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Package Usage : pypi : mashumaro
Explore the latest package usage data for mashumaro in the pypi ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 72
Total downloads: 6,409,687
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materialize/dbt-materialize v0.114.1
- version: 3.3.1
apache/devlake v1.0.1
Apache Devlake (Incubating) - Convenience Binaries
- version: 2.9, 2.0
comsatel/airflow 2.7.1
- version: 3.3.1
airbyte/normalization-snowflake 0.4.3
- version: 2.9
airbyte/normalization-mysql 0.4.3
- version: 2.9
airbyte/normalization-mssql 0.4.3
- version: 2.9
airbyte/normalization-oracle 0.4.3
- version: 2.0
airbyte/normalization-clickhouse 0.4.3
- version: 3.3.1
airbyte/normalization-tidb 0.4.3
- version: 2.9
airbyte/destination-redshift 3.5.0
- version: 2.9
kenho811/dbt-transform release-5.8.6
Just a bunch of models for data warehouse
- version: 3.0.4
dview/airflow 2.9.3
- version: 3.0.4, 3.3.1
pingsutw/flytecookbook DH1uwxdaiAtHi2dsjF7rFw..
- version: 3.11
alligatorcompany/acs-elt-service 1.0.3
- version: 2.5
pingsutw/databricks v12
- version: 2.9
cloudcheflabs/dbt 1.2.2
- version: 2.9
airbyte/normalization-duckdb 0.4.3
- version: 2.9
hazmei/custom-meltano v2
- version: 3.0.4
neondatabase/dbt-pipeline 3db4cad
- version: 3.8.1, 3.0.4
pingsutw/flytekit A2ftZFueTAbrzYgpnFTX3g
- version: 3.10, 3.3.1, 3.11
jainaayush05/python-3.6-jessie latest
- version: 2.5
matrixji/alpine-dbt 0.0.1
- version: 3.0.4
scgps/scgps-airflow-dbt-image 1.2.0
- version: 2.9, 3.0.4
jainaayush05/python-3.9-slim-bullseye latest
- version: 2.9
pingsutw/backend-plugin-system v5
- version: 2.9
pingsutw/backend-plugin-system-grpc v1
- version: 2.9
jsacex/duckdb-linear-regression data
- version: 3.3.1
enginyauto/home-assistant latest
Home Assistant image with python-ldap3 added.
- version: 3.10
guidovries/airflow 3.8_datahub
- version: 3.0.4
dejiayinde/flyte_img_0810 e7eda1f1be39bca85358a99ef382cb9c82bfafda
- version: 2.9
madhuraju/gu-demo-test-synapse 262
- version: 3.0.4
pingsutw/pip-venv v7
- version: 2.9
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-riazarbi-2dzarbitrage-7c17d0 4341f5a8ec6b01d5952dca79d0a3cc96388c3de1
- version: 3.6
tiopramayudi/grpc-test 0.4
- version: 2.9
hhschu/dbt-image new
- version: 3.0.4
dejiayinde/flyte_img_0815 e7eda1f1be39bca85358a99ef382cb9c82bfafda
- version: 2.9
riazarbi/zarbitrage 20230523
- version: 3.6
mombrea/cn-bigquery-dbt v3
- version: 3.3.1
martinrask/upgrade first
- version: 3.0.4
fabianofpena/dbt-custom-transformation 3.0.0
- version: 3.3.1
codetolearn87/convera-dbt latest
- version: 3.6
dejiayinde/flyte_py3_8_13_b e7eda1f1be39bca85358a99ef382cb9c82bfafda
- version: 2.9
lucaseqt/api-flask latest
- version: 3.6
datazip/bi gocomet-edge-5444ebce
- version: 3.3.1
seandavi/dagster_code 01f8c87
- version: 3.3.1, 3.10
elestio/mage-ai 0.9.75
Mage-ai, verified and packaged by Elestio
- version: 3.3.1
edunext/aspects 1.3.0
Pre-built image of the Aspects data transform layer for the Open edX platform
- version: 3.3.1
hsouala/mageai 0.9.62-libssl1
- version: 3.3.1
yofipublicimages/airflow-image 1.1.0
- version: 3.6
article1dataops/dbt 1.6.7
dbt images maintained by Article 1 Data Ops Team
- version: 3.8.1
datacoves/ci-basic-dbt-snowflake 3.3.202412301926
- version: 3.0.4
brocolidata/dataplatform_lab main
- version: 3.6
insait/prefect-prod 0.1.51
- version: 3.8.1
coolcalmflex/metaflow-http-prediction-run latest
- version: 3.8.1
trantrongnghia1991/dbtdocker latest
- version: 3.3.1
kenho811/dbt release-6.2.1
- version: 3.0.4
rgbygc123/cara-api 5.6.6
- version: 3.6
tarjei400/airflow 2.6.3
- version: 3.6
fbmedium/flexs-app 715ec3c4696048-1512
- version: 2.9
paulkur/airflow 2.2.4
- version: 2.9
johnkangw/win-prefect-image 42e8ca1
- version: 3.10
neerajksen/8a79520f6fe4 10
- version: 3.3.1
dancyrusbio/flytekit kdNYzgVujBjkrC0kkQaYdw..
- version: 3.10
gscsuela/airflow 2.6.3-python3.8
- version: 3.3.1
rvasconcelossilva/data-mesh-tool latest
- version: 3.0.4, 2.9
gustavocorreiagonzalez/airflow-dags version-0.0.7
- version: 3.6
richardxli/flytekit ZA_FxJUB3TeMjS9imVRx2Q..
- version: 3.3.1
pingsutw/flyte-artifact v6
- version: 3.3.1
bonsmots/ibiab ibiab
- version: 3.3.1