An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : npm : path
Explore the latest package usage data for path in the npm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 3,526
Total downloads: 1,525,261,384
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library/nextcloud 30.0.2
Nextcloud manual docker image
- version: 0.12.7
linuxserver/nextcloud 30.0.1
A Nextcloud container, brought to you by
- version: 0.12.7
rocketchat/ 6.12.0
Official Rocket.Chat docker deployment image.
- version: 0.12.7
library/ 6.11.1
The Complete Open Source Chat Solution
- version: 0.12.7
jlesage/nginx-proxy-manager v24.12.1
Docker container for Nginx Proxy Manager
- version: 0.12.7
circleci/android api-26-node
CircleCI images for Android
- version: 0.12.7
kasmweb/postman 1.16.1
Postman for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 0.12.7
continuumio/anaconda2 5.3.0
- version: 0.12.7
bitriseio/android-ndk latest
Built on the base Android docker image, adds pre-installed Android NDK
- version: 0.12.7
bitnami/prestashop 8.1.7
🛑 DEPRECATED Bitnami Docker Image for PrestaShop
- version: 0.12.7
halternz/android 0.0.7
- version: 0.12.7
linuxserver/dillinger 3.39.1
- version: 0.4.10
gableroux/unity3d 2018.4.30f1-android
Unity3d docker image for running commands in a CI such as gitlab-ci
- version: 0.12.7
arm32v7/nextcloud 29.0.4
Nextcloud manual docker image
- version: 0.12.7
skedler/reports 6.14.4
Skedler Reports is powerful report automation solution for Elasticsearch Kibana Grafana applications
- version: 0.12.7
hunterlong/ethexporter latest
Prometheus exporter for Ethereum Address Balances
- version: 0.12.7
androidsdk/android-30 latest
Docker for Android SDK 30 with preinstalled build tools and emulator image
- version: 0.12.7
i386/nextcloud 30.0.0
Nextcloud manual docker image
- version: 0.12.7
ppc64le/nextcloud 29.0.6
Nextcloud manual docker image
- version: 0.12.7
splatform/stratos-ui latest
Complete build of Stratos UI (Cloudfoundry)
- version: 0.12.7
bitnami/argo-cd 2.13.3
Bitnami container image for Argo CD
- version: 0.12.7
beevelop/ionic v2023.10.1
Latest Ionic based on the latest Cordova, the latest Node.js and the latest Android
- version: 0.12.7
linuxserver/babybuddy 2.5.0
- version: 0.12.7
augurproject/augur 6.9.8
- version: 0.12.7
s390x/nextcloud 29.0.6
Nextcloud manual docker image
- version: 0.12.7
4minitz/4minitz v1.5.2
4Minitz! - Simply a decent free webapp for taking meeting minutes. ;-)
- version: 0.12.7
bitriseio/docker-android latest
android base
- version: 0.12.7
runmymind/nextcloud bdb220b2
- version: 0.12.7
arm32v6/nextcloud 30.0.2-fpm-alpine
Nextcloud manual docker image
- version: 0.12.7
thecodingmachine/workadventure-back v1.23.3
- version: 0.12.7
augurproject/augur-node 7.11.9
- version: 0.12.7
reactioncommerce/styleguide v0.69.1
- version: 0.12.7
camptocamp/demo-geoportal 2.4
- version: 0.12.7
selenoid/android 10.0
- version: 0.12.7
selenoid/chrome-mobile 86.0
- version: 0.12.7
augurproject/augur-core build.370
- version: 0.12.7
camptocamp/geomapfish-build 2.4.2
Build image for GeoMapFish projects
- version: 0.12.7
yeasy/blockchain-explorer latest
Docker image of the blockchain-explorer
- version: 0.12.7
mesosphere/dcos-website cff383e4f5a51bf04e2d0177c5023e7cebcab3cc
DC/OS Website
- version: 0.12.7
opengisch/qfield-sdk 20211106
QField SDK
- version: 0.12.7
mdurant/dask-kubernetes latest
Dask scheduler, workers and notebook with full numerical stack
- version: 0.12.7
broadinstitute/consent-ui perf
consent application ui layer
- version: 0.12.7
bkimminich/juice-shop-ctf v11.0.0
Capture-the-Flag (CTF) environment setup tools for OWASP Juice Shop
- version: 0.12.7
rocketchat/ddp-streamer-service 6.11.1
DDP Streamer micro service for Rocket.Chat
- version: 0.12.7
oceanbt/nextcloud-with-supervisor 29
- version: 0.12.7
ocdr/dkube-datascience-tf-cpu v2.3.0
- version: 0.12.7
codercom/enterprise-datascience latest
- version: 0.12.7
thecodingmachine/workadventure-uploader v1.20.2
- version: 0.12.7
augurproject/augur-build latest
Augur build image for monorepo
- version: 0.12.7
bitriseio/docker-android-alpha latest
- version: 0.12.7
qdidiscoveryservices/anacoda3_pylibs latest
- version: 0.12.7
skedler/onprem 5.4.5
This repository will be not available from Dec 31, 2021. Please use "skedler/reports" repository
- version: 0.12.7
thecodingmachine/workadventure-map-storage v1.23.1
- version: 0.12.7
rocketchat/ 6.11.1
Rocket.Chat Preview image with MongoDB included. NOT DESIGNED TO BE USED IN PRODUCTION.
- version: 0.12.7
cognus/elastic-ai-v1 latest
- version: 0.12.7
bitriseio/android-ndk-alpha latest
- version: 0.12.7
mirekphd/ml-gpu-py38-cuda101-cust latest
- version: 0.12.7
zenjoy/dev-environments-nimbu 2.7-focal-fermium
- version: 0.12.7
thecodingmachine/workadventure-play v1.23.3
- version: 0.12.7