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sweepai/sweep : tag
For self-deploying Sweep, an AI junior dev that turns bugs and feature requests into code changes
Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)
Latest release: 10 months ago - 2,516 downloads - 3,205 dependencies
- fs-exists-cached 1.0.0
- fs-extra 10.1.0
- fs-extra 11.1.0
- fs-minipass 2.1.0
- fs-minipass 3.0.0
- fs-monkey 1.0.3
- fs-readdir-recursive 1.1.0
- fs-write-stream-atomic 1.0.10
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- fsevents 2.3.2
- function-bind 1.1.1
- function-loop 2.0.1
- 1.1.5
- functional-red-black-tree 1.0.1
- functions-have-names 1.2.3
- gauge 4.0.4
- gensync 1.0.0-beta.2
- get-caller-file 2.0.5
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- get-intrinsic 1.1.2
- get-intrinsic 1.1.3
- get-package-type 0.1.0
- get-stream 6.0.1
- get-symbol-description 1.0.0
- get-value 3.0.1
- glob-parent 5.1.2
- glob-parent 6.0.2
- glob-to-regexp 0.4.1
- glob 7.2.3
- glob 8.0.3
- globals 11.12.0
- globals 13.15.0
- globals 13.17.0
- globals 13.18.0
- globalyzer 0.1.4
- globby 11.1.0
- globby 13.1.3
- globrex 0.1.2
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- got 11.8.5
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- grapheme-splitter 1.0.4
- growl 1.10.5
- gts 3.1.0
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- has-flag 4.0.0
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- has-unicode 2.0.1
- has-value 2.0.2
- has-values 2.0.1
- has 1.0.3
- hasha 5.2.2
- hosted-git-info 6.1.1
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- html-escaper 3.0.3
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- ip 2.0.0
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- is-arrayish 0.3.2
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- is-path-cwd 2.2.0
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- is-primitive 3.0.1
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- istanbul-reports 3.1.4
- istanbul-reports 3.1.5
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- jest-worker 27.5.1
- jest-worker 29.3.1
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- js-sdsl 4.1.5
- js-sdsl 4.2.0
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- js-tokens 8.0.0
- js-yaml 4.1.0
- js_tests 1.0.0
- jsesc 2.5.2
- jsesc 3.0.2
- json-buffer 3.0.1
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- json-parse-even-better-errors 2.3.1
- json-schema-traverse 0.4.1
- json-schema-traverse 1.0.0
- json-schema 0.4.0
- lodash.templatesettings 4.17.21
- lodash.throttle 4.17.21
- lodash.times 4.17.21
- lodash.toarray 4.17.21
- lodash.tofinite 4.17.21
- lodash.tointeger 4.17.21
- lodash.tolength 4.17.21
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- json-stable-stringify 1.0.2
- json-stringify-nice 1.1.4
- json5 1.0.1
- json5 2.2.1
- json5 2.2.3
- jsonfile 6.1.0
- jsonify 0.0.1
- jsonparse 1.3.1
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- just-diff 5.1.1
- keyv 4.0.4
- kind-of 6.0.3
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- kleur 4.1.5
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- lilconfig 2.0.6
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- lines-and-columns 1.1.7
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- locate-path 2.0.0
- locate-path 6.0.0
- locate-path 7.1.1
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- lodash._reinterpolate 4.17.21
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- lodash.after 4.17.21
- lodash.ary 4.17.21
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- lodash.assignin 4.17.21
- lodash.assigninwith 4.17.21
- lodash.assignwith 4.17.21
- 4.17.21
- lodash.attempt 4.17.21
- lodash.before 4.17.21
- lodash.bind 4.17.21
- lodash.bindall 4.17.21
- lodash.bindkey 4.17.21
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- lodash.clonewith 4.17.21
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- lodash.cond 4.17.21
