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Package Usage : pypi : iminuit
Explore the latest package usage data for iminuit in the pypi ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 16
Total downloads: 9,129
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lsstts/sal-sciplat w_latest_c0039.010
- version: 2.22.0, 2.20.0, 2.21.3
huntsmanarray/drp-lsst develop
- version: 2.8.4
gesiscss/binder-hsf-2dtraining-2danalysis-2dessentials-7c5160 dad8cff5957562b8ab1386d2e67ef37819a39751
- version: 2.8.0
lblanp/panda-plugin-dbaserh v1.0.4
- version: 2.17.0
vivianmiranda/whovian-phy504 v2.0
Docker Image with all needed libraries so students on Ph504 can learn C/Fortran/C++/bash/python
- version: 2.8.2
lblanp/panda-plugin-calib v1.0.2
- version: 2.15.2
lblanp/panda-plugin-listmode-agg v1.0.1
- version: 2.16.0
dougbenjamin/jupyter-dask-iris-hep latest
- version: 2.17.0
gdesvignes/psr_tools x86
Set of pulsar softwares
- version: 2.18.0
tomeichlersmith/hepynb v0.2.0
- version: 2.18.0
dougbenjamin/analysis-systems-base latest
- version: 2.17.0
icecube/skymap_scanner 3.21.2
- version: 2.24.0
chpapage/oxygen-diffusion-paper f9965e043ad6
- version: 2.22.0
alextintin007/coffea-base 1.0.14
- version: 2.20.0
hyperplanning/dataengineering_base latest
- version: 2.17.0
lejk8104/dgist_3d_detector_cuda11.7-python3.8-pytorch2.0 latest
- version: 2.18.0