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tchoi52/kudu_fake_sigterm : 6.0
Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)
Latest release: almost 3 years ago - 1,048,999 downloads - 4,035 dependencies
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- jws 3.2.2
- jwt-decode 2.2.0
- keypress 0.1.0
- killable 1.0.1
- kind-of 2.0.1
- kind-of 3.2.2
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- kind-of 5.1.0
- kind-of 6.0.3
- kleur 2.0.2
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- kuduscript
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- last-call-webpack-plugin 3.0.0
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- lazy 1.0.11
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- lcid 2.0.0
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- leven 2.1.0
- leven 3.1.0
- levenary 1.1.1
- levn 0.3.0
- libnpx 9.7.1
- liftoff 2.5.0
- load-json-file 1.1.0
- load-json-file 2.0.0
- loader-fs-cache 1.0.3
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- loader-utils 0.2.17
- loader-utils 1.2.3
- loader-utils 1.4.0
- locate-path 2.0.0
- locate-path 3.0.0
- lockfile 1.0.3
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- lodash._baseindexof 3.1.0
- lodash._basetostring 3.0.1
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- lodash._createset 4.0.3
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- lodash._reevaluate 3.0.0
- lodash._reinterpolate 3.0.0
- lodash._root 3.0.1
- lodash.assign 4.2.0
- lodash.bind 4.2.1
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- lodash.camelcase 4.3.0
- lodash.clone 4.5.0
- lodash.clonedeep 4.5.0
- lodash.deburr 3.2.0
- lodash.defaults 4.2.0
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- lodash.includes 4.3.0
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- lodash.sortby 4.7.0
- lodash.tail 4.1.1
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- lodash.template 4.5.0
- lodash.templatesettings 3.1.1
- lodash.templatesettings 4.2.0
- lodash.union 4.6.0
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- lodash.without 4.4.0
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- lodash 1.0.2
- lodash 3.10.1
- lodash 4.15.0
- lodash 4.17.19
- lodash 4.17.21
- log-driver 1.2.7
- loglevel 1.6.8
- longest 1.0.1
- loose-envify 1.4.0
- lower-case 1.1.4
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- lowercase-keys 1.0.1
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- lru-cache 4.0.0
- lru-cache 4.1.1
- lru-cache 4.1.5
- lru-cache 5.1.1
- lru-cache 6.0.0
- make-dir 1.0.0
- make-dir 1.3.0
- make-dir 2.1.0
- make-fetch-happen 2.5.0
- make-fetch-happen 2.6.0
- make-iterator 1.0.1
- makeerror 1.0.11
- map-age-cleaner 0.1.3
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- math-expression-evaluator 1.2.22
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- memory-fs 0.4.1
- memory-fs 0.5.0
- memory-pager 1.5.0
- merge-deep 3.0.2
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- merge-stream 1.0.1
- merge2 1.4.1
- merge 1.2.1
- methods 1.1.2
- micromatch 2.3.11
- micromatch 3.1.10
- miller-rabin 4.0.1
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- mime-db 1.44.0
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- mimic-fn 2.1.0
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- minimalistic-assert 1.0.1
- minimalistic-crypto-utils 1.0.1
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- minimatch 2.0.1
- minimatch 2.0.10
- minimatch 3.0.4
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- minimist 0.0.8
- minimist 1.2.0
- minimist 1.2.5
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- minipass 2.2.4
- minipass 2.9.0
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- minizlib 1.1.0
- minizlib 1.3.3
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- mississippi 3.0.0
- mixin-deep 1.3.2
- mixin-object 2.0.1
- mkdirp 0.5.1
- mkdirp 0.5.5
- mkdirp 1.0.4
- module-details-from-path 1.0.3
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- moment-timezone 0.5.34
- moment 2.27.0
- moment 2.29.1
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- mongodb 2.1.14
- mongodb 3.6.0
- monorepo-symlink-test 0.0.0
- morgan 1.10.0
- morgan 1.9.1
- move-concurrently 1.0.1
- ms 0.7.1
- ms 2.0.0
- ms 2.1.1
- ms 2.1.2
- mssql 4.3.9
- multer 1.4.2
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- multicast-dns 6.2.3
- multipipe 0.1.2
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- mute-stream 0.0.7
- mute-stream 0.0.8
- mv 2.1.1
- mylib 0.0.0
- mysql 2.18.1
- nan 2.14.1
- nanomatch 1.2.13
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- natives 1.1.6
- natural-compare 1.4.0
- ncp 2.0.0
- needle 2.2.0
- needle 2.4.0
- needle 2.5.0
- negotiator 0.5.3
- negotiator 0.6.2
- neo-async 2.6.2
- nestedtest 1.0.0
- netmask 2.0.2
- next-tick 1.0.0
- nice-try 1.0.5
- no-case 2.3.2
- nocache 2.1.0
- node-fetch-npm 2.0.2
- node-fetch 1.7.3
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- node-forge 0.9.0
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- node-pre-gyp 0.10.3
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- nodemon 1.19.4
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- nopt 4.0.3
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- normalize-package-data 2.5.0
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- normalize-url 3.3.0
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- npm 5.6.0
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- nth-check 1.0.2
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- number-is-nan 1.0.1
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- oauth 0.9.14
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- object-assign 4.1.1
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- object-hash 1.3.1
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- 1.0.1
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- once 1.4.0
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- p-limit 1.3.0
- p-limit 2.3.0
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- p-locate 3.0.0
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- p-try 2.2.0
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- pac-resolver 5.0.0
- package-json 4.0.1
- pacote 7.0.2
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- pako 1.0.11
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- parallel-transform 1.2.0
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- parse-json 4.0.0
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- parse5 4.0.0
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- passport-strategy 1.0.0
- passport 0.3.2
- passport 0.4.1
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- path-browserify 0.0.1
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- path-type 2.0.0
- path-type 3.0.0
- path 0.12.7
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- picomatch 2.3.1
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- pinkie 2.0.4
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- pkg-dir 2.0.0
- pkg-dir 3.0.0
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- relateurl 0.2.7
- remove-trailing-separator 1.1.0
- renderkid 2.0.3
- repeat-element 1.1.3
- repeat-string 1.6.1
- repeating 2.0.1
- replace-ext 0.0.1
- request-promise-core 1.1.4
- request-promise-native 1.0.9
- request 2.83.0
- request 2.88.2
- require-directory 2.1.1
- require-in-the-middle 5.1.0
- require-main-filename 1.0.1
- require-uncached 1.0.3
- require_optional 1.0.1
- requires-port 1.0.0
- resolve-cwd 2.0.0
- resolve-dir 1.0.1
- resolve-from 1.0.1
- resolve-from 2.0.0
- resolve-from 3.0.0
- resolve-from 4.0.0
- resolve-pathname 3.0.0
- resolve-url 0.2.1
- resolve 1.1.7
- resolve 1.10.0
- resolve 1.17.0
- resolve 1.22.0
- restore-cursor 1.0.1
- restore-cursor 2.0.0
- ret 0.1.15
- retry 0.10.1
- rgb-regex 1.0.1
- rgba-regex 1.0.0
- right-align 0.1.3
- rimraf 2.4.5
- rimraf 2.6.2
- rimraf 2.6.3
- rimraf 2.7.1
- ripemd160 0.2.0
- ripemd160 2.0.2
- rsvp 3.6.2
- run-async 0.1.0
- run-async 2.4.1
