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Package Usage : rpm : rhel/python3-unbound
Explore the latest package usage data for rhel/python3-unbound in the rpm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 345
Total downloads: 857,304,260
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nguyenhuyhoangg79/custom-kafka-connect 1.0.0
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
bhardwajji/kafka-connect 1.0
- version: 1.7.3-17.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.7.3-17.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.5
gigiozzz/entando-k8s-keycloak-controller 7.2.0-SNAPSHOT
- version: 1.7.3-15.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.7.3-15.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.4
shenge01/kafka-connect-extended 1.1.0
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
0612sha/zookeeper latest
- version: 1.7.3-15.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.7.3-15.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.4
grcorrea/kafka-zookeeper latest
- version: 1.7.3-17.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.7.3-17.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.6
grcorrea/kafka-schema-registry latest
- version: 1.7.3-17.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.7.3-17.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.6
mbjani2/ansible latest
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
- version: 1.7.3-17.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.7.3-17.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.6
opillion/zookeeper keyk05
based on: confluentinc/cp-zookeeper:latest
- version: 1.16.2-5.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-5.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.8
opillion/kafka keyk06
based on: confluentinc/cp-kafka:latest
- version: 1.16.2-5.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-5.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.8
sainath2/kafkaconnect 1.5
- version: 1.7.3-14.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.7.3-14.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.3
gennady73/hashcat-web 0.0.2
- version: 1.16.2-5.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-5.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.8
jiangchen2019/redhat-marketplace-metering-operator 2.10.1
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
dedovicnermin/cfk-connect 1.4.4
- version: 1.16.2-5.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-5.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.8
vishaldenge/kdtch 1.44
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.4
fjardim/mds-kafka-zookeeper latest
- version: 1.7.3-17.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.7.3-17.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.6
fjardim/mds-kafka-broker latest
- version: 1.7.3-17.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.7.3-17.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.6
fjardim/mds-kafka-schema-registry latest
- version: 1.7.3-17.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.7.3-17.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.6
fjardim/mds-kafka-ksqldb-server latest
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
fjardim/mds-kafka-rest latest
- version: 1.7.3-14.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.7.3-14.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.3
fjardim/mds-kafka-control-center latest
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
fjardim/mds-kafka-sqldb-cli latest
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
fjardim/mds-kafka-connect latest
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
cjba/kafka v0.1
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
akmalavloniharness/delegate 23.02.78310.with.less.and.which
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
vikasit/migration latest
- version: 1.16.2-5.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-5.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.8
vectracs/kafka-connect 1.0.2
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
pallavpx/px-backup-base latest
- version: 1.16.2-5.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-5.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.8
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
reget/redhat8.6-gcc8.5.0-mpich4.0.2-cmake3.20 latest
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
sereus/kafka-connect-s3 latest
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
raginsane/kafka latest
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
circlecitest/sf-kafka-rest master-0-0-02
- version: 1.7.3-14.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.7.3-14.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.3
rajasb/ol8_ords latest
Self-built ords image
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
circlecitest/apm-kafka-connect master-0-0-02
- version: 1.7.3-14.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.7.3-14.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.3
bluemediaservices/ksqldb-server latest
- version: 1.16.2-5.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-5.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.8
wilkpxe/permanent_indexer latest
- version: 1.16.2-5.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-5.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.8
kmarupudi/cfk latest
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
gunakk777ibm/armada-storage-block-plugin latest
- version: 1.16.2-5.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-5.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.8
hendryicode/scheduler-ussd master-group-5menit
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
ashish1981/online-scoring-ce latest
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: s390x
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
weirdmagician/px-backup-base 2.5.2-dev
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
ibmsoohook/mavericks 1.0.0
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
bochramissaoui/relead-app-backend pre-prod
- version: 1.7.3-17.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.7.3-17.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.6
cjba/zookeeper v0.1
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
cjba/schema-registry v0.1
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
036976/cp-schema-registry-trim2 latest
- version: 1.16.2-5.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-5.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.8
datngxtiens/custom-confluent-kafka-connect latest
- version: 1.16.2-5.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-5.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.8