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- lodash.conformsto 4.17.21
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- lodash.countby 4.17.21
- lodash.create 4.17.21
- lodash.curry 4.17.21
- lodash.curryright 4.17.21
- lodash.debounce 4.17.21
- lodash.deburr 4.17.21
- lodash.defaults 4.17.21
- lodash.defaultsdeep 4.17.21
- lodash.defaultto 4.17.21
- lodash.defer 4.17.21
- lodash.delay 4.17.21
- lodash.difference 4.17.21
- lodash.differenceby 4.17.21
- lodash.differencewith 4.17.21
- lodash.divide 4.17.21
- lodash.drop 4.17.21
- lodash.dropright 4.17.21
- lodash.droprightwhile 4.17.21
- lodash.dropwhile 4.17.21
- lodash.endswith 4.17.21
- lodash.eq 4.17.21
- lodash.escape 4.17.21
- lodash.escaperegexp 4.17.21
- lodash.every 4.17.21
- lodash.fill 4.17.21
- lodash.filter 4.17.21
- lodash.find 4.17.21
- lodash.findindex 4.17.21
- lodash.findkey 4.17.21
- lodash.findlast 4.17.21
- lodash.findlastindex 4.17.21
- lodash.findlastkey 4.17.21
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- lodash.flatmapdepth 4.17.21
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- lodash.flattendeep 4.17.21
- lodash.flattendepth 4.17.21
- lodash.flip 4.17.21
- lodash.floor 4.17.21
- lodash.flow 4.17.21
- lodash.flowright 4.17.21
- lodash.foreach 4.17.21
- lodash.foreachright 4.17.21
- lodash.forin 4.17.21
- lodash.forinright 4.17.21
- lodash.forown 4.17.21
- lodash.forownright 4.17.21
- lodash.frompairs 4.17.21
- lodash.functions 4.17.21
- lodash.functionsin 4.17.21
- lodash.get 4.17.21
- lodash.groupby 4.17.21
- 4.17.21
- lodash.gte 4.17.21
- lodash.has 4.17.21
- lodash.hasin 4.17.21
- lodash.head 4.17.21
- lodash.identity 4.17.21
- lodash.includes 4.17.21
- lodash.indexof 4.17.21
- lodash.initial 4.17.21
- lodash.inrange 4.17.21
- lodash.intersection 4.17.21
- lodash.intersectionby 4.17.21
- lodash.intersectionwith 4.17.21
- lodash.invert 4.17.21
- lodash.invertby 4.17.21
- lodash.invoke 4.17.21
- lodash.invokemap 4.17.21
- lodash.isarguments 4.17.21
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- lodash.isarraybuffer 4.17.21
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- lodash.iserror 4.17.21
- lodash.isfinite 4.17.21
- lodash.isfunction 4.17.21
- lodash.isinteger 4.17.21
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- lodash.ismap 4.17.21
- lodash.ismatch 4.17.21
- lodash.ismatchwith 4.17.21
- lodash.isnan 4.17.21
- lodash.isnative 4.17.21
- lodash.isnil 4.17.21
- lodash.isnull 4.17.21
- lodash.isnumber 4.17.21
- lodash.isobject 4.17.21
- lodash.isobjectlike 4.17.21
- lodash.isplainobject 4.17.21
- lodash.isregexp 4.17.21
- lodash.issafeinteger 4.17.21
- lodash.isset 4.17.21
- lodash.isstring 4.17.21
- lodash.issymbol 4.17.21
- lodash.istypedarray 4.17.21
- lodash.isundefined 4.17.21
- lodash.isweakmap 4.17.21
- lodash.isweakset 4.17.21
- lodash.iteratee 4.17.21
- lodash.join 4.17.21
- lodash.kebabcase 4.17.21
- lodash.keyby 4.17.21
- lodash.keys 4.17.21
- lodash.keysin 4.17.21
- lodash.last 4.17.21
- lodash.lastindexof 4.17.21
- lodash.lowercase 4.17.21
- lodash.lowerfirst 4.17.21
- 4.17.21
- lodash.lte 4.17.21
- 4.17.21
- lodash.mapkeys 4.17.21
- lodash.mapvalues 4.17.21
- lodash.matches 4.17.21
- lodash.matchesproperty 4.17.21
- lodash.max 4.17.21
- lodash.maxby 4.17.21
- lodash.mean 4.17.21
- lodash.meanby 4.17.21
- lodash.memoize 4.17.21
- lodash.merge 4.17.21
- lodash.merge 4.6.2
- lodash.mergewith 4.17.21
- lodash.method 4.17.21
- lodash.methodof 4.17.21
- lodash.min 4.17.21
- lodash.minby 4.17.21
- lodash.mixin 4.17.21
- lodash.multiply 4.17.21
- lodash.negate 4.17.21
- lodash.noop 4.17.21
- 4.17.21
- lodash.nth 4.17.21
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- 4.17.21
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- lodash.zipwith 4.17.21
- lodash 4.17.21
- log-driver 1.2.7
- lowercase-keys 2.0.0
- lru-cache 6.0.0
- lru-cache 7.14.1
- make-arrow-function 1.2.0
- make-async-function 1.0.0
- make-dir 3.1.0
- make-error 1.3.6
