d51-4ae0493b
- rhel/gpgme 1.13.1-11.el8
- rhel/gpm-libs 1.20.7-17.el8
- rhel/gpsbabel 1.6.0-3.el8
- rhel/graphite2-devel 1.3.10-10.el8
- rhel/graphite2 1.3.10-10.el8
- rhel/graphviz 2.40.1-43.el8
- rhel/grep 3.1-6.el8
- rhel/groff-base 1.22.3-18.el8
- rhel/gtk-update-icon-cache 3.22.30-10.el8
- rhel/gtk2 2.24.32-5.el8
- rhel/gzip 1.9-13.el8_5
- rhel/harfbuzz-devel 1.7.5-3.el8
- rhel/harfbuzz-icu 1.7.5-3.el8
- rhel/harfbuzz 1.7.5-3.el8
- rhel/hdf5 1.10.5-4.el8
- rhel/hdf 4.2.14-5.el8
- rhel/hicolor-icon-theme 0.17-2.el8
- rhel/http-parser 2.8.0-9.el8
- rhel/ilmbase 2.2.0-13.el8
- rhel/ima-evm-utils 1.3.2-12.el8
- rhel/info 6.5-7.el8
- rhel/iptables-libs 1.8.4-22.el8
- rhel/iptables 1.8.4-22.el8
- rhel/isl 0.16.1-6.el8
- rhel/java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel
- rhel/java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless
- rhel/java-1.8.0-openjdk
- rhel/javapackages-filesystem 5.3.0-1.module el8 2447 6f56d9a6
- rhel/jbig2dec-libs 0.16-1.el8
- rhel/jbigkit-libs 2.1-14.el8
- rhel/json-c 0.13.1-3.el8
- rhel/json-glib 1.4.4-1.el8
- rhel/keyutils-libs-devel 1.5.10-9.el8
- rhel/keyutils-libs 1.5.10-9.el8
- rhel/kmod-libs 25-19.el8
- rhel/krb5-libs 1.18.2-14.el8
- rhel/langpacks-en 1.0-12.el8
- rhel/lapack 3.8.0-8.el8
- rhel/lcms2 2.9-2.el8
- rhel/less 530-1.el8
- rhel/libICE 1.0.9-15.el8
- rhel/libSM 1.2.3-1.el8
- rhel/libX11 1.6.8-5.el8
- rhel/libXau-devel 1.0.9-3.el8
- rhel/libXau 1.0.9-3.el8
- rhel/libXaw 1.0.13-10.el8
- rhel/libXcomposite 0.4.4-14.el8
- rhel/libXcursor 1.1.15-3.el8
- rhel/libXdamage 1.1.4-14.el8
- rhel/libXext-devel 1.3.4-1.el8
- rhel/libXext 1.3.4-1.el8
- rhel/libXfixes 5.0.3-7.el8
- rhel/libXft 2.3.3-1.el8
- rhel/libXi 1.7.10-1.el8
- rhel/libXinerama 1.1.4-1.el8
- rhel/libXmu 1.1.3-1.el8
- rhel/libXpm 3.5.12-8.el8
- rhel/libXrandr 1.5.2-1.el8
- rhel/libXrender-devel 0.9.10-7.el8
- rhel/libXrender 0.9.10-7.el8
- rhel/libXt 1.1.5-12.el8
- rhel/libXtst 1.2.3-7.el8
- rhel/libXxf86misc 1.0.4-1.el8
- rhel/libXxf86vm 1.1.4-9.el8
- rhel/libacl 2.2.53-1.el8
- rhel/libaec 1.0.2-3.el8
- rhel/libarchive 3.3.3-3.el8_5
- rhel/libassuan 2.5.1-3.el8
- rhel/libattr 2.4.48-3.el8
- rhel/libblkid 2.32.1-35.el8
- rhel/libbsd 0.9.1-4.el8
- rhel/libcap-ng 0.7.11-1.el8
- rhel/libcap 2.48-2.el8
- rhel/libcom_err-devel 1.45.6-4.el8
- rhel/libcom_err 1.45.6-4.el8
- rhel/libcomps 0.1.18-1.el8
- rhel/libcroco 0.6.12-4.el8_2.1
- rhel/libcurl 7.61.1-22.el8_6.3
- rhel/libdap 3.19.1-2.el8
- rhel/libdatrie 0.2.9-7.el8
- rhel/libdb-utils 5.3.28-42.el8_4
- rhel/libdb 5.3.28-42.el8_4
- rhel/libdnf 0.63.0-8.el8
- rhel/libedit 3.1-23.20170329cvs.el8
- rhel/libevent 2.1.8-5.el8
- rhel/libfdisk 2.32.1-35.el8
- rhel/libffi 3.1-23.el8
- rhel/libfontenc 1.1.3-8.el8
- rhel/libgcc 8.5.0-10.1.el8_6
- rhel/libgcrypt-devel 1.8.5-7.el8_6
- rhel/libgcrypt 1.8.5-7.el8_6
- rhel/libgeotiff 1.5.1-1.el8
- rhel/libgfortran 8.5.0-10.1.el8_6
- rhel/libgit2-devel 0.26.8-2.el8
- rhel/libgit2 0.26.8-2.el8
- rhel/libgomp 8.5.0-10.1.el8_6
- rhel/libgpg-error-devel 1.31-1.el8
- rhel/libgpg-error 1.31-1.el8
- rhel/libgs 9.27-1.el8
- rhel/libgta 1.2.1-1.el8
- rhel/libibverbs 37.2-1.el8
- rhel/libicu-devel 60.3-2.el8_1
- rhel/libicu 60.3-2.el8_1
- rhel/libidn2 2.2.0-1.el8
- rhel/libidn 1.34-5.el8
- rhel/libijs 0.35-5.el8
- rhel/libjpeg-turbo 1.5.3-12.el8
