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Package Usage : pypi : python-etcd
Explore the latest package usage data for python-etcd in the pypi ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 510
Total downloads: 442,687,401
More details on - JSON
brookluo/img-spec-ml nvcr-22.09-py3
- version: 0.4.5
neilmehta87/cosmoflow_pyt 23.07
- version: 0.4.5
sylvialin/helmet_train novolume.2
- version: 0.4.5
surajpaib/monai_bundle_inference latest
- version: 0.4.5
howuhh/corl_jax latest
- version: 0.4.5
adewuyi1088/hello-world v1
- version: 0.4.5
jiwon47/gmsong clip_diff
- version: 0.4.5
snucvlab/minsoo off-the-shelf-stylegan2
- version: 0.4.5
tuapuikia/tts latest
- version: 0.4.5
reimage/condition latest
- version: 0.4.5
luluqin766/seg torch1.12-cuda10.2-v4
- version: 0.4.5
itdevwu/pytorch ngc-23.04-py3
Pytorch image derived from the official image, with some additional tools installed and configured.
- version: 0.4.5
zz217/deepcam-cpu latest
- version: 0.4.5
sfarrell/opencatalyst-opt 23.07.01
- version: 0.4.5
alekseypauls/nlp-receipts latest
- version: 0.4.5
saeyoon17/vessl_torch10 latest
- version: 0.4.5
ytdai2022/placement v2
- version: 0.4.5
tomvaisbort/whisperx-asr latest
- version: 0.4.5
tuapuikia/visual-chatgpt 1
- version: 0.4.5
aciborowska/mh_eval latest
- version: 0.4.5
jwduck/wav2lip latest
- version: 0.4.5
baker221bw1/jupyterlab 2.0
- version: 0.4.5
imsmile2000/mydocker latest
- version: 0.4.5
languagelabs/saltlux.language.core.infer 1.3.5
- version: 0.4.5
mteamkit/deep-oc-fasterrcnn-api 1.0
- version: 0.4.5
waikatodatamining/pytorch-huggingface-transformers 4.36.0_cuda11.7_mistral
Images for the Huggingface transformers library.
- version: 0.4.5
wintfru/minigpt4 v1
- version: 0.4.5
snonaka/sdapp_api_controlnet_pose_v2 latest
- version: 0.4.5
acplayco/comfy-serverless dev
- version: 0.4.5
zanonymous/processor-demo-nlp-pipeline-lid-func latest
- version: 0.4.5
muhandre/pytorch 23.04-py3-yolov5-gpu
- version: 0.4.5
doma945/lt_launch 2023.12.15
- version: 0.4.5
albivaltzew/champions_test latest
- version: 0.4.5
harneetkhanuja/gaze_estimation_v10 latest
- version: 0.4.5
seemeai/llama-cpp b2432-cuda12.1
Llama.cpp release containers (Community)
- version: 0.4.5
eason2023/mlperf-nvidia language_model_pytorch_22.09code
- version: 0.4.5
el0i/dreamtrainer latest
- version: 0.4.5
dkomura/jepa 2023-12-14
- version: 0.4.5
dak00/aidev pytorch2.1.2-cu12.1-devel
- version: 0.4.5
ilsf1004/kserve-custom 0.0.4
- version: 0.4.5
bigkunlun/text-embedding-service 0.4
- version: 0.4.5
luisas/pytorch_with_packages 4
- version: 0.4.5
mongjin/kumscmodel latest
- version: 0.4.5
determinedai/environments-dev lore-backend-image-edfae7e
[DO NOT USE] determined-ai environments - development
- version: 0.4.5
sfinoe/stable-diffusion-v2-api sm
- version: 0.4.5
rocm/pytorch-nightly 2023-12-23-rocm5.7
This docker repo is used for hosting pytorch-nightly-build docker images.
- version: 0.4.5
hyperonym/basaran 0.21.1
Open-source alternative to the OpenAI text completion API.