- make-fetch-happen 11.0.2
- make-generator-function 2.0.0
- map-visit 1.0.0
- memfs 3.4.12
- memory-fs 0.5.0
- merge-stream 2.0.0
- merge2 1.4.1
- micromatch 4.0.5
- mime-db 1.52.0
- mime-score 1.2.0
- mime-types 2.1.35
- mime 3.0.0
- mimic-response 3.1.0
- minimatch 3.1.2
- minimatch 5.1.1
- minimist-options 4.1.0
- minimist 1.2.6
- minimist 1.2.7
- minipass-collect 1.0.2
- minipass-fetch 2.1.2
- minipass-flush 1.0.5
- minipass-json-stream 1.0.1
- minipass-pipeline 1.2.4
- minipass-sized 1.0.3
- minipass 3.3.6
- minizlib 2.1.2
- mixin-deep 2.0.1
- mkdirp 1.0.4
- move-concurrently 1.0.1
- mri 1.2.0
- ms 2.0.0
- ms 2.1.2
- ms 2.1.3
- mute-stream 0.0.8
- n3 1.16.3
- nanodelay 1.0.8
- nanoid 2.1.11
- nanoid 3.3.4
- nanoid 4.0.0
- nanospinner 1.1.0
- nanospy 0.5.0
- natural-compare-lite 1.4.0
- natural-compare 1.4.0
- negotiator 0.6.3
- neo-async 2.6.2
- node-bin-setup 1.1.3
- node-domexception 1.0.0
- node-fetch 3.1.1
- node-gyp 9.3.0
- node-linux-x64 v20.5.0
- node-modules-regexp 1.0.0
- node-preload 0.2.1
- node-releases 2.0.5
- node-releases 2.0.6
- node 20.5.0
- nopt 5.0.0
- normalize-package-data 4.0.1
- normalize-path 3.0.0
- normalize-url 7.1.0
- npm-audit-report 4.0.0
- npm-bundled 2.0.1
- npm-install-checks 6.0.0
- npm-normalize-package-bin 2.0.0
- npm-package-arg 10.0.0
- npm-packlist 7.0.4
- npm-pick-manifest 8.0.1
- npm-profile 7.0.1
- npm-registry-fetch 14.0.3
- npm-run-path 5.1.0
- npm-user-validate 1.0.1
- npm 9.2.0
- npmlog 7.0.1
- nyc 15.1.0
- object-assign 4.1.1
- object-inspect 1.12.2
- object-is 1.1.5
- object-keys 1.1.1
- object-visit 1.0.1
- object.assign 4.1.2
- object.assign 4.1.4
- object.values 1.1.5
- object.values 1.1.6
- once 1.4.0
- opener 1.5.2
- optimist 0.6.1
- optionator 0.9.1
- osenv 0.1.5
- own-or-env 1.0.2
- own-or 1.0.0
- p-cancelable 2.1.1
- p-each-series 2.2.0
- p-limit 1.3.0
- p-limit 3.1.0
- p-limit 4.0.0
- p-locate 2.0.0
- p-locate 5.0.0
- p-locate 6.0.0
- p-map 4.0.0
- p-reduce 2.1.0
- p-try 1.0.0
- p-try 3.0.0
- package-hash 4.0.0
- pacote 15.0.7
- parent-module 1.0.1
- parent-module 2.0.0
- parse-conflict-json 3.0.0
- parse-json 5.2.0
- parse-node-version 1.0.1
- pascalcase 1.0.0
- path-dirname 1.0.2
- path-exists 3.0.0
- path-exists 4.0.0
- path-exists 5.0.0
- path-is-absolute 1.0.1
- path-is-absolute 2.0.0
- path-is-inside 1.0.2
- path-key 3.1.1
- path-key 4.0.0
- path-parse 1.0.7
- path-type 4.0.0
- picocolors 1.0.0
- picomatch 2.3.1
- pify 5.0.0
- pirates 4.0.5
- pkg-dir 5.0.0
- platform 1.3.6
- playwright-core 1.33.0
- postcss-modules-extract-imports 3.0.0
- postcss-modules-local-by-default 4.0.0
- postcss-modules-scope 3.0.0
- postcss-modules-values 4.0.0
- postcss-parser-tests 8.5.2
- postcss-selector-parser 6.0.10
- postcss-value-parser 4.2.0
- postcss 8.4.14
- postcss 8.4.20
- prelude-ls 1.2.1
- prettier 3.1.1
- proc-log 3.0.0
- process-nextick-args 2.0.1
- process-on-spawn 1.0.0
- process 0.11.10
- progress 2.0.3
- promise-all-reject-late 1.0.1
- promise-call-limit 1.0.1
- promise-inflight 1.0.1
- promise-retry 2.0.1
- promzard 0.3.0
- prr 1.0.1
- pump 3.0.0
- punycode 2.1.1
- qrcode-terminal 0.12.0
- queue-microtask 1.2.3
- quick-lru 6.1.1
- random-bytes 1.0.0
- randombytes 2.1.0
- read-cmd-shim 4.0.0
- read-package-json-fast 3.0.1
- read-package-json 5.0.2
- read-pkg 5.2.0
- read 1.0.7
- readable-stream 3.6.0
- readdirp 3.6.0
- rechoir 0.8.0
- regenerate-unicode-properties 10.1.0
- regenerate 1.4.2
- regenerator-runtime 0.13.11
- regenerator-transform 0.15.1
- regexp.prototype.flags 1.4.3
- regexpp 3.2.0
- regexpu-core 5.2.2
- regjsgen 0.7.1
- regjsparser 0.9.1
- release-zalgo 1.0.0
- repeat-string 1.6.1
- repl 0.1.3
- require-directory 2.1.1
- require-package-name 2.0.1
- requireindex 1.2.0
- resolve-alpn 1.2.1
- resolve-cwd 3.0.0
- resolve-from 4.0.0
- resolve-from 5.0.0
- resolve.exports 1.1.0
- resolve 1.22.0
- resolve 1.22.1
- responselike 2.0.1
- restore-cursor 4.0.0
- resumer 0.0.0
- retry 0.13.1
- reusify 1.0.3
- reusify 1.0.4
