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alyptik/lind : latest
Base and Pre-built SDK Toolchain Images for the Lind Single-Process Sandbox
Latest release: almost 6 years ago - 1,208 downloads - 401 dependencies
- arch/ack 2.24-2
- arch/acl 2.2.53-1
- arch/apr-util 1.6.1-3
- arch/apr 1.6.5-1
- arch/archlinux-keyring 20181122-1
- arch/argon2 20171227-3
- arch/asp 4-1
- arch/attr 2.4.48-1
- arch/audit 2.8.4-2
- arch/autoconf 2.69-5
- arch/automake 1.16.1-1
- arch/bash-completion 2.8-1
- arch/bash 4.4.023-1
- arch/bc 1.07.1-2
- arch/bind-tools 9.13.4-1
- arch/binutils 2.31.1-3
- arch/bison 3.2-1
- arch/bzip2 1.0.6-8
- arch/ca-certificates-mozilla 3.40-2
- arch/ca-certificates-utils 20181109-1
- arch/ca-certificates 20181109-1
- arch/cepl-git 6.3.0.r0.gb689f49-1
- arch/clang 7.0.0-1
- arch/compiler-rt 7.0.0-2
- arch/coreutils 8.30-1
- arch/cower 18-1
- arch/cowsay 3.04-1
- arch/cracklib 2.9.6-3
- arch/cryptsetup 2.0.5-1
- arch/ctags 1:r20181015 g45968eff-1
- arch/curl 7.62.0-1
- arch/db 5.3.28-4
- arch/dbus 1.12.10-2
- arch/device-mapper 2.02.182-1
- arch/dhcpcd 7.0.8-1
- arch/diffutils 3.6-2
- arch/dnssec-anchors 20181003-1
- arch/e2fsprogs 1.44.4-1
- arch/ed 1.14.2-2
- arch/elfutils 0.174-1
- arch/expac 9-1
- arch/expat 2.2.6-1
- arch/fakeroot 1.23-1
- arch/fasd 1.0.1-2
- arch/file 5.35-1
- arch/filesystem 2018.8-1
- arch/findutils 4.6.0-4
- arch/flex 2.6.4-2
- arch/fortune-mod 2.6.1-1
- arch/fuse-common 3.2.6-1
- arch/fuse3 3.2.6-1
- arch/fzf 0.17.5-1
- arch/gawk 4.2.1-1
- arch/gc 7.6.8-1
- arch/gcc-libs 8.2.1 20180831-1
- arch/gcc 8.2.1 20180831-1
- arch/gdb-common 8.2-2
- arch/gdb 8.2-2
- arch/gdbm 1.18.1-1
- arch/geoip-database 20180403-1
- arch/geoip 1.6.12-1
- arch/gettext
- arch/git 2.19.2-1
- arch/glib2 2.58.1 67 g17519e039-1
- arch/glibc 2.28-5
- arch/gmp 6.1.2-2
- arch/gnu-netcat 0.7.1-7
- arch/gnupg 2.2.11-1
- arch/gnutls 3.5.19-2
- arch/gperf 3.1-2
- arch/gperftools 2.7-1
- arch/gpgme 1.12.0-1
- arch/gpm 1.20.7.r27.g1fd1941-1
- arch/grep 3.1-2
- arch/grml-zsh-config 0.15.1-1
- arch/groff 1.22.3-8
- arch/guile2.0 2.0.14-2
- arch/guile 2.2.4-1
- arch/gzip 1.9-2
- arch/help2man 1.47.7-1
- arch/highlight 3.47-1
- arch/htop 2.2.0-2
- arch/hwids 20180917-1
- arch/iana-etc 20180913-1
- arch/icu 63.1-2
- arch/inetutils 1.9.4-6
- arch/iproute2 4.19.0-1
- arch/iptables 1:1.8.2-1
