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Package Usage : nuget : NuGet.Versioning
Explore the latest package usage data for NuGet.Versioning in the nuget ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 1,685
Total downloads: 164,784,445
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pivotalrabbitmq/rabbitmq-server-buildenv linux-erlang-26.2
Image used to build and test RabbitMQ server in CI
- version: 6.3.3-rc.3, 6.3.2-rc.9
bitwarden/admin 2024.12.1
The Bitwarden admin portal.
- version: 5.11.0
ravendb/ravendb 6.2.1-windows-ltsc2022
Official repository for RavenDB docker images.
- version: 6.6.1, 6.4.0, 6.5.0, 6.7.0
jetbrains/teamcity-agent 2023.11.5
TeamCity Build Agent
- version: 4.9.4, 5.2.0, 6.0.0
aztfmod/rover 1.7.5-2409.0402
Rover is your dream vehicule to Terraforming Azure! More details:
- version: 6.7.0
Collaborative system for managing documents, projects, customer relations and emails in one place
- version: 6.6.0-preview.3.61, 6.3.0-rc.128, 5.11.0, 6.3.1
ravendb/ravendb-nightly 6.2-latest
RavenDB NoSQL Database nightly builds
- version: 6.7.0, 6.5.0, 6.4.0
kasmweb/core-kali-rolling 1.16.1
Kali Rolling XFCE Desktop With Default Tools Metapackage
- version: 6.3.0-rc.128
jelastic/dotnet 7.0.404
An image of the .NET Core application server maintained by Jelastic PaaS.
- version: 6.4.0-rc.117, 6.7.0-rc.111, 6.7.0-rc.127
beardedio/terraria tshock-5.2.0
Docker images to run a Terraria Server. Images with TShock Server or Vanilla Server are available.
- version: 6.3.1
bitnami/dotnet-sdk 8.0.401
Bitnami container image for .NET SDK
- version: 6.7.0-rc.111, 6.8.0-rc.122, 6.5.0-preview.3.136
cockroachdb/postgres-test 20190103-1358
An environment to run the CockroachDB acceptance tests in various languages (php, node, java, etc)
- version: 4.3.0-rtm-4324
jetbrains/teamcity-minimal-agent 2023.11.5
TeamCity Minimal Build Agent
- version: 5.2.0, 4.9.4
ojpfight/jenkins latest
- version: 6.6.0-rc.66
automaticacore/automatica 8.1.0
Automatica is a open source building management software.
- version: 6.3.1, 6.6.1
docker/example-voting-app-worker latest
- version: 3.5.0-beta2-1484
netlify/build 4996975a860ee4a61a060d138702f4c65f5ed1cb-focal
- version: 6.3.2-rc.9
automaticacore/automatica.supervisor 7.4.0
- version: 6.6.1, 6.3.1
aquasec/codesec-scanner 0.1.485
Argon scanner
- version: 6.3.2-rc.9, 6.8.0-rc.122, 6.3.3-rc.3
jenkins/jnlp-agent-coresdk 5.0
- version: 5.11.1-rc.5
vminnovations/dotnet-function 3.7.1
- version: 5.11.5
gitpod/workspace-dotnet 2024-09-22-20-53-01
Based on workspace-full this image adds .NET support
- version: 6.4.0-rc.117
clickhouse/dotnet-client 54187-b9d034eb890efc69e3cea276e2215480e68568eb
ClickHouse.NET client for ClickHouse integration tests
- version: 5.7.3-rtm.5
swisschains/publicapi 1.1.136
- version: 3.5.0-beta2-1484
kbrighton/nexuslarp 0.15.3
- version: 6.3.1
jetbrains/qodana-dotnet 2024.2
Qodana for .NET
- version: 6.5.0-preview.3.136, 6.3.2-rc.9, 5.3.1-rtm.6268, 6.3.3-rc.3, 6.7.0-rc.111, 6.7.0-rc.127, 6.8.0-rc.122
eshop/webhooks.client dev
- version: 6.3.1
lachlanevenson/examplevotingapp_worker latest
- version: 3.5.0-beta-final
gesiscss/binder-microsoft-2dquantumkatas-5a146c b8acb035fba5cb499515d3d3ed506c2660dac130
- version: 5.1.0
danguyen2/danglpimage v1.0.0
- version: 4.7.0
datadog/agent-buildimages-windows_x64 1809-v44147654-db7cca02
- version: 5.11.2-rc.2, 6.0.0
devopsalterdata/dotnet-22-custom latest
- version: 4.9.4-rtm.5839
kolejka/satori edge
- version: 6.5.0-preview.3.136
cockroachdb/cockroach-acceptance latest
acceptance test env for cockroachdb testing
- version: 4.3.0-rtm-4324
gitpod/openvscode-server-linux-build-agent bionic-arm32v7
- version: 5.2.0-rtm.6067
sixeyed/msbuild 4.5.2
- version: 4.5.0-rtm-4651
shiftleft/scan-csharp v2.1.2
- version: 5.7.3-rtm.5
- version: 6.6.1, 6.3.1
iboslimitedbd/employee-mgmt-api 96159
- version: 5.9.1
joelvaneenwyk/dotfiles develop
Custom config files for Linux, macOS, and Windows primarily managed with gnu stow.
- version: 6.7.0
altinityinfra/dotnet-client 1-b53fc9f68f30219552c427c7d7d451342728b9a4
- version: 5.7.3-rtm.5