- rimraf 3.0.2
- rndm 1.2.0
- rollup 2.75.6
- run-parallel 1.2.0
- run-queue 2.0.0
- sade 1.8.1
- safe-buffer 5.1.2
- safe-buffer 5.2.1
- safe-regex-test 1.0.0
- safer-buffer 2.1.2
- schema-utils 3.1.1
- secure-random-string 1.1.3
- semver 6.3.0
- semver 7.3.5
- semver 7.3.7
- semver 7.3.8
- serialize-javascript 6.0.0
- set-blocking 2.0.0
- set-immediate-shim 2.0.0
- set-value 4.1.0
- shallow-clone 3.0.1
- shebang-command 2.0.0
- shebang-regex 3.0.0
- shell-quote 1.7.4
- shortid 2.2.16
- side-channel 1.0.4
- signal-exit 3.0.7
- simple-git-hooks 2.8.1
- size-limit 7.0.8
- size-limit 8.1.0
- slash 3.0.0
- slash 4.0.0
- slice-ansi 5.0.0
- smart-buffer 4.2.0
- socks-proxy-agent 7.0.0
- socks 2.7.0
- source-list-map 2.0.1
- source-map-js 1.0.2
- source-map-support 0.5.21
- source-map 0.6.1
- spawn-wrap 2.0.0
- spdx-correct 3.1.1
- spdx-exceptions 2.3.0
- spdx-expression-parse 3.0.1
- spdx-license-ids 3.0.12
- sprintf-js 1.1.2
- ssri 9.0.1
- stack-utils 2.0.6
- streamsearch 1.1.0
- string-length 4.0.2
- string-width 4.2.3
- string.prototype.trim 1.2.8
- string.prototype.trimend 1.0.5
- string.prototype.trimend 1.0.6
- string.prototype.trimstart 1.0.5
- string.prototype.trimstart 1.0.6
- string_decoder 1.3.0
- strip-ansi 6.0.1
- strip-bom 3.0.0
- strip-bom 4.0.0
- strip-filename-increment 2.0.1
- strip-json-comments 3.1.1
- strip-json-comments 4.0.0
- supports-color 5.5.0
- supports-color 7.2.0
- supports-color 8.1.1
- supports-hyperlinks 2.3.0
- supports-preserve-symlinks-flag 1.0.0
- tap-mocha-reporter 5.0.3
- tap-parser 11.0.2
- tap-yaml 1.0.2
- tap 16.3.2
- tapable 2.2.1
- tape 5.6.1
- tar 6.1.13
- tcompare 6.0.0
- terminal-link 2.1.1
- terser-webpack-plugin [email protected]
- terser-webpack-plugin 5.3.6
- terser 5.14.0
- terser 5.16.5
- test-exclude 6.0.0
- text-table 0.2.0
- throat 5.0.0
- through 2.3.8
- time-stamp 2.2.0
- tiny-glob 0.2.9
- tiny-relative-date 1.3.0
- to-fast-properties 2.0.0
- to-fast-properties 3.0.1
- to-regex-range 5.0.1
- treeverse 3.0.0
- trivial-deferred 1.0.1
- ts-node 10.9.1_73migmg77y47omm5253gettkxi
- tsconfig-paths 3.14.1
- tslib 1.14.1
- tslib 2.4.1
- tsutils [email protected]
- type-check 0.4.0
- type-fest 0.18.0
- type-fest 0.20.2
- typedarray-to-buffer 4.0.0
- typedarray 0.0.7
- typescript 4.9.4
- typescript 5.3.3
- uid-safe 2.1.5
- uid 2.0.0
- unbox-primitive 1.0.2
- undici-types 5.15.0
- undici 5.15.0
- unicode-canonical-property-names-ecmascript 2.0.0
- unicode-length 2.0.2
- unicode-match-property-ecmascript 2.0.0
- unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript 2.1.0
- unicode-property-aliases-ecmascript 2.1.0
- union-value 2.0.1
- unique-filename 1.1.1
- unique-slug 2.0.2
- unique-slug 4.0.0
- unist-util-stringify-position 3.0.2
- universal-user-agent 6.0.0
- universalify 2.0.0
- unset-value 2.0.1
- upath 1.2.0
- update-browserslist-db 1.0.10
- update-browserslist-db 1.0.9
- update-browserslist-db [email protected]
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- uri-js 4.4.1
- util-deprecate 1.0.2
- util 0.12.5
- uuid 8.3.2
- uvu 0.5.3
- uvu 0.5.6
- v8-compile-cache-lib 3.0.1
- v8-compile-cache 2.3.0
- v8-to-istanbul 8.1.1
- v8-to-istanbul 9.0.0
- v8-to-istanbul 9.0.1
- v8flags 3.2.0
- validate-npm-package-license 3.0.4
- validate-npm-package-name 5.0.0
- vfile-location 4.0.1
- vfile-message 3.1.3
- vfile 5.3.6
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- watchpack 2.4.0
- wcwidth.js 1.0.2
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- webpack-sources 3.2.3
- webpack 5.73.0
- webpack 5.75.0
- which-boxed-primitive 1.0.2
- which-collection 1.0.1
- which-typed-array 1.1.9
- which 2.0.2
- wide-align 1.1.3
- widest-line 3.1.0
- word-wrap 1.2.3
- wordwrap 1.0.0
- wrap-ansi 7.0.0
- wrap-ansi 8.0.1
- wrappy 1.0.2
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- write 2.0.0
- ws 8.11.0
- wscat 5.2.0
- xtend 4.0.2
- y18n 5.0.8
- yallist 4.0.0
- yaml 1.10.2
- yaml 2.1.3
- yargs-parser 20.2.9