- run-queue 1.0.3
- run-series 1.1.9
- rx-lite 3.1.2
- rxjs 6.3.3
- rxjs 6.6.2
- safe-buffer 5.1.1
- safe-buffer 5.1.2
- safe-buffer 5.2.0
- safe-buffer 5.2.1
- safe-json-stringify 1.2.0
- safe-regex 1.1.0
- safer-buffer 2.1.2
- sane 2.5.2
- saslprep 1.0.3
- sass-loader 7.1.0
- sax 0.5.8
- sax 1.2.4
- scheduler 0.19.1
- schema-utils 0.4.7
- schema-utils 1.0.0
- select-hose 2.0.0
- selfsigned 1.10.7
- semver-diff 2.1.0
- semver 4.3.6
- semver 5.3.0
- semver 5.4.1
- semver 5.5.0
- semver 5.7.1
- semver 6.3.0
- semver 7.0.0
- semver 7.2.3
- semver 7.3.5
- send 0.13.1
- send 0.13.2
- send 0.16.2
- send 0.17.1
- sequencify 0.0.7
- serialize-javascript 1.9.1
- serialize-javascript 3.1.0
- serve-favicon 2.5.0
- serve-index 1.9.1
- serve-static 1.10.3
- serve-static 1.13.2
- serve-static 1.14.1
- set-blocking 2.0.0
- set-value 2.0.1
- setimmediate 1.0.5
- setprototypeof 1.1.0
- setprototypeof 1.1.1
- setprototypeof 1.2.0
- sha.js 2.2.6
- sha.js 2.4.11
- sha 2.0.1
- shallow-clone 0.1.2
- shallow-clone 1.0.0
- shebang-command 1.2.0
- shebang-regex 1.0.0
- shell-quote 1.6.1
- shelljs 0.6.1
- shellwords 0.1.1
- shimmer 1.2.1
- sigmund 1.0.1
- signal-exit 3.0.2
- signal-exit 3.0.3
- signal-exit 3.0.6
- simple-http-server 1.0.0
- simple-swizzle 0.2.2
- sisteransi 0.1.1
- slash 1.0.0
- slash 2.0.0
- slice-ansi 0.0.4
- slice-ansi 2.1.0
- slide 1.1.6
- smart-buffer 1.1.15
- smart-buffer 4.2.0
- snapdragon-node 2.1.1
- snapdragon-util 3.0.1
- snapdragon 0.8.2
- sntp 2.0.2
- sockjs-client 1.3.0
- sockjs-echo 0.0.0-unreleasable
- sockjs-express 0.0.0-unreleasable
- sockjs-hapi 0.0.0-unreleasable
- sockjs-koa 0.0.0-unreleasable
- sockjs-multiplex 0.0.0-unreleasable
- sockjs 0.3.19
- socks-proxy-agent 3.0.1
- socks-proxy-agent 5.0.1
- socks 1.1.10
- socks 2.6.1
- sort-keys 1.1.2
- sorted-object 2.0.1
- sorted-union-stream 2.1.3
- source-list-map 0.1.8
- source-list-map 2.0.1
- source-map-resolve 0.5.3
- source-map-support 0.4.18
- source-map-support 0.5.19
- source-map-url 0.4.0
- source-map 0.1.43
- source-map 0.4.4
- source-map 0.5.7
- source-map 0.6.1
- sparkles 1.0.1
- sparse-bitfield 3.0.3
- spdx-correct 1.0.2
- spdx-correct 3.1.1
- spdx-exceptions 2.3.0
- spdx-expression-parse 1.0.4
- spdx-expression-parse 3.0.1
- spdx-license-ids 1.2.2
- spdx-license-ids 3.0.5
- spdy-transport 3.0.0
- spdy 4.0.2
- split-string 3.1.0
- sprintf-js 1.0.3
- sprintf-js 1.1.2
- sqlstring 2.3.1
- sshpk 1.13.1
- sshpk 1.16.1
- ssri 4.1.6
- ssri 5.0.0
- ssri 6.0.1
- stable 0.1.8
- stack-utils 1.0.2
- standard-as-callback 2.0.1
- static-extend 0.1.2
- statuses 1.2.1
- statuses 1.4.0
- statuses 1.5.0
- stealthy-require 1.1.1
- stream-browserify 1.0.0
- stream-browserify 2.0.2
- stream-consume 0.1.1
- stream-each 1.2.0
- stream-each 1.2.3
- stream-http 2.8.3
- stream-iterate 1.2.0
- stream-shift 1.0.0
- stream-shift 1.0.1
- streamline 0.4.11
- streamsearch 0.1.2
- strict-uri-encode 1.1.0
- string-length 2.0.0
- string-width 1.0.2
- string-width 2.1.1
- string-width 3.1.0
- string.prototype.trimend 1.0.1
- string.prototype.trimstart 1.0.1
- string_decoder 0.10.31
- string_decoder 1.0.3
- string_decoder 1.1.1
- string_decoder 1.3.0
- stringify-object 3.3.0
- stringstream 0.0.5
- strip-ansi 3.0.1
- strip-ansi 4.0.0
- strip-ansi 5.0.0
- strip-ansi 5.2.0
- strip-bom 1.0.0
- strip-bom 2.0.0
- strip-bom 3.0.0
- strip-comments 1.0.2
- strip-eof 1.0.0
- strip-json-comments 1.0.4
- strip-json-comments 2.0.1
- style-loader 0.13.1
- style-loader 0.23.1
- stylehacks 4.0.3
- supports-color 2.0.0
- supports-color 3.2.3
- supports-color 4.4.0
- supports-color 5.5.0
- supports-color 6.1.0
- supports-color 7.2.0
- supports-preserve-symlinks-flag 1.0.0
- svg-parser 2.0.4
- svgo 0.7.2
- svgo 1.3.2
- symbol-observable 1.2.0
- symbol-tree 3.2.4
- systeminformation 5.11.0
- table 3.8.3
- table 5.4.6
- tapable 0.1.10
- tapable 1.1.3
- tar 2.2.1
- tar 4.0.2
- tar 4.4.1
- tar 4.4.13
- tedious 2.7.1
- term-size 1.2.0
- terser-webpack-plugin 1.2.2
- terser-webpack-plugin 1.4.4
- terser 3.17.0
- terser 4.8.0
- test-exclude 4.2.3
- text-table 0.2.0
- throat 4.1.0
- through2 0.6.5
- through2 2.0.3
- url-parse-lax 1.0.0
- url-parse 1.4.7
- through2 2.0.5
- through 2.3.8
- thunky 1.1.0
- tildify 1.2.0
- time-stamp 1.1.0
- timed-out 4.0.1
- timers-browserify 1.4.2
- timers-browserify 2.0.11
- timsort 0.3.0
- tiny-invariant 1.1.0
- tiny-warning 1.0.3
- tmp 0.0.33
- tmpl 1.0.4
- to-arraybuffer 1.0.1
- to-fast-properties 1.0.3
- to-fast-properties 2.0.0
- to-object-path 0.3.0
- to-regex-range 2.1.1
- to-regex-range 5.0.1
- to-regex 3.0.2
- toidentifier 1.0.0
- toidentifier 1.0.1
- token-stream 0.0.1
- token-stream 1.0.0
- topo 2.0.2
- touch 3.1.0
- tough-cookie 2.3.3
- tough-cookie 2.5.0
- tr46 1.0.1
- transformers 2.1.0
- trim-right 1.0.1
- tryer 1.0.1
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- tslib 1.13.0
- tslib 1.9.3
- tslib 2.3.1
- tty-browserify 0.0.0
- tunnel-agent 0.6.0
- tv4 1.3.0
- tweetnacl 0.14.5
- tx2 1.0.5
- type-check 0.3.2
- type-is 1.6.18
- type 1.2.0
- type 2.0.0
- typedarray 0.0.6
- ua-parser-js 0.7.21
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- uglify-js 2.6.4
- uglify-js 2.8.29
- uglify-js 3.10.1
- uglify-js 3.4.10
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- uid-safe 2.1.5
- umask 1.1.0
- unc-path-regex 0.1.2
- undefsafe 2.0.3
- underscore 1.8.3
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- unicode-match-property-ecmascript 1.0.4
- unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript 1.2.0
- unicode-property-aliases-ecmascript 1.1.0
- union-value 1.0.1
- uniq 1.0.1
- uniqs 2.0.0
- unique-filename 1.1.0
- unique-filename 1.1.1
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- unique-slug 2.0.2
- unique-stream 1.0.0
- unique-string 1.0.0
- universalify 0.1.2
- unpipe 1.0.0
- unquote 1.1.1
- unset-value 1.0.0
- unzip-response 2.0.1
- upath 1.2.0
- update-notifier 2.3.0
- update-notifier 2.5.0
- upper-case 1.1.3
- uri-js 4.2.2
- urix 0.1.0
- url-loader 0.5.7
- url-loader 1.1.2
- url 0.10.3
- url 0.11.0
- use 3.1.1
- user-home 1.1.1
- user-home 2.0.0
- util-deprecate 1.0.2
- util-extend 1.0.3
- util.promisify 1.0.0
- util.promisify 1.0.1
- util 0.10.3
- util 0.10.4
- util 0.11.1
- utila 0.4.0
- utils-merge 1.0.0
- utils-merge 1.0.1
- uuid 2.0.2
- uuid 3.1.0
- uuid 3.4.0
- uuid 8.3.0
- v8flags 2.1.1
- valid-url 1.0.9
- validate-npm-package-license 3.0.1
- validate-npm-package-license 3.0.4
- validate-npm-package-name 3.0.0
- validator 10.11.0
- validator 13.1.1
- validator 9.4.1
- value-equal 1.0.1
- vary 1.0.1
- vary 1.1.2
- vendors 1.0.4
- verror 1.10.0
- vinyl-fs 0.3.14
- vinyl 0.4.6
- vinyl 0.5.3
- vizion 2.2.1
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- void-elements 3.1.0
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- walker 1.0.7
- warning 4.0.3
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- watchpack-chokidar2 2.0.0
- watchpack 0.2.9
- watchpack 1.7.4
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- whatwg-url 7.1.0
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- which 1.3.0
- which 1.3.1
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- wide-align 1.1.3
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- widest-line 2.0.1
- window-size 0.1.0
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- with 5.1.1
- with 7.0.2
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- workbox-cache-expiration 3.6.3
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- workbox-core 3.6.3
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- workbox-range-requests 3.6.3
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- workbox-strategies 3.6.3
- workbox-streams 3.6.3
- workbox-sw 3.6.3
- workbox-webpack-plugin 3.6.3
- worker-farm 1.5.1
- worker-farm 1.7.0
- wrap-ansi 2.1.0
- wrappy 1.0.2
- write-file-atomic 2.1.0
- write-file-atomic 2.4.3
- write 0.2.1
- ws 5.2.2
- ws 7.4.6
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- xdg-basedir 3.0.0
- xml-name-validator 3.0.0
- xml2js 0.2.8
