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Package Usage : pypi : pickleshare
Explore the latest package usage data for pickleshare in the pypi ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 6,355
Total downloads: 956,581,628
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hexletboy/python_basics_tuples_exercise 75774
- version: 0.7.5
certbot/dns-linode v2.8.0
Official build of EFF's Certbot with its plugin for doing DNS challenges using Linode.
- version: 0.7.5
harisekhon/tools ubuntu
Hundreds of DevOps CLI tools, programs and scripts from my top repos
- version: 0.7.5
certbot/dns-dnsmadeeasy v2.8.0
Official build of EFF's Certbot with its plugin for doing DNS challenges using DNS Made Easy.
- version: 0.7.5
bafss2020/py_async latest
only for lapoire
- version: 0.7.5
hexletboy/python_basics_packages_exercise 75466
- version: 0.7.5
rapidfort/airflow 2.7
RapidFort optimized, hardened image for Apache Airflow
- version: 0.7.5
nwodtuhs/exegol web-3.1.2
Exegol is a ready-to-hack docker, fully configured and operationnal for bug bounty and engagements
- version: 0.7.5
gesiscss/binder-calysto-2dcalysto-5fscheme-1986f9 201f544d55209c7842c9dcf5944f57feb7518bbb
- version: 0.7.5
huggingface/transformers-tensorflow-gpu 4.36.2
- version: 0.7.5
hexletboy/bash_alias_exercise 73295
- version: 0.7.5
ocdr/dkube-datascience-rs-tf-cpu-multiuser v2.6-18
- version: 0.7.5
ocdr/dkube-datascience-tf-cpu-multiuser v2.6.0-tiji-test
- version: 0.7.5
bafss2020/py_stable latest
- version: 0.7.5
hexletboy/python_basics_hello_world_exercise 75567
- version: 0.7.5
gitpod/workspace-yugabytedb 2023-08-30-14-07-38
- version: 0.7.5
hepdata/hepdata 251a863
Main HEPData web application
- version: 0.7.5
certbot/dns-nsone v2.8.0
Official build of EFF's Certbot with its plugin for doing DNS challenges using NS1.
- version: 0.7.5
mirekphd/ml-gpu-py38-cuda112-cust 20230623
- version: 0.7.5
mesosphere/redshift_etl update-bucket
- version: 0.7.4
kartoza/geonode v4.1.x
- version: 0.7.5
xfdywy/work py37pt1110mj200gpurl_sing
- version: 0.7.5
kaixhin/cuda-torch 7.5
Ubuntu Core 14.04 + CUDA + Torch7 (including iTorch).
- version: 0.7.4
gitpod/workspace-python-3.8 2023-12-21-11-39-51
- version: 0.7.5
jupyterhub/jupyterhub-demo 4.0.2
Demo JupyterHub Docker image with a quick overview of what JupyterHub is and how it works
- version: 0.7.5
gitpod/workspace-python-3.7 2023-08-19-14-41-20
- version: 0.7.5
dclong/jupyterhub 4.0_122501
JupyterHub in Docker.
- version: 0.7.5
huggingface/transformers-all-latest-gpu latest
- version: 0.7.5
aiidateam/aiida-core 2.3.1
The official Docker image for the AiiDA code
- version: 0.7.5
certbot/dns-luadns v2.8.0
Official build of EFF's Certbot with its plugin for doing DNS challenges using LuaDNS.
- version: 0.7.5
huggingface/transformers-cpu 4.18.0
- version: 0.7.5
kaixhin/cuda-caffe 8.0
Ubuntu Core 14.04 + CUDA + Caffe.
- version: 0.7.4
hexletboy/ansible_ad_hoc_exercise 73291
- version: 0.7.5
hexletboy/python_dicts_updating_exercise 72243
- version: 0.7.5
hexletboy/python_lists_creation_exercise 74576
- version: 0.7.5
gesiscss/binder-spatialaudio-2dnbsphinx-72289e cc0d838a942a06d5b4376392b0df9d8fa1f0a2b6
- version: 0.7.5
ocdr/d3-datascience-pytorch-cpu v1.9-18
- version: 0.7.5
jcoffi/cluster-anywhere cu118
This is a work in progress and it doesn't work yet. It is based on, mesh VPN, and CrateDB.
- version: 0.7.5
hilster/htf-community 4.0.4-windows-amd64
- version: 0.7.5
certbot/dns-cloudxns v1.32.2
Official build of EFF's Certbot with its plugin for doing DNS challenges using CloudXNS.
- version: 0.7.5
hexletboy/python_basics_arithmetics_exercise 76142
- version: 0.7.5
hexletboy/python_basics_logical_operations_exercise 75840
- version: 0.7.5
ocdr/studyjob-metrics-collector 4.0.1
- version: 0.7.5
gesiscss/binder-danielfrg-2djupyter-2dflex-c23581 5d618204c338b82e708dc3cbc562ea69e5d554ee
- version: 0.7.5
certbot/dns-sakuracloud v2.8.0
Official build of EFF's Certbot with its plugin for doing DNS challenges using Sakura Cloud.
- version: 0.7.5
hexletboy/bash_env_exercise 73294
- version: 0.7.5
hexletboy/python_lists_slices_exercise 73971
- version: 0.7.5
hexletboy/python_dicts_sets_exercise 69763
- version: 0.7.5
hexletboy/python_functions_more_decorators_exercise 75603
- version: 0.7.5
hexletboy/python_trees_manipulations_exercise 70163
- version: 0.7.5
bitnami/inc-intel 1.14.2-debian-11-r9
- version: 0.7.5
hexletboy/python_functions_real_map_filter_reduce_exercise 76085
- version: 0.7.5