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Package Usage : rpm : almalinux/libbpf
Explore the latest package usage data for almalinux/libbpf in the rpm ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 37
Total downloads: 107,242
More details on - JSON
mullholland/docker-molecule-almalinux8 latest
- version: 0.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libbpf-0.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: almalinux-8.8
kasmweb/core-almalinux-9 1.16.1
AlmaLinux 9 base image for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 1.2.0-1.el9, 1.0.0-2.el9
- arch: x86_64
- epoch: 2
- upstream: libbpf-1.2.0-1.el9.src.rpm
- distro: almalinux-9.1
kasmweb/core-almalinux-8 1.15.0
AlmaLinux 8 base image for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 0.5.0-1.el8
- arch: aarch64
- upstream: libbpf-0.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: almalinux-8.9
vespaengine/vespa-dev-almalinux-8 latest
- version: 0.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libbpf-0.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: almalinux-8.9
almalinux/openqa worker-al9-20230117
Images to support Almalinux OpenQA test environment
- version: 0.6.0-1.el9
- arch: x86_64
- epoch: 2
- upstream: libbpf-0.6.0-1.el9.src.rpm
- distro: almalinux-9.1
shige1973/almalinux8-php81-apache24 latest
AlmaLinux 8.7 PHP 8.1.18 Apache 2.4.37
- version: 0.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libbpf-0.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: almalinux-8.7
mullholland/docker-molecule-almalinux9 latest
- version: 1.0.0-2.el9
- arch: x86_64
- epoch: 2
- upstream: libbpf-1.0.0-2.el9.src.rpm
- distro: almalinux-9.2
alekseychudov/almalinux8-systemd latest
AlmaLinux 8 based systemd image
- version: 0.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libbpf-0.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: almalinux-8.7
vespaengine/vespa-build-almalinux-8 latest
- version: 0.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libbpf-0.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: almalinux-8.9
custom/almalinux 8-development-20231124-0
- version: 0.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libbpf-0.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: almalinux-8.9
custom/server-jre 8u401-0
- version: 0.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libbpf-0.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: almalinux-8.9
custom/elasticsearch 8.11.3-0
- version: 0.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libbpf-0.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: almalinux-8.8
custom/jdk 8u391-0
- version: 0.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libbpf-0.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: almalinux-8.8
snowdreamtechamd64/golang-develop 0.0.1
- version: 0.6.0-1.el9
- arch: x86_64
- epoch: 2
- upstream: libbpf-0.6.0-1.el9.src.rpm
- distro: almalinux-9.1
rhofsaess/alma8_proxy latest
- version: 0.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libbpf-0.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: almalinux-8.9
shige1973/almalinux8-php80 latest
- version: 0.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libbpf-0.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: almalinux-8.7
king019/centos use
- version: 1.2.0-1.el9
- arch: x86_64
- epoch: 2
- upstream: libbpf-1.2.0-1.el9.src.rpm
- distro: almalinux-9.3
atlasadc/atlas-grid-almalinux9 latest
- version: 1.2.0-1.el9
- arch: x86_64
- epoch: 2
- upstream: libbpf-1.2.0-1.el9.src.rpm
- distro: almalinux-9.3
casjaysdevdocker/almalinux 8
- version: 1.0.0-2.el9
- arch: x86_64
- epoch: 2
- upstream: libbpf-1.0.0-2.el9.src.rpm
- distro: almalinux-9.2
beojan/hpxgaudi latest
- version: 0.6.0-1.el9
- arch: x86_64
- epoch: 2
- upstream: libbpf-0.6.0-1.el9.src.rpm
- distro: almalinux-9.1
zlmarshall/atlas-grid-almalinux9 20240104
- version: 0.6.0-1.el9
- arch: x86_64
- epoch: 2
- upstream: libbpf-0.6.0-1.el9.src.rpm
- distro: almalinux-9.1
yathishbhat/suricata-final latest
- version: 1.0.0-2.el9
- arch: x86_64
- epoch: 2
- upstream: libbpf-1.0.0-2.el9.src.rpm
- distro: almalinux-9.2
mullholland/docker-almalinux-systemd 8
- version: 0.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libbpf-0.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: almalinux-8.9
karanpokhriyal/openldap latest
Samba Active Directory Domain Controller
- version: 0.5.0-4.el9
- arch: x86_64
- epoch: 2
- upstream: libbpf-0.5.0-4.el9.src.rpm
- distro: almalinux-9.0
chawlaabhimanyu/cs314 latest
- version: 0.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libbpf-0.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: almalinux-8.7
custom/python-venv 3.10-14
- version: 0.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libbpf-0.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: almalinux-8.8
uscms/perfsonar-toolkit v5.0.4
This repo is for docker image of perfsonar-toolkit. The image is based on init (systemd).
- version: 1.0.0-2.el9
- arch: x86_64
- epoch: 2
- upstream: libbpf-1.0.0-2.el9.src.rpm
- distro: almalinux-9.2
custom/percona-server-mongo 6.0.11-1
- version: 0.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libbpf-0.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: almalinux-8.8
custom/kafka 2.13-3.5.1-0
- version: 0.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libbpf-0.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: almalinux-8.8
custom/x-api 0.5.1-4
- version: 0.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libbpf-0.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: almalinux-8.8
snowdreamtechamd64/base-develop 0.0.3
- version: 0.6.0-1.el9
- arch: x86_64
- epoch: 2
- upstream: libbpf-0.6.0-1.el9.src.rpm
- distro: almalinux-9.1
custom/python 3.10.13-4
- version: 0.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libbpf-0.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: almalinux-8.8
custom/development 8-20231124-1
- version: 0.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libbpf-0.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: almalinux-8.8
custom/nginx 1.24.0-7
- version: 0.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libbpf-0.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: almalinux-8.8
custom/kibana 8.11.3-0
- version: 0.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libbpf-0.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: almalinux-8.8
custom/x-tty 1.7.3-15
- version: 0.5.0-1.el8
- arch: x86_64
- upstream: libbpf-0.5.0-1.el8.src.rpm
- distro: almalinux-8.8
openmsa/mano-juju 1.0.0
- version: 1.0.0-2.el9
- arch: x86_64
- epoch: 2
- upstream: libbpf-1.0.0-2.el9.src.rpm
- distro: almalinux-9.2