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- xregexp 4.0.0
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- xtend 4.0.2
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- y18n 4.0.0
- yallist 2.1.2
- yallist 3.0.2
- yallist 3.1.1
- yallist 4.0.0
- yamljs 0.3.0
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- yargs-parser 9.0.2
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- yargs 12.0.2
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- yargs 8.0.2
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- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Localization 2.0.0
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Localization
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.NewtonsoftJson 3.0.0
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.Extensions 2.0.0
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.Reference
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor 2.0.0
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RazorPages.Reference
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RazorPages 2.0.0
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RazorPages
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Reference
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers.Reference
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers 2.0.0
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.Reference
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures 2.0.0
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc 2.0.0
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Proxy 0.1.0
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Language 2.0.0
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Language 2.1.2
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Language 3.0.3
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Language 3.1.11
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Reference
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Runtime.Reference
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Runtime 2.0.0
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Runtime
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor 2.0.0
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Reference
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.ResponseCaching.Abstractions.Reference
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.ResponseCaching.Abstractions 2.0.0
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.ResponseCaching.Abstractions
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.ResponseCaching
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.ResponseCompression
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Rewrite
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Abstractions.Reference
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Abstractions 2.0.0
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Abstractions
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Reference
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing 2.0.0
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.HttpSys
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.IIS
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.IISIntegration.Reference
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.IISIntegration 2.0.0
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.IISIntegration
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core.Reference
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core 2.0.0
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Https 2.0.0
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Reference
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Transport.Abstractions 2.0.0
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Transport.Libuv 2.0.0
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Transport.Sockets
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel 2.0.0
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Session
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Common
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Core
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Protocols.Json
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles.Reference
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles 2.0.0
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebSockets
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebUtilities.Reference
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebUtilities 2.2.0
- Microsoft.AspNetCore 2.0.0
- Microsoft.AspNetCore
- Microsoft.Azure.WebSites.DataProtection 0.1.78-alpha
- Microsoft.Build.Framework 16.0.450
- Microsoft.Build.Framework 16.2.37902
- Microsoft.Build.Localization 16.0.450
- Microsoft.Build.Localization 16.2.37902
- Microsoft.Build.NuGetSdkResolver 5.0.2-rtm.5988
- Microsoft.Build.NuGetSdkResolver 5.2.0-rtm.6067
- Microsoft.Build.Runtime 16.0.450
- Microsoft.Build.Runtime 16.2.37902
- Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Core 16.0.450
- Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Core 16.2.37902
- Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Git 1.0.0-beta2-19367-01
- Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Git 1.1.0-beta-20206-02
- Microsoft.Build.Utilities.Core 16.0.450
- Microsoft.Build.Utilities.Core 16.2.37902
- Microsoft.Build 16.0.450
- Microsoft.Build 16.2.37902
- Microsoft.CSharp.Reference
- Microsoft.CSharp
- Microsoft.CSharp 4.0.1
- Microsoft.CSharp 4.3.0
- Microsoft.CSharp 4.6.0
- Microsoft.CSharp 4.7.0
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Analyzers 1.1.0
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Analyzers 2.6.2-beta2
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Analyzers 2.9.3
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Analyzers 2.9.4
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Analyzers 3.0.0
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.BannedApiAnalyzers 3.3.0-beta1.20262.5
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp 2.1.0
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp 2.3.1
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp 2.8.0
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp 3.0.0-beta4-19120-05
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp 3.2.0-beta2-19303-01
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp 3.3.0
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp 3.3.1-beta4-19462-11
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp 3.7.0-6.20570.4
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common 2.1.0
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common 2.3.1
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common 2.8.0
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common 3.0.0-beta4-19120-05
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common 3.2.0-beta2-19303-01
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common 3.3.0
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common 3.3.1-beta4-19462-11
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common 3.7.0-6.20570.4
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.NetAnalyzers 3.3.0-beta1.20305.4
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PerformanceSensitiveAnalyzers 3.3.0-beta1.20262.5
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PublicApiAnalyzers 3.3.0-beta1.20262.5
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Razor 2.0.0
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Razor 2.1.2
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Razor 3.0.3
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Razor 3.1.11
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic 3.0.0-beta4-19120-05
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic 3.2.0-beta2-19303-01
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic 3.3.1-beta4-19462-11
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic 3.7.0-6.20570.4
