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Package Usage : pypi : nvidia-cuda-nvrtc-cu11
Explore the latest package usage data for nvidia-cuda-nvrtc-cu11 in the pypi ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 1,125
Total downloads: 2,942,195
More details on - JSON
jaysoftware/optico-aoq_detector latest
- version: 11.7.99
aic1mtc/aic-1-mtc-competition 0.1
- version: 11.7.99
mozzipa/rp-trs 1.0.0
- version: 11.7.99
peavers/string-similarity latest
- version: 11.7.99
inferenceteam/executor-blip2-lm 0.2.3-gpu
- version: 11.7.99
cervante/automatic-customdeliberate 1.0.2
- version: 11.7.99
imcapsule/ai-human-api-base v2.7.1
- version: 11.7.99
rahuldocker122/my-flask-app latest
- version: 11.7.99
madiator2011/pix2pix_chatbot latest
Orginal repo:
- version: 11.7.99
storytek/stable-diffusion-nf latest
- version: 11.7.99
macklinrw/finetuning v2.9-mixtral
- version: 11.7.99
supportermaker/perfectworld v1.2
- version: 11.7.99
corabelster/magicai-13 v1
- version: 11.7.99
jjdelvalle/xmodanalysis 21.07-py3.v0.11
- version: 11.7.99
cqxmzz/lean foundation
- version: 11.7.99
sshtin/tts-vits-ref latest
- version: 11.7.99
bopiaknugget/mum-textgen latest
- version: 11.7.99
somduttasinha/services-base dev-latest
- version: 11.7.99
consu91/holdit_docker latest
- version: 11.7.99
jpoles1/text-generation-webui qwopqwop200
- version: 11.7.99
vvivek26/llama2-7b latest
- version: 11.7.99
eric11eca/meta_kg_8 latest
- version: 11.7.99
obebete/lama-cleaner gpu-1.2.0
- version: 11.7.99
modelzai/gradio-baize 23.04.6
- version: 11.7.99
minujoseph/mlops-new-python3.10 latest
- version: 11.7.99
noname1705/backend latest
- version: 11.7.99
demosvictorium/m-memory-plugin latest
- version: 11.7.99
openmined/grid-node-jupyter beta
- version: 11.7.99
artsiom24091/algorithms_torch v0.3.5
- version: 11.7.99
yusuf007r/exllama-worker lastest
- version: 11.7.99
shrekrisanyscale/ray-hf latest
- version: 11.7.99
julesbarbosa/load_hub v11
- version: 11.7.99
getrektx/dreambooth-upload-fixed-2 latest
- version: 11.7.99
iaross/mpnet_endpoint latest
- version: 11.7.99
virson/langchain-chatllm-webui latest
- version: 11.7.99
anpiz/realcheck latest
- version: 11.7.99
dockerforlifetime/new_model latest
- version: 11.7.99
jorghi21/vllm_az latest
- version: 11.7.99
abilalzengin/flaskapp 20231101161604
- version: 11.7.99
thayes427/evolutionaryscale db9d33
- version: 11.7.99
searchblox/pretext-entity v1
pretext endpoint for entity
- version: 11.7.99
phact/vector-supremacy latest
- version: 11.7.99
stawky/chatglm2-m3e latest
- version: 11.7.99
openxpu/chatglm2-6b v1.0
- version: 11.7.99
welaicloud/python_ibmfunction_pdf_ocr_easyocr v1.6
- version: 11.7.99
sudochris/controlnet v7
- version: 11.7.99
huyenha/tortoise-tts latest
- version: 11.7.99
garystafford/langflow 0.3.3
- version: 11.7.99
circa10a/cv-notifier v0.1.9
- version: 11.7.99
inferenceteam/executor-blip2-qformer 0.0.6
- version: 11.7.99
questiowo/perceiver-io-optimisation latest
- version: 11.7.99
2316980y/chaos_analysis latest
- version: 11.7.99
coolcalmflex/metaflow-http-prediction-run latest
- version: 11.7.99
jawwada/dash-azure 1.0.1
- version: 11.7.99
megaease/stable-diffusion-webui v2
- version: 11.7.99
hwnam831/mxcontainer v2
- version: 11.7.99
tmpbin/python-ai 3.10-v3
- version: 11.7.99
mrloldev/dreamlike-photoreal latest
- version: 11.7.99
ykilcher/text-generation-inference latest
- version: 11.7.99
sattttto/ml-server 1.0.0
- version: 11.7.99
anoophpe/app-qa 6.0
- version: 11.7.99
liquid72/ghdepapi latest
- version: 11.7.99
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-diyclassics-2dexploratory-2dphilology-2ddickinson-4b7287 c8c5df62a862112dbb376b5952439b7d122b8e2d
- version: 11.7.99
anujn1/rlhf-runpod 1.0.9
- version: 11.7.99
andreimihai/vllm-rest 0.1.46
- version: 11.7.99
dsistudio/unetstudio sun-2023-12-14
- version: 11.7.99
qaingenieros/imageservice 1.5
- version: 11.7.99
bpimages/gcastle 1.0.3
- version: 11.7.99
ruiliao/torch_cuda cuda116
- version: 11.7.99
nakiradu77/k8s-image-recognition-descrivizio001 latest
- version: 11.7.99
withmuse111/add_detail 1.0.0
- version: 11.7.99
smly/mjai-client v3
- version: 11.7.99
yaowei1024/evaluation 0.5
- version: 11.7.99
salktech/tiktok-bot 1.4.0
TikTok Bot for Reddit Posts
- version: 11.7.99
zudio8/pawsandpencilsv2 latest
- version: 11.7.99
jorghi21/vllm_llama2_13b_streaming latest
- version: 11.7.99
archlygame/replace-by-prompt v0.17
- version: 11.7.99
aiastia/moegoe master
- version: 11.7.99
kamwoh/threestudio v0.4.2
- version: 11.7.99
mbvofdocker/kw-extractor latest
- version: 11.7.99
7007416/sch latest
- version: 11.7.99
bopiaknugget/nugget-brav5-asian 0.1
- version: 11.7.99
bewithmeallmylife/mini-gpt4-runtime-cuda-10.2 1.0.0
- version: 11.7.99
liuyubian/lightstage v15
- version: 11.7.99
kboyd117/dockersd 19.0
- version: 11.7.99
nithinibhandari1999/runpod_bloomz_560m v2
- version: 11.7.99
nethermanpro/azureml v1
- version: 11.7.99
modelzai/vllm-llama-2-7b-hf 23.09.4
- version: 11.7.99
jleifeld/serverless-dreambooth-v1 latest
- version: 11.7.99
bellefroid/s_binary_segmentation_unet_predict v1.1.0
- version: 11.7.99
lalayants/raskat_ur_o3d latest
- version: 11.7.99
aceembedded/vgpt-backend latest
- version: 11.7.99
digitalhigh/dreambooth latest
Use this one
- version: 11.7.99
brofessor/qr_fastsd v1.15
- version: 11.7.99
mbaushenko/first 16.0
- version: 11.7.99
voicifyai/voicify-rvc-fusion latest
- version: 11.7.99
linlinseo/rwkv-v4neo_lin w10_v4neo
- version: 11.7.99
cbica/aws-nichart-pipelines 0.0.5
- version: 11.7.99
braingeneers/job-launcher latest
- version: 11.7.99