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Package Usage : pypi : intel-opencl-rt
Explore the latest package usage data for intel-opencl-rt in the pypi ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 11
Total downloads: 2,044
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ocdr/dkube-datascience-vs-pytorch-gpu-multiuser v2.4.0-test
- version: 2023.0.0
fongmidas/midas-api genie_api_uat_v0.3
- version: 2023.0.0
simon5u/client_2080_cu117 latest
- version: 2023.0.0
ferhankushev/hw3_sdc streamlit
- version: 2022.2.1
tobro88/jacobs_dashboard 1.07
- version: 2023.0.0
toshiyaimoto/gpu_rl v8
- version: 2023.0.0
zzanggyusik/pyrexiasim Agent
- version: 2023.0.0
aniketkatiyar/projectd-n-d latest
- version: 2022.1.0
vamshi87/concrete_compressive_strength latest
Concrete Compressive Strength Prediction. End-to-End Machine Learning Pipeline Docker file.
- version: 2023.0.0
zhi742928766/finalifccd 4.0
- version: 2023.0.0
kusumah99/be-python flask-v1.5
- version: 2023.2.0