- Microsoft.DiaSymReader.Native 1.7.0
- Microsoft.Diagnostics.Runtime 0.8.24
- Microsoft.DotNet.Archive 0.2.0-beta-63027-01
- Microsoft.DotNet.Cli.CommandLine 0.1.1
- Microsoft.DotNet.Cli.Sln.Internal 2.1.812-preview
- Microsoft.DotNet.Cli.Sln.Internal 2.2.207-preview
- Microsoft.DotNet.Cli.Utils 2.1.812
- Microsoft.DotNet.Cli.Utils 2.2.207
- Microsoft.DotNet.Configurer 2.1.812-preview
- Microsoft.DotNet.Configurer 2.2.207-preview
- Microsoft.DotNet.GenAPI 1.0.0-beta.19607.3
- Microsoft.DotNet.GenAPI 1.0.0-beta.20569.8
- Microsoft.DotNet.InternalAbstractions 2.1.812
- Microsoft.DotNet.InternalAbstractions 2.2.207
- Microsoft.DotNet.PlatformAbstractions 1.0.3
- Microsoft.DotNet.PlatformAbstractions 2.0.0
- Microsoft.DotNet.PlatformAbstractions 2.1.0
- Microsoft.DotNet.ProjectJsonMigration 1.3.2-preview.19074.1
- Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.MigrateCommand 1.3.2-preview.19074.1
- Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Abstractions.Reference
- Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Abstractions 2.0.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Abstractions
- Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory.Reference
- Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory 2.0.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory
- Microsoft.Extensions.CommandLineUtils.Sources 2.1.1
- Microsoft.Extensions.CommandLineUtils.Sources 3.0.3-servicing.20072.2
- Microsoft.Extensions.CommandLineUtils.Sources 3.1.11-servicing.20567.16
- Microsoft.Extensions.CommandLineUtils 1.0.1
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions.Reference
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions 2.1.1
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions 2.2.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions 3.0.3
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions 3.1.11
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions 3.1.5
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder.Reference
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder 2.2.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder 3.1.5
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.CommandLine.Reference
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.CommandLine 2.0.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.CommandLine
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.CommandLine 3.1.5
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.EnvironmentVariables.Reference
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.EnvironmentVariables 2.0.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.EnvironmentVariables
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.EnvironmentVariables 3.1.5
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.FileExtensions.Reference
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.FileExtensions 2.0.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.FileExtensions 2.1.1
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.FileExtensions 2.2.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.FileExtensions 3.0.3
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.FileExtensions
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.FileExtensions 3.1.11
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.FileExtensions 3.1.5
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Ini
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Ini 3.1.5
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json.Reference
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json 2.0.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json 2.1.1
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json 2.2.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json 3.0.3
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json 3.1.11
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json 3.1.5
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.KeyPerFile
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Reference
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.UserSecrets.Reference
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.UserSecrets 2.0.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.UserSecrets 2.1.1
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.UserSecrets 2.2.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.UserSecrets 3.0.3
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.UserSecrets
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.UserSecrets 3.1.11
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Xml
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration 2.1.1
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration 2.2.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration 3.0.3
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration 3.1.11
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration 3.1.5
- Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions.Reference
- Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions 2.2.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions 3.1.5
- Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Reference
- Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection 1.0.2
- Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection 2.0.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection 3.1.5
- Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel 1.0.3
- Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel 2.0.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel 2.1.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel 3.0.0-preview4-27615-11
- Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.HealthChecks.Abstractions
- Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.HealthChecks
- Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Abstractions.Reference
- Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Abstractions 2.1.1
- Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Abstractions 2.2.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Abstractions 3.0.3
- Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Abstractions 3.1.11
- Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Abstractions 3.1.5
- Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Composite.Reference
- Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Composite 2.0.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Composite
- Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Embedded.Reference
- Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Embedded 2.0.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Embedded
- Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Physical.Reference
- Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Physical 2.0.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Physical 2.1.1
- Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Physical 2.2.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Physical 3.0.3
- Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Physical
- Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Physical 3.1.11
- Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Physical 3.1.5
- Microsoft.Extensions.FileSystemGlobbing.Reference
- Microsoft.Extensions.FileSystemGlobbing 1.1.1
- Microsoft.Extensions.FileSystemGlobbing 2.0.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.FileSystemGlobbing 2.1.1
- Microsoft.Extensions.FileSystemGlobbing 2.2.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.FileSystemGlobbing 3.0.3
- Microsoft.Extensions.FileSystemGlobbing
- Microsoft.Extensions.FileSystemGlobbing 3.1.11
- Microsoft.Extensions.FileSystemGlobbing 3.1.5
- Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.Abstractions.Reference
- Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.Abstractions 2.2.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting
- Microsoft.Extensions.Http.Polly 3.1.5
- Microsoft.Extensions.Http
