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Package Usage : cran : ggiraph
Explore the latest package usage data for ggiraph in the cran ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 28
Total downloads: 4,996
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afcai2c/r-studio-eda 20230130il5
R Studio with Exploritory Data Analysis AI/ML packages installed
- version: 0.8.2
afcai2c/python-r-ai latest
Image with Python and R packages
- version: 0.8.2
afcai2c/r-studio-dl latest
R Studio with Deep Learning AI/ML packages installed [builds upon jlab-eda]
- version: 0.8.1
afcai2c/r-shiny pc22
R Shiniy - Build interactive web applications that can execute R code
- version: 0.8.2
brodriguesco/shiny_1_5 firstcommit
- version: 0.7.8
atttilacs/dsp_geomxtools latest
- version: 0.8.3
klettsch/rquarto latest
- version: 0.8.6
qdidiscoveryservices/pipeline_reporter lastest
- version: 0.7.8
weishwu/systempiper 12022022
- version: 0.8.3
etretiakov/workbench-session-complete jammy-2023.10.24-custom-12.5
- version: 0.8.7
afcai2c/r-studio-aiml latest
- version: 0.8.2
weishwu/planet 12052022
- version: 0.8.5
codechenx/mice_aspergillus_infection_lung_project latest
- version: 0.8.7
gesiscss/binder-eurostat-2dprost-93f355 19a93baa9ae55e698f0c5f7f2548fbe559b3473f
- version: 0.7.0
weishwu/diffbind 3.6.5
- version: 0.8.6
cgwyx/easymicrobiomer latest
The best practice for microbiome analysis using R
- version: 0.8.7
codechenx/nafld_500_data latest
- version: 0.8.7
seifer08ms/rocker_geo cuda11.8
- version: 0.8.6
nazhar/scrnaseq flow2
- version: 0.8.7
abashkin/rstudio_new_test 20241021
- version: 0.8.2
ohdsi/whatllhappentome 0.0.5
OHDSI What'll Happen To Me
- version: 0.8.3
ohdsi/howoften_db_diagnostics 0.0.1
OHDSI How Often database diagnostics
- version: 0.8.3
ycli1995/bioinfo_dev 1.0.1
- version: 0.8.7
etretiakov/rocker-session latest
- version: 0.8.7
msnutrition/anom v0.000.9000
- version: 0.8.2
giocomai/castarter 2023-12-31
- version: 0.8.7
educative1/rocker_ggplot latest
- version: 0.8.6
rcepka/rcepka_shiny-verse latest
- version: 0.8.7