An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : pypi : llvmlite
Explore the latest package usage data for llvmlite in the pypi ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 2,264
Total downloads: 382,996,691
More details on - JSON
swarochisha/sd8runpod latest
- version: 0.40.1
dustynv/stable-diffusion-webui r36.2.0
- version: 0.41.1
zeblok/test-1676428186 1676428188
- version: 0.39.1
giswqs/leafmap v0.30.1
- version: 0.40.1
inikerin/yupiter-lab 3.5.3
- version: 0.39.1
swaschkut/pan-os-php-amd develop
- version: 0.38.0
iszagh/cmdstan_python 1
- version: 0.39.1
raptai/nvcr_pytorch rvirt
- version: 0.36.0, 0.38.0
shadowcollect/gpu-image-tensorflow v4
- version: 0.40.1
rkalyana/iguide-gpu foundation
- version: 0.38.0
supportermaker/perfectworld v1.2
- version: 0.40.1
corabelster/magicai-13 v1
- version: 0.39.1
cislcloudpilot/cisl-cloud-base 2023-12-15.18
- version: 0.40.1
3llobo/cudfpython latest
- version: 0.39.1
saicaifactory/tenjin-data v0.1.0
Delta Lake and Spark. docker run -p 8888:8888 saicaifactory/tenjin-data:v0.1.0
- version: 0.39.1
jjdelvalle/xmodanalysis 21.07-py3.v0.11
- version: 0.35.0
cqxmzz/lean foundation
- version: 0.38.1, 0.39.1
sshtin/tts-vits-ref latest
- version: 0.39.1
brianferri/gc-flask refactored
- version: 0.39.1
mirekphd/ml-gpu-py39-cuda112-vsc-cust 20240124
- version: 0.40.1
jmlehrer/scnym-benchmark timetest2
- version: 0.40.0
bopiaknugget/mum-textgen latest
- version: 0.39.1
chaitanyaanimesh/jupyter-spark latest
- version: 0.39.1
jpoles1/text-generation-webui qwopqwop200
- version: 0.40.0
dks01972/py-spark v3.0.1
- version: 0.38.0
obebete/lama-cleaner gpu-1.2.0
- version: 0.40.1rc1
vikash112/kftools 0.0.2
- version: 0.35.0
gpucitesting/rapidsai-pr289 23.08-cuda11.2-devel-centos7-py3.9
- version: 0.40.1
theflightsims/researchlabs latest
- version: 0.40.1
scottmandom/eimxyz 2.0.0
- version: 0.39.1
codegiant/cg-jupyter-tooling v1.0.5
- version: 0.38.0
jmlehrer/all-benchmarks latest
- version: 0.40.0
minujoseph/mlops-new-python3.10 latest
- version: 0.39.1
mesti90/ecoli_hgt_all_in 1.1
- version: 0.40.1
hsz1273327/data-analyse-notebook be32da87
- version: 0.40.1
noname1705/backend latest
- version: 0.41.0
ricavaj593/test 1.0.7
- version: 0.40.1
shengqh/cqs_smallrnaseq latest
- version: 0.40.0
goolashe/invoke-ai 20230416
Docker build of
- version: 0.39.1
dapurspl/17413827223 latest
- version: 0.38.1
justinbeck/jba1111 v2
- version: 0.40.1rc1
wcarroll/demo-image 1.0
- version: 0.39.0rc1, 0.40.0
rpsa/geopython-conda 2023.04.06.1
- version: 0.37.0
dockerforlifetime/new_model latest
- version: 0.39.1
operationalai/kf-spark-codeserver-selfservices latest
- version: 0.39.1
sagarbud/india docker-3
- version: 0.40.1
deepjavalibrary/djl-spark 0.22.1-cpu
- version: 0.40.0
insait/prefect-prod 0.1.51
- version: 0.39.1
amole2e/nvidia-pytorch 23.06-py-03
- version: 0.39.1
ociscloud/modeldeploy modeldeploy-initializer-v1.1.5
