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Package Usage : rpm : rhel/dnf-data
Explore the latest package usage data for rhel/dnf-data in the rpm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 1,759
Total downloads: 4,222,819,909
More details on - JSON
marvindivo/hotel-v1 latest
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
rjferguson21/neuvector-cypress latest
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
haybu/opi v10
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
matzew/registry-8df7d5f7a19ab8a1279c15cb86b6e6f9 latest
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
damiandimi007/eshobi_zookeeper latest
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
damiandimi007/eshobi_kafka azure
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
- version: 4.7.0-8.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-8.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.6
farhan1397/ubi8-python-310 3.10.8
- version: 4.7.0-16.el8_8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-16.el8_8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.8
souravmondal86/gfsproduct v1
- version: 4.7.0-16.el8_8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-16.el8_8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.8
yusukeota88/my-liberty-image 2.0
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
jinwoo794533/dsm-we latest
- version: 4.14.0-5.el9_2
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.14.0-5.el9_2.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-9.2
canerko/elite-express latest
- version: 4.14.0-5.el9_2
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.14.0-5.el9_2.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-9.2
netodevel/poc-k8s latest
- version: 4.12.0-4.el9
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.12.0-4.el9.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-9.1
adamrehor/apache_redcopy12_1_dt latest
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
houshengbo/knative-kafka-broker-receiver d3538b3ecc090207a4962f93dc4737b95065fdf9
- version: 4.12.0-4.el9
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.12.0-4.el9.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-9.1
bpalmer/ansible-operator-test latest
- version: 4.7.0-16.el8_8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-16.el8_8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.8
gigiozzz/entando-k8s-database-service-controller 7.2.0-SNAPSHOT
- version: 4.4.2-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.4.2-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.4
ojitosara/miprimerpush 0.0.1
- version: 4.2.23-4.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.2.23-4.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.3
rafvasq/my-custom-numpyro-server 0.1.0
- version: 4.14.0-5.el9_2
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.14.0-5.el9_2.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-9.2
jiangph/kepler v0.5.4
- version: 4.12.0-4.el9
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.12.0-4.el9.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-9.1
gigiozzz/controller-coordinator 7.2.0-SNAPSHOT
- version: 4.4.2-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.4.2-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.4
kakascx/kaiwudbd-operator v0.0.1
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
pivotalcloud/confluent-kafka-replicator latest
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
vistonmendonca/uk372 latest
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
limwenyao/ultralytics 8.0.49
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
51828409/custom-2nd-http v1
- version:
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-
- distro: rhel-8.0
loollfx/ts-operator 1.0.3-test
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
keyamam0/jboss-eap 6.4.v3
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
souravmondal86/dmscallback v1
- version: 4.7.0-16.el8_8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-16.el8_8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.8
sumanthkodali/kubeturbo-noncve latest
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
m46f/mlops-demo-ml latest
- version: 4.12.0-4.el9
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.12.0-4.el9.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-9.1
saidurga33/redhat asm-analysis-3.3.1-redhat-4.jar
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
sheetalatre/ubi8-oes-platform v4.0.2
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
sdghafouri/audio-qa-centralized nlpqa
- version: 4.14.0-5.el9_2
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.14.0-5.el9_2.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-9.2
sheetalatre/ubi8-spin-fiat 1.28.4_v1.31.3_4.0.3-ubi8.7-minimal
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
masaf/showcasestaticweb v2
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
vozzy/memcached-operator 0.0.1
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
kenwood/k10tools 5.5.4
- version: 4.12.0-4.el9
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.12.0-4.el9.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-9.1
vishalrijhwani/daprpubdemo latest
- version: 4.7.0-8.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-8.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.6
stayallive/json-to-mmdb latest
Create a custom MaxMind Database (MMDB) from a JSON description.