- rhel/libkadm5 1.18.2-14.el8
- rhel/libkml 1.3.0-24.el8
- rhel/libksba 1.3.5-7.el8
- rhel/libmcpp 2.7.2-20.el8
- rhel/libmetalink 0.1.3-7.el8
- rhel/libmnl 1.0.4-6.el8
- rhel/libmodulemd 2.13.0-1.el8
- rhel/libmount 2.32.1-35.el8
- rhel/libmpc 1.1.0-9.1.el8
- rhel/libnetfilter_conntrack 1.0.6-5.el8
- rhel/libnfnetlink 1.0.1-13.el8
- rhel/libnftnl 1.1.5-5.el8
- rhel/libnghttp2 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
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- rhel/libnsl2 1.2.0-2.20180605git4a062cf.el8
- rhel/libpaper 1.1.24-22.el8
- rhel/libpcap 1.9.1-5.el8
- rhel/libpkgconf 1.4.2-1.el8
- rhel/libpng-devel 1.6.34-5.el8
- rhel/libpng 1.6.34-5.el8
- rhel/libpq 13.5-1.el8
- rhel/libpsl 0.20.2-6.el8
- rhel/libpwquality 1.4.4-3.el8
- rhel/libquadmath-devel 8.5.0-10.1.el8_6
- rhel/libquadmath 8.5.0-10.1.el8_6
- rhel/libraqm 0.7.0-4.el8
- rhel/librepo 1.14.2-1.el8
- rhel/libreport-filesystem 2.9.5-15.el8
- rhel/librhsm 0.0.3-4.el8
- rhel/librsvg2 2.42.7-4.el8
- rhel/libseccomp 2.5.2-1.el8
- rhel/libselinux-devel 2.9-5.el8
- rhel/libselinux 2.9-5.el8
- rhel/libsemanage 2.9-8.el8
- rhel/libsepol-devel 2.9-3.el8
- rhel/libsepol 2.9-3.el8
- rhel/libsigsegv 2.11-5.el8
- rhel/libsmartcols 2.32.1-35.el8
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- rhel/libsodium 1.0.18-2.el8
- rhel/libsolv 0.7.20-1.el8
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- rhel/libssh 0.9.6-3.el8
- rhel/libstdc -devel 8.5.0-10.1.el8_6
- rhel/libstdc 8.5.0-10.1.el8_6
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- rhel/libthai 0.1.27-2.el8
- rhel/libtiff 4.0.9-21.el8
- rhel/libtirpc 1.1.4-6.el8
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- rhel/libusbx 1.0.23-4.el8
- rhel/libuser 0.62-24.el8
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- rhel/libuuid 2.32.1-35.el8
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- rhel/libxcb 1.13.1-1.el8
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- rhel/lua 5.3.4-12.el8
- rhel/lz4-libs 1.8.3-3.el8_4
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- rhel/mariadb-connector-c 3.1.11-2.el8_3
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- rhel/ncurses-libs 6.1-9.20180224.el8
- rhel/ncurses 6.1-9.20180224.el8
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- rhel/npth 1.5-4.el8
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- rhel/nss-sysinit 3.67.0-7.el8_5
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- rhel/nss 3.67.0-7.el8_5
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- rhel/openblas-threads64_ 0.3.15-3.el8
- rhel/openblas-threads 0.3.15-3.el8
- rhel/openblas 0.3.15-3.el8
- rhel/openjpeg2 2.4.0-4.el8
- rhel/openldap 2.4.46-18.el8
- rhel/openssh-clients 8.0p1-13.el8
- rhel/openssh 8.0p1-13.el8
- rhel/openssl-libs 1.1.1k-6.el8_5
- rhel/openssl-pkcs11 0.4.10-2.el8
- rhel/openssl 1.1.1k-6.el8_5
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- rhel/p11-kit 0.23.22-1.el8
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- rhel/pango 1.42.4-8.el8
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- rhel/pcre2-utf32 10.32-2.el8
- rhel/pcre2 10.32-2.el8
- rhel/pcre 8.42-6.el8
- rhel/perl-Carp 1.42-396.el8
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- rhel/perl-Digest-MD5 2.55-396.el8
- rhel/perl-Digest 1.17-395.el8