- yargs-parser 21.1.1
- yargs 16.2.0
- yn 3.1.1
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- yocto-queue 1.0.0
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- debian/binutils 2.40-2
- debian/bsdutils 1:2.38.1-5 b1
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- debian/gcc-12 12.2.0-14
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- debian/git 1:2.39.2-1.1
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- debian/mawk
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- debian/node-error-ex 1.3.2-4
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- debian/node-find-up 6.3.0-7
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- debian/node-foreground-child 2.0.0-5
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- debian/node-fs-write-stream-atomic 1.0.10-6
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- debian/node-get-value 1:3.0.1-4
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- debian/node-has-value 2.0.2-4
- debian/node-has-values 2.0.1-4
- debian/node-hosted-git-info 6.1.1-2
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- debian/node-ip 2.0.0 ~1.1.0-1
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- debian/node-is-binary-path 2.1.0-5
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- debian/node-is-descriptor 3.0.0-2
- debian/node-is-extendable 1.0.1-3
- debian/node-is-extglob 2.1.1-5
- debian/node-is-glob 4.0.3-2
- debian/node-is-number 7.0.0-4
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- debian/node-is-path-inside 3.0.3-2
- debian/node-is-plain-obj 3.0.0-2
- debian/node-is-plain-object 5.0.0-7
- debian/node-is-primitive 3.0.1-3
- debian/node-is-stream 3.0.0-4
- debian/node-is-typedarray 1.0.0-4
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- debian/node-isarray 2.0.5-4
- debian/node-isexe 2.0.0 ~2.0.1-5
- debian/node-isobject 4.0.0-2
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- debian/node-locate-path 7.1.1-2
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- debian/node-map-visit 1.0.0-4
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- debian/node-micromatch 4.0.5 ~4.0.2-1
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- debian/node-negotiator 0.6.3 ~0.6.1-1
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- debian/node-normalize-path 3.0.0 ~3.0.0-1
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- debian/node-npm-package-arg 10.0.0 ~3.0.0-2
- debian/node-npm-run-path 5.1.0 ~4.0.0-8
- debian/node-npmlog 7.0.1 ~4.1.4-1
- debian/node-object-assign 4.1.1-7
- debian/node-object-inspect 1.12.2 ~cs1.8.1-1
- debian/node-object-visit 1.0.1-5
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- debian/node-opener 1.5.2 ~1.4.0-1
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- debian/node-p-limit 4.0.0 ~cs4.0.0-5
- debian/node-p-locate 6.0.0-12
- debian/node-p-map 4.0.0 ~3.1.0 ~3.0.1-1
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- debian/node-pascalcase 1.0.0-1
- debian/node-path-dirname 1.0.2-2
- debian/node-path-exists 5.0.0-8
- debian/node-path-is-absolute 2.0.0-2
- debian/node-path-is-inside 1.0.2 ~1.0.0-1
- debian/node-path-type 4.0.0-3
- debian/node-picocolors 1.0.0-4
- debian/node-pify 5.0.0 ~cs5.0.1-1
- debian/node-pkg-dir 5.0.0-2
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- debian/node-postcss-modules-values 4.0.0 ~4.0.0-1
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- debian/node-postcss 8.4.20 ~cs8.0.23-1
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- debian/node-progress 2.0.3-2
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- debian/node-promise-retry 2.0.1-4
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- debian/node-prr 1.0.1-3
- debian/node-pump 3.0.0-5
- debian/node-punycode 2.1.1-6
- debian/node-quick-lru 6.1.1-4
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- debian/node-read-package-json 5.0.2 ~2.0.0-1
- debian/node-read-pkg 5.2.0-2
- debian/node-read 1.0.7-5
