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rapidsai/rapidsai-nightly : 23.06-cuda11.8-runtime-centos7-py3.10
[NIGHTLY] RAPIDS from conda installs of the latest dev branches
CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
Latest release: over 1 year ago - 565,724 downloads - 654 dependencies
- python 2.7.5
- python 3.10.10
- python 3.10.8
- postgresql 15.2
- cudf:cudf 0.16-SNAPSHOT
- org.apache.arrow:arrow-vector 0.15.1
- org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-common 3.2.4
- org.apache.parquet:parquet-avro 1.10.0
- org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-api 5.4.2
- org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-params 5.4.2
- org.mockito:mockito-core 2.25.0
- org.slf4j:slf4j-api 1.7.30
- org.slf4j:slf4j-api 1.7.9
- org.slf4j:slf4j-simple 1.7.30
- org.slf4j:slf4j-simple 1.7.9
- @babel/runtime 7.21.0
- @blueprintjs/core 3.46.0
- @blueprintjs/icons 3.27.0
- @blueprintjs/select 3.16.5
- @bokeh/bokehjs 2.4.3
- @bokeh/numbro 1.6.2
- @bokeh/slickgrid 2.4.2702
- @colors/colors 1.5.0
- @discoveryjs/json-ext 0.5.3
- @fortawesome/fontawesome-free 5.15.3
- @gar/promisify 1.1.2
- @gar/promisify 1.1.3
- @holoviz/panel 0.14.1
- @hypnosphi/create-react-context 0.3.1
- @isaacs/string-locale-compare 1.1.0
- @jlab-enhanced/favorites 3.1.1
- @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager 5.0.7
- @jupyter/ydoc 0.2.3
- @jupyterlab/application-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/application-top 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/application 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/apputils-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/apputils 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/attachments 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/builder 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/buildutils 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/cell-toolbar-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/cell-toolbar 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/cells 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/celltags-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/celltags 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/codeeditor 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/codemirror-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/codemirror 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/collaboration-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/collaboration 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/completer-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/completer 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/console-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/console 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/coreutils 5.6.3
- @jupyterlab/csvviewer-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/csvviewer 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/debugger-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/debugger 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/docmanager-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/docmanager 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/docprovider-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/docprovider 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/docregistry 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/documentsearch-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/documentsearch 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/extensionmanager-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/extensionmanager 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/filebrowser-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/filebrowser 