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awesto/django-shop-demo : latest
Image to run all six demos of django-SHOP
Fedora 24 (Twenty Four)
Latest release: almost 8 years ago - 1,780 downloads - 571 dependencies
- US_export_policy:US_export_policy *
- charsets:charsets *
- cldrdata:cldrdata *
- com.spatial4j:spatial4j 0.4.1
- com.sun.jna:jna 4.1.0
- com.sun:jce 1.8.0_131
- com.sun:sunec 1.8.0_131
- com.sun:sunjce_provider 1.8.0_131
- com.sun:sunpkcs11 1.8.0_131
- com.vividsolutions:jts 1.13
- dnsns:dnsns *
- jaccess:jaccess *
- jsse:jsse 1.8.0_131
- local_policy:local_policy *
- localedata:localedata *
- log4j:apache-log4j-extras 1.2.17
- log4j:log4j 1.2.17
- management-agent:management-agent *
- nashorn:nashorn 1.8.0_131-b12
- org.antlr:antlr-runtime 3.5
- org.apache.lucene:lucene-analyzers-common 4.10.4
- org.apache.lucene:lucene-core 4.10.4
- org.apache.lucene:lucene-expressions 4.10.4
- org.apache.lucene:lucene-grouping 4.10.4
- org.apache.lucene:lucene-highlighter 4.10.4
- org.apache.lucene:lucene-join 4.10.4
- org.apache.lucene:lucene-memory 4.10.4
- org.apache.lucene:lucene-misc 4.10.4
- org.apache.lucene:lucene-queries 4.10.4
- org.apache.lucene:lucene-queryparser 4.10.4
- org.apache.lucene:lucene-sandbox 4.10.4
- org.apache.lucene:lucene-spatial 4.10.4
- org.apache.lucene:lucene-suggest 4.10.4
- org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all 2.4.4
- org.hyperic.sigar.cmd.Runner:sigar 1.6.4
- org.objectweb.asm.commons:asm-commons 4.1
- org.objectweb.asm:asm 4.1
- resources:resources 1.8.0_131
- rt:rt 1.8.0_131
- zipfs:zipfs 1.8.0_131
- abbrev 1.0.9
- almond 0.3.3
- angular-animate 1.6.6
- angular-bootstrap-plus 0.7.0
- angular-i18n 1.6.6
- angular-inview 1.5.7
- angular-sanitize 1.6.6
- angular-ui-bootstrap 0.14.3
- angular 1.6.6
- ansi-regex 2.0.0
- ansi-styles 2.2.1
- ansi 0.3.1
- ansicolors 0.3.2
- ansistyles 0.1.3
- archy 1.0.0
- are-we-there-yet 1.1.2
- array-index 1.0.0
- asap 2.0.3
- asn1 0.2.3
- assert-plus 0.2.0
- assert-plus 1.0.0
- async-some 1.0.2
- async 1.5.2
- aws-sign2 0.6.0
- aws4 1.4.1
- balanced-match 0.4.2
- bl 1.1.2
- block-stream 0.0.9
- boom 2.10.1
- bootstrap-sass 3.3.7
- bootstrap 3.3.7
- brace-expansion 1.1.6
- buffer-shims 1.0.0
- builtin-modules 1.1.0
- builtins 0.0.7
- caseless 0.11.0
- chalk 1.1.3
- char-spinner 1.0.1
- chmodr 1.0.2
- chownr 1.0.1
- clone 1.0.2
