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Package Usage : rpm : ol/libnl3
Explore the latest package usage data for ol/libnl3 in the rpm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 54
Total downloads: 50,932,027
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zabbix/zabbix-server-mysql sha256-c4d2a0e49179bbb348b29de0cbef9eba2a0f5eb23a03d3149f25e42759d32a55
Zabbix Server with MySQL database support
- version: 3.7.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.7.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.9
kasmweb/core-oracle-8 1.16.1
Oracle Linux 8 base image for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 3.7.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.7.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.8
kasmweb/oracle-7-desktop 1.15.0
Oracle Linux 7 desktop for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 3.2.28-4.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.2.28-4.el7.src.rpm
- distro: ol-7.9
kasmweb/core-oracle-7 1.15.0
Oracle Linux 7 base image for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 3.2.28-4.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.2.28-4.el7.src.rpm
- distro: ol-7.9
kasmweb/oracle-8-desktop 1.16.1
Oracle Linux 8 desktop for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 3.7.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.7.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.8
corpusops/mysql oraclelinux8
- version: 3.7.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.7.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.8
dockerashu/httpd 2.4
- version: 3.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.4
dvillarraga/oracle8-sqlplus latest
Oracle Linux 8 - SQL Plus
- version: 3.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.4
dockerashu/ashuhttpd v1
- version: 3.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.4
kasmweb/core-oracle-9 1.16.1
Oracle Linux 9 base image for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 3.7.0-1.el9
- arch: aarch64
- upstream: libnl3-3.7.0-1.el9.src.rpm
- distro: ol-9.2
dockerashu/ashuoracleweb v111
- version: 3.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.4
vitolimandibhrata/virtuala-spring-github-action latest
- version: 3.7.0-1.el9
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.7.0-1.el9.src.rpm
- distro: ol-9.1
dockerashu/ashucustomer v1
- version: 3.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.4
dockerashu/customer1 v1
- version: 3.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.4
rlemmens/mvn-buildah latest
- version: 3.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.4
dockerashu/ashu shellv1
- version: 3.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.4
kasmweb/oracle-9-desktop 1.15.0
Oracle 9 desktop for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 3.7.0-1.el9
- arch: aarch64
- upstream: libnl3-3.7.0-1.el9.src.rpm
- distro: ol-9.3
dockerashu/oraclehttpd 29sep2021
- version: 3.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.4
dockerashu/oracleapp v1
- version: 3.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.4
ruchinksinha/siebel 23.8
- version: 3.7.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.7.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.8
niektoniekde/zabbix-server-oracle ol-6.0.14
- version: 3.7.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.7.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.7
dockerashu/customerapp 30thmarch2022
- version: 3.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.4
amd64/percona 5.7.44
Percona Server is a fork of the MySQL relational database management system created by Percona.
- version: 3.7.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.7.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.8
brandmaster/aws-mvn-native-build-master 1.27
- version: 3.7.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.7.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.7
camalot/minecraft-server java17-graalvm-ce
- version: 3.7.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.7.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.7
jinin7906/oracleli latest
- version: 3.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.4
dron995/kesl-standalone 12.0.0-6672-02092024
Kaspersky Endpoint Security Service standalone version
- version: 3.7.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.7.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.8
dockerashu/mobi sparkv1
- version: 3.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.4
dockerashu/mobicustomer v2
- version: 3.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.4
dborisevich/bi-terminal 2.0.0
- version: 3.7.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.7.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.6
dron995/kesl-console 11.4.0-1096
Kaspersky Endpoint Security with connect to management console
- version: 3.7.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.7.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.8
dockerashu/mobiweb appv1
- version: 3.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.4
sharathkrishna10/sharathpy v2
- version: 3.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.4
nippanisk/dctm-server-orcl 22.4
- version: 3.7.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.7.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.7
dockethuixing/k8s vstram-stl-635fcs
- version: 3.7.0-1.el9
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.7.0-1.el9.src.rpm
- distro: ol-9.1
blange/minecraft 1.0.0
- version: 3.7.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.7.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.7
celcomcne2021/oc-cn-ece-custom-ps8-3 R1
- version: 3.7.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.7.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.7
nippanisk/cs-new-uat 22.4
- version: 3.7.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.7.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.8
mooseboi/mc-server latest
- version: 3.7.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.7.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
jballest797/dctm-cssap 22.2
- version: 3.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
saivisal1/saivisal_cimg v007
- version: 3.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.4
zabbix/zabbix-proxy-mysql sha256-90f75eb206afddedb9241d552160a6df75ee0aa3ced49354cc9153399c182a10
Zabbix proxy with MySQL database support
- version: 3.7.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.7.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.9
btaxacher/test1 latest
- version: 3.7.0-1.el9
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.7.0-1.el9.src.rpm
- distro: ol-9.2
zanderfortinbras/ssh-agent Tv41
- version: 3.7.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.7.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.8
9107733711/kesl latest
- version: 3.7.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.7.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.7
remainingtoast/minecraft-server java17-graalvm-ce
- version: 3.7.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.7.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.8
dockerashu/ashu-customer1 releasev1
- version: 3.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.4
lgti/zabbix-proxy-sqlite3-ol 6.0.12
- version: 3.7.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.7.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.7
yashnah/yashna-customer1 releasev1
- version: 3.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.4
nagashree123/nagashree-customer1 releasev1
- version: 3.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.4
xr0n1ck/package v1.20
- version: 3.7.0-1.el9
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.7.0-1.el9.src.rpm
- distro: ol-9.2
jballest797/dctm-d2pp-installer-ol 22.4
- version: 3.7.0-1.el9
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.7.0-1.el9.src.rpm
- distro: ol-9.1
- version: 3.7.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.7.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.8
jballest797/dctm-d2pp-config-ol 22.4
- version: 3.7.0-1.el9
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libnl3-3.7.0-1.el9.src.rpm
- distro: ol-9.1