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Package Usage : rpm : centos/perl-Net-DNS
Explore the latest package usage data for centos/perl-Net-DNS in the rpm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 22
Total downloads: 476,502
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onlyoffice/mailserver 1.6.75
Full-featured mail server solution developed on the base of the iRedMail
- version: 0.65-5.el6
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: perl-Net-DNS-0.65-5.el6.src.rpm
- distro: centos-6.10
openmicroscopy/awstats 0.2.0
Run Awstats in Docker
- version: 0.72-6.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: perl-Net-DNS-0.72-6.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
panubo/mailserver 1.0.0
All in one mailserver in a Docker container
- version: 0.65-5.el6
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: perl-Net-DNS-0.65-5.el6.src.rpm
- distro: centos-6.10
lerndevops/nagios xi5.6
- version: 0.65-5.el6
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: perl-Net-DNS-0.65-5.el6.src.rpm
- distro: centos-6.10
leandrocarneiro/elastix4 latest
Elastix 4 based on CentOS7
- version: 0.72-6.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: perl-Net-DNS-0.72-6.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
webcenter/centreon latest
For test pupose only
- version: 0.72-6.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: perl-Net-DNS-0.72-6.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
andonebekasi/nagios-xi latest
nagios xi testing
- version: 0.65-5.el6
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: perl-Net-DNS-0.65-5.el6.src.rpm
- distro: centos-6.9
andonebekasi/centos6-nagiosxi latest
testing nagios xi demo
- version: 0.65-5.el6
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: perl-Net-DNS-0.65-5.el6.src.rpm
- distro: centos-6.9
vulshare/cve-2018-8733 latest
- version: 0.65-5.el6
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: perl-Net-DNS-0.65-5.el6.src.rpm
- distro: centos-6.9
arcsw2/smart4-builder latest
- version: 0.72-6.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: perl-Net-DNS-0.72-6.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
idavinunes/axismag latest
Projeto de estudo docker
- version: 0.72-6.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: perl-Net-DNS-0.72-6.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
rozentalgroup/bitrixvm latest
- version: 0.72-6.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: perl-Net-DNS-0.72-6.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
vulshare/nagiosxi-cve_2018_10735 heth
- version: 0.65-5.el6
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: perl-Net-DNS-0.65-5.el6.src.rpm
- distro: centos-6.10
henro4niger/issabel latest
- version: 0.72-6.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: perl-Net-DNS-0.72-6.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
apecloud/apecloud-xtrabackup-v1 latest
- version: 0.72-6.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: perl-Net-DNS-0.72-6.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
gupaksha/alphaboard 20230418.1
- version: 0.72-6.el7.2.deshaw
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: perl-Net-DNS-0.72-6.el7.2.deshaw.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
cs1867/perfsonar-testpoint latest
- version: 0.72-6.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: perl-Net-DNS-0.72-6.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
spicasys/spica-rmq v1.0.2
- version: 0.72-6.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: perl-Net-DNS-0.72-6.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
spicasys/spica-afc v1.0.3
- version: 0.72-6.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: perl-Net-DNS-0.72-6.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
harshaldeokar/us_medgenome_v12 latest
- version: 1.15-1.el8
- arch: noarch
- upstream: perl-Net-DNS-1.15-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: centos-8
keeryzhang/dd_devvm_centos7 v3.2.0
DD Dev VM CentOS7 Docker Version
- version: 0.72-6.el7
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: perl-Net-DNS-0.72-6.el7.src.rpm
- distro: centos-7
altnix/nagiosxi 5.6
- version: 0.65-5.el6
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: perl-Net-DNS-0.65-5.el6.src.rpm
- distro: centos-6.10