- cmd-shim 2.0.2
- columnify 1.5.4
- combined-stream 1.0.5
- commander 2.9.0
- concat-map 0.0.1
- concat-stream 1.5.2
- config-chain 1.1.10
- core-util-is 1.0.1
- core-util-is 1.0.2
- cryptiles 2.0.5
- d 0.1.1
- dashdash 1.14.0
- debug 2.2.0
- debuglog 1.0.1
- defaults 1.0.3
- delayed-stream 1.0.0
- delegates 1.0.0
- dezalgo 1.0.3
- django-shop 0.11.0
- ecc-jsbn 0.1.1
- editor 1.0.0
- es5-ext 0.10.12
- es6-iterator 2.0.0
- es6-symbol 3.1.0
- escape-string-regexp 1.0.5
- extend 3.0.0
- extsprintf 1.0.2
- font-awesome 4.6.3
- forever-agent 0.6.1
- form-data 1.0.0-rc4
- fs-vacuum 1.2.9
- fs-write-stream-atomic 1.0.8
- fs.realpath 1.0.0
- fstream-ignore 1.0.5
- fstream-npm 1.1.1
- fstream 1.0.10
- gauge 1.2.7
- generate-function 2.0.0
- generate-object-property 1.2.0
- getpass 0.1.6
- github-url-from-git 1.4.0
- github-url-from-username-repo 1.0.2
- glob 6.0.4
- glob 7.0.6
- graceful-fs 4.1.6
- graceful-readlink 1.0.1
- har-validator 2.0.6
- has-ansi 2.0.0
- has-unicode 2.0.0
- hawk 3.1.3
- hoek 2.16.3
- hosted-git-info 2.1.5
- http-signature 1.1.1
- iferr 0.1.5
- imurmurhash 0.1.4
- inflight 1.0.5
- inherits 2.0.3
- ini 1.3.4
- init-package-json 1.9.4
- is-builtin-module 1.0.0
- is-my-json-valid 2.13.1
- is-property 1.0.2
- is-typedarray 1.0.0
- isarray 0.0.1
- isarray 1.0.0
- isexe 1.1.2
- isstream 0.1.2
- jju 1.3.0
- jodid25519 1.0.2
- jquery-mousewheel 3.1.13
- jsbn 0.1.0
- json-parse-helpfulerror 1.0.3
- json-schema 0.2.2
- json-stringify-safe 5.0.1
- jsonpointer 2.0.0
- jsprim 1.3.0
- leaflet-easybutton 2.2.4
- leaflet 1.2.0
- lockfile 1.0.1
- lodash._baseslice 4.0.0
- lodash._basetostring 4.12.0
- lodash.pad 4.4.0
- lodash.padend 4.5.0
- lodash.padstart 4.5.0
- lodash.tostring 4.1.4
- lru-cache 4.0.1
- mime-db 1.23.0
- mime-types 2.1.11
- minimatch 3.0.3
- minimist 0.0.8
- mkdirp 0.5.1
- ms 0.7.1
- mute-stream 0.0.5
- node-gyp 3.4.0
- node-uuid 1.4.7
- nopt 3.0.6
- normalize-git-url 3.0.2
- normalize-package-data 2.3.5
- npm-cache-filename 1.0.2
- npm-init 0.0.0
- npm-install-checks 1.0.7
- npm-package-arg 4.1.0
- npm-registry-client 7.2.1
- npm-user-validate 0.1.5
- npm 2.15.11
- npmlog 2.0.4
- oauth-sign 0.8.2
- once 1.4.0
- opener 1.4.1
- os-homedir 1.0.0
- os-tmpdir 1.0.1
- osenv 0.1.3
- path-array 1.0.1
- path-is-absolute 1.0.0
- path-is-inside 1.0.1
- picturefill 3.0.2
- pinkie-promise 2.0.1
- pinkie 2.0.4
- process-nextick-args 1.0.3
