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vanessa/aim-manuscript : base
manuscript and example machine learning pipeline with scientific filesystem
Latest release: almost 7 years ago - 154 downloads - 135 dependencies
- KernSmooth 2.23-15
- MASS 7.3-48
- Matrix 1.2-12
- R6 2.2.2
- Rcpp 0.12.15
- assertthat 0.2.0
- backports 1.1.2
- base64enc 0.1-3
- base 3.4.3
- boot 1.3-20
- callr 2.0.2
- class 7.3-14
- cli 1.0.0
- clipr 0.4.0
- clisymbols 1.2.0
- cluster 2.0.6
- codetools 0.2-15
- compiler 3.4.3
- crayon 1.3.4
- curl 3.1
- datasets 3.4.3
- debugme 1.1.0
- desc 1.1.1
- devtools
- digest 0.6.15
- docopt 0.4.5
- enc 0.1
- evaluate 0.10.1
- foreign 0.8-69
- gh 1.0.1
- git2r 0.21.0
- grDevices 3.4.3
- graphics 3.4.3
- grid 3.4.3
- highr 0.6
- htmltools 0.3.6
- httr 1.3.1
- ini 0.3.0
- jsonlite 1.5
- knitr 1.19
- lattice 0.20-35
- littler 0.3.3
- magrittr 1.5
- markdown 0.8
- memoise 1.1.0
- methods 3.4.3
- mgcv 1.8-23
- mime 0.5
- nlme 3.1-131
- nnet 7.3-12
- openssl 1.0
- parallel 3.4.3
- pillar 1.1.0
- pkgbuild
- pkgload
- praise 1.0.0
- purrr 0.2.4
- rcmdcheck 1.2.1
- rematch2 2.0.1
- rlang 0.1.6
- rmarkdown 1.8
- rpart 4.1-12
- rprojroot 1.3-2
- rstudioapi 0.7
- sessioninfo 1.0.0
- spatial 7.3-11
- splines 3.4.3
- stats4 3.4.3
- stats 3.4.3
- stringi 1.1.6
- stringr 1.2.0
- styler 1.0.0
- survival 2.41-3
- tcltk 3.4.3
- testCheckExtrafile 0.1
- testCollateAbsent 0.1
- testCollateExtra 0.1
- testCollateMissing 0.1
- testCollateOrder 0.1
- testData 0.1
- testDataLazy 0.1
- testDependMissing 0.1
- testDependsExists 0.1
- testDllLoad 0.1
- testDllRcpp 0.1
- testDummy 0.1
- testError 0.1
- testHelp 0.1
- testHooks 0.1
- testImportMissing 0.1
- testImportVersion 0.1
- testLoadDir 0.1
- testLoadHooks 0.1
- testMarkdownVignettes 0.1
- testMissingNsObject 0.1
- testNamespace 0.1
- testRcppClass 0.1
- testRcppModule 0.1
- testRcppPackage 0.1.0
- testS4export 0.1
- testS4import 0.1
- testS4sort 0.1
- testS4union 0.1
- testShim 0.1
- testTest 0.1
- testTestWithDepends 0.1
- testUseData 0.1
- testVignettes 0.1
- testVignettesBuilt 0.1
- testWithSrc 0.1
- testthat 2.0.0
- tibble 1.4.2
- tools 3.4.3
- translations 3.4.3
- usethis 1.2.0
- utf8 1.1.3
- utils 3.4.3
- whisker 0.3-2
- withr 2.1.1
- yaml 2.1.16
- PyGObject 3.26.1
- SecretStorage 2.3.1
- asn1crypto 0.24.0
- cryptography 2.1.4
- idna 2.6
- keyring 10.6.0
- keyrings.alt 2.2
- pip 9.0.1
- pycrypto 2.6.1
- pyxdg 0.25
- setuptools 38.4.0
- six 1.11.0
- wheel 0.30.0