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- debian/node-readdirp 3.6.0-1
- debian/node-rechoir 0.8.0 ~0.6.1-2
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- debian/node-regenerate 1.4.2-3
- debian/node-regenerator-runtime 0.15.1 ~0.10.8-1
- debian/node-regenerator-transform 0.15.1 ~0.10.8-1
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- debian/node-regexpu-core 5.2.2-3
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- debian/node-resolve-from 5.0.0 ~3.1.0 ~3.3.0 ~2.0.0-1
- debian/node-resolve 1.22.1 ~cs5.31.10-1
- debian/node-restore-cursor 4.0.0-2
- debian/node-resumer 0.0.0-6
- debian/node-retry 0.13.1 ~0.12.1-1
- debian/node-rimraf 3.0.2-2
- debian/node-run-queue 2.0.0-3
- debian/node-safe-buffer 5.2.1 ~cs2.1.2-3
- debian/node-schema-utils 3.1.1~ds-2
- debian/node-sellside-emitter 1.2.1-3
- debian/node-semver 7.3.5 ~7.3.9-2
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- debian/node-set-immediate-shim 2.0.0-2
- debian/node-set-value 4.1.0 ~4.0.1-2
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- debian/node-shebang-regex 3.0.0-2
- debian/node-shell-quote 1.7.4 ~1.7.1-1
- debian/node-signal-exit 3.0.7 ~3.0.1-1
- debian/node-slash 4.0.0-3
- debian/node-slice-ansi 5.0.0 ~cs9.0.0-5
- debian/node-source-list-map 2.0.1 dfsg-2
- debian/node-source-map-support 0.5.21 ds ~0.5.4-1
- debian/node-source-map 0.7.0 dfsg2 really.0.6.1-15
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- debian/node-spdx-exceptions 2.3.0-2
- debian/node-spdx-expression-parse 3.0.1 ~3.0.1-1
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- debian/node-sprintf-js 1.1.2 ds1 ~1.1.2-1
- debian/node-ssri 9.0.1-2
- debian/node-stack-utils 2.0.6 ~2.0.1-1
- debian/node-string-decoder 1.3.0-6
- debian/node-string-width 4.2.3 ~cs13.2.3-1
- debian/node-strip-ansi 6.0.1-2
- debian/node-strip-bom 4.0.0-2
- debian/node-strip-json-comments 4.0.0-4
- debian/node-supports-color 8.1.1 ~8.1.1-1
- debian/node-tap-mocha-reporter 5.0.3 ~2.0.2-2
- debian/node-tap-parser 11.0.2 ~cs2.1.4-1
- debian/node-tap 16.3.2 ds1 ~cs50.8.16-1
- debian/node-tapable 2.2.1-2
- debian/node-tape 5.6.1 ~cs8.20.19-1
- debian/node-tar 6.1.13 ~cs7.0.5-1
- debian/node-terser 5.16.5-2
- debian/node-text-table 0.2.0-4
- debian/node-through 2.3.8 ~cs0.0.30-1
- debian/node-time-stamp 2.2.0-2
- debian/node-to-fast-properties 3.0.1-3
- debian/node-to-regex-range 5.0.1-4
- debian/node-tslib 2.4.1-1
- debian/node-type-check 0.4.0 dfsg-3
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- debian/node-typedarray 0.0.7-1
- debian/node-undici 5.15.0 dfsg1 ~cs20.10.9.3-1 deb12u3
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- debian/node-unicode-match-property-ecmascript 2.0.0-2
- debian/node-unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript 2.1.0 ds-1
- debian/node-unicode-property-aliases-ecmascript 2.1.0 ds-1
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- debian/node-unset-value 2.0.1-1
- debian/node-uri-js 4.4.0 dfsg-8
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- debian/node-util 0.12.5 ~1.0.10-1
- debian/node-uuid 8.3.2 ~8.3.3-3
- debian/node-v8-compile-cache 2.3.0-3
- debian/node-v8flags 3.2.0 ~3.1.1-1
- debian/node-validate-npm-package-license 3.0.4-2
- debian/node-validate-npm-package-name 5.0.0 ~4.0.0-1
- debian/node-watchpack 2.4.0 ~cs2.8.1-1
- debian/node-wcwidth.js 1.0.2-2
- debian/node-webassemblyjs 1.11.4 dfsg ~cs10.11.17-2
- debian/node-webpack-sources 3.2.3 ~3.2.0-2
- debian/node-which 2.0.2 ~cs1.3.2-3
- debian/node-wide-align 1.1.3-4
- debian/node-widest-line 3.1.0-2
- debian/node-wordwrap 1.0.0-4
- debian/node-wrap-ansi 8.0.1 ~8.0.1-3
- debian/node-wrappy 1.0.2-3
- debian/node-write-file-atomic 4.0.2 ~4.0.0-1
- debian/node-write 2.0.0~6.0.0 ~3.0.4 ~2.0.0 ~1.0.0 ~2.0.1-5
- debian/node-ws 8.11.0 ~cs13.7.3-1
- debian/node-xtend 4.0.2-3
- debian/node-y18n 5.0.8 ~5.0.0-3
- debian/node-yallist 4.0.0 ~4.0.1-1
- debian/node-yaml 2.1.3-2
- debian/node-yargs-parser 21.1.1 ~21.0.0-4