- process-nextick-args 1.0.7
- promzard 0.3.0
- proto-list 1.2.4
- pseudomap 1.0.2
- qs 6.2.1
- read-installed 4.0.3
- read-package-json 2.0.4
- read 1.0.7
- readable-stream 2.0.2
- readable-stream 2.0.6
- readable-stream 2.1.5
- readdir-scoped-modules 1.0.2
- realize-package-specifier 3.0.1
- request 2.74.0
- retry 0.10.0
- rimraf 2.5.4
- select2 4.0.4
- semver 5.1.0
- sha 2.0.1
- slide 1.1.6
- sntp 1.0.9
- sorted-object 2.0.0
- spdx-correct 1.0.2
- spdx-exceptions 1.0.4
- spdx-expression-parse 1.0.2
- spdx-license-ids 1.2.2
- sshpk 1.9.2
- string_decoder 0.10.31
- stringstream 0.0.5
- strip-ansi 3.0.1
- supports-color 2.0.0
- tar 2.2.1
- text-table 0.2.0
- tough-cookie 2.3.1
- tunnel-agent 0.4.3
- tweetnacl 0.13.3
- typedarray 0.0.6
- uid-number 0.0.6
- umask 1.1.0
- util-deprecate 1.0.1
- util-deprecate 1.0.2
- util-extend 1.0.1
- validate-npm-package-license 3.0.1
- validate-npm-package-name 2.2.2
- verror 1.3.6
- wcwidth 1.0.0
- which 1.2.11
- wrappy 1.0.2
- write-file-atomic 1.1.4
- xtend 4.0.1
- yallist 2.0.0
- fedora/aajohan-comfortaa-fonts 2.004-6.fc24
- fedora/acl 2.2.52-11.fc24
- fedora/alsa-lib 1.1.1-1.fc24
- fedora/audit-libs 2.7.7-1.fc24
- fedora/basesystem 11-2.fc24
- fedora/bash-completion 2.4-1.fc24
- fedora/bash 4.3.42-7.fc24
- fedora/binutils 2.26.1-1.fc24
- fedora/bzip2-devel 1.0.6-21.fc24
- fedora/bzip2-libs 1.0.6-21.fc24
- fedora/ca-certificates 2017.2.14-1.0.fc24
- fedora/chkconfig 1.8-1.fc24
- fedora/copy-jdk-configs 2.2-3.fc24
- fedora/coreutils-common 8.25-9.fc24
- fedora/coreutils 8.25-9.fc24
- fedora/cpp 6.3.1-1.fc24
- fedora/cracklib-dicts 2.9.6-4.fc24
- fedora/cracklib 2.9.6-4.fc24
- fedora/crypto-policies 20151104-2.gitf1cba5f.fc24
- fedora/cryptsetup-libs 1.7.4-1.fc24
- fedora/curl 7.47.1-10.fc24
- fedora/cyrus-sasl-lib 2.1.26-26.2.fc24
- fedora/dbus-libs 1.11.12-1.fc24
- fedora/dbus 1.11.12-1.fc24
- fedora/deltarpm 3.6-15.fc24
- fedora/device-mapper-libs 1.02.122-2.fc24
- fedora/device-mapper 1.02.122-2.fc24
- fedora/diffutils 3.3-13.fc24
- fedora/dnf-conf 1.1.10-4.fc24
- fedora/dnf-yum 1.1.10-4.fc24
- fedora/dnf 1.1.10-4.fc24
- fedora/dwz 0.12-2.fc24
- fedora/e2fsprogs-libs 1.42.13-4.fc24
- fedora/e2fsprogs 1.42.13-4.fc24
- fedora/elasticsearch 1.7.5-1
- fedora/elfutils-default-yama-scope 0.168-1.fc24
- fedora/elfutils-libelf 0.168-1.fc24
- fedora/elfutils-libs 0.168-1.fc24
