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Package Usage : pypi : pytest-workflow
Explore the latest package usage data for pytest-workflow in the pypi ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 8
Total downloads: 34,079
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bactopia/bactopia 2.2.0
- version: 1.6.0
nfcore/gitpod 3.0.2
- version: 2.0.1
nfcore/tools 3.0.2
Python package with helper tools for the nf-core community.
- version: 2.0.1
doejgi/wdl-test 2023-09-07
- version: 2.0.1, 2.0.0
ontresearch/wf-amplicon sha0ba67476938520e6f132759780d0a0e902925c59
- version: 2.0.1
chriswyatt/seqera_training latest
- version: 1.6.0
ontresearch/wf-somatic-snp shaaf35fcd44952929294fd39f7c22dc9c4b7f95f0e
- version: 2.0.1
ontresearch/wf-somatic-methyl shaeb8f5280b11211ca331f909cc64603d9ae433fee
- version: 2.0.1