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Package Usage : pypi : pkginfo
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Total dependents: 3,005
Total downloads: 1,827,563,506
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jcoffi/cluster-anywhere cu118
This is a work in progress and it doesn't work yet. It is based on, mesh VPN, and CrateDB.
- version: 1.9.2
firemindltd/base-install-docker-image-base f53bbcf
- version: 1.8.3
certbot/dns-cloudxns v1.32.2
Official build of EFF's Certbot with its plugin for doing DNS challenges using CloudXNS.
- version: 1.9.2
hexletboy/python_basics_arithmetics_exercise 76142
- version: 1.8.3
hexletboy/python_basics_logical_operations_exercise 75840
- version: 1.8.3
gesiscss/binder-danielfrg-2djupyter-2dflex-c23581 5d618204c338b82e708dc3cbc562ea69e5d554ee
- version: 1.7.0
certbot/dns-sakuracloud v2.8.0
Official build of EFF's Certbot with its plugin for doing DNS challenges using Sakura Cloud.
- version: 1.9.6
hexletboy/bash_env_exercise 73294
- version: 1.8.3
hexletboy/python_lists_slices_exercise 73971
- version: 1.8.3
hexletboy/python_dicts_sets_exercise 69763
- version: 1.8.3
hexletboy/python_functions_more_decorators_exercise 75603
- version: 1.8.3
hasura/ci-util 666ccfcddf4675b1a8e07adab87d4a8813cdd093a0ab730c66f2c9ddd1e9484d
- version: 1.8.3
hexletboy/python_trees_manipulations_exercise 70163
- version: 1.8.3
hexletboy/python_functions_real_map_filter_reduce_exercise 76085
- version: 1.8.3
hilster/build_manylinux2014_i686 2021-05-01
- version: 1.7.0
hexletboy/python_basics_strings_exercise 75873
- version: 1.8.3
gitpod/workspace-dotnet-vnc 2022-02-28-07-35-26
Based on workspace-full-vnc this image adds .NET support
- version: 1.8.2
certbot/dns-gehirn v2.8.0
Official build of EFF's Certbot with its plugin for doing DNS challenges using Gehirn.
- version: 1.9.6
rapidsai/citestwheel cuda11.8.0-ubuntu20.04-py3.10
- version: 1.9.6
pfeiffermax/uvicorn-poetry 3.2.0-python3.12.0-slim-bookworm
Docker image with Uvicorn ASGI server for running Python web applications on Kubernetes.
- version: 1.9.6
takelwerk/takelage 0.66.3
- version: 1.9.6
hilster/build_manylinux_2_24_aarch64 2023-02-25
- version: 1.8.3
hexletboy/python_dicts_syntax_exercise 70884
- version: 1.8.3
hexletboy/python_data_abstraction_abstractions_exercise 72608
- version: 1.8.3
hexletboy/python_functions_high_order_functions_exercise 71382
- version: 1.8.3
hexletboy/python_functions_map_filter_reduce_exercise 73783
- version: 1.8.3
hexletboy/python_basics_statements_exercise 75499
- version: 1.8.3
hexletboy/python_lists_reference_exercise 74187
- version: 1.8.3
panubo/postgres-toolbox 2.5.0
PostgreSQL Toolbox for Docker
- version: 1.8.3
hexletboy/python_declarative_programming_approaches_exercise 73853
- version: 1.8.3
hexletboy/python_declarative_programming_list_comprehensions_exercise 72407
- version: 1.8.3
firemindltd/base-install-docker-image-terraform f53bbcf
- version: 1.8.3
hexletboy/ansible_playbook_exercise 74382
- version: 1.8.3
metametricsinc/mmdock3.11 npm-14
- version: 1.9.6
govpf/openfisca-pf feature_fin_cps_alpha_1
Images OpenFisca du gouvernement de la Polynésie Française
- version: 1.9.6
camptocamp/c2cciutils 1455
- version: 1.9.6, 1.8.3
blockstream/gcloud-docker-tf 1.5.7
- version: 1.8.3
hexletboy/python_dicts_set_methods_exercise 75376
- version: 1.8.3
hexletboy/python_functions_closures_exercise 74271
- version: 1.8.3
- version: 1.9.6, 1.8.3
hexletboy/ansible_inventory_vars_exercise 73299
- version: 1.8.3
hexletboy/python_basics_for_exercise 74443
- version: 1.8.3
gitpod/workspace-flutter legacy-dazzle-v1
- version: 1.7.1
bitriseio/android-ndk-20.04 v2023_12_14-11_06-b1729
- version: 1.8.3
hexletboy/python_basics_functions_return_exercise 75807
- version: 1.8.3
ultralytics/ultralytics 8.0.229
Ultralytics YOLOv8 Docker Images
- version: 1.8.3, 1.9.6
hexletboy/python_oop_basics_exceptions_exercise 74011
- version: 1.8.3
oliver006/drone-gcf v1.25.0
Drone-GCF - a plugin to deploy Google Cloud Functions
- version: 1.8.3
firemindltd/base-install-docker-image-nodejs f53bbcf
- version: 1.8.3
hexletboy/ansible_inventory_exercise 73297
- version: 1.8.3
gitpod/workspace-yugabytedb-preview 2023-10-06-16-22-14
- version: 1.9.2, 1.9.6
hexletboy/python_data_abstraction_invariants_exercise 70238
- version: 1.8.3