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Package Usage : rpm : centos/rpm
Explore the latest package usage data for centos/rpm in the rpm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 6,443
Total downloads: 5,087,320,868
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grafana/logstash-output-loki main-afe146c-amd64
Logstash plugin to send logs to Loki
- version: 4.11.3-48.el7_9
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-48.el7_9.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
apache/ozone-runner 20230615-1
Apache Hadoop ozone runner
- version: 4.11.3-45.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-45.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
geerlingguy/docker-centos7-ansible latest
CentOS 7 Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing.
- version: 4.11.3-48.el7_9
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-48.el7_9.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
sonatype/docker-nexus3 latest
Sonatype Nexus 3 [DEPRECATED]
- version: 4.11.3-21.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-21.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
tsgkadot/mssql-tools latest
SQL Server tools on Linux (sqlcmd)
- version: 4.11.3-17.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-17.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
alfresco/alfresco-content-repository-aws 7.0.0-TEST6
Alfresco Content Repository image used for ACS Enterprise on AWS
- version: 4.11.3-32.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-32.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
centos/php-72-centos7 latest
Platform for building and running PHP 7.2 applications
- version: 4.11.3-43.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-43.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
cytopia/mysql-5.5 latest
MySQL 5.5 on CentOS 7
- version: 4.11.3-25.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-25.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
openshift/origin-logging-eventrouter v4.0.0
- version: 4.11.3-35.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-35.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
openshift/origin-keepalived-ipfailover v3.11
- version: 4.11.3-45.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-45.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
primetoninc/jdk 1.7
Oracle jdk 1.8, 1.7
- version: 4.11.3-25.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-25.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
openshift/origin-f5-router v3.11.0
F5 Load Balancer plugin for OpenShift and Kubernetes
- version: 4.11.3-45.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-45.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
openshift/origin-egress-http-proxy v3.11.0
- version: 4.11.3-45.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-45.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
datawire/telepresence-ocp 0.109-33-g531808c5
- version: 4.11.3-45.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-45.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
canal/canal-server v1.1.7
- version: 4.11.3-45.el7, 4.8.0-59.el6
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-45.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
azul/zulu-openjdk-centos 21.0.1-21.30
Azul Zulu on Centos Linux
- version: 4.11.3-48.el7_9, 4.11.3-45.el7
- arch: aarch64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-48.el7_9.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
jboss/drools-workbench 7.17.0.Final
Drools Workbench
- version: 4.11.3-35.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-35.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
atlassianlabs/bitbucket-centos-ext latest
- version: 4.11.3-40.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-40.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
jboss/business-central-workbench latest
- version: 4.11.3-43.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-43.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
centos/varnish-6-centos7 latest
Platform for running Varnish or building Varnish-based application
- version: 4.11.3-43.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-43.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
centos/etherpad latest
An etherpad build using mysql
- version: 4.11.3-35.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-35.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
cern/cc7-base 20231201-1
CERN CentOS 7 (CC7)
- version: 4.11.3-48.el7_9
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-48.el7_9.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
volodymyrmelnyk/proxysql-admin-tool v2.4.4-1
- version: 4.11.3-45.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-45.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
wso2/wso2ei-analytics-worker latest
Worker profile of WSO2 Enterprise Integrator Analytics
- version: 4.11.3-40.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-40.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
blacklabelops/centos 7.4.1708
CentOS Base Image! Built and Updates Daily!
- version: 4.11.3-32.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-32.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
fabric8/s2i-karaf latest
S2I Builder Image for Karaf applications
- version: 4.11.3-43.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-43.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
centos/python-38-centos7 latest
Platform for building and running Python 3.8 applications
- version: 4.11.3-43.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-43.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
openshift/origin-logging-elasticsearch5 v4.0.0
- version: 4.11.3-35.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-35.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
openshift/origin-logging-kibana5 v4.0.0
- version: 4.11.3-35.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-35.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
ppc64le/centos 7.9.2009
DEPRECATED; The official build of CentOS.