- version: 0.35.0
yibolu96/lyra-chatglm-env 0.0.1
- version: 0.39.1
xiilab/xaiva_test v2.11
- version: 0.39.1
huyenha/tortoise-tts latest
- version: 0.31.0
silvanmelchior/interpreter-venv 1.0.0
Virtual env for incognito pilot, see
- version: 0.40.1
hungdinhphuc/hadoop-spark-docker-namenode dev
- version: 0.39.1
wcarroll/jupyter-example v2
- version: 0.40.1
devminty/iis-backend 1.5
- version: 0.39.1
globusgenomics/picrust 1.0
- version: 0.36.0
ruikang/docker-modify_v11_nonox_intel latest
- version: 0.38.0 0.gf0365b9.dirty
aaucns/poet latest
Docker Image for PoET: Pose Estimation Transformer for Single-View, Multi-Object 6D Pose Estimation
- version: 0.36.0
dapurspl/avean latest
- version: 0.39.1
yuminsuh/codalab omnilabelv0.1.4
- version: 0.38.0
megaease/stable-diffusion-webui v2
- version: 0.40.0
tetsuyasu/yolov5 v6.2
- version: 0.38.1, 0.36.0
yassinsiouda/stableai-starterpack 0.3.5
- version: 0.39.1
yasenhaji/jupyterlab-nbgrader 0.4.6
- version: 0.40.1
andimajore/unpast_eval_container_asthma latest
- version: 0.39.1
ykilcher/text-generation-inference latest
- version: 0.38.0
vanandrew/me_pipeline 20230913
- version: 0.40.1
esnya/realtime-whisper latest
ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) for real-time streamed audio powered by Whisper and transformers
- version: 0.40.1
maayanlab/d2h2 1.3.02
- version: 0.39.1
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-cropbox-2dcropbox-2dbinder-c89097 3de123af7e7acff281c6e4e41e8522ae75b9a395
- version: 0.39.1
sajjad5221/telegram-bot latest
- version: 0.36.0
lovechen/redash 20230511_zh
- version: 0.39.1
ellisdg/unet3d latest
- version: 0.39.1
guojunll/ubuntu20.04-cuda11.3.1-python3.8-pytorch1.12-pyln-audios orig-vae
- version: 0.39.1
valsdav/pytorch-condor-gpu 0.9
Image for pytorch on GPU at CERN condor
- version: 0.40.1
mexca/speaker-identifier v0.7.0
Image for the SpeakerIdentifier component of the MEXCA pipeline.
- version: 0.40.1
theolacourbivwak/payfit-poc-spark 0.1.4
- version: 0.39.1
andreimihai/vllm-rest 0.1.46
- version: 0.39.1
yiruis/singlecellfusion v2
- version: 0.31.0
nathanprovin/cellcom 1.2.2
- version: 0.40.1
vinorelbine/sd-image latest
- version: 0.40.1
alexbrest/api-controlnet-cyberrealistic 1.0.0
- version: 0.40.0
yamasakitaiga/tensorflow-cpu-2.4.1-jupyterlab-kubeflow-kale latest
- version: 0.36.0
turnrid/simulation_software route
- version: 0.35.0
raghukirannavipoint/aldex2 mar23
- version: 0.38.0
nyl9488/runpod_gpu_worker v1.0
- version: 0.40.1
withmuse111/add_detail 1.0.0
- version: 0.39.1
wangchao710/obb2 latest
- version: 0.38.0
carbonplan/edge-single-user 2023.06.11
- version: 0.36.0
chopin/llama2-flyte 0.0.4
- version: 0.39.1
janekmann/formers latest
- version: 0.39.1
yaowei1024/evaluation 0.5
- version: 0.39.1
kodenii/nuwalip v1
- version: 0.28.0
gpucitesting/rapidsai-arm64-pr289 23.08-cuda11.4-devel-rockylinux8-py3.9
- version: 0.40.1