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
leannert/pacman latest
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
cescoffier/hide-and-seek-game-monitoring-service 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
- version: 4.14.0-5.el9_2
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.14.0-5.el9_2.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-9.2
cescoffier/hide-and-seek-frontend 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
- version: 4.14.0-5.el9_2
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.14.0-5.el9_2.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-9.2
pxkesavan/pxcentral-onprem-api-base proxy
- version: 4.12.0-4.el9
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.12.0-4.el9.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-9.1
johnconnor/s2i-open-liberty-builder 0.1.0
- version: 4.2.7-7.el8_1
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.2.7-7.el8_1.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.1
vistonmendonca/uk357 latest
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
cnvrg/m23 test-new-2
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
sshekher96/usage-monitor latest
- version: 4.2.7-7.el8_1
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.2.7-7.el8_1.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
chdemodockerhub/discover-service-linux ch-rel-1.5.1-5
- version: 4.7.0-8.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-8.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.6
donaldjperry/jboss-eap 6.4.v1
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
andyyang0110/jboss-eap 6.4.v2
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
amishark/my-operator v1
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
changediff/rpi samba-operator
- version: 4.12.0-4.el9
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.12.0-4.el9.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-9.1
bala98/anyapache latest
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
hell0isabelle/hello latest
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
eswara/tz_oc_helm latest
- version: 4.12.0-4.el9
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.12.0-4.el9.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-9.1
cicloloco/kconnect latest
- version: 4.7.0-8.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-8.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.6
sdghafouri/nlp-pipelines-mlserver-bytes-gpus nlpli
- version: 4.12.0-4.el9
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.12.0-4.el9.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-9.1
akinsnazri/event-bus-zookeeper latest
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
hdongx/aimsv2-operator v0.0.1
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
jjkrenek/do180-quote-php latest
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
ajayrudresh/postgresql 1.0
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
rvdockerlti/nodejs-webapp latest
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
amit1159/mywebb latest
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
rapidfortstaging/mongodb-ib 6.0.1-rfstub
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
nithishl/cfnodejsapp latest
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
ashsridhar/cwatch_source 0.1
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
raginsane/kafka-rest-proxy v0.1
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
leandrovo/kafka-mon 1.0
- version: 4.7.0-4.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-4.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.5
souravmondal86/craccld v1
- version: 4.7.0-16.el8_8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-16.el8_8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.8
alrdockerhub/cuda-samples-arm64 11.4.0-base-ubi8
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
denvjr/containerofcats latest
- version: 4.7.0-16.el8_8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-16.el8_8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.8
vistonmendonca/caprod14 latest
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
idla/idla-tableau-server 1.0.0
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
visvakula/uat-ruby v1
- version: 4.7.0-16.el8_8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-16.el8_8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.8
phuti/konkas-website latest
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
alejandrogudino/apigw 1.0-SNAPSHOT
- version: 4.12.0-4.el9
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.12.0-4.el9.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-9.1
chucknelson01/docker_postproc latest
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
mlopscapstone/fastapi-model-fix-yaml-4 0.1
- version: 4.7.0-4.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-4.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.5
langhub/eventing-kafka-receiver v1.9
- version: 4.12.0-4.el9
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.12.0-4.el9.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-9.1
lasithih/confluent-mqtt-connector 1.0
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
saul2125/server-app-06 0.1
- version: 4.2.23-4.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.2.23-4.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.3
timmillergcpuser/ubi9-with-ssh latest
- version: 4.12.0-4.el9
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.12.0-4.el9.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-9.1
jgawor/getting-started-instanton-jarek latest
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
langhub/eventing-kafka-dispatcher v1.9
- version: 4.12.0-4.el9
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.12.0-4.el9.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-9.1
brrra/files-upload 1.3
- version: 4.14.0-5.el9_2
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.14.0-5.el9_2.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-9.2
pivotalcloud/confluent-kafka-rest latest
- version: 4.7.0-4.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-4.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.5
inder1991/argocd-vault-plugin 2.0.0
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
middaymag05/pythonapp latest
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
pulsardevstudio/backend_tasks stage.1.0
- version: 4.2.17-7.el8_2
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.2.17-7.el8_2.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.2
bleach1999/rhelimg ver1
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
parthsc/mqtt-kafka-connect v1
MQTT Kafka
- version: 4.7.0-16.el8_8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-16.el8_8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.8
riccardofadda/app-builder sha-94cbe6a
- version: 4.7.0-16.el8_8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-16.el8_8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.8
sheetalatre/ubi8.7-fiat-oes-java17 v04May
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
gopi210/snowflake-jdbc-source v3
- version: 4.7.0-16.el8_8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-16.el8_8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.8
ffarhadi/my-custom-server 0.1.0
- version: 4.12.0-4.el9
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.12.0-4.el9.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-9.1
rbychks/containerofcats latest
- version: 4.7.0-16.el8_8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-16.el8_8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.8
chungpht/ubi8 dotnet-6
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
frank4lif3/cudaready latest
ubuntu 22.04 cuda ready image
- version: 4.7.0-11.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.7.0-11.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.7
53091852/serverapp99 0.1
- version: 4.2.23-4.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: dnf-4.2.23-4.el8.src.rpm
- distro: rhel-8.3