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Package Usage : pypi : uWSGI
Explore the latest package usage data for uWSGI in the pypi ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 537
Total downloads: 1,021,488,550
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datasense/datasense ab9c0b165911027efbf61e52b46d8b50
- version: 2.0.22
defectdojo/defectdojo-django 2.40.3
DefectDojo is a security program and vulnerability management tool.
- version: 2.0.22, 2.0.21, 2.0.23
ansible/awx_task 11.2.0
- version: 2.0.18
alerta/alerta-web 9.0.4
Alerta is an open source monitoring tool used to consolidate alerts for 'at-a-glance' visualisation.
- version: 2.0.21, 2.0.20
tiangolo/uwsgi-nginx-flask python3.9-2024-09-23
Image with uWSGI and Nginx for Flask apps in Python running in a single container.
- version: 2.0.21
grafana/oncall v1.13.4
- version: 2.0.20, 2.0.21
tiangolo/uwsgi-nginx python3.12-2024-09-16
Image with uWSGI and Nginx for applications in Python 3.6 and 2.7 (as Flask) in a single container.
- version: 2.0.21
geonode/geonode 4.4.1
Django base image for GeoNode
- version: 2.0.22
rancher/mirrored-idealista-prom2teams 4.2.1
- version: 2.0.20
kartoza/geonode_django_geosafe 2.8.x-qgis_server
- version: 2.0.17
kartoza/dominode_geonode v0.0.1
DomiNode GeoNode application
- version:
reportportal/service-metrics-gatherer 5.12.0
- version: 2.0.21, 2.0.18
dongtai/dongtai-server 1.16.0
- version: 2.0.21, 2.0.22, 2.0.20
geosolutionsit/geonode-generic latest
Generic geonode app, image to be used with rancher catalog
- version: 2.0.17
kartoza/projecta-uwsgi 2.4.3
- version: 2.0.20, 2.0.21
kartoza/freshwaterbiodiversity v2.4.1
The application logic behind
- version:
camptocamp/geonode_django rebase_2.10.x
- version: 2.0.18
kartoza/scanagroempresa_geonode_generic stable
- version: 2.0.17
kartoza/geonode 2.8.0
- version: 2.0.20
kartoza/ledet_uwsgi v2.4.1
- version: 2.0.17
kartoza/kbims_uwsgi v4.6.2
- version: 2.0.21
geonode/django latest
Django base image for GeoNode
- version: 2.0.15
kartoza/geonode_django_qgis-server 2.7.6
- version: 2.0.17
kartoza/cca_django 0.9.3
- version:
ccdlstaging/dr_api 1.45.8
- version: 2.0.22, 2.0.20, 2.0.21
istresearch/rapidpro 4.0.16
- version: 2.0.21, 2.0.18
avidcloud/edx-avid-fa 4977604688
- version: 2.0.20
pythonitalia/pycon-backend 35de3c7126e1890a093b43ecbd919710cdb6635b
- version: 2.0.21
vanessa/expfactory boto_upgrade
container for deploying behavioral psychology experiments
- version: 2.0.18
geosolutionsit/geonode latest
Geonode dockerized (base image)
- version: 2.0.21
vulcansec/vulcan-http-headers d5ef21e-1bc1c4c
- version:
kartoza/geonode_django_base 2.7.6
- version:, 2.0.18
kartoza/igrac_ggis 4.8.2
- version: 2.0.20, 2.0.21
rapidfort/flaskapp v1
- version: 2.0.22
overhangio/openedx-xqueue 18.0.0
Open edX: the free and open source LMS and CMS platform that scales.
- version: 2.0.21
blocknetdx/exrproxy 0.9.0
Blocknet Enterprise XRouter reverse proxy
- version: 2.0.21
apluslms/aplus v1.24.2-00
A+ front production container
- version: 2.0.21
breton/promenade base2
- version: 2.0.15
smartquail/qnode0_app latest
- version: 2.0.20
dimasciput/healthyrivers_uwsgi v3.0
- version: 2.0.18
simplonasa/azure_voting_app v1.0.112
- version: 2.0.21
apluslms/grader v1.24.0-00
Production container of the grader platform
- version: 2.0.21
zaharavn/defectdojo-django 0.1.3
- version: 2.0.21
muoki/gitlabci v5
- version:
nbr23/calibre_webui 0d47a6f
- version: 2.0.21
ziggyds/cloudflared-healthchecks v3.1-2024.1.4 + cloudflared
- version: 2.0.21, 2.0.22
blocknetdx/xrouterproxy 0.6.6
Blocknet Enterprise XRouter reverse proxy
- version: 2.0.18
geosolutionsit/geonode-docker latest
geonode base container for geonode-project based apps
- version: 2.0.18
kartoza/geonode-generic latest
Fork of the geosolutions Geonode Generic project.
- version: 2.0.18
dimasciput/rbis_uwsgi 4.0
- version:
smartquail/qnode12_app 84-47
- version: 2.0.20
egovio/pgadmin v4.7.7
- version: 2.0.18
maddevsio/idmatch latest
- version: 2.0.15
webhippie/sentry latest
Docker image for sentry
- version:
jorb19/webappcs3 v2
Flask webapp hosted with uWSGI and NGINX in one container
- version: 2.0.21
elicocorp/notex-v2.0 latest
Notex rst editor image Original repo here:
- version: 2.0
dimasciput/docker-limpopobims-uwsgi stable
- version: 2.0.17
evolbioinfo/covid-align latest
COVID-Align: Accurate online alignment of hCoV-19 genomes using a profile HMM
- version:
whatwewant/blogs latest
Multiple Indivisual Blog
- version: 2.0.15
threefolddev/discourse v3.6
- version:
datawire/ubuntu-python-uwsgi 6d3e7adaa2
- version: 2.0.14
smartquail/qnode41_app latest
- version: 2.0.20