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Package Usage : pypi : slepc4py
Explore the latest package usage data for slepc4py in the pypi ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 21
Total downloads: 93,718
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dolfinx/lab v0.9.0
Jupyter Lab environment with dolfinx
- version: 3.20.0
finsberg/fenics-gmsh latest
- version: 3.17.1
finsberg/pulse_adjoint latest
- version: 3.7.0
olejak/pycae latest
Build of
- version: 3.7.0
finsberg/efficient-estimation latest
- version: 3.7.0
finsberg/mpsadjoint latest
- version: 3.16.1
amit112amit/fedora32-dolfin v1.0
- version: 3.13.0
finsberg/fenics2017_cbcbeat latest
- version: 3.8.0
finsberg/fenics2017_gmsh latest
- version: 3.8.0
finsberg/sscp19_project7 latest
- version: 3.8.0
amit112amit/fenics latest
- version: 3.11.0
hkjeldsberg/vampy latest
- version: 3.17.2
etretiakov/workbench-session-complete jammy-2023.10.24-custom-12.5
- version: 3.19.1, 3.17.1
mscroggs/fem-bem-lab latest
- version: 3.17.0
yannipapandreou/statfem_analysis latest
Docker image for the numerical experiments demonstrating our error analysis of the statFEM method.
- version: 3.12.0
xfdywy/aml py37pt1110mj200gpufenicsx_sing_v1
- version: 3.17.1
jdbetteridge/defcon 2024-04
- version: 3.20.0.dev0
dolfinx/dolfinx v0.9.0
Nightly of dolfinx with real and complex builds
- version: 3.18.1
kramergroup/jupyterserver matmod-ft2023
Jupyterhub Single-User server for teaching labs
- version: 3.17.2
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-ukan-2dcomputational-2dacoustics-2dca-2dknowledgebase-fdfe6c 8feee9ac600b6e9adcfda8c12633a73b9ea1b953
- version: 3.17.1
dunyuliu/mtmod 2023dev1
Operating environments for numerical tools for the NSF-supported MTMOD project.
- version: 3.17.2