An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : pypi : pkginfo
Explore the latest package usage data for pkginfo in the pypi ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 3,005
Total downloads: 1,827,563,506
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cimg/azure 2023.12.1
- version: 1.8.2
redislabs/ng-ci-runner 83bb607b85e873c488e621b913a94854
- version: 1.9.3
jetbrains/qodana-python 2023.2
Qodana for Python projects
- version: 1.9.6
broadinstitute/horsefish pgs_visualizations_dev
- version: 1.8.3
hexletboy/bash_pipe_exercise 73293
- version: 1.8.3
rapidfort/airflow-worker 2.7
RapidFort optimized, hardened image for Apache Airflow Worker
- version: 1.9.6
rapidfort/airflow-scheduler 2.7.1-debian-11-r28-rfstub
RapidFort optimized, hardened image for Apache Airflow Scheduler
- version: 1.9.6
mirekphd/ml-cpu-py38-jup-cust 20230623
- version: 1.9.6
asappinc/python-39-ci b7a8a13e711d8a7fefcc50ec442f8f9798d0519d
- version: 1.9.6, 1.9.2
mirekphd/ml-cpu-py37-jup-cust 20230107
- version: 1.9.3
gitpod/workspace-python 2023-11-21-19-01-08
- version: 1.9.6
hexletboy/python_basics_tuples_exercise 75774
- version: 1.8.3
rancher/hyperkube-base v0.0.19
- version: 1.8.2
certbot/dns-linode v2.8.0
Official build of EFF's Certbot with its plugin for doing DNS challenges using Linode.
- version: 1.9.6
certbot/dns-dnsmadeeasy v2.8.0
Official build of EFF's Certbot with its plugin for doing DNS challenges using DNS Made Easy.
- version: 1.9.6
hexletboy/python_basics_packages_exercise 75466
- version: 1.8.3
sagebots/circleci-docker-image commit-28f223ffcb6674e8c0a4cd560bc466113ebfe6e7
Contains the Dockerfile for building the Docker image used by Circle CI for Sage AI's repositories.
- version: 1.8.2
rapidfort/airflow 2.7
RapidFort optimized, hardened image for Apache Airflow
- version: 1.9.6
dhrp/tools full
This is essentially a kit of my basic tools.
- version: 1.8.3
bitriseio/android-20.04 v2023_12_14-10_22-b1729
- version: 1.8.3
juliensnz/node-gcp-terraform latest
- version: 1.8.3
dfinity/ic-build c09c09c9b48ca3ad09407c1cc8fa3e9483954ee046c64d23410d88b23f95e2f3
Docker container for building the Internet Computer
- version: 1.8.3
riftbit/protoc tools-22
Protobuf, gRPC and plugins containers
- version: 1.9.2
hexletboy/bash_alias_exercise 73295
- version: 1.8.3
zenika/alpine-firestore-backup 458.0.1
Image that performs Firestore backups based on Alpine Google Cloud SDK image.
- version: 1.8.3
gitpod/dazzle-wsfull-build merged-7bd4de1d505ad84e7d8762c97d3f403065a9d08afd9b685b99edd1d1178f8954
- version: 1.7.1
hexletboy/python_basics_hello_world_exercise 75567
- version: 1.8.3
vanallenlab/sv-pipeline filter_gt_029fa3b
- version: 1.8.3
gitpod/workspace-yugabytedb 2023-08-30-14-07-38
- version: 1.9.2, 1.8.3, 1.9.6
certbot/dns-nsone v2.8.0
Official build of EFF's Certbot with its plugin for doing DNS challenges using NS1.
- version: 1.9.6
mirekphd/ml-gpu-py38-cuda112-cust 20230623
- version: 1.9.6
oliver006/drone-cloud-run v0.9.0
A drone plugin to deploy Google Cloud Run containers.
- version: 1.8.3
giantswarm/vpa-certgen-ci-images v14.0-alpine-openssl
- version: 1.8.3
weisburd/impute_sample_metadata latest
- version: 1.8.3
takelwerk/takelbuild 0.66.3
- version: 1.9.6
gitpod/workspace-python-3.8 2023-12-21-11-39-51
- version: 1.9.6
gitpod/workspace-nix 2023-12-21-11-39-51
- version: 1.9.6, 1.9.2
groupbyinc/datastore-emulator 2.0.0
- version: 1.8.3
gitpod/workspace-python-3.7 2023-08-19-14-41-20
- version: 1.9.6
certbot/dns-luadns v2.8.0
Official build of EFF's Certbot with its plugin for doing DNS challenges using LuaDNS.
- version: 1.9.6
zenika/alpine-appengine-java latest
AppEngine Java Docker Images built on Google CloudSDK Alpine Linux
- version: 1.8.3
hilster/build_manylinux_2_24_x86_64 2023-02-25
- version: 1.8.3
emundo/ci-base helm-3
- version: 1.8.3
bactopia/bactopia latest
- version: 1.8.3
jess/gcloud latest
- version: 1.8.3
hexletboy/ansible_ad_hoc_exercise 73291
- version: 1.8.3
hexletboy/python_dicts_updating_exercise 72243
- version: 1.8.3
hexletboy/python_lists_creation_exercise 74576
- version: 1.8.3
gitpod/workspace-postgresql 2022-06-09-18-13-52
- version: 1.8.2
jcoffi/cluster-anywhere cu118
This is a work in progress and it doesn't work yet. It is based on, mesh VPN, and CrateDB.
- version: 1.9.2