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Package Usage : pypi : httpcore
Explore the latest package usage data for httpcore in the pypi ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 2,485
Total downloads: 1,794,982,210
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homeassistant/home-assistant 2024.9.3
Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first.
- version: 0.16.3
linuxserver/calibre-web 0.6.23
A Calibre-Web container, brought to you by
- version: 0.16.3, 0.18.0
localstack/localstack 4.0.3
💻 A fully functional local AWS cloud stack. Develop and test your cloud & Serverless apps offline
- version: 0.17.3
apache/airflow 2.10.2
Apache Airflow
- version: 0.16.3
redash/redash v2.0.0
Official Docker images for the Redash project.
- version: 0.16.3
linuxserver/beets 2.0.0
A Beets container, brought to you by
- version: 0.17.3, 0.16.3, 0.17.0
prefecthq/prefect 1.4.1
Prefect is a workflow orchestration framework for building data pipelines in Python.
- version: 0.16.3, 0.17.3
homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant 2023.6.3
- version: 0.16.3
homeassistant/qemux86-64-homeassistant 2023.6.3
- version: 0.16.3, 0.17.2
homeassistant/raspberrypi4-homeassistant 2023.6.3
- version: 0.16.3, 0.17.2
bitnami/airflow 2.10.1
Bitnami container image for Apache Airflow
- version: 0.16.3
tiangolo/uvicorn-gunicorn-fastapi python3.11-2024-09-02
Docker image with Uvicorn and Gunicorn for FastAPI apps in Python 3.6+. Optionally with Alpine.
- version: 0.17.3, 0.16.3
bitnami/airflow-worker 2.10.2
🛑 DEPRECATED Bitnami container image for Apache Airflow Worker
- version: 0.16.3
bitnami/airflow-scheduler 2.10.2
Bitnami container image for Apache Airflow Scheduler
- version: 0.16.3
edgedb/edgedb nightly_6-dev8943_cv202410230000
Official EdgeDB Image
- version: 0.17.3
paperlessngx/paperless-ngx 2.14.5
- version: 1.0.2, 0.17.3
homeassistant/intel-nuc-homeassistant 2023.6.3
- version: 0.16.3
homeassistant/armhf-homeassistant 2024.10.2
- version: 0.16.3
searxng/searxng 2024.8.16-c0369ee48
SearXNG is a metasearch engine. Users are neither tracked nor profiled.
- version: 0.14.7, 0.17.3
kasmweb/core-kali-rolling 1.16.1
Kali Rolling XFCE Desktop With Default Tools Metapackage
- version: 0.16.3
homeassistant/raspberrypi4-64-homeassistant 2023.6.3
- version: 0.16.3
homeassistant/raspberrypi3-64-homeassistant 2023.6.3
- version: 0.16.3
homeassistant/raspberrypi2-homeassistant 2023.6.3
- version: 0.16.3
acryldata/datahub-actions v0.1.9
- version: 0.16.3, 0.18.0, 0.17.2
linuxserver/homeassistant 2024.11.2
- version: 0.16.3, 0.17.3
homeassistant/qemuarm-64-homeassistant 2023.6.3
- version: 0.17.0, 0.16.3
homeassistant/raspberrypi-homeassistant 2023.6.3
- version: 0.16.3
homeassistant/aarch64-homeassistant 2024.9.2
- version: 0.16.3, 0.17.0
homeassistant/odroid-n2-homeassistant 2023.6.3
- version: 0.16.3
gitlab/gitlab-ee-qa 42.0.0-ee
GitLab QA has a test suite that allows end-to-end tests.
- version: 0.13.7
homeassistant/amd64-homeassistant 2024.9.3
- version: 0.16.3, 0.17.0
kartoza/ckanext-dalrrd-emc-dcpr paper-trail
CKAN extension to provide the DALRRD EMC
- version: 0.14.7