- Microsoft.Extensions.Http 3.1.5
- Microsoft.Extensions.Identity.Core.Reference
- Microsoft.Extensions.Identity.Core 2.2.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.Identity.Core
- Microsoft.Extensions.Identity.Stores
- Microsoft.Extensions.Localization.Abstractions.Reference
- Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms 2.0.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.Localization.Abstractions 2.0.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.Localization.Abstractions
- Microsoft.Extensions.Localization.Reference
- Microsoft.Extensions.Localization 2.0.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.Localization
- Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.Reference
- Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions 2.2.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions 3.1.5
- Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Configuration.Reference
- Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Configuration 2.0.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Configuration
- Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Console.Reference
- Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Console 2.0.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Console
- Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Debug.Reference
- Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Debug 2.0.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Debug
- Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Debug 3.1.5
- Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.EventLog
- Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.EventSource
- Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Reference
- Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.TraceSource
- Microsoft.Extensions.Logging 2.2.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
- Microsoft.Extensions.Logging 3.1.5
- Microsoft.Extensions.ObjectPool.Reference
- Microsoft.Extensions.ObjectPool 2.2.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.Options.ConfigurationExtensions.Reference
- Microsoft.Extensions.Options.ConfigurationExtensions 2.0.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.Options.ConfigurationExtensions
- Microsoft.Extensions.Options.DataAnnotations
- Microsoft.Extensions.Options.Reference
- Microsoft.Extensions.Options 2.2.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.Options 3.1.5
- Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives.Reference
- Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives 2.1.1
- Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives 2.2.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives 3.0.3
- Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives 3.1.11
- Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives 3.1.5
- Microsoft.Extensions.Process.Sources 2.1.1
- Microsoft.Extensions.WebEncoders.Reference
- Microsoft.Extensions.WebEncoders 2.2.0
- Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory 5.2.3
- Microsoft.IdentityModel.Logging 1.1.3
- Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens 5.1.3
- Microsoft.Internal.Extensions.Refs 3.0.0-rc2.19463.5
- Microsoft.Internal.Extensions.Refs 3.1.8-servicing.20420.4
- Microsoft.JSInterop
- Microsoft.NETCore.Compilers 3.0.0-beta4-19120-05
- Microsoft.NETCore.Compilers 3.2.0-beta2-19303-01
- Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms 1.1.0
- Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms 2.1.2
- Microsoft.NETCore.Targets 1.0.1
- Microsoft.NETCore.Targets 1.1.0
- Microsoft.NETFramework.ReferenceAssemblies 1.0.0-alpha-004
- Microsoft.NETFramework.ReferenceAssemblies 1.0.0-preview.2
- Microsoft.Net.Compilers.Toolset 3.3.1-beta4-19476-06
- Microsoft.Net.Compilers.Toolset 3.4.1-beta4-20127-10
- Microsoft.Net.Http.Headers.Reference
- Microsoft.Net.Http.Headers 2.2.0
- Microsoft.Oryx.BuildScriptGenerator.Common 0.2.0-20210120.1
- Microsoft.Oryx.BuildScriptGenerator 0.2.0-20210120.1
- Microsoft.Oryx.Common 0.2.0-20210120.1
- Microsoft.Oryx.Detector 1.0.0-pre-20210120.1
- Microsoft.SourceLink.AzureRepos.Git 1.1.0-beta-20206-02
- Microsoft.SourceLink.Common 1.0.0-beta2-19367-01
- Microsoft.SourceLink.Common 1.1.0-beta-20206-02
- Microsoft.SourceLink.GitHub 1.0.0-beta2-19367-01
- Microsoft.SourceLink.GitHub 1.1.0-beta-20206-02
- Microsoft.SourceLink.Vsts.Git 1.0.0-beta2-19367-01
- Microsoft.TemplateEngine.Abstractions 1.0.2-beta3
- Microsoft.TemplateEngine.Abstractions 1.0.2-beta4
- Microsoft.TemplateEngine.Cli.Localization 1.0.2-beta3
- Microsoft.TemplateEngine.Cli.Localization 1.0.2-beta4
- Microsoft.TemplateEngine.Cli 1.0.2-beta3
- Microsoft.TemplateEngine.Cli 1.0.2-beta4
- Microsoft.TemplateEngine.Core.Contracts 1.0.2-beta3
- Microsoft.TemplateEngine.Core.Contracts 1.0.2-beta4
- Microsoft.TemplateEngine.Core 1.0.2-beta3
- Microsoft.TemplateEngine.Core 1.0.2-beta4
- Microsoft.TemplateEngine.Edge 1.0.2-beta3
- Microsoft.TemplateEngine.Edge 1.0.2-beta4
- Microsoft.TemplateEngine.Orchestrator.RunnableProjects 1.0.2-beta3
- Microsoft.TemplateEngine.Orchestrator.RunnableProjects 1.0.2-beta4
- Microsoft.TemplateEngine.Utils 1.0.2-beta3
- Microsoft.TemplateEngine.Utils 1.0.2-beta4
- Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build 16.0.1
- Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build 16.2.0-preview-20190606-02
- Microsoft.TestPlatform.CLI 16.0.1
- Microsoft.TestPlatform.CLI 16.2.0-preview-20190606-02
- Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities 16.0.1
- Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities 16.2.0-preview-20190606-02
- Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities 16.3.0
- Microsoft.TestPlatform.CommunicationUtilities 16.7.0-release-20200703-01
- Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities 16.0.1
- Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities 16.2.0-preview-20190606-02
- Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities 16.3.0
- Microsoft.TestPlatform.CoreUtilities 16.7.0-release-20200703-01
- Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine 16.0.1
- Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine 16.2.0-preview-20190606-02
- Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine 16.3.0
- Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine 16.7.0-release-20200703-01
- Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel 16.0.1
- Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel 16.2.0-preview-20190606-02
- Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel 16.3.0
- Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel 16.7.0-release-20200703-01
- Microsoft.TestPlatform.PlatformAbstractions 16.0.1
- Microsoft.TestPlatform.PlatformAbstractions 16.2.0-preview-20190606-02
- Microsoft.TestPlatform.PlatformAbstractions 16.3.0
- Microsoft.TestPlatform.PlatformAbstractions 16.7.0-release-20200703-01
- Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostRuntimeProvider 16.0.1
- Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostRuntimeProvider 16.2.0-preview-20190606-02
- Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostRuntimeProvider 16.3.0
- Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostRuntimeProvider 16.7.0-release-20200703-01
- Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities 16.0.1
- Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities 16.2.0-preview-20190606-02
- Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities 16.3.0
- Microsoft.TestPlatform.Utilities 16.7.0-release-20200703-01
- Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer 16.0.1
- Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer 16.2.0-preview-20190606-02
- Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer 16.3.0
- Microsoft.TestPlatform.VsTestConsole.TranslationLayer 16.7.0-release-20200703-01
- Microsoft.VisualBasic.Core
- Microsoft.VisualBasic
- Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.Client 16.0.1
- Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.Client 16.2.0-preview-20190606-02
- Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.Client 16.3.0
- Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.Client 16.7.0-release-20200703-01
- Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.Common 16.0.1
- Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.Common 16.2.0-preview-20190606-02
- Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.Common 16.3.0
- Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.Common 16.7.0-release-20200703-01
- Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.Extensions.Html.TestLogger 16.3.0
- Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.Extensions.Html.TestLogger 16.7.0-release-20200703-01
- Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.Extensions.Trx.TestLogger 16.0.1
- Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.Extensions.Trx.TestLogger 16.2.0-preview-20190606-02
- Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.Extensions.Trx.TestLogger 16.3.0
- Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.Extensions.Trx.TestLogger 16.7.0-release-20200703-01
- Microsoft.VisualStudio.Threading.Analyzers 16.6.13
- Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Contracts 2.2.4
- Microsoft.VisualStudioEng.MicroBuild.Core 0.4.1
- Microsoft.Win32.Primitives.Reference
- Microsoft.Win32.Primitives 4.0.1
- Microsoft.Win32.Primitives 4.3.0
- Microsoft.Win32.Registry.Reference
- Microsoft.Win32.Registry 4.0.0
- Microsoft.Win32.Registry 4.3.0
- Microsoft.Win32.Registry 4.5.0
- Mono.Cecil.Mdb 0.1.6-prerelease.19379.2
- Mono.Cecil.Mdb 0.1.6-prerelease.19380.1
- Mono.Cecil.Pdb 0.1.6-prerelease.19379.2
- Mono.Cecil.Pdb 0.1.6-prerelease.19380.1
- Mono.Cecil 0.1.6-prerelease.19379.2
- Mono.Cecil 0.1.6-prerelease.19380.1
- Mono.Posix.NETStandard 1.0.0
- NETStandard.Library 1.6.1
- NLog.Extensions.Logging 1.5.1
- NLog 4.6.5
- Nett 0.13.0
- Newtonsoft.Json.Bson 1.0.2
- Newtonsoft.Json 10.0.3
- Newtonsoft.Json 11.0.2
- Newtonsoft.Json 12.0.2
- Newtonsoft.Json 9.0.1
- NuGet.Build.Tasks 5.0.2-rtm.5988
- NuGet.Build.Tasks 5.2.0-rtm.6067
- NuGet.CommandLine.XPlat 5.0.2-rtm.5988
- NuGet.CommandLine.XPlat 5.2.0-rtm.6067
- NuGet.Commands 5.0.2-rtm.5988
- NuGet.Commands 5.2.0-rtm.6067
- NuGet.Common 4.8.0
- NuGet.Common 5.0.2-rtm.5988
- NuGet.Common 5.2.0-rtm.6067
- NuGet.Common 5.3.0
- NuGet.Configuration 4.8.0
- NuGet.Configuration 5.0.2-rtm.5988
- NuGet.Configuration 5.2.0-rtm.6067
- NuGet.Configuration 5.3.0
- NuGet.Credentials 5.0.2-rtm.5988
- NuGet.Credentials 5.2.0-rtm.6067
- NuGet.DependencyResolver.Core 5.0.2-rtm.5988
- NuGet.DependencyResolver.Core 5.2.0-rtm.6067
- NuGet.Frameworks 4.7.0
- NuGet.Frameworks 4.8.0
- NuGet.Frameworks 5.0.0
- NuGet.Frameworks 5.0.2-rtm.5988
- NuGet.Frameworks 5.2.0-rtm.6067
- NuGet.Frameworks 5.3.0
- NuGet.LibraryModel 5.0.2-rtm.5988
- NuGet.LibraryModel 5.2.0-rtm.6067
- NuGet.Localization 5.0.2-rtm.5988
- NuGet.Localization 5.2.0-rtm.6067
- NuGet.Packaging.Core 4.8.0
- NuGet.Packaging.Core 5.0.2-rtm.5988
- NuGet.Packaging.Core 5.2.0-rtm.6067
- NuGet.Packaging 4.8.0
- NuGet.Packaging 5.0.2-rtm.5988
- NuGet.Packaging 5.2.0-rtm.6067
- NuGet.Packaging 5.3.0
- NuGet.ProjectModel 5.0.2-rtm.5988
- NuGet.ProjectModel 5.2.0-rtm.6067
- NuGet.Protocol 4.8.0
- NuGet.Protocol 5.0.2-rtm.5988
- NuGet.Protocol 5.2.0-rtm.6067
- NuGet.Protocol 5.3.0
- NuGet.Versioning 4.8.0
- NuGet.Versioning 5.0.2-rtm.5988
- NuGet.Versioning 5.2.0-rtm.6067
- NuGet.Versioning 5.3.0
- Polly.Extensions.Http 3.0.0
- Polly 7.1.0
- PowerArgs 3.6.0
- RichCodeNav.EnvVarDump 0.1.1407-alpha
- Roslyn.Diagnostics.Analyzers 3.3.0-beta1.20262.5
- Scriban.Signed 1.2.9
- SemanticVersioning 1.2.0
- StyleCop.Analyzers 1.0.1
- StyleCop.Analyzers 1.1.118
- Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Swagger 4.0.1
- Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerGen 4.0.1
- Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerUI 4.0.1
- Swashbuckle.AspNetCore 4.0.1
- System.AppContext.Reference
- System.AppContext 4.1.0
- System.AppContext 4.3.0
- System.Buffers.Reference
- System.Buffers 4.3.0
- System.Buffers 4.5.0
- System.CodeDom 4.4.0
- System.CodeDom 4.5.0
- System.Collections.Concurrent.Reference
- System.Collections.Concurrent 4.0.12
- System.Collections.Concurrent 4.3.0
- System.Collections.Immutable.Reference
- System.Collections.Immutable 1.2.0
- System.Collections.Immutable 1.3.1
- System.Collections.Immutable 1.5.0
- System.Collections.NonGeneric.Reference
- System.Collections.NonGeneric 4.0.1
- System.Collections.NonGeneric 4.3.0
- System.Collections.Reference
- System.Collections.Specialized 4.0.1
- System.Collections.Specialized
- System.Collections.Specialized 4.3.0
- System.Collections 4.0.11
- System.Collections 4.3.0
- System.ComponentModel.Annotations.Reference
- System.ComponentModel.Annotations 4.4.1
- System.ComponentModel.Annotations 4.5.0
- System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations
- System.ComponentModel.EventBasedAsync 4.0.11
- System.ComponentModel.EventBasedAsync
- System.ComponentModel.Primitives 4.1.0
- System.ComponentModel.Primitives
- System.ComponentModel.Primitives 4.3.0
- System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter 4.1.0
- System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter
- System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter 4.3.0
- System.ComponentModel 4.0.1
- System.ComponentModel
- System.ComponentModel 4.3.0
- System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager 4.4.0
- System.Configuration
- System.Console.Reference
- System.Console 4.3.0
- System.Core
- System.Data.Common
- System.Data.DataSetExtensions
- System.Data.SqlClient 4.5.1
- System.Data.SqlClient 4.6.0
- System.Data
- System.Diagnostics.Contracts 4.0.1
- System.Diagnostics.Contracts
- System.Diagnostics.Debug.Reference
- System.Diagnostics.Debug 4.0.11
- System.Diagnostics.Debug 4.3.0
- System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.Reference
- System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource 4.3.0
- System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource 4.4.1
- System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource 4.5.0
- System.Diagnostics.EventLog
- System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.Reference
- System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo 4.0.0
- System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo
- System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo 4.3.0
- System.Diagnostics.Process.Reference
- System.Diagnostics.Process 4.1.0
- System.Diagnostics.Process 4.3.0
- System.Diagnostics.StackTrace.Reference
- System.Diagnostics.StackTrace 4.0.1
- System.Diagnostics.StackTrace 4.3.0
- System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener 4.0.0
- System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener
- System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener 4.3.0
- System.Diagnostics.Tools.Reference
- System.Diagnostics.Tools 4.0.1
- System.Diagnostics.Tools 4.3.0
- System.Diagnostics.TraceSource.Reference
- System.Diagnostics.TraceSource 4.0.0
- System.Diagnostics.TraceSource 4.3.0
- System.Diagnostics.Tracing.Reference
- System.Diagnostics.Tracing 4.1.0
- System.Diagnostics.Tracing 4.3.0
- System.Drawing.Primitives
- System.Drawing
- System.Dynamic.Runtime.Reference
- System.Dynamic.Runtime 4.0.11
- System.Dynamic.Runtime 4.3.0
- System.Globalization.Calendars.Reference
- System.Globalization.Calendars 4.3.0
- System.Globalization.Extensions.Reference
- System.Globalization.Extensions 4.0.1
- System.Globalization.Extensions 4.3.0
- System.Globalization.Reference
- System.Globalization 4.0.11
- System.Globalization 4.3.0
- System.IO.Abstractions
- System.IO.Compression.Brotli
- System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
- System.IO.Compression.Reference
- System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.Reference
- System.IO.Compression.ZipFile 4.3.0
- System.IO.Compression 4.3.0