- version: 0.4.5
k7212519/stable-diffusion-webui rx7000
stable-diffusion-webui onekey deploy GUI for AMD GPU
- version: 0.4.5
apecloud/spilo 15.2.0
- version: 0.4.5
pimachinelearning/pitorch-builder 2.0.1
- version: 0.4.5
hystax/arcee 8561f007f6f89e8c11ca97313e04714d2dceff9f
- version: 0.4.5
hystax/diproxy 8561f007f6f89e8c11ca97313e04714d2dceff9f
- version: 0.4.5
hystax/cleanmongodb 4cfe8f686922cb6da14c49248726bbd635acbc7b
- version: 0.4.5
chenhsuanlin/neuralangelo 23.04-py3
- version: 0.4.5
frosting/onf-server-sd 1.3.0
- version: 0.4.5
hystax/ohsu 24de390de0259ad317adf0420c908601a289800b
- version: 0.4.5
hystax/pharos_receiver 355f164ee790d41cfb430950b61b9863e0292e71
- version: 0.4.5
hystax/pharos_worker 24de390de0259ad317adf0420c908601a289800b
- version: 0.4.5
hxssgaa/torchenv latest
- version: 0.4.5
serraskowalsky/endpoint latest
- version: 0.4.5
mykytaluzan/disputes_test gpu
- version: 0.4.5
gowthamaddluri/semantic 4
- version: 0.4.5
hystax/risp_scheduler 0478ae696f30f9bcef1244a3f9038d300ae6c702
- version: 0.4.5
mcxai/tts-multilang 1-ci-dev-airflow
- version: 0.4.5
simonebendazzoli/nndet 1.2.3-interactive
- version: 0.4.5
rocm/oai-triton preview_2023-12-27_198
The OpenAI Triton docker container with ROCm support.
- version: 0.4.5
65536william/audio-transcriber-slave 0.51
- version: 0.4.5
hystax/bi_scheduler 0478ae696f30f9bcef1244a3f9038d300ae6c702
- version: 0.4.5
hystax/bulldozer_api 0478ae696f30f9bcef1244a3f9038d300ae6c702
- version: 0.4.5
seal314/exp 20230303
- version: 0.4.5
rtbslava/finetuning 0.0.1
- version: 0.4.5
hystax/bulldozer_worker 2023090800-public-test
- version: 0.4.5
hystax/bi_exporter local
- version: 0.4.5
maqsood1/thesis 18
- version: 0.4.5
perjmi/myvastai latest
pytorch + lightning
- version: 0.4.5
nasanccs/pytorch-caney dev
- version: 0.4.5
hystax/failed_imports_dataset_generator 8561f007f6f89e8c11ca97313e04714d2dceff9f
- version: 0.4.5
mkw18/lateralthinkingpuzzle latest
- version: 0.4.5
hystax/risp_worker 0478ae696f30f9bcef1244a3f9038d300ae6c702
- version: 0.4.5
jsinge/alpaca-serverless runpod
- version: 0.4.5
xiaofei12138/pytorch1.8-v1 pytorch1.8-v1
- version: 0.4.5
decflow/drmbth latest
- version: 0.4.5
paulcocks/multi-region-based latest
- version: 0.4.5
harness/timescaledb pg13-ts2.6-oss-latest_IB
- version: 0.4.5
phoorichet/runpod-worker-sd-xl-1-0 latest
- version: 0.4.5
abcdesktopio/ntlm_auth ubuntu.22.04
- version: 0.4.5
pwuerzberg/kidney_unet_test 1.7.7.all
- version: 0.4.5
madiator2011/pix2pix_chatbot latest
Orginal repo:
- version: 0.4.5
tcfwbper/daisy-udacity v0.5.1-pytorch2.0.0-ue
- version: 0.4.5
iortx41/pytorch-trainer 1
- version: 0.4.5
asiaskpolly/cosine_similarity 1
- version: 0.4.5
getrektx/dreambooth-upload-fixed-2 latest
- version: 0.4.5
amole2e/nvidia-pytorch 23.06-py-03
- version: 0.4.5
yibolu96/lyra-chatglm-env 0.0.1
- version: 0.4.5
asiaskpolly/topicmodelling 1
- version: 0.4.5