An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : pypi : gevent
Explore the latest package usage data for gevent in the pypi ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 2,683
Total downloads: 440,765,030
More details on - JSON
inseefrlab/mlflow v2.9.1
- version: 22.10.2, 23.7.0
byucs110staff/cs110-hw4b winter2024
- version: 21.12.0, 22.10.2
gesiscss/binder-rasahq-2drasa-5fcore-490a4b 85f59f3a645750f67a4a231dd422de1d0a2766f3
- version: 1.4.0
iqtlabs/network-tap latest
- version: 1.4.0
wladik/baseprice_fetcher latest
- version: 22.10.2
wladik/kline_fetcher latest
- version: 22.10.2
wladik/orderbook_fetcher latest
- version: 22.10.2
wladik/trades_fetcher latest
- version: 22.10.2
dview/airflow 2.5.3-python3.8
- version: 21.12.0, 22.10.2
pmdigital/3.11-debian-dcs-base 3.0.5
- version: 22.10.2
aldryn/ac-postgres latest
Postgres image augmented with some additional utilities (e.g. wal-e).
- version: 1.1.2
byucs110staff/cs110-hw1b winter2024
- version: 21.12.0, 22.10.2
uzielcornejo/restaurant b76f9fc3dc16
- version: 21.12.0
niklaushirt/bookinfo-productpage-v1 instana
- version: 1.4.0
uzielcornejo/restaurante 2686197d51fb
- version: 21.12.0
oecinternal/odoo 17.0
- version: 21.8.0, 20.9.0, 1.5.0, 22.10.2
determinedai/gpt-neox latest
Determined docker image for gpt-neox with fork of deepspeed
- version: 1.1rc1
touchcloud/license-plate-backend cpu1.2
- version: 22.10.2, 22.10.1
jinahub/app.example.wikipedia-sentences-30k 0.2.10-1.0.10
- version: 21.1.2
chivalryq/mshd d80334c
- version: 21.1.2
harrisonai/cybertron dev_tftorch-latest
AI Build Images
- version: 1.1rc1
kenho811/airflow-data-orchestrator release-3.5.8
- version: 22.10.2
ddoty/hw_cfg_convert_dfa_to_rrg latest
- version: 22.10.2
chivalryq/mshd-sc d80334c
- version: 21.1.2
pelias/docker-libpostal_baseimage master-2019-09-16-62f77439eea509ac941a0680ac22ae3c01a5db22
- version: 1.1.2
levoai/satellite-single-node 0.2.432
- version: 23.9.1, 21.12.0
byucs110staff/cs110-hw4e winter2024
- version: 22.10.2, 21.12.0
ddoty/hw_nfa_concatenation_construction latest
- version: 22.10.2
oneboxoneplatform/onebox_uploads_prod version-1.0.0
- version: 1.4.0
jamesfreeman959/docker-ubuntu-transmission-openvpn-vnc-desktop latest
Docker image to provide Tranmission protected by OpenVPN and UFW with an HTML5 VNC interface.
- version: 1.4.0
oawofolu/tanzu-data-tap 20230719.0401
- version: 1.4.0
alfredfrancis/ai-chatbot-framework_backend latest
Backend for AI chatbot framework
- version: 21.1.2
inseefrlab/funcamp-r-ubuntu-solarus renovate-configure
- version: 1.2.2
pingsutw/flytecookbook DH1uwxdaiAtHi2dsjF7rFw..
- version: 21.12.0
truecharts/calibre-web build20230430032752
- version: 22.10.2, 21.12.0
oneboxoneplatform/onebox_downloads_prod version-1.0.0
- version: 1.4.0
avadhutp123/loadgenerator latest
- version: 22.10.2
ics53/course_env winter24
- version: 22.10.2
ariretiarno/superset demo
- version: 1.2.2
navarrepratt/slurm-nemo 2023-02-01_15-34-17.228_EST
- version: 1.1rc1
polusai/notebook 1.0.0
- version: 1.1rc1
ddsderek/mw base
- version: 21.12.0
kbase/ee2 manual_push
- version: 1.4.0
splatform/scf-locket 6b2fd2481ece04bab345e5389061425200a05dad
- version: 1.2.2
levoai/satellite-all 0.2.439
- version: 21.12.0, 23.9.1
pranjalsahu/pranjal-sahu-gpu-test11 latest
- version: 21.12.0
vnmd/vnm_base 20210621
- version: 1.4.0
rafalskolasinski/distributed-roberta 0.1
- version: 1.1rc1
manlm/locust 050520
- version: 1.5a3
pauloo23/airflow-spark 2.5.1
- version: 22.10.2
openanalytics/shinyproxy-desktop-app-demo vscode
- version: 1.4.0
bhmj/locust-ext v0.0.22
- version: 22.10.2
pingsutw/databricks v12
- version: 21.12.0
sdghafouri/video-pipelines-mlserver-bytes yolov5
- version: 22.10.2
timoxd7/aero-idf v5.1.2
Fork of esp-idf, but with customizations for Aerofoils GmbH
- version: 1.5.0
pingsutw/all cff243c06af58b4656f481233480ad46
- version: 21.8.0
jinahub/xbhnid8l 643cdcaec469a1f3c22c7a65
- version: 1.1rc1
malteos/gdt latest
- version: 1.1rc1
polusai/hub-streamlit 0.2.7
- version: 1.1rc1
gesiscss/binder-openmined-2dpysyft-60960a d46768cb53b2ff95264c0c17d2e64f5a125e969e
- version: 20.12.1
pingsutw/base-python3.8-flyte-app latest
- version: 21.12.0
loktionovam/loadgenerator latest
- version: 1.4.0
yintian/game 5.2
- version: 21.1.2
wrask/spacy 3.6.0
version 2.2.4
- version: 22.10.2
mutongzhou/pretrain_rl latest
- version: 1.1rc1
chandanwiai/dummy-repo v3
- version: 21.12.0, 1.1rc1
moeving/telematics-service prod
- version: 22.10.2
ansrivas/flask-backend latest
Flask backend automated build corresponding to
- version: 1.2.2
oneboxoneplatform/onebox_authorize_prod version-1.0.0
- version: 1.4.0
timescaledev/alice-demo-loadgenerator latest
- version: 1.4.0
truecharts/librephotos-backend build20230423071551
- version: 21.12.0
mirekphd/ml-pred-py36-cuda90 20190826
- version: 1.4.0
mk1990hpi/simba_ml_env latest
- version: 1.1rc1
casimir/python-circleci-plus latest
- version: 1.1.2
oneboxoneplatform/getstorage version-1.0.0
- version: 1.4.0
navarrepratt/pytorch_mpi_mnist 13
- version: 1.1rc1
mcxai/backend_head 2023.12.08-04.34.10
- version: 22.10.2