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Package Usage : pypi : gitdb
Explore the latest package usage data for gitdb in the pypi ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 2,971
Total downloads: 748,504,622
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oxsecurity/megalinter-go v7.7.0
- version: 4.0.10
pingsutw/flyte-app a04cb3bf31d5f38f9d666e921f7dce53
- version: 4.0.10
siaimes/openpai-runtime v1.9.0-rc
- version: 4.0.10
nfcore/tools 2.11.1
Python package with helper tools for the nf-core community.
- version: 4.0.10
oxsecurity/megalinter-salesforce v7.7.0
- version: 4.0.10
oawofolu/image-processor-default b72.20231117.081608
- version: 4.0.10
fnndsc/chrisomatic 0.7.1
Setup ChRIS with plugins and powerpointlessness.
- version: 4.0.10
qcdis/n-a-a-vre v2.2.7-beta
- version: 4.0.10
vnmd/neurodesktop 2024-01-03
- version: 4.0.10
qcdis/n-a-a-vre-laserfarm v2.2.7-beta
- version: 4.0.10
inseefrlab/fastai renovate-configure
- version: 4.0.5
inseefrlab/mlflow v2.9.1
- version: 4.0.10
jelaniwoods/appdev2020-msm-queries fall
- version: 4.0.4
coredgeio/ccp 2023-09-08-09-51-49
- version: 4.0.10
tiberiuichim/nlp-server latest
- version: 4.0.7
gesiscss/binder-thedatasociety-2dlab-2dhadoop-370ec1 9b56babb15b3edce08a72fb6c6b2110ff4583946
- version: 4.0.7
baseten/truss-context-builder v0.7.22
- version: 4.0.10
afcai2c/label-studio 20230111
Flexible data labeling tool -- Default username/password == [email protected] / password
- version: 4.0.9
apluslms/run-mooc-jutut 2.6
Runs A-plus mooc-jutut local testing container
- version: 4.0.10
ocdr/ds-apps test2
- version: 4.0.10
lexicalunit/spellbot latest
The Discord bot for SpellTable.
- version: 4.0.11
joepol/algorand-gitpod bootcamp-2.0
Gitpod workspace for Algorand development
- version: 4.0.9
evolbioinfo/pangolin v4.3.1-v1.23.1-v0.3.19-v0.1.12
- version: 4.0.10
oxsecurity/megalinter-ruby v7.7.0
- version: 4.0.10
starburstdata/benchmark-reports latest
- version: 4.0.10
jelaniwoods/appdev2020-form-intro latest
- version: 4.0.4
inseefrlab/onyxia-python-datascience py3.11.6-2024.01.01
- version: 4.0.10
pingsutw/tracking-example latest
- version: 4.0.7
hyr326/spug 3.2.7
An agent-free automatic operation platform designed for small and medium company
- version: 4.0.9
huggingface/datasets-server-workers-first_rows sha-f7127d0
- version: 4.0.10
vtpl/suva-itms-cpu rc9_blr
- version: 4.0.9
determinedai/gpt-neox latest
Determined docker image for gpt-neox with fork of deepspeed
- version: 4.0.10
collagia/cs-app-test 0.4.0
- version: 4.0.9
ocdr/dkube-datascience-vs-tf-gpu-multiuser v2.6-17
- version: 4.0.10
qcdis/n-a-a-vre-pytorch v2.0-beta
- version: 4.0.10
gesiscss/binder-nordicesmhub-2dnegi-2dabisko-2d2019-ca77f3 1164529d8616a45d417b2a41d1968d8ad7a76bbe
- version: 4.0.6
phidata/backend-api prd
- version: 4.0.10
pauloo23/pyspark-notebook 3.4.0
- version: 4.0.10
afcai2c/r-shiny pc22
R Shiniy - Build interactive web applications that can execute R code
- version: 4.0.9
komodorio/helm-dashboard unstable
- version: 4.0.10
harrisonai/cybertron dev_tftorch-latest
AI Build Images
- version: 4.0.5
pulp/pulp-minimal 3.43.1
- version: 4.0.10
desmondchoo42/python_repo v13
- version: 4.0.10
oxsecurity/megalinter-swift v7.3.0
- version: 4.0.10
gitpod/workspace-python-3.11 2023-12-20-09-32-20
- version: 4.0.10
huggingface/datasets-server-workers-splits sha-18f56cb
- version: 4.0.10
jelaniwoods/appdev2020-rps-css latest
- version: 4.0.4
huggingface/datasets-server-services-api sha-8df8ed1
- version: 4.0.10
ocdr/dkube-datascience-vs-pytorch-cpu-multiuser v1.9-18
- version: 4.0.10
oawofolu/tanzu-data-tap 20230719.0401
- version: 4.0.9
amdvlkadmin/amdvlk_release_clang_shadercache_ubsan_asan_assertions nightly
- version: 4.0.9
amdvlkadmin/amdvlk_release_clang_shadercache_ubsan_asan nightly
- version: 4.0.9
gesiscss/binder-imperial-2dgenomics-2dfacility-2dscanpy-2dnotebook-2dimage-6f44d6 e9423c0c1f8a91c5a06d2023b6abfeee4fbe4c0b
- version: 4.0.7
oawofolu/datahub-tap-default b1.20231025.174906
- version: 4.0.10
giantswarm/docs-indexer 3.3.1
- version: 4.0.10
jelaniwoods/appdev2020-rps-bootstrap latest
- version: 4.0.4
cmucal/cabot_ros2 ros2-dev-nightly
- version: 4.0.10
navarrepratt/slurm-nemo 2023-02-01_15-34-17.228_EST
- version: 4.0.9
navarrepratt/pytorch-ngc 2023-02-01_15-34-17.228_EST
- version: 4.0.9
qctuser/backend-yolov5 latest
- version: 4.0.7
oxsecurity/megalinter-only-repository_checkov beta_20230906-1503
- version: 4.0.10
polusai/notebook 1.0.0
- version: 4.0.10
huggingface/datasets-server-services-admin sha-9240672
- version: 4.0.10
oxsecurity/megalinter-only-python_bandit beta_20240103-2211
- version: 4.0.10