- fedora/emacs-filesystem 25.2-2.fc24
- fedora/expat 2.2.1-1.fc24
- fedora/fedora-release 24-2
- fedora/fedora-repos 24-6
- fedora/file-libs 5.25-6.fc24
- fedora/filesystem 3.2-37.fc24
- fedora/findutils 4.6.0-7.fc24
- fedora/fipscheck-lib 1.4.1-10.fc24
- fedora/fipscheck 1.4.1-10.fc24
- fedora/fontconfig 2.11.94-7.fc24
- fedora/fontpackages-filesystem 1.44-17.fc24
- fedora/fpc-srpm-macros 1.0-1.fc24
- fedora/freetype-devel 2.6.3-7.fc24
- fedora/freetype 2.6.3-7.fc24
- fedora/gawk 4.1.3-8.fc24
- fedora/gcc-c 6.3.1-1.fc24
- fedora/gcc 6.3.1-1.fc24
- fedora/gdbm 1.11-7.fc24
- fedora/ghc-srpm-macros 1.4.2-4.fc24
- fedora/giflib 4.1.6-15.fc24
- fedora/git-core-doc 2.7.5-1.fc24
- fedora/git-core 2.7.5-1.fc24
- fedora/git 2.7.5-1.fc24
- fedora/glib2 2.48.2-1.fc24
- fedora/glibc-all-langpacks 2.23.1-12.fc24
- fedora/glibc-common 2.23.1-12.fc24
- fedora/glibc-devel 2.23.1-12.fc24
- fedora/glibc-headers 2.23.1-12.fc24
- fedora/glibc 2.23.1-12.fc24
- fedora/gmp 6.1.1-1.fc24
- fedora/gnat-srpm-macros 4-1.fc24
- fedora/gnupg2 2.1.13-2.fc24
- fedora/gnutls 3.4.17-2.fc24
- fedora/go-srpm-macros 2-6.fc24
- fedora/gpg-pubkey 81b46521-55b3ca9a
- fedora/gpgme 1.8.0-10.fc24
- fedora/grep 2.25-1.fc24
- fedora/groff-base 1.22.3-8.fc24
- fedora/gzip 1.6-10.fc24
- fedora/hawkey 0.6.4-3.fc24
- fedora/info 6.1-3.fc24
- fedora/iptables 1.4.21-16.fc24
- fedora/isl 0.14-5.fc24
- fedora/jansson 2.10-2.fc24
- fedora/java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless
- fedora/java-1.8.0-openjdk
- fedora/javapackages-tools 4.6.0-16.fc24
- fedora/jemalloc 4.4.0-2.fc24
- fedora/jpegoptim 1.4.4-1.fc24
- fedora/kernel-headers 4.11.10-100.fc24
- fedora/keyutils-libs 1.5.9-8.fc24
- fedora/kmod-libs 22-4.fc24
- fedora/kmod 22-4.fc24
- fedora/krb5-libs 1.14.4-4.fc24
- fedora/less 481-5.fc24
- fedora/libICE 1.0.9-9.fc24
- fedora/libSM 1.2.2-4.fc24
- fedora/libX11-common 1.6.3-3.fc24
- fedora/libX11 1.6.3-3.fc24
- fedora/libXau 1.0.8-6.fc24
- fedora/libXcomposite 0.4.4-8.fc24
- fedora/libXext 1.3.3-4.fc24
- fedora/libXfont 1.5.2-1.fc24
- fedora/libXi 1.7.8-2.fc24
- fedora/libXrender 0.9.10-1.fc24
- fedora/libXtst 1.2.3-1.fc24
- fedora/libacl 2.2.52-11.fc24
- fedora/libarchive 3.2.2-1.fc24
- fedora/libassuan 2.4.3-1.fc24
- fedora/libattr 2.4.47-16.fc24
- fedora/libblkid 2.28.2-2.fc24
- fedora/libcap-ng 0.7.8-1.fc24
- fedora/libcap 2.24-9.fc24
- fedora/libcom_err 1.42.13-4.fc24
