An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : cran : snakecase
Explore the latest package usage data for snakecase in the cran ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 129
Total downloads: 346,205
More details on - JSON
rocker/ropensci 3.4.1
- version: 0.9.1
mirekphd/ml-cpu-r40-rs-cust 20230912
- version: 0.11.0
mirekphd/ml-cpu-r36-rs-cust latest
- version: 0.11.0
mirekphd/ml-cpu-r36-base latest
- version: 0.11.0
databrewllc/odk-form-extraction a0ce218
- version: 0.11.0
afcai2c/r-studio-eda 20230130il5
R Studio with Exploritory Data Analysis AI/ML packages installed
- version: 0.11.0
afcai2c/python-r-ai latest
Image with Python and R packages
- version: 0.11.0
mirekphd/ml-cpu-r35-rs 20190201
- version: 0.9.2
afcai2c/r-studio-dl latest
R Studio with Deep Learning AI/ML packages installed [builds upon jlab-eda]
- version: 0.11.0
afcai2c/r-shiny pc22
R Shiniy - Build interactive web applications that can execute R code
- version: 0.11.0
kraigerl95/jupyternotebook-r stable
Jupyter Notebook wiht personal changes
- version: 0.11.1
mirekphd/ml-cpu-r35-jnb devel_2b2752c
- version: 0.9.1
rapporteket/ablanor-dev weekly
- version: 0.11.0
mirekphd/ml-cpu-r35-nx devel_fdbf539
- version: 0.9.1
rapporteket/norgast-dev nhn
- version: 0.11.0
peterdjames/r_base_with_packs_incl_rkdb r-base
- version: 0.11.0
rapporteket/ablanor prod
- version: 0.11.0
mirekphd/ml-cpu-r35-rdp 20180918
- version: 0.9.2
crukmi/mesa main
- version: 0.11.0
rapporteket/smerte-dev main
- version: 0.11.0
rapporteket/rapadm 0.6.0
- version: 0.11.0
mirekphd/ml-cpu-r35-guac devel_6f33d1e
- version: 0.9.1
afcai2c/r-studio-valex latest
- version: 0.11.0
gesiscss/binder-zambujo-2dnrpmap-e87036 4f52de0704bf278671ddbffa725c6c2124b71702
- version: 0.11.0
mirekphd/ml-gpu-r35-cuda90 devel_00b4e38
- version: 0.9.1
crukmi/mesa_dependencies latest
- version: 0.11.0
brodriguesco/r421_rap version1
This image is built on top of rocker/r-ver:4.2.1 with preinstalled packages.
- version: 0.11.0
lukasjirinovak/paqvalidation latest
Materials necessary to fully reproduce results of the validation of Perth Alexithymia Questionnaire
- version: 0.11.0
mirekphd/ml-cpu-r36-rs 20200131
- version: 0.11.0
lendrock/rstudioqa3-lendrock latest
- version: 0.11.0
huitacademictechnology/fas-rstudio-general sha-47ae0c3
- version: 0.11.0
mirekphd/ml-gpu-r35-cuda90-rstud devel_9f39157
- version: 0.9.1
dockklajdi/synth_with_jupyterlab latest
- version: 0.11.0
peterdjames/r_base_with_packs_inlc_rkdb latest
- version: 0.11.0
839517/soybean_yield latest
- version: 0.11.0
lendrock/rqadocker v2
- version: 0.11.0
839517/agronomic_us latest
- version: 0.11.0
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-pderyckesciensano-2dphiri-5fusecase-5fb-b8eec2 bddc3670435e9d5c5472882575e187b1f68ad974
- version: 0.11.0
afcai2c/r-studio-geo latest
- version: 0.11.0
etretiakov/workbench-session-complete jammy-2023.10.24-custom-12.5
- version: 0.11.0
ylebras/neal-docker 2022
- version: 0.11.0
839517/soybean_yield_research latest
- version: 0.11.0
entsupml/r-with-libraries latest
- version: 0.11.0
aoliver44/nutrition_tools 0.3.0a.8
Docker image for running helpful scripts, especially related to ML analyses in nutrition