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/fileeditor-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/fileeditor 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/help-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/htmlviewer-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/htmlviewer 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/hub-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/imageviewer-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/imageviewer 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/inspector-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/inspector 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/javascript-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/json-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/launcher-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/launcher 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/logconsole-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/logconsole 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/mainmenu-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/mainmenu 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/markdownviewer-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/markdownviewer 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/mathjax2-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/mathjax2 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/metapackage 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/mock-consumer 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/mock-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/mock-incompat 0.1.0
- @jupyterlab/mock-mime-extension 0.3.0
- @jupyterlab/mock-package 0.1.0
- @jupyterlab/mock-provider 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/mock-token 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/nbconvert-css 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/nbformat 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/notebook-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/notebook 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/observables 4.6.3
- @jupyterlab/outputarea 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/pdf-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/property-inspector 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/rendermime-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/rendermime-interfaces 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/rendermime 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/running-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/running 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/server-proxy 3.2.2
- @jupyterlab/services 6.6.3
- @jupyterlab/settingeditor-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/settingeditor 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/settingregistry 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/shared-models 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/shortcuts-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/statedb 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/statusbar-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/statusbar 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/terminal-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/terminal 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/theme-dark-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/theme-light-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/toc-extension 5.6.3
- @jupyterlab/toc 5.6.3
- @jupyterlab/tooltip-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/tooltip 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/translation-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/translation 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/ui-components-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/ui-components 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/vdom-extension 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/vdom 3.6.3