- debian/node-yargs 16.2.0 ~16.0.4-7
- debian/nodejs-doc 18.19.0 dfsg-6~deb12u1
- debian/nodejs 18.19.0 dfsg-6~deb12u1
- debian/npm 9.2.0~ds1-1
- debian/openssl 3.0.11-1~deb12u2
- debian/passwd 1:4.13 dfsg1-1 b1
- debian/patch 2.7.6-7
- debian/perl-base 5.36.0-7 deb12u1
- debian/perl-modules-5.36 5.36.0-7 deb12u1
- debian/perl-openssl-defaults 7 b1
- debian/perl 5.36.0-7 deb12u1
- debian/pkg-config 1.8.1-1
- debian/pkgconf-bin 1.8.1-1
- debian/pkgconf 1.8.1-1
- debian/python3-minimal 3.11.2-1 b1
- debian/python3-pkg-resources 66.1.1-1
- debian/python3-six 1.16.0-4
- debian/python3.11-minimal 3.11.2-6
- debian/python3.11 3.11.2-6
- debian/python3 3.11.2-1 b1
- debian/readline-common 8.2-1.3
- debian/redis-server 5:7.0.11-1 deb12u1
- debian/redis-tools 5:7.0.11-1 deb12u1
- debian/rpcsvc-proto 1.4.3-1
- debian/runc 1.1.5 ds1-1 b1
- debian/screen 4.9.0-4
- debian/sed 4.9-1
- debian/shared-mime-info 2.2-1
- debian/sysvinit-utils 3.06-4
- debian/tar 1.34 dfsg-1.2
- debian/terser 5.16.5-2
- debian/tini 0.19.0-1
- debian/tzdata 2023c-5 deb12u1
- debian/usr-is-merged 35
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- debian/util-linux 2.38.1-5 b1
- debian/webpack 5.75.0 dfsg ~cs17.16.14-1 deb12u1
- debian/x11-common 1:7.7 23
- debian/x11-utils 7.7 5
- debian/x11-xserver-utils 7.7 9 b1
- debian/xdg-utils 1.1.3-4.1
- debian/xkb-data 2.35.1-1
- debian/xz-utils 5.4.1-0.2
- debian/zlib1g 1:1.2.13.dfsg-1
- debian/zutty dfsg1-1
- (devel)
- (devel)
- (devel)
- (devel)
- (devel)
- (devel)
- v20.10.24
- (devel)
- (devel)
- (devel)
- (devel)
- stdlib 1.19.8
- aioboto3 12.1.0
- aiobotocore 2.8.0
- aiofiles 23.2.1
- aiohttp 3.8.3
- aiohttp 3.9.0
- aiohttp 3.9.1
- aioitertools 0.11.0
- aiosignal 1.3.1
- aiostream 0.4.4
- aiostream 0.5.2
- altair 5.2.0
- amqp 5.2.0
- anyio 3.7.1
- appnope 0.1.3
- argon2-cffi-bindings 21.2.0
- argon2-cffi 23.1.0
- arrow 1.3.0
- asgiref 3.5.2
- asgiref 3.7.2
- astroid 2.15.8
- asttokens 2.4.1
- async-lru 2.0.4
- async-timeout 4.0.3
- attrs 23.1.0
- attrs 23.2.0
- babel 2.14.0
- backoff 2.2.1
- beautifulsoup4 4.12.2
- billiard 4.2.0
- black 23.12.1
- bleach 6.1.0
- boto3 1.33.1
- botocore 1.33.1
- build 0.10.0
- celery 5.3.6
- certifi 2023.11.17
- cffi 1.16.0
- cfgv 3.4.0
- charset-normalizer 3.3.2
- click-didyoumean 0.3.0
- click-plugins 1.1.1
- click-repl 0.3.0
- click 8.1.7
- cloudpickle 2.0.0
- cloudpickle 2.2.0
- cloudpickle 2.2.1
- colorama 0.4.6
- comm 0.2.1
- commit5 0.1.1
- config-path 1.0.5
- contourpy 1.2.0
- coverage 7.4.0
- cryptography 41.0.7
- cycler 0.12.1
- dataclasses-json 0.6.3
- ddtrace 1.5.2
- debugpy 1.8.0
- decorator 5.1.1
- deeplake 3.8.14
- defusedxml 0.7.1
- deprecated 1.2.14
- dill 0.3.7
- distlib 0.3.8
- distro 1.9.0
- dnspython 2.4.2
- docker 6.1.3
- eventlet 0.33.3
- exceptiongroup 1.2.0
- executing 2.0.1
- fastapi 0.88.0
- fastapi 0.94.1
- fastjsonschema 2.19.1
- fastprogress 1.0.0
- ffmpy 0.3.1
- filelock 3.13.1
- flake8 6.1.0
- fonttools 4.47.0
- fqdn 1.5.1
- frozenlist 1.4.0
- frozenlist 1.4.1
- fsspec 2023.12.2
- fuzzywuzzy 0.18.0
- geographiclib 2.0
- geopy 2.4.1
- gitdb 4.0.11
- gitpython 3.1.41
- gradio-client 0.6.1
- gradio 3.50.2
- graphviz 0.20.1
- greenlet 2.0.1
- grpclib 0.4.3
- h11 0.14.0
- h2 4.1.0
- hpack 4.0.0
- httpcore 1.0.2
- httpx 0.26.0
- huggingface-hub 0.20.2
- humbug 0.3.2
- hyperframe 6.0.1
- identify 2.5.33
- idna 3.4
- idna 3.6
- importlib-metadata 7.0.1
- importlib-resources 6.1.1
- importlib_metadata 4.8.1
- importmagic 0.1.7
- iniconfig 2.0.0
- ipykernel 6.28.0
- ipython 8.20.0
- ipywidgets 8.1.1
- isoduration 20.11.0
- isort 5.13.2
- jedi 0.19.1
- jinja2 3.1.3
- jmespath 1.0.1
- joblib 1.3.2
- json5 0.9.14
- jsonpatch 1.33
- jsonpointer 2.4
- jsonschema-specifications 2023.12.1
- jsonschema 4.20.0
- jupyter-client 8.6.0
- jupyter-console 6.6.3
- jupyter-core 5.7.1
- jupyter-events 0.9.0
- jupyter-lsp 2.2.1
- jupyter-server-terminals 0.5.1
- jupyter-server 2.12.3
- jupyter 1.0.0
- jupyterlab-pygments 0.3.0
