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Package Usage : pypi : jupyterlab-vim
Explore the latest package usage data for jupyterlab-vim in the pypi ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 6
Total downloads: 8,264
More details on - JSON
dclong/jupyterhub 4.0_082706
JupyterHub in Docker.
- version: 0.16.0
clos21/oden-chg-lab test
- version: 0.15.1
atapbinder/binder-dev-sydney-2dinformatics-2dhub-2djuxtorpus-f81179 dc1580c189b438851bd58527818f04d4433221ca
- version: 0.15.1
dclong/jupyterhub-ganymede next_082706
- version: 0.16.0
atapbinder/binder-dev-sydney-2dinformatics-2dhub-2dgef-2dcausation-2dllms-e55a4a bdee99a9eb2c6b2d21397ab34904e7406182886f
- version: 0.16.0
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-backproptools-2ddocumentation-b99c74 c88184a31f8c766ac5df98b7137d4a6c7cb55688
- version: 0.16.0