- @jupyterlab/vega5-extension 3.6.3
- 8.1.0
- @lumino/algorithm 1.9.2
- @lumino/application 1.31.4
- @lumino/collections 1.9.3
- @lumino/commands 1.21.1
- @lumino/coreutils 1.12.1
- @lumino/datagrid 0.36.9
- @lumino/disposable 1.10.4
- @lumino/domutils 1.8.2
- @lumino/dragdrop 1.14.5
- @lumino/keyboard 1.8.2
- @lumino/messaging 1.10.3
- @lumino/polling 1.11.4
- @lumino/properties 1.8.2
- @lumino/signaling 1.11.1
- @lumino/virtualdom 1.14.3
- @lumino/widgets 1.37.2
- @nodelib/fs.scandir 2.1.5
- @nodelib/fs.stat 2.0.5
- @nodelib/fs.walk 1.2.8
- @npmcli/arborist 6.2.8
- @npmcli/config 6.1.6
- @npmcli/disparity-colors 3.0.0
- @npmcli/fs 1.0.0
- @npmcli/fs 2.1.2
- @npmcli/fs 3.1.0
- @npmcli/git 4.0.4
- @npmcli/installed-package-contents 2.0.2
- @npmcli/map-workspaces 3.0.3
- @npmcli/metavuln-calculator 5.0.1
- @npmcli/move-file 1.1.2
- @npmcli/move-file 2.0.1
- @npmcli/name-from-folder 2.0.0
- @npmcli/node-gyp 3.0.0
- @npmcli/package-json 3.0.0
- @npmcli/promise-spawn 6.0.2
- @npmcli/query 3.0.0
- @npmcli/run-script 6.0.0
- @nteract/transform-vdom 4.0.16-alpha.0
- @pyviz/jupyterlab_pyviz 2.2.1
- @rjsf/core 3.1.0
- @sigstore/protobuf-specs 0.1.0
- @sindresorhus/is 0.14.0
- @szmarczak/http-timer 1.1.2
- @tootallnate/once 1.1.2
- @tootallnate/once 2.0.0
- @tufjs/canonical-json 1.0.0
- @tufjs/models 1.0.3
- @types/base16 1.0.2
- @types/clone 2.1.1
- @types/debounce 1.2.0
- @types/dom4 2.0.2
- @types/eslint-scope 3.7.1
- @types/eslint 7.2.14
- @types/estree 0.0.50
- @types/gl-matrix 2.4.5
- @types/glob 7.1.4
- @types/html-minifier-terser 5.1.2
- @types/jquery 3.5.6
- @types/json-schema 7.0.8
- @types/lodash.curry 4.1.6
- @types/lodash 4.14.191
- @types/minimatch 3.0.5
- @types/node 14.17.11
- @types/prop-types 15.7.4
- @types/react 17.0.14
- @types/scheduler 0.16.2
- @types/sizzle 2.3.3
- @types/slickgrid 2.1.31
- @types/source-list-map 0.1.2
- @types/webpack-sources 0.1.9
- @verdaccio/commons-api 10.2.0
- @verdaccio/config 6.0.0-6-next.60
- @verdaccio/config 6.0.0-6-next.61
- @verdaccio/core 6.0.0-6-next.60
- @verdaccio/core 6.0.0-6-next.61
- @verdaccio/file-locking 10.3.0
- @verdaccio/local-storage 10.3.1
- @verdaccio/logger-7 6.0.0-6-next.6
- @verdaccio/logger-commons 6.0.0-6-next.29
- @verdaccio/logger-prettify 6.0.0-6-next.9
- @verdaccio/middleware 6.0.0-6-next.40
- @verdaccio/streams 10.2.0
- @verdaccio/tarball 11.0.0-6-next.30
- @verdaccio/ui-theme 6.0.0-6-next.61
- @verdaccio/url 11.0.0-6-next.27
- @verdaccio/utils 6.0.0-6-next.28
- @verdaccio/utils 6.0.0-6-next.29
- @vscode/debugprotocol 1.51.0
- @webassemblyjs/ast 1.11.1
- @webassemblyjs/floating-point-hex-parser 1.11.1
- @webassemblyjs/helper-api-error 1.11.1
- @webassemblyjs/helper-buffer 1.11.1
- @webassemblyjs/helper-numbers 1.11.1
- @webassemblyjs/helper-wasm-bytecode 1.11.1
- @webassemblyjs/helper-wasm-section 1.11.1
- @webassemblyjs/ieee754 1.11.1
- @webassemblyjs/leb128 1.11.1
- @webassemblyjs/utf8 1.11.1
- @webassemblyjs/wasm-edit 1.11.1
- @webassemblyjs/wasm-gen 1.11.1
- @webassemblyjs/wasm-opt 1.11.1
- @webassemblyjs/wasm-parser 1.11.1
- @webassemblyjs/wast-printer 1.11.1
- @webpack-cli/configtest 1.0.4
- @webpack-cli/info 1.3.0
- @webpack-cli/serve 1.5.1
- @xtuc/ieee754 1.2.0
- @xtuc/long 4.2.2
- @yarnpkg/lockfile 1.1.0
- JSONStream 1.3.5
- abab 2.0.5
- abbrev 1.1.1
- abbrev 2.0.0
- abort-controller 3.0.0
- abstract-leveldown 6.2.3
- accepts 1.3.8
- acorn-walk 7.2.0
- acorn 7.4.1
- acorn 8.4.1
- agent-base 6.0.2
- agentkeepalive 4.3.0
- aggregate-error 3.1.0
- ajv-keywords 3.5.2
- ajv 6.12.6
- ajv 8.11.2
- ansi-escapes 4.3.2
- ansi-regex 2.1.1
- ansi-regex 5.0.1
- ansi-styles 3.2.1
- ansi-styles 4.3.0
- anymatch 3.1.2
