An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : pypi : twisted
Explore the latest package usage data for twisted in the pypi ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 125
Total downloads: 58,079,958
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returntocorp/semgrep 1.96.0
We've moved! Official Docker images for Semgrep now available at semgrep/semgrep.
- version: 20.3.0
returntocorp/semgrep-agent v0.57.0
A specialized Docker image for running Semgrep in CI environments
- version: 20.3.0
geerlingguy/awx_task 1.0.5
DEPRECATED Ansible AWX Task image built from Ansible Galaxy project geerlingguy.awx-container
- version: 17.9.0
geerlingguy/awx_web 1.0.5
DEPRECATED Ansible AWX Web image built from Ansible Galaxy project geerlingguy.awx-container
- version: 17.9.0
apache/cassandra-testing-ubuntu2004-java11-w-dependencies 20230815
- version: 19.2.1
apache/cassandra-testing-ubuntu2004-java11 20230518
- version: 19.2.1
returntocorp/semgrep-action v0.57.0
A specialized Docker image for running Semgrep in CI environments
- version: 20.3.0
linuxserver/paperless-ng 1.5.0
- version: 21.7.0
jumpserver/core v4.0.2
- version: 22.10.0
algolia/docsearch-scraper v1.16.0
Image from the DocSearch scraper Source:
- version: 21.2.0
jumpserver/jms_all v4.5.0
Jumpserver all in one Dockerfile
- version: 23.10.0
bamos/openface 0.2.1
- version: 15.2.1
getmeili/docs-scraper v0.12.12
- version: 22.10.0
linuxserver/paperless-ngx 1.8.0
- version: 22.4.0
driftx/cassandra-testing-ubuntu2004-java11 20230425
- version: 19.2.1
driftx/cassandra-testing-ubuntu2004-java11-w-dependencies 20230405
- version: 19.2.1
cognus/elasticpy-ai-v1 latest
- version: 18.9.0
funkwhale/api 1.4.0
Docker container for the Funkwhale API
- version: 22.4.0, 23.10.0
ansible/awx-dev latest
- version: 17.9.0
apache/cassandra-testing-ubuntu1910-java11 20210105
- version: 19.2.1
apache/cassandra-testing-ubuntu1910-java11-w-dependencies latest
- version: 19.2.1
- version: 17.9.0
vulcansec/vulcan-semgrep a0cc223-3902d14
- version: 20.3.0
kenho811/webscraper release-6.2.1
- version: 22.10.0
gdude2002/ultros latest
- version: 15.5.0
heywoodlh/tabby-web latest
- version: 20.3.0
ericktesting99/previews openh264
- version: 21.7.0
truecharts/paperless-ng build20230428071415
- version: 22.10.0
richardssenstollander/backend 3.0
- version: 22.10.0
samiemostafavi/ubuntu-source-doni-api xena
- version: 22.4.0
samiemostafavi/ubuntu-source-doni-worker xena
- version: 22.4.0
keysightmidas/midas-lambda ca33de65cc72
- version: 21.7.0
idoogroup/baterias_ws latest
- version: 22.10.0
reneelab/scrapy_crawler_for_google_ads_dg_sgp 0.0.8
- version: 22.4.0
andresvidal/heroku-splash latest
- version: 19.7.0
ibmtsuji/functions4tico 20221130
Functions for taco
- version: 21.7.0
ciicprojeto/djangochannels latest
- version: 22.10.0
skurat/authentik-server 2022.11.2
- version: 22.10.0
skast/paperless-rclone latest
- version: 22.10.0
filgeo/comm-networks client
Communication network assignment repo
- version: 20.3.0
sinsro/svetpredeti-shop 0c3cf197
- version: 22.10.0
pradeep90/ibmsbox_cluster_ibmpy 0.1
- version: 21.7.0
justinrubek/paperless latest
- version: 22.10.0
ceramicwhite/dndserver latest
Dark and Darker Private Server
- version: 22.10.0
funkwhale/retribute-api latest
An open standard for supporting Fediverse users
- version: 22.4.0
yuheng3107/django-server latest
- version: 22.10.0
psinha25/main-python latest
- version: 20.3.0
eriscalhoun/tennisdomainwpidev-v2 latest
- version: 18.9.0
kollurusharma/shar_site 1.0-SNAPSHOT
- version: 20.3.0
psinha25/python3-ow latest
- version: 20.3.0
dimensionlab/simulation-studio-backend test
- version: 22.2.0
betmatic/betmatic 20241107-6afde1
- version: 22.10.0, 22.4.0, 23.10.0, 23.8.0
psinha25/resnet-ow latest
- version: 20.3.0
keksdev/paperless-ngx-addon-amd64 1.13.0-2
- version: 22.10.0
psinha25/mobilenet-ow latest
- version: 20.3.0
psinha25/resnet-50-ow latest
- version: 20.3.0
momen96/server latest
- version: 20.3.0
psinha25/compress-ow latest
- version: 20.3.0
marcelfonteles/ow-42 latest
- version: 18.9.0
kedle/cn1-impl-opt_server latest
- version: 20.3.0
samkugu/action-python-v3.10 omlette
- version: 21.7.0
hwnam831/python3mlhrc latest
- version: 18.7.0
momen96/client latest
- version: 20.3.0
psinha25/lr-train-ow latest
- version: 20.3.0
psinha25/chameleon-ow latest
- version: 20.3.0
mnmyasis/sobitie master
- version: 23.10.0
suiyifan/pyaction005 latest
- version: 18.7.0
valecori/ubuntu_cowrie2 latest
- version: 22.10.0
stategyhq/authentik 4
- version: 22.10.0
luvroot/authentik 2022.12.1
- version: 22.10.0
aldrio/app 2885f2c050517ecfe00f5bd60d91ba837a5ab061
- version: 22.10.0
kausalya98/python_ml_test latest
- version: 18.7.0
zihantianan/gigadet latest
- version: 22.2.0
jacikot/owpdfmagic v1
- version: 21.2.0
calous/tp3d fine
- version: 21.7.0
pucilpet/tabby-web latest
- version: 20.3.0
almidds/zd2cb_test 1234
- version: 22.10.0
hahung/esim v1
- version: 22.10.0