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Package Usage : alpm : arch/p7zip
Explore the latest package usage data for arch/p7zip in the alpm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 18
Total downloads: 52,811,735
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binhex/arch-krusader 2.8.1-1-07
Docker build script for Arch Linux base with Krusader
- version: 1:17.05-1, 1:17.04-3
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: p7zip
- distro: arch-rolling
binhex/arch-sabnzbdvpn 4.3.3-1-01
Docker build script for Arch Linux base with SABnzbd, Privoxy and OpenVPN
- version: 1:17.05-1, 1:17.04-4
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: p7zip
- distro: arch-rolling
binhex/arch-sabnzbd 4.3.3-1-01
Docker build script for Arch Linux base with SABnzbd
- version: 1:17.05-1, 1:17.04-3, 1:17.04-4
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: p7zip
- distro: arch-rolling
binhex/arch-nzbget v24.4-01
Docker build script for Arch Linux base with NZBGet
- version: 1:17.04-1, 1:17.05-2
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: p7zip
- distro: arch-rolling
alyptik/lind latest
Base and Pre-built SDK Toolchain Images for the Lind Single-Process Sandbox
- version: 16.02-5
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: p7zip
- distro: arch
corpusops/archlinux-bare latest
- version: 17.03-2
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: p7zip
- distro: arch-rolling
corpusops/archlinux latest_preprovision-2.7
archlinux corpusops baseimage
- version: 16.02-6
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: p7zip
- distro: arch-rolling
vladus2000/seedbox_plus latest
Experiment in GUI deliciousness
- version: 1:17.05-2
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: p7zip
- distro: arch-20240124.0.209208
benjaminmnoer/trinity worldserver
- version: 1:17.04-3
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: p7zip
- distro: arch-rolling
alyptik/lind_project base
Lind Project Automated Docker Build
- version: 16.02-5
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: p7zip
- distro: arch-rolling
simplemagicerm/aftman latest
Aftman on Arch Linux
- version: 1:17.04-3
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: p7zip
- distro: arch-TEMPLATE_VERSION_ID
alyptik/native_client base
Native Client Automated Docker Build
- version: 16.02-5
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: p7zip
- distro: arch
ikzk/nozomi-ttyd master
- version: 17.03-2
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: p7zip
- distro: arch-rolling
polandy/vnc-headless latest
- version: 16.02-6
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: p7zip
- distro: arch-rolling
polandy/workspace latest
- version: 16.02-6
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: p7zip
- distro: arch-rolling
gunnm/comdockerdevenvironments latest
- version: 1:17.04-3
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: p7zip
- distro: arch-rolling
zasdfgbnmsystem/basic latest
basic tools that is used both in development and desktop
- version: 1:17.05-2
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: p7zip
- distro: arch-20231112.0.191179
yizhibanjie/shulin-docker shulin-devel-4
- version: 1:17.04-3
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: p7zip
- distro: arch-TEMPLATE_VERSION_ID