- fedora/libcomps 0.1.7-4.fc24
- fedora/libcurl 7.47.1-10.fc24
- fedora/libdb-utils 5.3.28-24.fc24
- fedora/libdb 5.3.28-24.fc24
- fedora/libedit 3.1-14.20150325cvs.fc24
- fedora/libevent 2.0.21-8.fc24
- fedora/libfdisk 2.28.2-2.fc24
- fedora/libffi 3.1-9.fc24
- fedora/libfontenc 1.1.3-3.fc24
- fedora/libgcc 6.3.1-1.fc24
- fedora/libgcrypt 1.7.8-1.fc24
- fedora/libgnome-keyring 3.12.0-6.fc24
- fedora/libgomp 6.3.1-1.fc24
- fedora/libgpg-error 1.24-1.fc24
- fedora/libicu 56.1-8.fc24
- fedora/libidn 1.33-1.fc24
- fedora/libjpeg-turbo-devel 1.5.0-4.fc24
- fedora/libjpeg-turbo 1.5.0-4.fc24
- fedora/libksba 1.3.5-1.fc24
- fedora/libmetalink 0.1.3-1.fc24
- fedora/libmnl 1.0.4-1.fc24
- fedora/libmount 2.28.2-2.fc24
- fedora/libmpc 1.0.2-5.fc24
- fedora/libnetfilter_conntrack 1.0.6-2.fc24
- fedora/libnfnetlink 1.0.1-8.fc24
- fedora/libnghttp2 1.7.1-1.fc24
- fedora/libpng-devel 1.6.27-1.fc24
- fedora/libpng 1.6.27-1.fc24
- fedora/libpsl 0.13.0-3.fc24
- fedora/libpwquality 1.3.0-4.fc24
- fedora/librepo 1.7.18-2.fc24
- fedora/libreport-filesystem 2.7.2-1.fc24
- fedora/libseccomp 2.3.2-1.fc24
- fedora/libsecret 0.18.5-1.fc24
- fedora/libselinux 2.5-12.fc24
- fedora/libsemanage 2.5-6.fc24
- fedora/libsepol 2.5-10.fc24
- fedora/libsigsegv 2.10-10.fc24
- fedora/libsmartcols 2.28.2-2.fc24
- fedora/libsolv 0.6.27-1.fc24
- fedora/libss 1.42.13-4.fc24
- fedora/libssh2 1.7.0-5.fc24
- fedora/libsss_idmap 1.15.2-5.fc24
- fedora/libsss_nss_idmap 1.15.2-5.fc24
- fedora/libstdc -devel 6.3.1-1.fc24
- fedora/libstdc 6.3.1-1.fc24
- fedora/libtasn1 4.9-1.fc24
- fedora/libunistring 0.9.4-3.fc24
- fedora/libutempter 1.1.6-8.fc24
- fedora/libuuid 2.28.2-2.fc24
- fedora/libuv 1.7.5-2.fc24
- fedora/libverto 0.2.6-6.fc24
- fedora/libxcb 1.11.1-2.fc24
- fedora/libxkbcommon 0.6.1-1.fc24
- fedora/libxml2 2.9.4-2.fc24
- fedora/libxslt 1.1.28-12.fc24
- fedora/libyaml 0.1.6-8.fc24
- fedora/lksctp-tools 1.0.16-5.fc24
- fedora/logrotate 3.9.2-5.fc24
- fedora/lua-libs 5.3.4-3.fc24
- fedora/lua-posix 33.3.1-2.fc24
- fedora/lua 5.3.4-3.fc24
- fedora/lz4 1.7.5-1.fc24
- fedora/lzo 2.08-8.fc24
- fedora/mailcap 2.1.46-1.fc24
- fedora/mpfr 3.1.5-1.fc24
- fedora/ncurses-base 6.0-6.20160709.fc24
- fedora/ncurses-libs 6.0-6.20160709.fc24
- fedora/ncurses 6.0-6.20160709.fc24
- fedora/nettle 3.2-3.fc24
- fedora/nodejs 4.8.3-5.fc24
- fedora/npm 2.15.11-5.fc24