kdapp/superset 1.1
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.4
medba/mareussite-app-backend prod
- version: 1.16.2-5.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-5.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.8
- version: 1.16.2-5.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-5.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.8
036976/cp-schema-registry-patched latest
- version: 1.16.2-5.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-5.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.8
nwsesys/cost-control latest
- version: 1.16.2-5.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-5.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.8
henrychyy/tekton-maven test
- version: 1.16.2-5.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-5.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.8
dedovicnermin/connect-e2e-generator 0.2.6
- version: 1.7.3-17.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.7.3-17.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.6
provistacorp/connect debezium-v1
- version: 1.7.3-17.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.7.3-17.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.6
shamdzmi/shamdzmi_tst kafka_connect_hw_v0.5
- version: 1.7.3-14.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.7.3-14.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.3
loyaltyapplication/init-kafka latest
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
bochramissaoui/mafahim-app-backend dev
- version: 1.7.3-17.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.7.3-17.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.6
cskmohan/cp-control-center-pr 1.2.0
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
johnnyip/cloud-kafka-connect latest
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
mariselvamt/kafkalag latest
- version: 1.16.2-5.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-5.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.8
quanghuy98/rvn-kafka-connector 1.0.0
- version: 1.16.2-5.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-5.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.8
loyaltyapplication/kafka-connect latest
- version: 1.7.3-17.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.7.3-17.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.6
daniilcheltsou2/kafka-connect 0.3
- version: 1.16.2-5.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-5.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.8
lavanya93/jtest001 latest
- version: 1.7.3-17.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.7.3-17.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.6
innovexp/purchasing-module latest
- version: 1.16.2-5.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-5.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.9
bochramissaoui/carnet-app-backend prod
- version: 1.7.3-17.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.7.3-17.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.6
shikharg1997/kafka-mongo-connect latest
- version: 1.16.2-5.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-5.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.8
kuddusic/kafka-connect-azure latest
- version: 1.7.3-17.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.7.3-17.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.5
mredman/autoanywheredelegate latest
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
xkite/kafka-connector latest
A custom docker based off the confluentinc/cp-kafka-connect for xkite
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
tshanahan/kafka_service latest
- version: 1.16.2-5.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-5.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.8
- version: 1.7.3-17.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.7.3-17.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.6
r1mok/pet-manager v1.1
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
ashsridhar/cwatch 2.1
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
gamori/kafka-connect dev5
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
vastdataorg/vast_db_cli 4.7.0
- version: 1.16.2-5.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-5.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.8
usmanb2/tableau-server-image-eks latest
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
stoyansbg/ms-nfs-server 0.12
- version: 1.16.2-5.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-5.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.8
cskmohan/cp-server-pr 1.2.0
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
docker0wh/docker-image-for-kafka 3.10
- version: 1.16.2-5.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-5.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.8
jiangchen2019/ibm-metrics-operator 2.11.0
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
sudhakar1106/ubi8-orca testing
- version: 1.16.2-5.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-5.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.8
gunakk777ibm/ibm-file-plugin latest
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
shumyk/mongo-kafka-connect latest
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
k41374/confluent-init-container 2.6.1
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
ksabhi/px-backup-base debug5
- version: 1.16.2-5.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-5.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.8
write2bapun/kafka_connect_custom v1
- version: 1.16.2-5.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-5.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.8
hkeemink/connect 1.0.13
- version: 1.16.2-5.el8
- arch: aarch64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-5.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.8
- version: 1.7.3-17.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.7.3-17.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.6
jorgeyp/kafka-connect dev8
- version: 1.16.2-2.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-2.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
- version: 1.7.3-17.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.7.3-17.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.6
eugeniosant/entando-k8s-plugin-controller 7.2.1-MT-1
- version: 1.7.3-15.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.7.3-15.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.4
sreisjosebiro/redpanda-debezium-connector v0.0.2
- version: 1.16.2-5.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: unbound-1.16.2-5.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.8