- arch/iputils 20180629.f6aac8d-2
- arch/jansson 2.11-1
- arch/jq 1.6-1
- arch/json-c 0.13.1-2
- arch/kbd 2.0.4-2
- arch/keyutils 1.6-1
- arch/kmod 25-1
- arch/krb5 1.16.1-1
- arch/ldns 1.7.0-4
- arch/less 530-1
- arch/lib32-clang 7.0.0-1
- arch/lib32-gcc-libs 8.2.1 20180831-1
- arch/lib32-glibc 2.28-5
- arch/lib32-icu 63.1-2
- arch/lib32-libffi 3.2.1-2
- arch/lib32-libxml2 2.9.8-5
- arch/lib32-llvm-libs 7.0.0-1
- arch/lib32-llvm 7.0.0-1
- arch/lib32-ncurses 6.1-3
- arch/lib32-readline 7.0.005-1
- arch/lib32-zlib 1.2.11-2
- arch/libarchive 3.3.3-1
- arch/libassuan 2.5.1-1
- arch/libatomic_ops 7.6.6-1
- arch/libcap-ng 0.7.9-1
- arch/libcap 2.26-1
- arch/libcroco 0.6.12 4 g9ad7287-2
- arch/libedit 20180525_3.1-1
- arch/libelf 0.174-1
- arch/libevent 2.1.8-2
- arch/libffi 3.2.1-3
- arch/libgcrypt 1.8.4-1
- arch/libgpg-error 1.32-1
- arch/libidn2 2.0.5-1
- arch/libidn 1.35-1
- arch/libksba 1.3.5-1
- arch/libldap 2.4.46-2
- arch/libmnl 1.0.4-2
- arch/libmpc 1.1.0-1
- arch/libnetfilter_conntrack 1.0.7-1
- arch/libnfnetlink 1.0.1-3
- arch/libnftnl 1.1.1-1
- arch/libnghttp2 1.34.0-1
- arch/libnl 3.4.0-1
- arch/libnsl 1.2.0-1
- arch/libpcap 1.9.0-1
- arch/libpipeline 1.5.0-1
- arch/libpsl 0.20.2-1
- arch/libsasl 2.1.26-13
- arch/libseccomp 2.3.3-1
- arch/libsecret 0.18.6-1
- arch/libssh2 1.8.0-3
- arch/libsystemd 239.300-2
- arch/libtasn1 4.13-1
- arch/libtirpc 1.1.4-1
- arch/libtool 2.4.6 42 gb88cebd5-2
- arch/libunistring 0.9.10-1
- arch/libunwind 1.2.1-2
- arch/libusb 1.0.22-1
- arch/libutempter 1.1.6-3
- arch/libutf8proc 2.2.0-1
- arch/libutil-linux 2.33-2
- arch/libxml2 2.9.8-6
- arch/libyaml 0.2.1-1
- arch/linux-api-headers 4.17.11-1
- arch/linux-docs 4.19.4.arch1-1
- arch/linux-headers 4.19.4.arch1-1
- arch/llvm-libs 7.0.0-1
- arch/llvm 7.0.0-1
- arch/lmdb 0.9.22-1
- arch/lsof 4.91-1
- arch/ltrace 0.7.3-3
- arch/lua 5.3.5-1
- arch/lynx 2.8.9-2
- arch/lz4 1:1.8.3-1
- arch/m4 1.4.18-2
- arch/make-3.82 3.82-1
- arch/make 4.2.1-3
- arch/man-db 2.8.4-1
- arch/man-pages 4.16-2
- arch/mercurial 4.8-1
- arch/mlocate 0.26.git.20170220-1
- arch/mpfr 4.0.1-1
- arch/ncdu 1.13-1
- arch/ncurses 6.1-4
- arch/net-tools 1.60.20180212git-1
- arch/nettle 3.4-1
- arch/npth 1.6-1
- arch/oniguruma 6.9.0-1
- arch/openmp 7.0.0-1
- arch/openresolv 3.9.0-2
- arch/openssh 7.9p1-1
- arch/openssl 1.1.1.a-1
