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Package Usage : pypi : mod-wsgi
Explore the latest package usage data for mod-wsgi in the pypi ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 52
Total downloads: 179,455
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fnndsc/chris_store 2.2.1
Docker image for ChRIS plugin apps store.
- version: 4.9.3
fnndsc/cube 6.1.0
ChRIS backend
- version: 4.9.3
exastro/exastro-platform-api 1.9.0
- version: 4.7.1
exastro/exastro-platform-auth 1.9.0
- version: 4.7.1
exastro/exastro-it-automation-by-menu-create 2.5.2
- version: 4.7.1
exastro/exastro-it-automation-by-conductor-synchronize 2.4.2
- version: 4.7.1
exastro/exastro-it-automation-api-admin 2.5.1
- version: 4.7.1
exastro/exastro-it-automation-api-organization 2.5.0
- version: 4.7.1
exastro/exastro-it-automation-by-ansible-execute 2.5.1
- version: 4.7.1
exastro/exastro-it-automation-by-ansible-legacy-role-vars-listup 2.5.1
- version: 4.7.1
exastro/exastro-it-automation-by-ansible-towermaster-sync 2.5.2
- version: 4.7.1
exastro/exastro-platform-job 1.9.0
- version: 4.7.1
oawofolu/tanzu-data-tap 20240531.0543
- version: 4.9.1.dev1
exastro/exastro-platform-migration 1.9.0
- version: 4.7.1
exastro/ita-menu-api 0.1.0_20220519_02_apache
- version: 4.7.1
momoadcch/pyspark-notebook v3.2.0-py39
- version: 4.6.8
exastro/oase-web v1.7.0
- version: 4.9.2
exastro/ita-api-gateway 0.1.0_20220421_01
- version: 4.7.1
exastro/exastro-it-automation-by-terraform-cli-execute 2.5.2
- version: 4.7.1
exastro/exastro-it-automation-by-cicd-for-iac 2.5.2
- version: 4.7.1
oawofolu/tanzu-data-tap-workshop latest
- version: 4.9.1.dev1
evolbioinfo/lsd-web latest
Least-Squares Dating (LSD) estimates rates and dates from phylogenies using least-squares method
- version: 4.6.5
oawofolu/eduk8s-062021 latest
- version: 4.8.0
oawofolu/learning-platform-image latest
- version: 4.9.1.dev1
infrahelpers/tvlsim ubuntu
Travel Market Simulator
- version: 4.6.4
aryan1090/test-proj v2.0
- version: 4.6.6
d0ckers0ichir0/teenytinybot-ap latest
- version: 4.9.4
shiota2021/platform_api scantest
- version: 4.7.1
jackwaskito/fipserver latest
- version: 4.7.1
openeuler/openeuler-binary-keystone-base rocky-20.03-lts-sp2
- version: 4.6.4
dciangot/renew-tb v1-pre7
- version: 4.7.1
lb584/willow latest
- version: 4.9.3
dukematsci/prod-kgapp 3.6.0
- version: 4.9.0
osscore/hostvm-vdi 3.0
- version: 4.7.1
ajayrudresh/s2i-minimal-notebook 3.6-v3
- version: 4.6.8
exastro/exastro-it-automation-by-ansible-legacy-vars-listup 2.5.2
- version: 4.7.1
exastro/exastro-it-automation-by-ansible-pioneer-vars-listup 2.5.1
- version: 4.7.1
exastro/exastro-it-automation-by-hostgroup-split 2.5.0
- version: 4.7.1
exastro/exastro-it-automation-by-terraform-cloud-ep-execute 2.5.1
- version: 4.7.1
exastro/exastro-it-automation-by-excel-export-import 2.5.2
- version: 4.7.1
exastro/exastro-it-automation-by-terraform-cli-vars-listup 2.5.2
- version: 4.7.1
exastro/exastro-it-automation-by-collector 2.5.0
- version: 4.7.1
exastro/exastro-it-automation-by-menu-export-import 2.5.1
- version: 4.7.1
exastro/exastro-it-automation-by-terraform-cloud-ep-vars-listup 2.5.1
- version: 4.7.1
exastro/exastro-it-automation-by-conductor-regularly 2.5.0
- version: 4.7.1
dciangot/fts-cron-cygno v1
- version: 4.7.1
wolnypl/hello v3
Apache on port 80 with hello world app at "http://[address]/hello
- version: 4.7.1
projectescape/iam-rucio-sync latest
- version: 4.7.1
garrettatell/atell-speech-api latest
- version: 4.9.3
thysk/renew-fts-cron v0.4
- version: 4.7.1