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Package Usage : pypi : opentelemetry-api
Explore the latest package usage data for opentelemetry-api in the pypi ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 1,039
Total downloads: 392,257,358
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apache/airflow 2.10.2
Apache Airflow
- version: 1.20.0
bitnami/airflow 2.10.1
Bitnami container image for Apache Airflow
- version: 1.20.0, 1.18.0
bitnami/airflow-worker 2.10.2
🛑 DEPRECATED Bitnami container image for Apache Airflow Worker
- version: 1.18.0, 1.15.0, 1.20.0
bitnami/airflow-scheduler 2.10.2
Bitnami container image for Apache Airflow Scheduler
- version: 1.20.0, 1.18.0
anyscale/ray-ml 2.38.0
- version: 1.1.0
acryldata/datahub-actions v0.1.9
- version: 1.20.0
grafana/oncall v1.13.4
- version: 1.15.0
tensorflow/tfx 1.15.1
- version: 1.1.0, 1.17.0, 1.19.0
labs47b/output_file_injector dev-develop-2169
- version: 1.15.0
pulp/pulp-ci-centos 3.46.0
Base image for Pulp 3
- version: 1.16.0, 1.17.0
baserow/baserow 1.30.1
All in one docker image for Baserow, open source no-code database tool and Airtable alternative
- version: 1.17.0, 1.15.0
pulp/pulp 3.68.0
Pulp 3 with all compatible plugins.
- version: 1.19.0, 1.16.0
jinahub/0hnlmu3q 6441efddc83ddceb52a22631
- version: 1.16.0
acryldata/datahub-ingestion-base c398ff8-slim
Base image for datahub-ingestion containers
- version: 1.20.0
jinahub/hubble-normalizer v0.14.1
- version: 1.14.0
jinahub/vlxgoxlv 63f767a79c6406e1924429fe
- version: 1.15.0
nwodtuhs/exegol web-3.1.5
Exegol is a ready-to-hack docker, fully configured and operationnal for bug bounty and engagements
- version: 1.18.0
jinahub/zb38xlt4 6445e5b806549531f2591e05
- version: 1.15.0
jinahub/u9pqs8eb 64434e97fa7381b06a108e83
- version: 1.15.0, 1.16.0
jinahub/c6focg47 643924a8dd1be691626c16b5
- version: 1.15.0
jinahub/2a7auwg2 643fbe79a7d19ac4beabed4d
- version: 1.16.0
jinahub/d45rawx6 642ad5b3644b78c347ab3b98
- version: 1.15.0
jcoffi/cluster-anywhere cu121
This is a work in progress and it doesn't work yet. It is based on, mesh VPN, and CrateDB.
- version: 1.1.0
jinahub/ciloeo4n 6439364244670cccf4783990
- version: 1.16.0
jinahub/scdc6dop 64351d921e726d85198a7867
- version: 1.16.0
labs47b/data_exporter dev-develop-2019
- version: 1.15.0
labs47b/candor_plugin PF_v1.22.0_rc
- version: 1.15.0
omegaup/frontend-sidecar 3e4792f3bc203f43257b0202eaa1b856cd511929
- version: 1.18.0
labs47b/ner_extractor dev-develop-2117
- version: 1.15.0
jinahub/9o9yjq1q 6439367cc960eddc73ec917f
- version: 1.16.0
labs47b/file_hash_sync PF_v1.22.0_rc
- version: 1.15.0
labs47b/metadata_extractor PF_v1.22.0_rc
- version: 1.15.0
projectmonai/monailabel 0.8.0
- version: 1.17.0
jinahub/gzpbl8jh 64418641c502956d8f689f7f
- version: 1.15.0
jinahub/k3bptin5 64241e595f271d1707e1c6d5
- version: 1.14.0
jinahub/dzrova7k 6401e8c181482da794700cb2
- version: 1.15.0
jinahub/lb8dbppn 641c46eb96e2a26cbe946a61
- version: 1.13.0
jinahub/f4d22e1r 6442e675fa7381b06a106c95
- version: 1.15.0
jinahub/i7asjny7 63b7bf11a064d32da2abcacd
- version: 1.14.0
jinahub/pn1qofsj 64342afa1e726d85198a5416
- version: 1.13.0
jinahub/u7h7cuh2 641cee32f11c2d0d0d0f778d
- version: 1.15.0
jinahub/3atsazub 643cec2c6330f7fe0023c2da
- version: 1.14.0
jinahub/awl0jxog 63dd51b59a5cd96444c3faf8
- version: 1.15.0
labs47b/tcx_plugin PF_v1.21.3_rc
- version: 1.15.0
datadog/dd-lib-python-init v2.18.1
- version: 1.19.0
jinahub/2hgojz3z 6447e8329d5cdc8d1f104ea5
- version: 1.17.0, 1.16.0
jinahub/w5w084h7 644780ef2f5a9fe68f80bb26
- version: 1.16.0
jinahub/ihlff59i 6379be5ccf26415ffd8167fb
- version: 1.14.0
jinahub/xlk4q4qk 6448c4c190c6756d18186424
- version: 1.15.0
lexicalunit/spellbot latest
The Discord bot for SpellTable.
- version: 1.22.0
jinahub/7yypg8qk 643e14be6330f7fe002442f2
- version: 1.14.0
timescale/promscale-demo-upper latest
- version: 1.8.0
timescale/promscale-demo-generator latest
- version: 1.8.0
timescale/promscale-demo-load latest
- version: 1.8.0
timescale/promscale-demo-special latest
- version: 1.8.0
timescale/promscale-demo-digit latest
- version: 1.8.0
labs47b/table_extractor PF_v1.22.3
- version: 1.15.0
jinahub/gzhiwmgg 6430499d1e726d851989cc27
- version: 1.14.0
pulp/pulp-minimal 3.68.1
- version: 1.19.0
jinahub/il1len3k 63fdf64c0b88435223b47f61
- version: 1.14.0
jinahub/jdb3vkgo 63de4bec7662233070f83ca2
- version: 1.13.0
jinahub/1aio8525 643972e4c960eddc73ecbf23
- version: 1.17.0, 1.15.0
hystax/auth 8b77567abe4c2f4f59245b3f6822b1cc25ef3457
- version: 1.18.0
jinahub/ki05qkcw 63c80661abe629a625c1ba5a
- version: 1.14.0
hystax/configurator cef8697a82eec08f72877e0dcc021a366ade28c6
- version: 1.18.0
hystax/herald ea051256923964193854b63323895e9e27eb1668
- version: 1.18.0
avadhutp123/loadgenerator latest
- version: 1.17.0
hystax/katara_service ba546250d48a98047c9885fffad383630b61a83d
- version: 1.18.0
hystax/slacker 4e1a0496cb16409f5355ed5e420b0a868c17efaa
- version: 1.18.0
jinahub/cjdseojc 63eb3a3d3647f028ecb69cdc
- version: 1.14.0
jinahub/nflcyqe2 63e023539a5cd96444c44b2a
- version: 1.15.0