- apache-md5 1.1.8
- aproba 2.0.0
- archy 1.0.0
- are-we-there-yet 3.0.1
- are-we-there-yet 4.0.0
- argparse 1.0.10
- argparse 2.0.1
- argv 0.0.2
- array-flat-polyfill 1.0.1
- array-flatten 1.1.1
- array-union 2.1.0
- asn1 0.2.4
- assert-plus 1.0.0
- async-limiter 1.0.1
- async 3.2.4
- asynckit 0.4.0
- at-least-node 1.0.0
- atomic-sleep 1.0.0
- aws-sign2 0.7.0
- aws4 1.11.0
- balanced-match 1.0.2
- base16 1.0.0
- base64-js 1.5.1
- bcrypt-pbkdf 1.0.2
- bcryptjs 2.4.3
- bfj 6.1.2
- big.js 5.2.2
- bin-links 4.0.1
- binary-extensions 2.2.0
- blacklist 1.1.4
- bluebird 3.7.2
- body-parser 1.20.1
- boolbase 1.0.0
- brace-expansion 1.1.11
- brace-expansion 2.0.1
- braces 3.0.2
- browserslist 4.16.6
- buffer-equal-constant-time 1.0.1
- buffer-from 1.1.1
- buffer 5.7.1
- buffer 6.0.3
- builtins 5.0.1
- bytes 3.0.0
- bytes 3.1.2
- cacache 15.3.0
- cacache 16.1.3
- cacache 17.0.5
- cacheable-request 6.1.0
- call-bind 1.0.2
- camel-case 4.1.2
- caniuse-lite 1.0.30001243
- caseless 0.12.0
- chalk 2.4.2
- chalk 4.1.1
- chalk 4.1.2
- chardet 0.7.0
- check-types 8.0.3
- child_process 1.0.2
- choices.js 9.0.1
- chokidar 3.5.2
- chownr 2.0.0
- chrome-trace-event 1.0.3
- ci-info 3.8.0
- cidr-regex 3.1.1
- classnames 2.3.1
- clean-css 4.2.3
- clean-stack 2.2.0
- cli-columns 4.0.0
- cli-cursor 3.1.0
- cli-table3 0.6.3
- cli-width 3.0.0
- clipanion 3.2.0-rc.14
- cliui 7.0.4
- clone-deep 4.0.1
- clone-response 1.0.2
- clone 1.0.4
- clone 2.1.2
- clsx 1.2.1
- cmd-shim 6.0.1
- codecov 3.8.3
- codemirror 5.61.1
- color-convert 1.9.3
- color-convert 2.0.1
- color-name 1.1.3
- color-name 1.1.4
- color-string 1.5.5
- color-support 1.1.3
- color 3.1.3
- colorette 1.2.2
- colorette 2.0.19
- columnify 1.6.0
- combined-stream 1.0.8
- commander 2.19.0
- commander 2.20.3
- commander 4.1.1
- commander 5.1.0
- commander 6.0.0
- commander 7.2.0
- commander 8.2.0
- common-ancestor-path 1.0.1
- commondir 1.0.1
- compressible 2.0.18
- compression 1.7.4
- compute-gcd 1.2.1
- compute-lcm 1.1.2
- concat-map 0.0.1
- console-control-strings 1.1.0
- content-disposition 0.5.4
- content-type 1.0.4
- cookie-signature 1.0.6
- cookie 0.5.0
- cookies 0.8.0
- core-js-pure 3.21.0
- core-js 3.27.0
- core-util-is 1.0.2
- corepack 0.15.3
- cors 2.8.5
- create-react-class 15.7.0
- cross-spawn 7.0.3
- crypto 1.0.1
- css-loader 5.2.6
- css-select 4.1.3
- css-what 5.0.1
- cssesc 3.0.0
- csstype 2.6.9
- csstype 3.0.8
- d3-array 2.12.1
- d3-color 2.0.0
- d3-delaunay 5.3.0
- d3-dispatch 2.0.0
- d3-dsv 2.0.0
- d3-force 2.1.1
- d3-format 2.0.0
- d3-geo-projection 3.0.0
- d3-geo 2.0.2
- d3-hierarchy 2.0.0
- d3-interpolate 2.0.1
- d3-path 2.0.0
- d3-quadtree 2.0.0
- d3-scale 3.3.0
- d3-shape 2.1.0
- d3-time-format 3.0.0
- d3-time 2.1.1
- d3-timer 2.0.0
- d 1.0.1
- dashdash 1.14.1
- dask-labextension 6.1.0
- data-urls 2.0.0
- dayjs 1.11.7
- debounce 1.2.0
- debug 2.6.9
- debug 4.3.4
- decompress-response 3.3.0
- deep-equal 1.1.1
- deep-extend 0.6.0
- deepmerge 4.2.2
- defaults 1.0.4
- defer-to-connect 1.1.3
- deferred-leveldown 5.3.0
- define-properties 1.1.3
- delaunator 4.0.1
- delayed-stream 1.0.0
- delegates 1.0.0
- depd 1.1.2
- depd 2.0.0
- dependency-graph 0.9.0
- destroy 1.2.0
- detect-indent 6.1.0
- detect-newline 3.1.0
- diff 5.1.0
- dir-glob 3.0.1
- dom-converter 0.2.0
- dom-helpers 3.4.0
- dom-serializer 1.3.2
- dom4 2.1.6
- domelementtype 2.2.0
- domhandler 3.3.0
- domhandler 4.2.0
- domutils 2.7.0
- dot-case 3.0.4
- duplexer3 0.1.4
- duplexer 0.1.2
- duplexify 4.1.2
- duplicate-package-checker-webpack-plugin 3.0.0
- ecc-jsbn 0.1.2
- ecdsa-sig-formatter 1.0.11
- ee-first 1.1.1
- ejs 2.7.4
- electron-to-chromium 1.3.771
- emoji-regex 8.0.0
- emojis-list 3.0.0
- encodeurl 1.0.2
- encoding-down 6.3.0
- encoding 0.1.13
- end-of-stream 1.4.4
- enhanced-resolve 5.8.2
- entities 2.2.0
- env-paths 2.2.1
- envinfo 7.8.1
- err-code 2.0.3