- System.IO.FileSystem.AccessControl 4.3.0
- System.IO.FileSystem.DriveInfo.Reference
- System.IO.FileSystem.DriveInfo 4.3.0
- System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives.Reference
- System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives 4.0.1
- System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives 4.3.0
- System.IO.FileSystem.Reference
- System.IO.FileSystem.Watcher.Reference
- System.IO.FileSystem.Watcher 4.3.0
- System.IO.FileSystem 4.0.1
- System.IO.FileSystem 4.3.0
- System.IO.IsolatedStorage
- System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles
- System.IO.Pipelines
- System.IO.Pipes.AccessControl 4.3.0
- System.IO.Pipes.AccessControl 4.5.1
- System.IO.Pipes
- System.IO.Pipes 4.3.0
- System.IO.Reference
- System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryStream
- System.IO 4.1.0
- System.IO 4.3.0
- System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt 5.1.3
- System.Linq.Expressions.Reference
- System.Linq.Expressions 4.1.0
- System.Linq.Expressions 4.3.0
- System.Linq.Parallel 4.0.1
- System.Linq.Parallel
- System.Linq.Queryable
- System.Linq.Reference
- System.Linq 4.1.0
- System.Linq 4.3.0
- System.Memory.Reference
- System.Memory 4.5.1
- System.Memory 4.5.2
- System.Memory 4.5.3
- System.Memory 4.5.4
- System.Net.Http.Reference
- System.Net.Http 4.3.0
- System.Net.Http 4.3.4
- System.Net.HttpListener
- System.Net.Mail
- System.Net.NameResolution.Reference
- System.Net.NameResolution 4.0.0
- System.Net.NameResolution 4.3.0
- System.Net.NetworkInformation
- System.Net.Ping
- System.Net.Primitives.Reference
- System.Net.Primitives 4.3.0
- System.Net.Requests.Reference
- System.Net.Requests 4.0.11
- System.Net.Security
- System.Net.ServicePoint
- System.Net.Sockets.Reference
- System.Net.Sockets 4.3.0
- System.Net.WebClient
- System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.Reference
- System.Net.WebHeaderCollection 4.0.1
- System.Net.WebProxy
- System.Net.WebSockets.Client
- System.Net.WebSockets
- System.Net
- System.Numerics.Vectors.Reference
- System.Numerics.Vectors
- System.Numerics.Vectors 4.4.0
- System.Numerics
- System.ObjectModel.Reference
- System.ObjectModel 4.0.12
- System.ObjectModel 4.3.0
- System.Private.DataContractSerialization 4.1.1
- System.Private.DataContractSerialization 4.3.0
- System.Private.Uri 4.3.0
- System.Private.Uri 4.3.2
- System.Reflection.DispatchProxy
- System.Reflection.Emit.ILGeneration.Reference
- System.Reflection.Emit.ILGeneration 4.0.1
- System.Reflection.Emit.ILGeneration 4.3.0
- System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight.Reference
- System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight 4.0.1
- System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight 4.3.0
- System.Reflection.Emit.Reference
- System.Reflection.Emit 4.0.1
- System.Reflection.Emit 4.3.0
- System.Reflection.Extensions.Reference
- System.Reflection.Extensions 4.0.1
- System.Reflection.Extensions 4.3.0
- System.Reflection.Metadata.Reference
- System.Reflection.Metadata 1.3.0
- System.Reflection.Metadata 1.4.2
- System.Reflection.Metadata 1.5.0
- System.Reflection.Metadata 1.6.0
- System.Reflection.Primitives.Reference
- System.Reflection.Primitives 4.0.1
- System.Reflection.Primitives 4.3.0
- System.Reflection.Reference
- System.Reflection.TypeExtensions.Reference
- System.Reflection.TypeExtensions 4.1.0
- System.Reflection.TypeExtensions 4.3.0
- System.Reflection 4.1.0
- System.Reflection 4.3.0
- System.Resources.Reader
- System.Resources.ResourceManager.Reference
- System.Resources.ResourceManager 4.0.1
- System.Resources.ResourceManager 4.3.0
- System.Resources.Writer 4.0.0
- System.Resources.Writer
- System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.Reference
- System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe 4.5.0
- System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe 4.5.1
- System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe 4.5.2
- System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe 4.7.0
- System.Runtime.CompilerServices.VisualC
- System.Runtime.Extensions.Reference
- System.Runtime.Extensions 4.1.0
- System.Runtime.Extensions 4.3.0
- System.Runtime.Handles.Reference
- System.Runtime.Handles 4.0.1
- System.Runtime.Handles 4.3.0
- System.Runtime.InteropServices.Reference
- System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation.Reference
- System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation 4.0.0
- System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation 4.3.0
- System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime
- System.Runtime.InteropServices 4.1.0
- System.Runtime.InteropServices 4.3.0
- System.Runtime.Intrinsics
- System.Runtime.Loader 4.0.0
- System.Runtime.Loader
- System.Runtime.Loader 4.3.0
- System.Runtime.Numerics.Reference
- System.Runtime.Numerics 4.3.0
- System.Runtime.Reference
- System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Reference
- System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters 4.3.0
- System.Runtime.Serialization.Json 4.0.2
- System.Runtime.Serialization.Json
- System.Runtime.Serialization.Json 4.3.0
- System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives.Reference
- System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives 4.1.1
- System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives 4.3.0
- System.Runtime.Serialization.Xml
- System.Runtime.Serialization
- System.Runtime 4.1.0
- System.Runtime 4.3.0
- System.Security.AccessControl.Reference
- System.Security.AccessControl 4.3.0
- System.Security.AccessControl 4.5.0
- System.Security.Claims.Reference
- System.Security.Claims 4.0.1
- System.Security.Claims 4.3.0
- System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms.Reference
- System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms 4.3.0
- System.Security.Cryptography.Cng.Reference
- System.Security.Cryptography.Cng 4.3.0
- System.Security.Cryptography.Cng 4.5.0
- System.Security.Cryptography.Cng 4.6.0
- System.Security.Cryptography.Cng 4.7.0
- System.Security.Cryptography.Csp.Reference
- System.Security.Cryptography.Csp 4.3.0
- System.Security.Cryptography.Encoding.Reference
- System.Security.Cryptography.Encoding 4.3.0
- System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl 4.3.0
- System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs 4.5.0
- System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives.Reference
- System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives 4.3.0
- System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData 4.3.0
- System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData 4.4.0
- System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.Reference
- System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates 4.3.0
- System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.Reference
- System.Security.Cryptography.Xml 4.5.0
- System.Security.Permissions.Reference
- System.Security.Permissions 4.5.0
- System.Security.Principal.Reference
- System.Security.Principal.Windows.Reference
- System.Security.Principal.Windows 4.0.0
- System.Security.Principal.Windows 4.3.0
- System.Security.Principal.Windows 4.5.0
- System.Security.Principal 4.0.1
- System.Security.Principal 4.3.0
- System.Security.SecureString
- System.Security.SecureString 4.3.0
- System.Security
- System.ServiceModel.Web
- System.ServiceProcess
- System.Text.Encoding.CodePages.Reference
- System.Text.Encoding.CodePages
- System.Text.Encoding.CodePages 4.4.0
- System.Text.Encoding.CodePages 4.5.0
- System.Text.Encoding.CodePages 4.5.1
- System.Text.Encoding.Extensions.Reference
- System.Text.Encoding.Extensions 4.0.11
- System.Text.Encoding.Extensions 4.3.0
- System.Text.Encoding.Reference
- System.Text.Encoding 4.0.11
- System.Text.Encoding 4.3.0
- System.Text.Encodings.Web.Reference
- System.Text.Encodings.Web 4.5.0
- System.Text.Json
- System.Text.RegularExpressions.Reference
- System.Text.RegularExpressions 4.1.0