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- rhel/perl-Errno 1.28-421.el8
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- rhel/perl-File-Temp 0.230.600-1.el8
- rhel/perl-Getopt-Long 2.50-4.el8
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- rhel/perl-Pod-Simple 3.35-395.el8
- rhel/perl-Pod-Usage 1.69-395.el8
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- rhel/perl-Storable 3.11-3.el8
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- rhel/perl-Unicode-Normalize 1.25-396.el8
- rhel/perl-constant 1.33-396.el8
- rhel/perl-interpreter 5.26.3-421.el8
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- rhel/perl-libs 5.26.3-421.el8
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- rhel/perl-podlators 4.11-1.el8
- rhel/perl-threads-shared 1.58-2.el8
- rhel/perl-threads 2.21-2.el8
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- rhel/pixman 0.38.4-2.el8
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- rhel/pkgconf-pkg-config 1.4.2-1.el8
- rhel/pkgconf 1.4.2-1.el8
- rhel/platform-python-pip 9.0.3-22.el8
- rhel/platform-python-setuptools 39.2.0-6.el8
- rhel/platform-python 3.6.8-45.el8
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- rhel/poppler 20.11.0-4.el8
- rhel/popt 1.18-1.el8
- rhel/proj-datumgrid 1.8-
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- rhel/protobuf-devel 3.5.0-13.el8
- rhel/protobuf 3.5.0-13.el8
- rhel/publicsuffix-list-dafsa 20180723-1.el8
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- rhel/python3-cloud-what 1.28.29-3.el8
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- rhel/python3-libdnf 0.63.0-8.el8
- rhel/python3-librepo 1.14.2-1.el8
- rhel/python3-libs 3.6.8-45.el8
- rhel/python3-libxml2 2.9.7-13.el8_6.1
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- rhel/python3-pip 9.0.3-22.el8
- rhel/python3-pysocks 1.6.8-3.el8
- rhel/python3-requests 2.20.0-2.1.el8_1
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- rhel/python3-setuptools 39.2.0-6.el8
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- rhel/python3-subscription-manager-rhsm 1.28.29-3.el8
- rhel/python3-syspurpose 1.28.29-3.el8
- rhel/python3-unbound 1.7.3-17.el8
- rhel/python3-urllib3 1.24.2-5.el8
- rhel/python36 3.6.8-38.module el8.5.0 12207 5c5719bc
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- rhel/qt5-qtbase 5.15.2-4.el8
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- rhel/rootfiles 8.1-22.el8
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- rhel/rpm-libs 4.14.3-23.el8
- rhel/rpm 4.14.3-23.el8
- rhel/sed 4.5-5.el8
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- rhel/shapelib 1.5.0-1.el8
- rhel/shared-mime-info 1.9-3.el8
- rhel/sqlite-libs 3.26.0-15.el8
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- rhel/subscription-manager 1.28.29-3.el8
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- rhel/systemd-pam 239-58.el8
- rhel/systemd 239-58.el8
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- rhel/trousers 0.3.15-1.el8
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- rhel/tzdata 2022a-1.el8
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- rhel/udunits2 2.2.26-5.el8
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- rhel/vim-filesystem 8.0.1763-19.el8_6.2
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