- errno 0.1.8
- es-module-lexer 0.7.1
- es5-ext 0.10.53
- es6-iterator 2.0.3
- es6-map 0.1.5
- es6-promise 4.2.8
- es6-set 0.1.5
- es6-symbol 3.1.1
- es6-symbol 3.1.3
- es6-weak-map 2.0.3
- escalade 3.1.1
- escape-html 1.0.3
- escape-string-regexp 1.0.5
- escape-string-regexp 4.0.0
- eslint-scope 5.1.1
- esm 3.2.25
- esprima 4.0.1
- esrecurse 4.3.0
- estraverse 4.3.0
- estraverse 5.2.0
- etag 1.8.1
- event-emitter 0.3.5
- event-target-shim 5.0.1
- events 3.3.0
- execa 5.1.1
- express-rate-limit 5.5.1
- express 4.18.2
- ext 1.4.0
- extend 3.0.2
- external-editor 3.1.0
- extsprintf 1.3.0
- fast-deep-equal 2.0.1
- fast-deep-equal 3.1.3
- fast-glob 3.2.7
- fast-json-patch 2.2.1
- fast-json-patch 3.0.0-1
- fast-json-stable-stringify 2.1.0
- fast-redact 3.0.1
- fast-safe-stringify 2.1.1
- fast-url-parser 1.1.3
- fastest-levenshtein 1.0.12
- fastest-levenshtein 1.0.16
- fastq 1.11.1
- figures 3.2.0
- file-loader 6.0.0
- filesize 3.6.1
- fill-range 7.0.1
- finalhandler 1.2.0
- find-cache-dir 3.3.1
- find-root 1.1.0
- find-up 4.1.0
- flatbush 3.3.0
- flatpickr 4.6.6
- flatqueue 1.2.1
- forever-agent 0.6.1
- form-data 2.3.3
- forwarded 0.2.0
- free-style 3.1.0
- fresh 0.5.2
- fs-extra 9.1.0
- fs-minipass 2.1.0
- fs-minipass 3.0.1
- fs.realpath 1.0.0
- fsevents 2.3.2
- function-bind 1.1.1
- fuse.js 3.6.1
- gauge 4.0.4
- gauge 5.0.0
- get-caller-file 2.0.5
- get-intrinsic 1.1.1
- get-stream 4.1.0
- get-stream 5.2.0
- get-stream 6.0.1
- getpass 0.1.7
- git-hooks-list 1.0.3
- gl-matrix 3.2.1
- glob-parent 5.1.2
- glob-to-regexp 0.4.1
- glob 6.0.4
- glob 7.1.7
- glob 7.2.3
- glob 8.1.0
- glob 9.3.2
- globby 10.0.0
- got 9.6.0
- graceful-fs 4.2.11
- graceful-fs 4.2.8
- gud 1.0.0
- gzip-size 5.1.1
- hammerjs 2.0.8
- handlebars 4.7.7
- har-schema 2.0.0
- har-validator 5.1.5
- has-flag 3.0.0
- has-flag 4.0.0
- has-symbols 1.0.2
- has-unicode 2.0.1
- has 1.0.3
- he 1.2.0
- hoopy 0.1.4
- hosted-git-info 6.1.1
- htm 3.0.4
- html-loader 1.3.2
- html-minifier-terser 5.1.1
- html-webpack-plugin 5.3.2
- htmlparser2 4.1.0
- htmlparser2 6.1.0
- http-cache-semantics 4.1.0
- http-cache-semantics 4.1.1
- http-errors 1.8.1
- http-errors 2.0.0
- http-proxy-agent 4.0.1
- http-proxy-agent 5.0.0
- http-signature 1.2.0
- http-status-codes 2.2.0
- https-proxy-agent 5.0.1
- human-signals 2.1.0
- humanize-ms 1.2.1
- iconv-lite 0.4.24
- iconv-lite 0.6.3
- icss-utils 5.1.0
- idom-panel-app 0.1.0
- ieee754 1.2.1
- ignore-walk 3.0.4
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- import-local 3.0.2
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- ini 4.1.0
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- is-plain-object 2.0.4
- is-plain-object 5.0.0
- is-promise 2.2.2
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- isexe 2.0.0
- isobject 3.0.1
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- just-diff 6.0.2
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- lodash.curry 4.1.1
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- lodash 4.17.21
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- lowdb 1.0.0
- lower-case 2.0.2
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- lru-cache 7.18.3
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- make-fetch-happen 11.1.0
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- npm 9.6.5
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- picomatch 2.3.0
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- pino-abstract-transport 1.0.0
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- pino 7.11.0
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- process 0.11.10
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- psl 1.8.0
- pump 3.0.0
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- punycode 1.4.1
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- qs 6.5.2
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- react 17.0.2