- fedora/npth 1.3-1.fc24
- fedora/nspr 4.14.0-2.fc24
- fedora/nss-pem 1.0.3-2.fc24
- fedora/nss-softokn-freebl 3.30.2-1.0.fc24
- fedora/nss-softokn 3.30.2-1.0.fc24
- fedora/nss-sysinit 3.30.2-1.0.fc24
- fedora/nss-tools 3.30.2-1.0.fc24
- fedora/nss-util 3.30.2-1.0.fc24
- fedora/nss 3.30.2-1.0.fc24
- fedora/ocaml-srpm-macros 2-4.fc24
- fedora/openldap 2.4.44-1.fc24
- fedora/openssh-clients 7.2p2-14.fc24
- fedora/openssh 7.2p2-14.fc24
- fedora/openssl-libs 1.0.2k-1.fc24
- fedora/optipng 0.7.6-1.fc24
- fedora/p11-kit-trust 0.23.2-4.fc24
- fedora/p11-kit 0.23.2-4.fc24
- fedora/pam 1.2.1-5.fc24
- fedora/pcre 8.41-1.fc24
- fedora/perl-Carp 1.38-2.fc24
- fedora/perl-Encode 2.84-11.fc24
- fedora/perl-Errno 1.23-371.fc24
- fedora/perl-Error 0.17024-5.fc24
- fedora/perl-Exporter 5.72-349.fc24
- fedora/perl-File-Path 2.12-3.fc24
- fedora/perl-File-Temp 0.23.04-347.fc24
- fedora/perl-Getopt-Long 2.49.1-1.fc24
- fedora/perl-Git 2.7.5-1.fc24
- fedora/perl-HTTP-Tiny 0.056-5.fc24
- fedora/perl-IO 1.35-371.fc24
- fedora/perl-MIME-Base64 3.15-349.fc24
- fedora/perl-PathTools 3.62-3.fc24
- fedora/perl-Pod-Escapes 1.07-349.fc24
- fedora/perl-Pod-Perldoc 3.26-1.fc24
- fedora/perl-Pod-Simple 3.35-1.fc24
- fedora/perl-Pod-Usage 1.69-1.fc24
- fedora/perl-Scalar-List-Utils 1.46-1.fc24
- fedora/perl-Socket 2.024-1.fc24
- fedora/perl-Term-ANSIColor 4.03-347.fc24
- fedora/perl-Term-Cap 1.17-2.fc24
- fedora/perl-TermReadKey 2.33-4.fc24
- fedora/perl-Text-ParseWords 3.30-347.fc24
- fedora/perl-Text-Tabs Wrap 2013.0523-347.fc24
- fedora/perl-Time-Local 1.250-1.fc24
- fedora/perl-Unicode-Normalize 1.25-2.fc24
- fedora/perl-constant 1.33-348.fc24
- fedora/perl-libs 5.22.3-371.fc24
- fedora/perl-macros 5.22.3-371.fc24
- fedora/perl-parent 0.234-4.fc24
- fedora/perl-podlators 4.09-1.fc24
- fedora/perl-srpm-macros 1-18.fc24
- fedora/perl-threads-shared 1.48-347.fc24
- fedora/perl-threads 2.02-3.fc24
- fedora/perl 5.22.3-371.fc24
- fedora/pinentry 0.9.7-2.fc24
- fedora/pkgconfig 0.29-2.fc24
- fedora/popt 1.16-7.fc24
- fedora/procps-ng 3.3.10-11.fc24
- fedora/python-devel 2.7.13-2.fc24
- fedora/python-libs 2.7.13-2.fc24
- fedora/python-pip 8.0.2-1.fc24
- fedora/python-rpm-macros 3-7.fc24
- fedora/python-srpm-macros 3-7.fc24
- fedora/python-uwsgidecorators 2.0.15-1.fc24
- fedora/python2-greenlet 0.4.9-2.fc24
- fedora/python2-rpm-macros 3-7.fc24
- fedora/python2-setuptools 20.1.1-1.fc24
