An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : pypi : django-localflavor
Explore the latest package usage data for django-localflavor in the pypi ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 19
Total downloads: 33,756
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edxops/discovery-dev f25f21bf80c640e3a1b70938acd2be2a48277c75
- version: 4.0, 3.1
smartquail/qnode12_app 84-47
- version: 3.1
smartquail/qnode41_app latest
- version: 3.1
smartquail/qnode31_app latest
- version: 3.1
overhangio/openedx-discovery 18.0.0
- version: 3.1
smartquail/qnd11_app_stg latest
- version: 3.1
smartquail/qnode21_app latest
- version: 3.1
smartquail/qnd0.0_app_prod latest
- version: 3.1
christophedcityviz/cv-310-4jenkins 20230122
Django 3.0 with Python 3.10 and some more stuffs + Jenkins
- version: 3.1
aplazame/python 3.10.9-slim-backend
- version: 3.1
levicacau/sistemasbase latest
- version: 2.0
minhchien01/online-shop-app latest
- version: 3.1
kirkusdev/psql latest
- version: 3.1
iaggo/woodwork4.0_api 1.2.0
This is an API that communicates with the ORION-LD broker from Fiware.
- version: 3.1
751d103a0776/310-30-4jenkins 20230208
751d103a0776 Python 3.10 Django 3.0 4 Jenkins tests
- version: 3.1
paops/discovery-devstack olive.master
Discovery Devstack images.
- version: 3.1
bbosajon/max-imagedocker latest
- version: 3.1
kirkusdev/webpack latest
- version: 3.1
zdeneksoftic/xr-cz debug
- version: 3.1