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- read-package-json 6.0.1
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- readable-stream 3.6.2
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- retry 0.12.0
- reusify 1.0.4
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- schema-utils 3.1.0
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- semver 7.3.8
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- serialize-javascript 5.0.1
- serialize-javascript 6.0.0
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- signal-exit 3.0.7
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- sonic-boom 3.2.1
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- Markdown 3.4.3
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- cudf 23.6.0
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- jupyter_server_fileid 0.9.0
- jupyter_server_terminals 0.4.4
- jupyter_server_ydoc 0.8.0
- jupyterlab-favorites 3.1.1
- jupyterlab-nvdashboard 0.8.0
- jupyterlab-pygments 0.2.2
- jupyterlab-widgets 3.0.7
- jupyterlab 3.6.3
- jupyterlab_server 2.22.1
- kitchen 1.1.1
- kiwisolver 1.4.4
- lazy_loader 0.2
- libmambapy 1.4.2
- llvmlite 0.39.1
- locket 1.0.0
- lz4 4.3.2
- mamba 1.4.2
- mapclassify 2.5.0
- matplotlib-inline 0.1.6
- matplotlib 3.7.1
- mistune 2.0.5
- msgpack 1.0.5
- multidict 6.0.4
- multipledispatch 0.6.0
- munch 2.5.0
- munkres 1.1.4
- mypy 0.931
- nbclassic 0.5.5
- nbclient 0.7.3
- nbconvert 7.3.1
- nbformat 5.8.0
- nest-asyncio 1.5.6
- networkx 3.1
- notebook 6.5.4
- notebook_shim 0.2.2
- numba 0.56.4
- numpy 1.23.5
- nvtx 0.2.5
- packaging 23.1
- pandas 1.5.3
- pandocfilters 1.5.0
- panel 0.14.1
- param 1.13.0
- parso 0.8.3
- partd 1.4.0
- patsy 0.5.3
- pexpect 4.8.0
- pickleshare 0.7.5
- pip 22.3.1
- pip 23.0.1
- pkgutil_resolve_name 1.3.10
- platformdirs 3.2.0
- pluggy 1.0.0
- pooch 1.7.0
- prometheus-client 0.16.0
- prompt-toolkit 3.0.38
- protobuf 4.21.12
- psutil 5.9.4
- ptxcompiler 0.7.0
- ptyprocess 0.7.0
- pyOpenSSL 23.0.0
- pyOpenSSL 23.1.1
- pyarrow 11.0.0
- pycosat 0.6.4
- pycparser 2.21
- pyct 0.4.6
- pycurl 7.19.0
- pydantic 1.10.7
- pydata-sphinx-theme 0.9.0
- pydeck 0.5.0
- pyee 8.1.0
- pygpgme 0.3
- pylibcugraph 23.6.0
- pyliblzma 0.5.3
- pylibraft 23.6.0
- pynndescent 0.5.8
- pynvml 11.4.1
- pyparsing 3.0.9
- pyppeteer 1.0.2
- pyproj 3.4.0
- pyrsistent 0.19.3
- pytest 7.3.0
- python-dateutil 2.8.2
- python-json-logger 2.0.7
- pytz-deprecation-shim 0.1.0.post0
- pytz 2023.3
- pyviz-comms 2.2.1
- pyxattr 0.5.1
- pyzmq 25.0.2
- raft-dask 23.6.0
- requests 2.28.2
- rfc3339-validator 0.1.4
- rfc3986-validator 0.1.1
- rmm 23.6.0
- ruamel.yaml.clib 0.2.7
- ruamel.yaml 0.17.21
- s3fs 2023.4.0
- scikit-image 0.20.0
- scikit-learn 1.2.2
- scipy 1.10.1
- seaborn 0.12.2
- setuptools 65.6.3
- setuptools 67.6.1
- shapely 2.0.1
- simpervisor 0.4
- six 1.16.0
- sniffio 1.3.0
- sortedcontainers 2.4.0
- soupsieve 2.3.2.post1
- starlette 0.20.4
- statsmodels 0.13.5
- streamz 0.6.4
- tabulate 0.9.0
- tblib 1.7.0
- terminado 0.17.1
- threadpoolctl 3.1.0
- tifffile 2023.4.12
- tinycss2 1.2.1
- tomli 1.2.3
- tomli 2.0.1
- toolz 0.12.0
- tornado 6.2
- tqdm 4.64.1
- tqdm 4.65.0
- traitlets 5.9.0
- treelite-runtime 3.2.0
- treelite 3.2.0
- typing_extensions 4.5.0
- tzdata 2023.3
- tzlocal 4.3
- ucx-py 0.31.0
- umap-learn 0.5.3
- unicodedata2 15.0.0
- urlgrabber 3.10
- urllib3 1.26.14
- urllib3 1.26.15
- uvicorn 0.21.1
- wcwidth 0.2.6
- webencodings 0.5.1
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- websockets 10.4
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- wheel 0.40.0
- widgetsnbextension 4.0.7
- wrapt 1.15.0
- wsgiref 0.1.2
- xarray 2023.3.0
- xgboost 1.7.1
- xyzservices 2023.2.0
- y-py 0.5.9
- yarl 1.8.2
- ypy-websocket 0.8.2
- yum-metadata-parser 1.1.4
- zict 2.2.0
- zipp 3.15.0
- zstandard 0.19.0