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Package Usage : rpm : ol/libnghttp2
Explore the latest package usage data for ol/libnghttp2 in the rpm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 4,141
Total downloads: 4,558,935,702
More details on - JSON
dockerashu/ashuimages dec14v1
my sample images
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
maverickgrey/movie-sql 0.3
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.6
kasmweb/oracle-9-desktop aarch64-1.14.0-rolling
Oracle 9 desktop for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 1.43.0-5.el9_3.1
- arch: aarch64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.43.0-5.el9_3.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-9.3
nurudain/deelad-place 913
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
jarcovpetar/trm-iec-masterdata latest
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
daithihearn/cards-110-websocket-service 2.0.0
A websocket service for the cards game 110
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
dockerashu/oraclehttpd 29sep2021
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.4
naveenezone/img-sb-n4ss-hwarws-locprd latest
Repository for Hello World application -Rest API (Spring boot)
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
zmmdv/ms-notification 585ae5f7
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.3
qanary/qanary-component-cls-clsnliod 4.1.6
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
mcflydesigner/innogl_backend 44fba85
Backend part for innogl app.
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.3
nasruddinkhan/autoparts-ui latest
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
dockerashu/mywebapp v2
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.3
mkaliez99/jianmu_jib_test 2.1
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.4
dockerashu/ashupy 2.1
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
driessw/sec-mysql-lab latest
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.7
adrianzelada/mysql-gd-service latest
adrianzelada / mysql-gd-service
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.7
fehu1024/authing-apisix-java-plugin 0.0.1
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
kylin20200921/mysql 8.1
- version: 1.33.0-5.el8_8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-5.el8_8.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.8
bhanubandi1999/product-back-end v3
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
migrosuser/history-service 20221124.14
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.6
chathura98/authenticationservice-docker latest
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.6
outsideeip/qa 2.24.0
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
mcflydesigner/innogl 9ab6770
Innogl project docker hub.
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.3
migrosuser/barcode-service 20221124.15
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.6
vadzimmychkou/springboot-react-fullstack 10
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
akshayjt/patient latest
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
doesbattel/product-svc 2.0.0
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
alexadiaconitei/vured-bot-dj-golan 2.2.1-0.4.0
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
raedgeorge/rabbitmq-docker 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.7
kykub/fw latest
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.7
bluehydrogen/vitalssimulator v1
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
swipelux/swipelux-api-jvm-qa 22984d85
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
dockerashu/oracleapp v1
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.4
lifeofnavin/springboot-sample pyro1
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
migrosuser/webrbac 20221124.10
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.6
chrisbone/repo postgresdb
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
jithinb/authdb latest
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.7
liju07/patientmonitor latest
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
rafaelwassoaski/toa-integration 1.0.7
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
d80910099206/rest-example 0.1.0
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.3
alexvasquezd/consulta-app latest
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
tonyyou998/gateway latest
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.7
gombepoo/mysql latest
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.7
victormwenda/oracle-xe 21
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.7
qanary/qanary-component-qb-sina 3.2.4
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
hadjdsg/user-mysql latest
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.7
pashax12/config latest
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
zalerix/thesis-video-service 1.37.0
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.4
liju07/nurse latest
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
vardhandevalla/okta-dashboard okta
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
karanatshabodi/shabodi-test latest
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
rlemmens/maven-graalvm 1.0
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.4
dazz1ee/backend latest
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.7
adbyte/core-db latestv1
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.6
vardhandevalla/okta-malware okta
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
ruchinksinha/siebel 23.8
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.8
akshayjt/reception latest
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
kijalxx/passengerpost latest
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
13angs/quartz-mysql latest
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.7
sanraj2000/test_repo pr-12
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
zmmdv/ms-localization 15c2f9ad
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.3
vardhandevalla/okta-naas okta
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.2
azokarta/nuevoerp-auth 20231022-1
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
casatoo/springimg latest
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.7
nexwity/back_user latest
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.7
nexwity/back_card latest
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.7
loginasroot/scooterkonsortium latest
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
pashax12/user-transactions-manager latest
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
averinlv/pastestorage main
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
dangtuan21/sample-weather-comparison-0.1-all latest
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
kimhj0107/spring-prod latest
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
bizjak3/config_server latest
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
andresaggitc/fraccion-2 latest
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
jeswi/doctor latest
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
h4mdi/api-gateway latest
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
vardhandevalla/okta-storage-be okta
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
qmbo/mir_exchange 0.0.7_1
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.6
agarchuk/petclinic 73
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
ramvaith/demo-app v1
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
vardhandevalla/okta-backend okta
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
mydocker1522/spring-boot-rest-hello 0.0.1-latest
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
prixss/spring-boot-fetcher.jar latest
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.7
udpnnetwork/bn-event v1.
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.4
15719981948/property-listing-service v1
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.7
rsunix/asyncprofiler-openjdk17 latest
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
joeabala/authtest105 latest
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
focaloiddev/openjdk-hello latest.slimxx
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.7
zmmdv/ms-user-plan e787589c
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.3
pashax12/company-api latest
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
nachocode/cinvestav-qrs-db latest
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.3
montoia/curso_aws_project01 1.1.0
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
acs03/aws_project01 1.3.0
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
dinaashraf888/project backend
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.5
akashdocker29/mysql 8.0.29
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.6
ojmakhura/bocraportal-cron 1.0.2
- version: 1.43.0-5.el9
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.43.0-5.el9.src.rpm
- distro: ol-9.1
teamfranns/grade_tracker_mysql latest
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.7
bene4ka/ssltests-client 1.0.0
- version: 1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
- arch: aarch64
- upstream: nghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1.src.rpm
- distro: ol-8.7