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Package Usage : pypi : mrcfile
Explore the latest package usage data for mrcfile in the pypi ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 23
Total downloads: 5,325
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almahmoud/galaxy bioc2023
- version: 1.3.0
almahmoud/galaxy-its latest
- version: 1.3.0
yuewuust/nvidia-pytorch 1.12.0-py3-our-v4
- version: 1.4.3
deeptimhe/ubuntu18.04-cuda11.3.1-python3.7-pytorch1.12 orig-sing-amlt9.9.2-pytorch3d0.7.0-tensorflow1.15
- version: 1.4.3
pkufjhdocker/rid-kit latest
This is the repository for doing reinforced dynamics in molecular simulation.
- version: 1.4.2
dockerymh/promod3 0.0.3
- version: 1.3.0
dockerymh/loopopt 0.0.3
- version: 1.4.3
openbiosim/biosimspace 2023.1.1
OpenBioSim default BioSimSpace container (see
- version: 1.4.3
openbiosim/notebook 2023.5.1.2
This is the container that is behind the notebook service
- version: 1.4.3
firesimulations/autodocking 2023.1.3
Molecular docking arrangement build on miniconda3.
- version: 1.4.3
arith3/3dgan torch2.1.0-cuda11.8-cudnn8
- version: 1.4.3
orioncohen/pymatgen_openmm_gpu latest
- version: 1.4.3
ytdai2022/placement v2
- version: 1.4.3
jinjingzhao/sing rocm-6.1
- version: 1.4.3
jakefennick/align_protein_ca_mda latest
- version: 1.4.3
renfengbo/ddmd latest
- version: 1.4.2
slaclab/cryonettorch latest
- version: 1.3.0
khoshbin/magellon-main-service latest
- version: 1.4.3
pythonf/zndraw latest
- version: 1.4.3
nathanweeks/galaxy-min-openshift 23.1
- version: 1.4.3
pcm32/galaxy-min 22.05_node
- version: 1.3.0