- fedora/python3-beautifulsoup4 4.6.0-1.fc24
- fedora/python3-cssselect 0.9.1-9.fc24
- fedora/python3-devel 3.5.3-6.fc24
- fedora/python3-dnf 1.1.10-4.fc24
- fedora/python3-hawkey 0.6.4-3.fc24
- fedora/python3-html5lib 0.999-8.fc24
- fedora/python3-iniparse 0.4-19.fc24
- fedora/python3-javapackages 4.6.0-16.fc24
- fedora/python3-libcomps 0.1.7-4.fc24
- fedora/python3-librepo 1.7.18-2.fc24
- fedora/python3-libs 3.5.3-6.fc24
- fedora/python3-lxml 3.7.2-1.fc24
- fedora/python3-pip 8.0.2-1.fc24
- fedora/python3-pygpgme 0.3-18.fc24
- fedora/python3-rpm-macros 3-7.fc24
- fedora/python3-setuptools 20.1.1-1.fc24
- fedora/python3-six 1.10.0-2.fc24
- fedora/python3-uwsgidecorators 2.0.15-1.fc24
- fedora/python3 3.5.3-6.fc24
- fedora/python 2.7.13-2.fc24
- fedora/qrencode-libs 3.4.2-6.fc24
- fedora/readline 6.3-8.fc24
- fedora/redhat-rpm-config 42-2.fc24
- fedora/redis 3.2.8-1.fc24
- fedora/rootfiles 8.1-19.fc24
- fedora/rpm-build-libs
- fedora/rpm-libs
- fedora/rpm-plugin-selinux
- fedora/rpm-plugin-systemd-inhibit
- fedora/rpm-python3
- fedora/rpm
- fedora/rsync 3.1.2-4.fc24
- fedora/sed 4.2.2-15.fc24
- fedora/setup 2.10.1-1.fc24
- fedora/shadow-utils 4.2.1-8.fc24
- fedora/shared-mime-info 1.6-1.fc24
- fedora/sqlite-libs 3.13.0-2.fc24
- fedora/sssd-client 1.15.2-5.fc24
- fedora/system-python-libs 3.5.3-6.fc24
- fedora/system-python 3.5.3-6.fc24
- fedora/systemd-libs 229-22.fc24
- fedora/systemd 229-22.fc24
- fedora/tar 1.28-8.fc24
- fedora/trousers-lib 0.3.13-6.fc24
- fedora/trousers 0.3.13-6.fc24
- fedora/ttmkfdir 3.0.9-48.fc24
- fedora/tzdata-java 2017b-1.fc24
- fedora/tzdata 2017b-1.fc24
- fedora/unzip 6.0-31.fc24
- fedora/ustr 1.0.4-21.fc24
- fedora/util-linux 2.28.2-2.fc24
- fedora/uwsgi-logger-file 2.0.15-1.fc24
- fedora/uwsgi-plugin-common 2.0.15-1.fc24
- fedora/uwsgi-plugin-gevent 2.0.15-1.fc24
- fedora/uwsgi-plugin-greenlet 2.0.15-1.fc24
- fedora/uwsgi-plugin-python3 2.0.15-1.fc24
- fedora/uwsgi-plugin-python 2.0.15-1.fc24
- fedora/uwsgi-router-uwsgi 2.0.15-1.fc24
- fedora/uwsgi 2.0.15-1.fc24
- fedora/vim-minimal 8.0.617-1.fc24
- fedora/wget 1.18-2.fc24
- fedora/which 2.20-13.fc24
- fedora/xkeyboard-config 2.17-2.fc24
- fedora/xorg-x11-font-utils 7.5-31.fc24
- fedora/xorg-x11-fonts-Type1 7.5-16.fc24
- fedora/xz-libs 5.2.2-2.fc24
- fedora/zip 3.0-16.fc24
- fedora/zlib-devel 1.2.8-10.fc24
- fedora/zlib 1.2.8-10.fc24