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Package Usage : pypi : pytools
Explore the latest package usage data for pytools in the pypi ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 133
Total downloads: 14,197
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krickwix/nvgst v0.2
- version: 2021.2.9, 2022.1
mrkevindc/variants latest
- version: 2022.1.14
calous/tp3d fine
- version: 2022.1.9
amellalalex/clcdnn-l4t-torch latest
- version: 2021.2.9
sdroh1027/nvcr-pytorch-2201-nepes 20230216
- version: 2022.1.12
kkswqwe/nvidia_tensorrt v1
- version: 2021.2.9
aryanmyco/nvidia-tensorrt-container 1.0
- version: 2022.1.4
brac24/slam-rebuild-with-libpcl-gpu-gtsam-libnabo-nolibpointmatcher ubuntu18
- version: 2021.2.9
nickhezhuolin/bevdet v3
- version: 2022.1.12, 2023.1
zhizhoutian/falcon latest
- version: 2021.2.3
grinay/cuda-opencvsharp 11.8.0-cudnn8-4.8.1-runtime-net7-ubuntu18.04
- version: 2020.4.3
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-devitocodes-2ddevito-1bbefd cec0542292e46905cd56ba739000c6343ea3aa1a
- version: 2023.1.1
dustynv/stable-diffusion-webui r36.2.0
- version: 2023.1.1
jjdelvalle/xmodanalysis 21.07-py3.v0.11
- version: 2021.2.7
thordrive/dev-tensorrt 22.08
- version: 2022.1.12
hamunadocker/hamuna-eye-v2-commu-service-gpu latest
- version: 2021.2.8
ociscloud/modeldeploy modeldeploy-initializer-v1.1.5
- version: 2021.2.6
aimilefth/tf2aif_exp_v1 class_thr_agx_tf
- version: 2022.1
mmiakashs/llama2 v1.1.5
- version: 2023.1.1
15liangwang/lsd-cuda latest
- version: 2022.1.13
bingliunpu/pytorch pytorch1.8.1-py38-cuda11.1-zetta
- version: 2021.2.8
richardlee0211/dmva_server_obj t12
- version: 2021.2.7
norlabsnow/vaul-f1tenth-controller-develop foxy-pytorch-arm64-l4t-r35.2.1
- version: 2022.1.14
cloudwan/cv vnc-persistent
- version: 2021.2.9
cezy/tensorrtpy39 2023.5.0
TensorRT image with preinstalled Python 3.9
- version: 2022.1.14
alexartemis/video-processing-framework 0.1.7-d
- version: 2022.1.13, 2022.1.14
justusmattern/vllm-integration t4-test
- version: 2021.2.7
norlabulaval/dn-control-deep-rl-f1tenth DN-latest-foxy-pytorch-l4t-r35.2.1
- version: 2022.1.14
pkuanjie/dalle 0.1
- version: 2022.1.12
stax124/volta_diffusion_webui local
- version: 2022.1.14
hoangph3/facekyc-model aarch64-3.0.0
- version: 2022.1, 2021.2.9
uxfactory1/e2s-edge-base 20230328-fix
- version: 2020.4.3
fikrat/tensorflow latest-gpu
- version: 2019.1.1
chenxyyy/isfp_cpp v3
- version: 2021.2.6
dustynv/l4t-tensorflow tf2-r36.2.0
- version: 2023.1.1
warrents/trt_benchmark ngc_torch-22.12-py3-torchtrt
- version: 2022.1.14
natavitorino/cuda-ros 1.13
This image has support for Ubuntu 18.04, ROS Melodic, mediapipe, Yolo v5 and python
- version: 2022.1.14
wanglm22/pytorch 20.03-py3-cubestudio-pytorchjobdemo
- version: 2020.1
zhujunli/swin-pose latest
- version: 2021.2.7
asteran32/face-recognition latest
Face recognition which is implemented yunet and arcface on Jetson board
- version: 2022.1, 2021.2.9
dgeld/opencv_cuda 1.3
Ubuntu20.04 + TensorRT 8.5.2 + OpenCV 4.7 with CUDA support
- version: 2022.1.14
toolboc/nv-jarvis r35.2.1
NVIDIA Jetson Embedded Device Support for
- version: 2022.1.14
stliu2022/naridet zhejiang
- version: 2022.1.12