- jupyterlab-server 2.25.2
- jupyterlab-widgets 3.0.9
- jupyterlab 4.0.10
- kiwisolver 1.4.5
- kombu 5.3.4
- langchain-community 0.0.11
- langchain-core 0.1.9
- langchain 0.1.0
- langsmith 0.0.79
- lazy-object-proxy 1.10.0
- levenshtein 0.21.1
- libdeeplake 0.0.95
- llama-index 0.7.24.post1
- logtail-python 0.2.9
- loguru 0.6.0
- lxml 4.9.3
- lz4 4.3.3
- markdown-it-py 3.0.0
- markdown 3.5.2
- markdownify 0.11.6
- markupsafe 2.1.3
- marshmallow 3.20.2
- matplotlib-inline 0.1.6
- matplotlib 3.8.2
- mccabe 0.7.0
- mdurl 0.1.2
- mistune 3.0.2
- modal-client 0.51.3360
- modal 0.51.3360
- monotonic 1.6
- mpmath 1.3.0
- msgpack 1.0.7
- multidict 6.0.4
- multiprocess 0.70.15
- mypy-extensions 1.0.0
- nbclient 0.9.0
- nbconvert 7.14.0
- nbformat 5.9.2
- nest-asyncio 1.5.8
- networkx 3.2.1
- nltk 3.8.1
- nodeenv 1.8.0
- notebook-shim 0.2.3
- notebook 7.0.6
- nptyping 2.5.0
- numpy 1.26.3
- nvidia-cublas-cu12
- nvidia-cuda-cupti-cu12 12.1.105
- nvidia-cuda-nvrtc-cu12 12.1.105
- nvidia-cuda-runtime-cu12 12.1.105
- nvidia-cudnn-cu12
- nvidia-cufft-cu12
- nvidia-curand-cu12
- nvidia-cusolver-cu12
- nvidia-cusparse-cu12
- nvidia-nccl-cu12 2.18.1
- nvidia-nvjitlink-cu12 12.3.101
- nvidia-nvtx-cu12 12.1.105
- openai 0.28.1
- openai 1.3.5
- orjson 3.9.10
- overrides 7.4.0
- packaging 23.2
- pandas 2.1.4
- pandocfilters 1.5.0
- parso 0.8.3
- pathos 0.3.1
- pathspec 0.12.1
- pexpect 4.9.0
- pillow 10.2.0
- platformdirs 4.1.0
- playwright 1.33.0
- pluggy 1.3.0
- posthog 3.3.1
- pox 0.3.3
- ppft
- pre-commit 3.6.0
- prometheus-client 0.19.0
- prometheus-fastapi-instrumentator 6.1.0
- prompt-toolkit 3.0.43
- protobuf 4.25.2
- psutil 5.9.7
- ptyprocess 0.7.0
- pure-eval 0.2.2
- py-spy 0.3.14
- pycodestyle 2.11.1
- pycparser 2.21
- pydantic 1.10.13
- pydub 0.25.1
- pyee 9.0.4
- pyflakes 3.1.0
- pygithub 1.58.2
- pygments 2.17.2
- pyjwt 2.8.0
- pylint-plugin-utils 0.8.2
- pylint-pydantic 0.2.4
- pylint 2.17.7
- pymongo 4.6.1
- pynacl 1.5.0
- pyparsing 3.1.1
- pyproject-hooks 1.0.0
- pytest 7.4.4
- python-dateutil 2.8.2
- python-dotenv 1.0.0
- python-json-logger 2.0.7
- python-levenshtein 0.21.1
- python-multipart 0.0.6
- pytoolconfig 1.3.0
- pytz 2023.3.post1
- pywin32 306
- pywinpty 2.0.12
- pyyaml 6.0.1
- pyzmq 25.1.2
- qtconsole 5.5.1
- qtpy 2.4.1
- rapidfuzz 3.6.1
- redis 5.0.1
- referencing 0.32.1
- regex 2023.10.3
- regex 2023.12.25
- replicate 0.15.4
- requests 2.31.0
- resend 0.6.0
- rfc3339-validator 0.1.4
- rfc3986-validator 0.1.1
- rich 12.3.0
- rich 13.7.0
- robotexclusionrulesparser 1.7.1
- rope 1.11.0
- rpds-py 0.16.2
- s3transfer 0.8.0
- safetensors 0.4.1
- scikit-learn 1.3.2
- scipy 1.11.4
- semantic-version 2.10.0
- send2trash 1.8.2
- sentence-transformers 2.2.2
- sentencepiece 0.1.99
- setuptools 69.0.3
- sigtools 4.0.1
- six 1.16.0
- smmap 5.0.1
- sniffio 1.3.0
- soupsieve 2.5
- sqlalchemy 2.0.25
- stack-data 0.6.3
- starlette 0.26.1
- sympy 1.12
- synchronicity 0.5.3
- tabulate 0.9.0
- tblib 1.7.0
- tblib 3.0.0
- tenacity 8.2.3
- terminado 0.18.0
- threadpoolctl 3.2.0
- tiktoken 0.3.3
- tinycss2 1.2.1
- tokenizers 0.15.0
- toml 0.10.2
- tomli 2.0.1
- tomlkit 0.12.3
- toolz 0.12.0
- torch 2.1.2
- torchvision 0.16.2
- tornado 6.4
- tqdm 4.66.1
- traitlets 5.14.1
- transformers 4.36.2
- tree-sitter-languages 1.9.1
- tree-sitter 0.20.4
- triton 2.1.0
- typer 0.6.1
- typer 0.9.0
- types-certifi 2021.10.8.3
- types-python-dateutil
- types-toml 0.10.4
- types-toml
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- typing-inspect 0.9.0
- tzdata 2023.4
- unidiff 0.7.5
- uri-template 1.3.0
- urllib3 1.26.18
- urllib3 2.1.0
- uvicorn 0.21.1
- vine 5.1.0
- virtualenv 20.25.0
- vulture 2.10
- watchfiles 0.21.0
- wcwidth 0.2.13
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- webencodings 0.5.1
- websocket-client 1.7.0
- websockets 11.0.3
- whoosh 2.7.4
- widgetsnbextension 4.0.9
- win32-setctime 1.1.0
- wrapt 1.16.0
- yamllint 1.33.0
- yarl 1.9.3
- yarl 1.9.4
- zipp 3.17.0