- arch/p11-kit 0.23.14-1
- arch/p7zip 16.02-5
- arch/pacman-contrib 1.1.0-1
- arch/pacman-mirrorlist 20180912-1
- arch/pacman 5.1.1-1
- arch/pam 1.3.1-1
- arch/pambase 20171006-1
- arch/patch 2.7.6-7
- arch/pcre2 10.32-1
- arch/pcre 8.42-1
- arch/perl-error 0.17027-1
- arch/perl-file-next 1.16-4
- arch/perl-locale-gettext 1.07-6
- arch/perl-mailtools 2.20-2
- arch/perl-timedate 2.30-5
- arch/perl 5.28.0-1
- arch/pinentry 1.1.0-4
- arch/pinfo 0.6.10-7
- arch/pkgconf 1.5.4-1
- arch/pkgfile 19-1
- arch/popt 1.16-10
- arch/procps-ng 3.3.15-1
- arch/psmisc 23.2-1
- arch/python2-appdirs 1.4.3-2
- arch/python2-cachecontrol 0.12.5-4
- arch/python2-chardet 3.0.4-2
- arch/python2-colorama 0.4.0-1
- arch/python2-distlib 0.2.8-1
- arch/python2-distro 1.3.0-2
- arch/python2-html5lib 1.0.1-3
- arch/python2-idna 2.7-3
- arch/python2-ipaddress 1.0.22-1
- arch/python2-lockfile 0.12.2-3
- arch/python2-msgpack 0.5.6-2
- arch/python2-packaging 18.0-1
- arch/python2-pip 18.0-1
- arch/python2-progress 1.4-2
- arch/python2-pyparsing 2.3.0-1
- arch/python2-pytoml 0.1.20-1
- arch/python2-requests 2.20.1-1
- arch/python2-retrying 1.3.3-4
- arch/python2-setuptools 1:40.6.2-1
- arch/python2-six 1.11.0-3
- arch/python2-urllib3 1.24.1-1
- arch/python2-virtualenv 16.0.0-1
- arch/python2-webencodings 0.5.1-2
- arch/python2 2.7.15-2
- arch/python 3.7.1-1
- arch/readline 7.0.005-1
- arch/recode 3.7.1-1
- arch/reptyr 0.6.2-2
- arch/rsync 3.1.3-1
- arch/ruby 2.5.3-1
- arch/rubygems 2.7.7-1
- arch/screen 4.6.2-1
- arch/sed 4.5-1
- arch/serf 1.3.9-3
- arch/shadow 4.6-1
- arch/sqlite 3.25.3-1
- arch/strace 4.25-1
- arch/subversion 1.11.0-1
- arch/sudo 1.8.26-2
- arch/systemd 239.300-2
- arch/tar 1.30-2
- arch/terminfo-italics 6.1-1
- arch/texinfo 6.5-2
- arch/tmux 2.8-1
- arch/tree 1.8.0-1
- arch/tzdata 2018g-1
- arch/unrar 1:5.6.8-1
- arch/util-linux 2.33-2
- arch/vim-runtime 8.1.0542-1
- arch/vim 8.1.0542-1
- arch/w3m 0.5.3.git20180125-1
- arch/wget 1.19.5-1
- arch/which 2.21-3
- arch/xz 5.2.4-1
- arch/yajl 2.1.0-2
- arch/zlib 1:1.2.11-3
- arch/zsh-completions 0.29.0-1
- arch/zsh 5.6.2-1
- arch/zstd 1.3.7-1
- github-pages 104
- html-pipeline 2.4.2
- i18n 0.7.0
- io-console 0.4.6
- ipaddr 1.2.0
- jekyll-avatar 0.4.2
- github-pages-health-check 1.2.0
- activesupport 4.2.7
- addressable 2.4.0
- bigdecimal 1.3.4
- cmath 1.0.0
