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Package Usage : pypi : louis
Explore the latest package usage data for louis in the pypi ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 48
Total downloads: 3,705,128
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kasmweb/core-kali-rolling 1.16.1
Kali Rolling XFCE Desktop With Default Tools Metapackage
- version: 3.24.0
kasmweb/tracelabs 1.16.0
Trace Labs OSINT Image for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 3.24.0
nycticoracs/pop_os latest
Ready-to-go Docker image of the latest Pop!_OS ISO (Intel x86_64). Updated monthly.
- version: 3.20.0
ikzk/nozomi-ttyd master
- version: 3.17.0
team06/flaskapp v2
- version: 3.12.0
whatwewant/desktop v1.0.3
- version: 3.12.0
ramirezfx/linuxmint-baseimage xfce-vera
- version: 3.20.0
simonebendazzoli/ubuntu20.04_cuda11.0.3_cudnn8 latest
- version: 3.12.0
michmich67/mqtt_to_influxdb 1.2.1
- version: 3.8.0
tiryoh/ros2-desktop-vnc foxy-20241020T0413
A Docker image to provide HTML5 VNC interface to access Ubuntu LXDE + ROS 2
- version: 3.12.0
masterfwadmin/fluxvpn latest
- version: 3.26.0
robolaunchio/nvidia-mate tamer
- version: 3.12.0
guiller523/kali-full 1.0
- version: 3.24.0
commodustech/thaumatrope-mate 23.01
Ubuntu mate based on commodustech/thaumatrope-base
- version: 3.20.0
robolaunchio/base-desktop latest
- version: 3.12.0
robolaunchio/turtlebot-webrtc latest
- version: 3.12.0
circleconsult/tracker2_cross_compile latest
- version: 3.5.0
biodepot/jupytet-bioc gdc
- version: 1.3
robolaunchio/foxy-turtle latest
- version: 3.12.0
abir45ch/fft_fpga latest
- version: 3.12.0
ramyachigatapu/python-flask wrong-file
- version: 3.20.0
phate999/kali latest
- version: 3.23.0
jinva/kali-base latest
- version: 3.24.0
raogudi/qhere latest
- version: 3.12.0
yangzheng001/zheng 0.1
ubuntu20.04 including dependencies for orb_slam2
- version: 3.12.0
kaylor/jetson_nx_1804 v1.01
- version: 3.5.0
robolaunchio/tamer-nvidia latest
- version: 3.12.0
ramirezfx/caja 22.10
- version: 3.22.0
pujithamuttineni/flask-python example
- version: 3.20.0
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-https-3a-2f-2fgit-2erwth-2daachen-2ede-2finsightsnet-5fccc-2finsightsnet-5fccc-5fv1-56d468 73e2e0e7dfc7e502fb1f6bcc09e0abc1cc9d6615
- version: 3.20.0
yashrabari/ssvault-backend latest
- version: 3.18.0
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-jlnetosci-2devaluate-2dimputation-6c6ec4 f016a6be5dfe7c70189100ca044e133411a5c8ff
- version: 3.20.0
ramizass/zufapp netdev
- version: 3.12.0
michmich67/mqtt_monitor 1.2.1
- version: 3.8.0
ramizass/covid-app netdev
- version: 3.12.0
pratikpande/21111035 6
- version: 3.20.0
happymonkvedant/tci_express 2.0
- version: 1.3
deskairp/deskairpa latest
- version: 3.20.0
cchende/site_distribuitor v052
- version: 3.12.0
wuchenlhy/kali-desktop latest
kali-linux 桌面版;基础镜像 kalilinux/kali-rolling;通过vnc远程桌面使用
- version: 3.24.0
liam0906/ubuntu_1804_melodic_python38_kb_dt_env latest
- version: 3.5.0
lrgc01/desktop latest
- version: 3.24.0
flaccid/archdesktop systemd
- version: 3.26.0
skynet1010/geoseg v0.0.1-rc4
- version: 3.12.0
abhishekbhagat/django-todo latest
- version: 3.20.0
collscodes/ganji-api latest
- version: 3.22.0
ramizass/covidapp netdev
- version: 3.12.0