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Package Usage : pypi : keras
Explore the latest package usage data for keras in the pypi ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 1,476
Total downloads: 1,152,731,159
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fnndsc/pl-fpmmid 1.1.9
A ChRIS plugin app wrapper around FPMMID
- version: 2.8.0
ocdr/dkube-datascience-vs-tf-gpu-multiuser v2.6-17
- version: 2.6.0, 2.9.0
intelanalytics/analytics-zoo-ppml-trusted-big-data-ml-scala-graphene 0.11.0
- version: 1.2.2
sushruth13/obj-backend latest
- version: 2.4.3
kzezelprodesp/dipol-match-engine-job 1.0.0
- version: 2.9.0
voltaml/volta_diffusion_webui v0.3
- version: 2.1.3
huggingface/datasets-server-workers-splits sha-18f56cb
- version: 2.10.0
beraterenterzi/store_sentiment latest
- version: 2.11.0
unidata/unidatahub 2023Jul07_224402_0ca3349d
- version: 2.11.0
pingsutw/flytecookbook DH1uwxdaiAtHi2dsjF7rFw..
- version: 2.9.0
oawofolu/datahub-tap-default b1.20231025.174906
- version: 2.13.1
nasanccs/tensorflow-caney latest
- version: 2.3.1
intelanalytics/hyper-zoo-spark-2.4.6 latest
- version: 1.2.2
heartbeatai/casa_ee_ml latest
- version: 2.6.0
davidspek/kubeflow-tf-notebook zero-to-gans-0.2
- version: 2.0.2
intelanalytics/analytics-zoo-ppml-trusted-big-data-ml-python-graphene 0.12-k8s
- version: 1.2.2
lfoppiano/grobid-quantities latest-develop
ML-based application for identification, parsing and normalisation of any measurements from text.
- version: 2.9.0, 2.7.0
pingsutw/databricks v12
- version: 2.9.0
huggingface/transformers-all-latest-torch-nightly-gpu latest
- version: 2.8.0
huggingface/transformers-pytorch-deepspeed-latest-gpu-push-ci latest
- version: 2.8.0
pingsutw/base-python3.8-flyte-app latest
- version: 2.9.0
intelanalytics/hyper-zoo-spark-3.1.2 latest
- version: 1.2.2
fnndsc/pl-lld latest
A ChRIS plugin to measure leg length discrepancy
- version: 2.8.0
amt2k10/glassesdetection frontend
- version: 2.10.0
arearnest7/partial-video-classify latest
- version: 2.4.3
gesiscss/binder-kiudee-2dcs-2dranking-e457a3 d23ea4f805298088a7f150606ecd54478def7ea7
- version: 2.3.1
arearnest7/original-video-classify latest
- version: 2.4.3
sachua/bitfusion-notebook latest
- version: 2.6.0
mirekphd/ml-cpu-py39-jup-cust 20231009
- version: 2.11.0
rio05docker/mytrainer-weaving-rugby pagina-fitness
- version: 2.9.0
biocontainers/geneocr-api 1.0_cv1
- version: 2.9.0
huggingface/transformers-pytorch-deepspeed-nightly-gpu latest
- version: 2.8.0
jinahub/28kcn8lm 640db7f769a36fda0f89c1cf
- version: 2.9.0
openimage/jupyter gpu
- version: 2.11.0
esparig/tf-resnet50-imagenet latest
- version: 2.6.0
catvehiclecdt2021/speedometer_training latest
- version: 2.6.0
automldec/decathlon no-autogluon
- version: 2.8.0
pkufjhdocker/gmx-exploration-dp stable
- version: 2.6.0
oawofolu/ml-image-processor latest
- version: 2.12.0
catvehiclecdt2021/compute_flow_learning_data_parallel latest
- version: 2.7.0
pvpdarshan/pdftrim v5
- version: 2.10.0
truecharts/jupyter-tensorflow build20230428111219
- version: 2.11.0
ceramicwhite/openbb-terminal v1.17.0
- version: 2.9.0
openalpr/jetson jetpack44-dev
- version: 2.1.3
navarrepratt/stable-diffusion-trt 8.5.2
- version: 2.1.3
vzgdocker/vpt 1.0.2
- version: 2.9.0
vtpl/verifier-cuda 20231211
- version: 2.1.3
catvehiclecdt2021/base_python_container_hpc latest
- version: 2.7.0
jinahub/13gfeuht 62a340961e6b96b5d2a455e6
- version: 2.9.0
zackdan/project5-team5-deploy 2
Software Engineering
- version: 2.11.0
cremarco/mantis-jupyter latest
- version: 2.11.0
amitgupta4in/jupyter8080 latest
- version: 2.8.0
vetch/sample-ml latest
- version: 2.11.0
aiblabco/notebook latest
- version: 2.7.0
jinahub/2i315eae 64459a9e361d2673a96460e3
- version: 2.10.0
ocdr/d3datascience-vs-tf-cpu-multiuser v2.6.0-9
- version: 2.6.0
inseefrlab/onyxia-python-tensorflow py3.10.13-2023.12.18
- version: 2.13.1, 2.12.0, 2.11.0
pingsutw/submarine-cicd latest
- version: 2.6
ljocha/asmsa sitsem2022
- version: 2.3.1, 2.10.0, 2.11.0, 2.13.1
pkufjhdocker/rid-test latest
- version: 2.6.0
footprintai/tensorboard 2.7.0
- version: 2.7.0
intelcczoo/horizontal_fl tdx1.5
- version: 2.6.0
luisas/af2_split 2
- version: 2.9.0
heartbeatai/casa_test latest
- version: 2.6.0
dolphinnext/ont_variant_calling 1.0
- version: 2.7.0
carlsvelzm/code-server-dind latest
- version: 2.9.0
adsoft/ai-ops latest
- version: 2.11.0
vtpl/deeperlook3 latest
- version: 2.1.3
hdsu/etbii2023 latest
- version: 2.6.0
carlosdias/ap-projeto latest
- version: 2.11.0
inseefrlab/onyxia-vscode-tensorflow py3.11.6-gpu-2023.12.25
- version: 2.13.1, 2.11.0
esparig/tf-cancernet latest
- version: 2.6.0
pingsutw/flyte-app-python3.8 latest
- version: 2.9.0
jinahub/8rqnzgp0 62a1f6365fb7750045b6bb07
- version: 2.6.0
baseten/scaffold latest
- version: 2.9.0
inseefrlab/onyxia-jupyter-tensorflow py3.10.13-2023.12.18
- version: 2.13.1, 2.11.0
nasanccs/nccs-lcluc tensorflow
- version: 2.7.0, 2.3.1
pingsutw/base-python3.9-flyte-app-stages 1
- version: 2.9.0