- System.Text.RegularExpressions 4.3.0
- System.Threading.Channels
- System.Threading.Overlapped.Reference
- System.Threading.Overlapped 4.3.0
- System.Threading.Reference
- System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow 4.6.0
- System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow
- System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.Reference
- System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions 4.0.0
- System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions 4.3.0
- System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions 4.4.0
- System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions 4.5.0
- System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions 4.5.2
- System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions 4.5.3
- System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.Reference
- System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel
- System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel 4.3.0
- System.Threading.Tasks.Reference
- System.Threading.Tasks 4.0.11
- System.Threading.Tasks 4.3.0
- System.Threading.Thread.Reference
- System.Threading.Thread 4.0.0
- System.Threading.Thread 4.3.0
- System.Threading.ThreadPool.Reference
- System.Threading.ThreadPool 4.0.10
- System.Threading.ThreadPool 4.3.0
- System.Threading.Timer.Reference
- System.Threading.Timer 4.3.0
- System.Threading 4.0.11
- System.Threading 4.3.0
- System.Transactions.Local
- System.Transactions
- System.ValueTuple.Reference
- System.ValueTuple
- System.ValueTuple 4.3.0
- System.Web.HttpUtility
- System.Web
- System.Windows.Extensions
- System.Windows
- System.Xml.Linq
- System.Xml.ReaderWriter.Reference
- System.Xml.ReaderWriter 4.0.11
- System.Xml.ReaderWriter 4.3.0
- System.Xml.Serialization
- System.Xml.XDocument.Reference
- System.Xml.XDocument 4.0.11
- System.Xml.XDocument 4.3.0
- System.Xml.XPath.Reference
- System.Xml.XPath.XDocument.Reference
- System.Xml.XPath.XDocument 4.0.1
- System.Xml.XPath.XDocument 4.3.0
- System.Xml.XPath.XmlDocument 4.0.1
- System.Xml.XPath 4.0.1
- System.Xml.XPath 4.3.0
- System.Xml.XmlDocument.Reference
- System.Xml.XmlDocument 4.0.1
- System.Xml.XmlDocument 4.3.0
- System.Xml.XmlSerializer 4.0.11
- System.Xml.XmlSerializer
- System.Xml.XmlSerializer 4.3.0
- System.Xml
- System
- Tomlyn 0.1.2
- VBCSCompiler 3.0.0-beta4-19120-05
- VBCSCompiler 3.2.0-beta2-19303-01
- VBCSCompiler 3.3.1-beta4-19462-11
- VBCSCompiler 3.7.0-6.20570.4
- WindowsAzure.Storage 9.3.3
- WindowsBase
- XliffTasks 1.0.0-beta.19252.1
- XliffTasks 1.0.0-beta.20206.1
- XmlSettings 0.1.3
- YamlDotNet 8.0.0
- csc 3.0.0-beta4-19120-05
- csc 3.2.0-beta2-19303-01
- csc 3.3.1-beta4-19462-11
- csc 3.7.0-6.20570.4
- datacollector 16.0.1
- datacollector 16.2.0-preview-20190606-02
- datacollector 16.3.0
- datacollector 16.7.0-release-20200703-01
- dotnet-aspnet-codegenerator 2.2.4
- dotnet-dev-certs 2.1.1-rtm-30846
- dotnet-dev-certs 2.2.0-rtm-35687
- dotnet-dev-certs 3.0.3-servicing.20073.3
- dotnet-dev-certs 3.1.11-servicing.20569.15
- dotnet-ef 2.1.14-servicing-32113
- dotnet-ef 2.2.6-servicing-10079
- dotnet-sql-cache 2.1.1-rtm-30846
- dotnet-sql-cache 2.2.0-rtm-35687
- dotnet-user-secrets 2.1.1-rtm-30846
- dotnet-user-secrets 2.2.0-rtm-35687
- dotnet-user-secrets 3.0.3-servicing.20073.3
- dotnet-user-secrets 3.1.11-servicing.20569.15
- dotnet-watch 2.1.1-rtm-30846
- dotnet-watch 2.2.0-rtm-35687
- dotnet-watch 3.0.3-servicing.20073.3
- dotnet-watch 3.1.11-servicing.20569.15
- dotnet.deps.json 2.1.812-preview-009915
- dotnet.deps.json 2.2.207-preview-010222
- dotnet 2.1.812
- dotnet 2.2.207
- illink 0.1.6-prerelease.19379.2
- illink 0.1.6-prerelease.19380.1
- kudu 1.0.0
- log4net 2.0.8
- mscorlib
- ncrontab 3.3.0
- netstandard
- package 16.0.1
- package 16.2.0-preview-20190606-02
- package 16.3.0
- package 16.7.0-release-20200703-01
- runtime.any.System.Collections 4.3.0
- runtime.any.System.Diagnostics.Tools 4.3.0
- runtime.any.System.Diagnostics.Tracing 4.3.0
- runtime.any.System.Globalization.Calendars 4.3.0
- runtime.any.System.Globalization 4.3.0
- runtime.any.System.IO 4.3.0
- runtime.any.System.Reflection.Extensions 4.3.0
- runtime.any.System.Reflection.Primitives 4.3.0
- runtime.any.System.Reflection 4.3.0
- runtime.any.System.Resources.ResourceManager 4.3.0
- runtime.any.System.Runtime.Handles 4.3.0
- runtime.any.System.Runtime.InteropServices 4.3.0
- runtime.any.System.Runtime 4.3.0
- runtime.any.System.Text.Encoding.Extensions 4.3.0
- runtime.any.System.Text.Encoding 4.3.0
- runtime.any.System.Threading.Tasks 4.3.0
- runtime.any.System.Threading.Timer 4.3.0
- runtime.debian.8-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl 4.3.0
- runtime.debian.8-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl 4.3.2
- runtime.fedora.23-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl 4.3.0
- runtime.fedora.23-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl 4.3.2
- runtime.fedora.24-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl 4.3.0
- runtime.fedora.24-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl 4.3.2
- runtime.native.System.Data.SqlClient.sni 4.4.0
- runtime.native.System.Data.SqlClient.sni 4.5.0
- runtime.native.System.IO.Compression 4.3.0
- runtime.native.System.Net.Http 4.3.0
- runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.Apple 4.3.0
- runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl 4.3.0
- runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl 4.3.2
- runtime.native.System 4.0.0
- runtime.native.System 4.3.0
- runtime.opensuse.13.2-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl 4.3.0
- runtime.opensuse.13.2-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl 4.3.2
- runtime.opensuse.42.1-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl 4.3.0
- runtime.opensuse.42.1-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl 4.3.2
- runtime.osx.10.10-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.Apple 4.3.0
- runtime.osx.10.10-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl 4.3.0
- runtime.osx.10.10-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl 4.3.2
- runtime.rhel.7-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl 4.3.0
- runtime.rhel.7-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl 4.3.2
- runtime.ubuntu.14.04-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl 4.3.0
- runtime.ubuntu.14.04-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl 4.3.2
- runtime.ubuntu.16.04-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl 4.3.0
- runtime.ubuntu.16.04-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl 4.3.2
- runtime.ubuntu.16.10-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl 4.3.0
- runtime.ubuntu.16.10-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl 4.3.2
- runtime.unix.Microsoft.Win32.Primitives 4.3.0
- runtime.unix.System.Console 4.3.0
- runtime.unix.System.Diagnostics.Debug 4.3.0
- runtime.unix.System.IO.FileSystem 4.3.0
- runtime.unix.System.Net.Primitives 4.3.0
- runtime.unix.System.Net.Sockets 4.3.0
- runtime.unix.System.Private.Uri 4.3.0
- runtime.unix.System.Runtime.Extensions 4.3.0
- 4.4.0
- 4.4.0
- 4.4.0
- runtimepack.Microsoft.AspNetCore.App.Runtime.linux-x64 3.1.11
- runtimepack.Microsoft.NETCore.App.Runtime.linux-x64 3.1
- runtimepack.Microsoft.NETCore.App.Runtime.linux-x64 3.1.11
- rzc 2.1.2-rtm-30932
- rzc 3.0.3-servicing.20072.3
- rzc 3.1.11-servicing.20567.5
- tool_msbuild 2.1.812-preview
- tool_msbuild 2.2.207-preview
- tool_nuget 2.1.812-preview
- tool_nuget 2.2.207-preview
- vbc 3.0.0-beta4-19120-05
- vbc 3.2.0-beta2-19303-01
- vbc 3.3.1-beta4-19462-11
- vbc 3.7.0-6.20570.4
- vstest.console 16.0.1
- vstest.console 16.2.0-preview-20190606-02
- vstest.console 16.3.0
- vstest.console 16.7.0-release-20200703-01
- xunit.abstractions 2.0.3
- xunit.analyzers 0.10.0
- xunit.assert 2.4.1
- xunit.core 2.4.1
- xunit.extensibility.core 2.4.1
- xunit.extensibility.execution 2.4.1
- xunit 2.4.1