- version: 0.11.0
intiquan/iqdesktop latest
- version: 0.11.0
lukasjirinovak/social_media_excessive_use_empathy_tom latest
- version: 0.11.0
estat/batchchange 13-01-2023-182746
- version: 0.11.0
pitu/r-ver-plumber 4.0.0
- version: 0.11.0
paulb1981/guinea_data_download latest
- version: 0.11.0
maitner/example latest
- version: 0.11.0
tamaraperteghella/r4_hormonit latest
- version: 0.11.0
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-pderyckesciensano-2dphiri-5fusecase-5fc-4d1f73 729f83efa96fff45a0e030dab0e2a541c4826cfd
- version: 0.11.0
alessio619/shiny-agentsatisfaction v1.3.0
- version: 0.11.0
carolina30/r421_rap version1
- version: 0.11.0
egivens045/mmm latest
Image for MMM modeling with ammmp and ammmplus
- version: 0.11.0
ravoconiq/dockerimagevoc v5
- version: 0.11.0
hirowat2/rbase 14-01-2023-212139
- version: 0.11.0
educative1/rcourse v3
- version: 0.11.0
fps99/airflow-worker v5.0
- version: 0.11.0
alicesoto/jupyter-rstudio-binder latest
- version: 0.11.0
r2bit/bit-edu-server latest
bit-edu is an open-source scientific and technical education environment built on Docker.
- version: 0.11.0
alicesoto/illicitai latest
- version: 0.11.0
cheungweilim/pit-apps latest
Build with R package for PIT applications
- version: 0.11.0
koningb/smart-solar latest
- version: 0.11.0
estat/skuanalysisallcontry 05-02-2024-140401
- version: 0.11.0
kellywujy/tidyinferential v0.3.0
An image created based on rocker/tidyverse with inferential analysis R packages added and Python
- version: 0.11.0
appliedepi/stats_course latest
- version: 0.11.0
alessio619/socialimpactdeploy v1.1.1
- version: 0.11.0
peterdjames/r-w-kdb-image-simple latest
- version: 0.11.0
wlc27/dcanr v1
- version: 0.11.0
qx658/eas-shiny latest
- version: 0.11.0
paulb1981/ssd_tsetse_data2 latest
- version: 0.11.0
dkendy/r_base_calculo latest
- version: 0.11.0
rcepka/scraping_test latest
- version: 0.11.1
bbeacosta/sctype latest
- version: 0.11.0
estat/rdc301-upload 08-12-2023-083956
- version: 0.11.0, 0.11.1
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-kevinsee-2dstadem-ded3a1 8dab1b49b6f49a6396b9920af9ba76e58a02c728
- version: 0.11.0
cyemparala/shiny-test latest
- version: 0.11.1
stevenpawley/rstats-ml latest
Image for general machine learning in R
- version: 0.11.1
appliedepi/alexexample latest
- version: 0.11.0
obiba/rock 2.1.1
Rock R server with REST API
- version: 0.11.0
arcadiascience/tidy-prehgt 2.0.0
- version: 0.11.0
jmbarbone/databricks-r development
- version: 0.11.0, 0.11.1
datashield/rock-dolomite-xenon 2.1.1
This DataSHIELD profile consists of the platform 'dolomite' and the profile 'xenon'.
- version: 0.11.0
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-slcladal-2dinteractive-2dnotebooks-2denvironment-0b0926 ed7ef35669d3c862cf4eeb6508fce6463d0669d7
- version: 0.11.0
peterdjames/r-w-kdb-image latest
- version: 0.11.0
chiajungl/smk-scrna-extra 4.3-7.30-4.3
- version: 0.11.0
cmccornack/crmsc latest
- version: 0.11.0
earthlabcu/forest-resiliency latest
- version: 0.11.0
interactive4swp/ceu_votes 2.5.0
- version: 0.11.0, 0.11.1
vnijs/rsm-msba-intel-jupyterhub 3.0.0
- version: 0.11.1