- version: 4.11.3-45.el7
- arch: ppc64le
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-45.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
centos/nginx-114-centos7 latest
Platform for running nginx 1.14 or building nginx-based application
- version: 4.11.3-43.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-43.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
bitnami/centos-extras-base latest
- version: 4.11.3-45.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-45.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
centos/devtoolset-7-toolchain-centos7 latest
Red Hat Developer Toolset 7 Toolchain container image
- version: 4.11.3-40.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-40.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
fabric8/java-jboss-openjdk8-jdk 1.9.0
Fabric8 Java Base Image (JBoss, OpenJDK 8)
- version: 4.11.3-43.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-43.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
apache/apisix-ingress-controller 1.7.1
- version: 4.11.3-45.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-45.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
fabric8/maven-builder v4e87df6
Maven builder image used by Java projects in Jenkinsfile and Kubernetes-workflow
- version: 4.11.3-32.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-32.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
onlyoffice/mailserver latest
Full-featured mail server solution developed on the base of the iRedMail
- version: 4.8.0-59.el6
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.8.0-59.el6.src.rpm
- distro: centos-6.10
rocketmqinc/rocketmq 4.4.0
Image repository for Apache RocketMQ
- version: 4.11.3-35.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-35.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
wso2/wso2am-analytics-dashboard latest
Dashboard profile of WSO2 API Manager Analytics
- version: 4.11.3-43.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-43.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
rocketmqinc/rocketmq-broker 4.5.0-centos
Customized RocketMQ Broker Image for RocketMQ-Operator
- version: 4.11.3-43.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-43.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
opensciencegrid/frontier-squid 3.6-release-20231015-0544
Images for the OSG Frontier Squid
- version: 4.14.3-26.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.14.3-26.el8.src.rpm
- distro: centos-8
arm64v8/centos 7.9.2009
DEPRECATED; The official build of CentOS.
- version: 4.11.3-45.el7
- arch: aarch64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-45.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
openshift/zookeeper-346-fedora20 latest
ZooKeeper 3.4.6 with replication support
- version: 4.11.3-17.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-17.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
pytorch/conda-cuda latest
- version: 4.11.3-45.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-45.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
fabric8/turbine-server 1.0.28
- version: 4.11.3-17.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-17.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
ceph/ceph-amd64 v16.2.5-20210708
- version: 4.14.3-14.el8_4
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.14.3-14.el8_4.src.rpm
- distro: centos-8
pytorch/manylinux-builder rocm5.6-1b30e261d1d103264076a6f636801abc1905cbca
- version: 4.11.3-48.el7_9
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-48.el7_9.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
apache/ozone-build latest
- version: 4.11.3-35.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-35.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
pytorch/manylinux-rocm 5.7
- version: 4.11.3-48.el7_9
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-48.el7_9.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
harisekhon/hadoop 2.3
Apache Hadoop (HDFS + Yarn, tags 2.2 - 2.8)
- version: 4.14.2-25.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.14.2-25.el8.src.rpm
- distro: centos-8
fabric8/jenkins-slave-base-centos7 vc9cba3c
- version: 4.11.3-35.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-35.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
dit4c/dit4c-container-slicer xpra
- version: 4.11.3-17.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-17.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
scalingo/logstash 6.8.4
- version: 4.11.3-40.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-40.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
fabric8/launcher-backend latest
The back-end for the project generator
- version: 4.11.3-40.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-40.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
wso2/wso2ei-integrator 6.6.0
Integrator profile of WSO2 Enterprise Integrator
- version: 4.11.3-40.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-40.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
nimmis/java-centos openjdk-7-jdk
This is docker images of CentOS 7 with different versions of java
- version: 4.11.3-25.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-25.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
mesosphere/dcosappstudio dcosappstudio-smartcity-ui-v1.11.rc4-1.4.2-0.0.1-hotfix
DCOS App Studio Demo