- coffee-script-source 1.12.2
- coffee-script 2.4.1
- colorator 1.1.0
- concurrent-ruby 1.0.5
- csv 1.0.0
- date 1.0.0
- dbm 1.0.0
- etc 1.0.0
- ethon 0.11.0
- execjs 2.7.0
- faraday 0.15.2
- fcntl 1.0.0
- ffi 1.9.25
- fiddle 1.0.0
- fileutils 1.0.2
- forwardable-extended 2.6.0
- gdbm 2.0.0
- gemoji 2.1.0
- jekyll-coffeescript 1.0.1
- jekyll-feed 0.8.0
- jekyll-gist 1.4.0
- jekyll-github-metadata 2.2.0
- jekyll-mentions 1.2.0
- jekyll-paginate 1.1.0
- jekyll-redirect-from 0.11.0
- jekyll-sass-converter 1.3.0
- jekyll-seo-tag 2.1.0
- jekyll-sitemap 0.12.0
- jekyll-swiss 0.4.0
- jekyll-watch 1.5.0
- jekyll 3.8.4
- jemoji 0.7.0
- json 1.8.3
- json 2.1.0
- kramdown 1.11.1
- liquid 3.0.6
- listen 3.0.6
- mercenary 0.3.6
- mini_portile2 2.3.0
- minima 2.0.0
- minitest 5.9.1
- multipart-post 2.0.0
- net-dns 0.8.0
- octokit 4.4.1
- openssl 2.1.2
- pathutil 0.14.0
- psych 3.0.2
- public_suffix 1.5.3
- rb-fsevent 0.9.8
- rb-inotify 0.9.7
- rouge 1.11.1
- safe_yaml 1.0.4
- sass 3.4.22
- sawyer 0.7.0
- scanf 1.0.0
- sdbm 1.0.0
- stringio 0.0.1
- strscan 1.0.0
- terminal-table 1.7.3
- thread_safe 0.3.5
- typhoeus 0.8.0
- tzinfo 1.2.2
- unicode-display_width 1.1.1
- webrick 1.4.2
- zlib 1.0.0
- msgpack 0.5.6
- CacheControl 0.12.5
- Sphinx 1.4.9
- appdirs 1.4.3
- chardet 3.0.4
- colorama 0.3.3
- colorama 0.4.0
- coverage 3.7.1
- distlib 0.2.8
- distro 1.3.0
- docutils 0.12
- gclient 0.7.2
- html5lib 1.0.1
- idna 2.7
- ipaddress 1.0.22
- isc 2.0
- lit 0.7.0.dev0
- lockfile 0.12.2
- mercurial 4.8
- mock 1.0.1
- nose-timer 0.3.0
- nose 1.3.4
- packaging 18.0
- pip 18.0
- pip 18.1
- progress 1.4
- pylint 1.4.4
- pyparsing 2.3.0
- pytoml 0.1.20
- rednose 0.4.1
- requests 2.20.1
- retrying 1.3.3
- scons 3.0.1
- setuptools 40.6.2
- six 1.11.0
- termcolor 1.1.0
- urllib3 1.24.1
- virtualenv 16.0.0
- virtualenv 16.1.0
- webencodings 0.5.1
- wheel 0.32.3
- wsgiref 0.1.2
- yapf 0.6.2
- JavaWrappers:JavaWrappers *
- JdbcMariaDB:JdbcMariaDB *
- Mongo2:Mongo2 *
- Mongo3:Mongo3 *
- commons-logging:commons-logging 1.2
- junit:junit 4.12
- org.apache.commons:commons-dbcp2 2.1.1
- org.apache.commons:commons-pool2 2.4.2
- org.apache.subversion.javahl:svn-javahl 1.11.0
- org.brotli:dec 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT
- org.mariadb.jdbc:mariadb-java-client 1.4.6
- org.postgresql:postgresql 9.4.1208