- version: 4.11.3-17.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-17.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
apache/hadoop 3.3.5
Apache Hadoop convenience builds
- version: 4.11.3-35.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-35.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
yandex/clickhouse-kerberos-kdc 21495-39465b3fb6f158fae0a795608db976d275663310
- version: 4.8.0-59.el6
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.8.0-59.el6.src.rpm
- distro: centos-6.10
pytorch/manylinux-cuda113 latest
- version: 4.11.3-48.el7_9
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-48.el7_9.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
mesosphere/dkp-diagnostics-node-collector v0.9.6
- version: 4.11.3-45.el7, 4.11.3-48.el7_9
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-45.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
openshift/origin-metrics-schema-installer v3.11.0
- version: 4.11.3-32.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-32.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
janeczku/calibre-web 07-2017
Web app for browsing, reading and downloading Calibre e-book collections
- version: 4.11.3-21.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-21.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
arangodb/centospackagearangodb-x86_64 latest
- version: 4.11.3-48.el7_9
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-48.el7_9.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
radanalyticsio/radanalytics-pyspark 3.0.1
OpenShift S2I builder image for Python 2.7 and Apache Spark with Oshinko management
- version: 4.11.3-35.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-35.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
radanalyticsio/openshift-spark-py36 2.4-latest
Apache Spark image for OpenShift (Kubernetes) with Python 3.6 set as the default Python interpreter
- version: 4.11.3-40.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-40.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
openshift/origin-custom-docker-builder latest
- version: 4.11.3-25.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-25.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
shawnzhu/prestodb 340
PrestoSQL + Db2 Connector
- version: 4.11.3-43.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-43.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
radanalyticsio/radanalytics-scala-spark 3.0.1
OpenShift S2I builder image for Scala 2.11 and Apache Spark with Oshinko management
- version: 4.11.3-25.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-25.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
i386/centos 6
DEPRECATED; The official build of CentOS.
- version: 4.8.0-59.el6
- arch: i686
- upstream: rpm-4.8.0-59.el6.src.rpm
- distro: centos-6.10
alfresco/alfresco-event-gateway 0.2
- version: 4.11.3-25.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-25.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
radanalyticsio/radanalytics-java-spark 3.0.1
OpenShift S2I builder image for Java and Apache Spark with Oshinko management
- version: 4.11.3-25.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-25.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
radanalyticsio/oshinko-webui stable
Oshinko Web UI service container
- version: 4.11.3-35.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-35.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
openshift/jenkins-slave-nodejs-centos7 v3.11
A Jenkins slave image with NodeJS 4 included.
- version: 4.11.3-40.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-40.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
radanalyticsio/radanalytics-pyspark-py36 stable
OpenShift S2I builder image for Python 3.6 and Apache Spark with Oshinko management
- version: 4.11.3-40.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-40.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
openshift/kube-state-metrics v1.2.0
- version: 4.11.3-25.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-25.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
geerlingguy/docker-centos8-ansible latest
CentOS 8 Docker container for Ansible playbook and role testing.
- version: 4.14.3-19.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.14.3-19.el8.src.rpm
- distro: centos-8
fabric8/launcher-frontend latest
The front-end for the project generator
- version: 4.11.3-35.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-35.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
redislabs/redisai edge-gpu-centos8
- version: 4.14.3-14.el8_4
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.14.3-14.el8_4.src.rpm
- distro: centos-8
openshift/image-inspector latest
Image Inspector
- version: 4.11.3-32.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-32.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
senzing/mock-data-generator 1.2.2
- version: 4.11.3-48.el7_9
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-48.el7_9.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
openshift/prometheus-alert-buffer v0.0.2
- version: 4.11.3-21.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-21.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
ansible/galaxy latest
Ansible Galaxy images
- version: 4.11.3-35.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: rpm-4.11.3-35.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7